As always with Q, it is not clear, but here are some of the relevant posts, from earliest forward:
Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?
Phones were allowed in.
These people are stupid.
Where do roads lead?
Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west.
Table 29.
D-Room H
D-Room R
D-Room C
Pure EVIL.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
The BITE that has no CURE – NSA.
As the Chans point out, there are several ways to read it. All roads lead to Rome is a common saying, and Q is discussing the Vatican, and there is talk that some of the elites might actually trace their lineage back to the Roman Empire:
In the photo, with the file name “187 site E,” [which begs the question are there other 187 [police lingo for murder] sites?] that is a photo of Jeffery Epstein’s Island, so all roads in the photo lead to Epstein’s Island, which may have been being used for some sort of sacrifice rituals in his gold-topped “temple”:
A second possibility is, if you follow all the roads, you are eventually taken to the water. Q has said, watch the water. If Epstein did oversee murders on the island, he would have bodies to dispose of. A smart person would dissolve them in acid or burn them to powder, but someone on an island in an area close to deep water, like in that volcanically-formed southern Caribbean might get lazy. It is possible surveillance has observed from above as Epstein and his staff have created a Dexter-like dumping ground somewhere in the vicinity of that island.
Alternately, each road leads to empty areas at the north, south, east, and west, and Q references the Crown Princes of Hell each having cardinal directions:
While all of the infernal names are said to reside in the Royal Palace of Hell, four are set apart as being particularly powerful. These are known to LaVeyan Satanists as the crown princes of Hell.
Each prince is associated with a cardinal direction: north, south, east and west. This is in line with other Western magical practices that commonly associate supernatural beings with the cardinal points.
Some think Epstein may have conducted sacrifices at different points to summon different dark spirits. Interestingly, Epstein does have a large Compass Rose large enough to be seen from a satellite embedded in his landscaping:
Regardless, what Q seems to be implying is that Epstein was conducting some sort of satanic rituals on his little island, probably with Marina Abramovic at times hosting the events.
Q also implies that these rituals may have included murder, and that one may have been videotaped with a phone using underground tunnels which Epstein is now paying $29 million to fill up. Or perhaps they were all videotaped by the copious surveillance technology Epstein was reputed to have installed on his island, and someone used a phone and the tunnels to access and transfer the stored data out. Whatever happened, it is likely bad things were going on when the rich hit that island, and given Epstein was playing the intel game, it was all probably recorded. And given that, you know those files were top level targets of a plethora of intel agencies.
There has been a rumor of some Hillary video coming out, which Q has alluded to, that was so bad that there would be no coming back from its release.
This takes me back though. I remember years ago, 60 Minutes, I think it was, interviewing Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown, back when he was the kooky Mayor of some town, who nobody thought could ever be elected Governor again. They walked into the town hall, and the floor was, as I recall, a sort of polished terrazzo tile type affair. The entryway opened to a big sort of cathedral ceiling, and in the center of the floor was a giant terrazzo tile star that looked like the cardinal compass you see on maps, probably fifteen feet in diameter. As they walked over the star, the interviewer (Leslie Stahl?) quickly blurted a question out of the blue, pointing down to the star, and asking, “Do you use this star for magical ceremonies?” It came out of nowhere, and part of the reason I remember it is because at the time I instantly wondered, why would she even think of that, let alone ask it?
But what really burned it into my brain was Moonbeam’s eyes, which as soon as she asked the question went as big as saucers as his face looked paralyzed in shock. He had been completely relaxed, until that question. He then stammered and stuttered while waving dismissively, but he never said no, and he quickly motioned her to move through a door to end the line of questioning.
I sat forward and laughed at the time. I pictured Mayor Moonbeam and some hippies late at night lighting candles while wearing dandelion tiaras, and standing on the points of the star facing each other, while using incantations to summon the wind goddess to bring profits to his town’s wind generator project. I then laughed because I assumed Leslie Stahl had heard rumors, and blurted the question out as a joke to screw with Moonbeam. Even leftist bimbos tooled Moonbeam for amusement.
