Quick Thought On Photo Of Mandalay Bay Shooting Scene

I was looking at this photo:

What I noticed was this:

I can understand the blood not being on the bullets if the blood was leaching up from the carpet below, but I cannot see how his leg and foot ended up that far under the rifle. If he shot himself standing, even right next to the rifle, and fell backward (itself questionable), it seems much more likely his foot would have ended up out from under the rifle and next to it, given how naturally one’s heel would not be under the rifle, but rather next to it. It just looks like when he was standing, the rifle would have to have been too close over his foot, at that angle – like if you stood him back up by mobbing time in reverse from when he shot himself, his lower leg would hit the rifle and push it away.

Also strange is that a right handed shooter holding the rifle normally would likely have set the rifle to his right, and not pointing forward on his left side.

It also appears strange if you try and back the scene up to his last moment, and picture him rising, in reverse, to a standing position, and pictured how he was positioned when he took his own life, according to the narrative. He heard activity in the hall, thought police were coming in, then set the rifle down to his left, crowded himself against the couch and table with his back to the point of entry and his foot crammed under the rifle to the side, popped himself, and fell backward like that?

None of it is dispositive. He could have been holding the rifle southpaw, set it to his left pointing forward, shot himself, and somehow, as he fell backward, hooked a toe under it. But when I look at it, my instant instinct is, that looks like he was down and the rifle was placed over the foot by another shooter before he left the scene.

And all that ignores the blood on his shirt, and the fact the handgun was so far from the body above the head (and wasn’t kicked away from the head by SWAT, because it didn’t drag coagulated blood).

And still we hear nothing, as if there are no more bombshells to be released in this case.

Spread r/K Theory, because You want bombshells revealed

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7 years ago

This guy

owned the top 2 floors of the Mandalay Bay. He has been arrested on corruption charges in Saudi Arabia, but no one has heard or seen his whereabouts since November- so we can assume he has “disappeared”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

The whole narrative is silly. If you listen to the taxi driver video you can hear two shooters. One low farther away muffled set of shots and immediately after(five seconds) MUCH louder shots closer to her. Even if you supposed that one set of shots was through one of the broken windows and the other set through a different set I can’t see how he would have time to go through to another room to get to the second window in five seconds, the time between shots.

European Civil War
7 years ago

Hey Anon-Con-

Good for you keeping focus on this. Seems like for the most part its been forgotten, but there seemed to be so many unknowns… so bizarre.

Also I was gonna ask you what’s the best ways to do just normal, ‘common sense’ opsec with your personal cell phone?

I’m not worried about the government spying on me I just mean normal stuff everyone does just to minimize the creepiness factor.

I put those little slidable stickers over the cameras but do you reccomend anything else? I just read an article on zero hedge about phones listening to you for the sake of coming up with product recommendations and it creeped the hell out of me lol.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

You could also place electronic devices in small personalized faraday cages. It would still be bulky in your pocket (for a smartphone), but EMF leakage would be very low.

European Civil War
7 years ago

Jesus. I’m sure my high school would have loved that….

It seems like quite a problem. Obviously we in the modern west don’t seem to really are about our privacy but I wonder if this issue with phone microphones just hasn’t become widely-known enough yet and people will eventually start complaining. I certainly hope so. Gonna keep looking into this.