But then you hear stories like Q is saying, and see things like this, especially the first girl:
It makes you think. I believe it possible demonic possession is a real phenomenon, because I have seen people who were scientifically trained skeptics, including a Harvard trained psychiatrist, who went in skeptical, attended exorcisms, and came out ardent believers. I cannot explain it scientifically, nor can anyone else, but science knows very little of the world. It has never seen Dark Matter, which we are told makes up 96% percent of the Universe, and indeed cannot even be certain if it even exists, in a universe which may contain ten dimensions, of which we are only familiar with four. Ruling what is possible or not based on an incomplete understanding of what only, maybe, 4% of the Universe is capable of in just four of the ten or more dimensions that may exist, is silly.
So suppose demonic possession is some sort of poorly characterized phenomenon, involving a sentient intelligence operating within something we do not understand and rarely can see, that can enter our dimensions and take over the interactions of the matter in our 4% of the Universe under certain, amenable conditions.
That would imply satan and demonic possession could be real. Suppose demons can possess people, and need people of the lowest moral character to take over. Who seemingly has the almost supernatural advantages in the world (picture druggie Obama becoming President effortlessly, or Hillary dodging jail time, after time, after time)? Who is of a lower moral character than politicians? Who would sell their souls for power? It could fit.
Moreover I think Narcissists would gravitate to the occult whether it gave real advantage or not. The occult promises the free resource availability r-strategists crave. You do something awful, and then the dark forces rain success and power and all the things you want down on you effortlessly, while others are left behind toiling arduously with nothing. The idea would naturally appeal to them.
So I do not think it at all unlikely that there may be sadistic narcissists like Hillary who would want to engage in such behavior as ritualistic satanic sacrifice, nor do I think they have the moral fiber or empathy to keep them from doing so.
Q might not be joking when he says we are going to be taken to a very dark place.
[…] via Q Posts More Implying There May Be Video Of Epstein Satanic Rituals With Hillary? — […]
A couple of points AC.
1) Wow. Epstein and co. are frigging idiots.
2) Yes, the RCC is satanic and has been in apostasy since before the first ecumenical councils though really since the last of the Apostles died.
3) Every single European Monarch can trace their lineage back to the Roman Empire, through Charlemagne back the Syagrius, Valentinian and Theodosian dynasties. If you are White and important in any way (ie. your ancestors were literate and kept track of who the daddy was) it’s guaranteed you have noble blood. Nobles descend from royalty, royalty intermarries with other royalty and there you have it.
Every English, German, Russian, Swede noble is related to French, Italian, Spanish, Byzantine and Armenian nobles (especially the early ones). These all have well documented lineages from Rome, Greece and even earlier.
Any White person with a college degree, if they spent the time, could trace their ancestry back to some European King with guaranteed Roman heritage. Why do you think every European monarch used Roman symbols/Imperial purple? I’m beginning to think this anti-Roman stuff is just anti-White agitprop for dumbasses in disguise. As an interesting thought experiment we can look at every founding Father of the USA (all had English royalty ancestors), look at Russian Tsars and every single German Kaiser, Emperor, Prince and Margrave. All descend from Charlemagne and late Byzantines, and thus Romans. It’s a conspiracy! Western Civilization is all one giant Roman conspiracy. Sneaky Romans.
Speaking of Tsars and Kaisers, the etymology of both is rooted in Caesar.
As other commenters have pointed out – Q could be a huge setup job just to mess with us.
Let’s say Q *is* playing for the other side – let’s look at his language. His use of language is so relatable, and so consistent with our worldview it’s next level up from bullshitting pundits.
His shared assumptions regarding evil and corruption in the world are so perfectly in tandem with ours that he would almost have to be one of us and just turned for the money.
Shitlibs never speak that way – it might as well be an entirely foreign language. They can’t even fake it convincingly, or just break down into mockery. They really can’t help themselves.
The safe bet is Q is legit or the best leftist con artist in recent creation. Miles ahead of his contemporaries. Even if he’s a fake hired by the “deep state” it would in NO way change how evil we know the ruling class is, which is part of why I don’t think the ruling class would hire a guy to further convince us of their corruption. Does evil really work that way? I don’t think so.
But as the old saying goes, the devil will tell you 40 truths just to set you up for the big one.
Trump giving the air “Q” as he said “Set the Stage”, right after Q posted “Set the stage” made me realize this is a Trump production.
I have no idea what he is doing though. He may be making the Cabal look left while he goes right, and the big show may never materialize how we want, but we still need to play it for Trump.
But I am hopeful we will get the show we are being promised.
If Q was to be a anti-white, anti-West psyop, then we’d have NOTHING to lose.
I would be open hot war.
Good thing he is not.
Q is just the a part of the MI aspect of the military operation that is taking down the cabal as we speak. Q pourpose is to organize autism to gather, organize and disseminate accurate and precise information on the cabal’s activities and actors so that the gen pop/normies are not vulnerable to the cabal’s matrix apparatus of narrative setting. It also serves the function of weaponising boomers by infusing them with the powers of weaponised autism.
By all means, keep preping just in case, but read this assimilate it: “We wuz MI”
OT but very related to r/K
READ THIS AC, 1 minute read am importint, fren: “Hotton Plan”
Interesting stuff, thank you!
There’s a problem with this. These people are NOT our countrymen. A lot a Jews and a lot are psychopaths. Neither will ever be a part of our country. It’s this sort of talk that makes me suspicious of Q. It defies common sense. You suggesting a bunch of child rapist and child murders will just be gently enfolded back into the nation? I mean when you put it directly, as the truth is, it sounds foolish doesn’t it?
You don’t think there’s such a thing as mind control. I bet this is what this is. See this video caught randomly.
When asked what these girls were doing in England someone in the US, where they were staying, said they had no idea. One of the girls at the station acted completely normal. Asking if her hair looked bad. Flirting very strongly with the Male police officers. Making jokes. Odd as all hell. They released them as they immediately started acting normal after arrest. After they were released one stabbed a Man to death. The whole video was online showing the sequence. I’m not sure if it still is. The switch in character was marked from one minute to the next.
That’s a great one! I especially appreciated their superhuman strength and durability. Like Marvel Comics come to life. A definite upgrade from the T-400 model.
Forgot to add there’s a lot of first person testimony of Satan worship with sacrifices in Europe. Also in the Nebraska savings and loan case was the same but it was not publicized in the books because it was too controversial. Nick Bryant who wrote one of the books about Lincoln Savings and Loan did say he had a lot of accounts told to him and he could not verify Satan worship but he said he felt it came up enough to warrant mentioning.
I wonder if they do this because they believe in Satan or do the people at the top use it as a sort of initiation but don’t actually believe? I myself don’t know either way. I’ve heard lots of accounts of explainable things and I do believe there are things that we just can not scientifically explain.
“The Ultimate Evil” by Maury Terry.
“Let’s say Q *is* playing for the other side”
I always warn newbies, as I begin to introduce them to reality, that there is information, DISinformation, and just batsh|t-crazy information on the web. You have to read/watch it all, and pull out what you can logically put a scientific or evidence-linked base under — and even then, maintain an eye of concern about it. I also worry (and tell them I worry) that we may just be cats with a laser pointer — we keep getting promised SUCH big important releases or news of evidence or whatever and then ffffsssssttttt. Nothing. What about what was on Weiner’s laptop!? Nothing? Or hidden again? Why does Wikileaks keep promising BIG stuff that will result in arrests and then…. Nothing.
Is Q a laser pointer? SO hard to tell, but I am keeping an open mind to see if — as I deeply hope — he(/it/they) is(/are) real.
(And just a wan hope: after watching Seth Rich’s brother smirking in that ‘family interview’ video, I keep thinking MAYBE it’s possible that Seth has been secreted away ‘in witness protection’ until the right moment? The family did NOT look that broken up, and the brother, **who works in the mil-ind complex** smiling and SMIRKING, sitting there on the floor. Huh. Laser pointer or signal?)
Intelligent people keep skepticism foremost when presented with information rightfully labeled fantastic. This, like all intel campaigns, is a room full of mirrors. There is reality behind it, but the smart ones read each mirror and what’s in it. Especially when one realizes the room full of mirrors was intentionally designed that way.
Someone is doing this. It’s either a world-class LARP, or the horrible truth unveiled after 500 years, but the Q action online itself is real, and happening for a reason. One is prosaic, and the other is Historic.
We just don’t know which one yet, but _something_ is happening, and there are reactions happening because of it occurring.
It’s a Bond joke, Q is Bond’s pal. It’s really M with the information.
I’m SO happy to see a well-read conservative (that’s you, AC) source finally talking about the stuff I’ve been saying for years to looks of “where’s your tinfoil hat?”
Big things are coming soon, bigger even than Q is alluding to. Bone up on the book of Revelation, people!
And don’t be fooled by “extra-terrestrials” when disclosure happens. They are the same Satanic deceivers who convinced less erudite people that they were gods.
I agree with JJ: AC, your analyses are better than Jerome Corsi’s. He’s not bad, and is certainly interpreting Q’s quatrains for a mass audience, but you intelligently and logically deduce quite a bit more operational details from Q’s words, going in directions that I can’t argue against.
And while I may not agree with everything, I agree with quite a lot of your interpretations.
Q has never been so active as this week. Something is seemingly coming to a head, and I hope you are able to post your thoughts about these revelations on your blog in a timely fashion. A lot of people are interested in reading them, including me.
Thank you. I’ll try to keep current, but the truth is a lot of what Q is saying goes over my head, and I may be dead wrong on some things, because I take it fairly far afield. So buyer beware.
We’re all grasping at interpretations of this amazing historic phenomenon, and yours are in the top 5%. You’re certainly better than middle America’s confusing attempts scattered all over Reddit and Gab. I read those and only wish our educational system had been better over the last 50 years with logic, rhetoric, and dialectic.
RE: Dark Matter, dimensions, and Heavenly beings. A book written maybe 1880 or so, named Flatland, by a German(?) mathematician. Written to describe dimensions and how a being from a higher dimension would interact. Written so a child can read it, but grasp the concepts. Give it a read, it’s short, then consider angels and demons, the heavens, and dark matter. Higher beings able to observe us, yet we can’t perceive them until they ‘step down’. Just my pet hypothesis.
I think you may also be interested in this video series that conclusively proves the existence of the soul:
Quantum entanglement is apparently how the spirit interacts with the physical body which is designed to interact with the spirit. This is why people can be possessed but not inanimate objects.
This is also why in tests with the Ouija board. That when the participants are blindfolded it proves that its not necessary the object is being moved but the person’s. Because blindfolded subjects always gets the movement to the letters wrong.
Those same people are also being harassed by demons.
There have been unusually large number of Q posts in the last 2-3 days. With all of the caveats I’ve mentioned here in previous posts in mind, if even a portion of what is claimed is revealed to be true it will be quite breathtaking. Some of the anons on the boards at 8-chan are quite good at digging up info as well. Bergoglio’s utterly corrupt and depraved Vatican might well be a huge node of money, human-trafficking (including children) and much else. Ann Barnhardt has already confirmed a lot going back months (I don’t agree with Barnhardt all the time, either – but she can be very good when she’s on track).
Angels and demons would be undiscernable from interdimensional sci-fi aliens. They are the same thing. The spiritual realm exists, and the more we learn about the universe from a scientific perspective, the more we can explain the spiritual with scientific terms.
Demons are supposedly the disembodied spirits of creatures called the “Nephilim” (“Fallen Ones”) in Genesis chapter 6. The idea is that they perished in the Flood of Noah. They are different from fallen angels, and seem to be powerless, except when they are able to possess someone.
Daniel chapter 10 indicates that there are powerful spiritual beings in control of governments (Persia and Greece are specifically named), but I don’t recall demons specifically being mentioned or described in the Jewish Scriptures.
> seem to be powerless, except when they are able to possess someone.
You made me think of something Q said on Q crumb #133:
“Does satan exists?
Does the idea of satan exists?”
Possession could be seen as someone embodying the IDEA of satan. Just a thought, had never though about it this way.
(Yes, I’m wrtiting satan without upper casing the first letter on purposefully).
Not all of the Nephilim were fallen. Some of their descendants intermixed with Japhethites and Semites and Nephi was a common name amongst them, according to proper translations of the Bible from Hebrew.
The Qanon posts do not display for me. All I get is a blank page. I have turned off adblock, but still not luck. Any ideas?
I had the same problem with one site, and that is why I linked to the other. In fact, I have to use the Brave Browser to open it, as it does not open in Internet Explorer for me, for some reason. I get the same thing.
Google might turn up a bunch of sites that feature them using different formats. See if a search finds something that works for you. Alternately, try different browsers.
Maybe Q stands for Queen. 😛
In answer to the question of the lineage of our Queen going back to the Romans, I would suggest it goes a lot further back than that. Sumerians and the Phoenicians, all ancient ‘races’ and well before Jesus Christ too.
Question is what makes her the one to be the Queen? My own lineage can be traced back legitimately to King Edward III in the 13th century, but that doesn’t make me Queen. But it does make me more English as she is of Germanic descent. Anyone remember Earl Spencer, Princess Diana’s brother, pointing out that Prince Charles was lucky to marry her as the Spencer’s were a much older family in these lands than the ‘Windsors’. A lot of people alive today are descended from so called Royalty. So clearly there is something They know, or believe They know, which gives them the power or right to rule over the rest of us.
Interestingly, recent DNA analyses shows a number of powerful men who have millions of descendants today. Not just Genghis Khan, who is reputed to have more than 6m. This article mentions the Niall, an ancient Irish king, who features in my Scottish ancestry. Wonder how many on this blog, if they dig deep enough, would find the same?
So really it all boils down to belief. They believe They have the right and we have been taught to believe They have the power over us. Seems with Q, that is changing. Prince Harry’s wedding next month could turn out to be a bit more interesting than expected.
Very interesting, thank you.
The guy I recommended the other day, Mark Passio, was actually a former priest in the Church of Satan and was conferred to priesthood by LaVay himself. He said once he found out what was really going on he had a crisis of consciousness and got out. He said they let him go because he didn’t know where the bodies were buried, as it were, but was rather a lower level recruiter. And they call us the dead and consider us unthinking meat robots so they’re not concerned with low level people blowing the whistle…who’d believe them.
The church of Satan, like the masons and other secret societies and fraternal orders, are filtering mechanisms. If you don’t have the psychological traits they’re looking for you stay at the low levels and are basically a buffer so when people say something like the masons run the world one could point to their uncle Joe who has never advanced past the 3rd degree and say I know someone who’s a mason and they’re not part of some grand conspiracy. If you do have the traits you rise up and are given more and more morally compromising tasks until they have you.
I think this is basically what the Jews are but I feel they’re the original infection point.
There’s another guy an associate of Passio, Jay Parker, who says he’s from a generational satanic family and that he suffered satanic ritual abuse from childhood until he too broke away. His story is pretty interesting and a little scary. He says that there are whole towns throughout the country who are almost all satanists, and they control the police the politics everything. These people are like the bloodline servants and lesser nobles to the elites.
And these satanists are everywhere, they could be your doctor or dentist or the cable guy or you child’s friend’s parents.
[…] Q Posts More Implying There May Be Video Of Epstein Satanic Rituals With Hillary? […]
Those interested in learning about interdimensional spirits (according to the original Hebrew sources) might find Michael Heiser’s work interesting:
People on the “Catholics are Satanists” Kool Aid need to reconcile their dogma with the effectiveness of the Catholic rite of exorcism. As our Lord said, “if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” (Mt 12:26)
The Catholic Church is a target of satanists, and deeply infiltrated, precisely because it is the true Church. Malachi Martin, a Jesuit priest, exorcist, and Vatican insider, published several revelatory books before his suspicious death (murder) in the late 90s. “Windswept House” is perhaps the most devastating, describing satanic rituals performed by cardinals and bishops, the construction of a demonic network of homosexuals and pedophiles, and secret financial deals which Q Anon now seems to confirm.
When I first read “Windswept House,” I thought it was all fiction. But that was then. Twenty years later, many of its outlandish claims have been exposed as documented facts. Now the whole book is all too believable.
Catholics are not Satanists, to be clear, just as Americans are not Cabal members. But both our houses are in disorder, and there is an enemy of both of us who needs to be dealt with at some point by somebody.
Agree on Malachi. He was pushed by something he did not see. He thought it was Demonic, but note there are physical “invisible midgets” the Cabal controls. It could have been a documented high tech.
How do you do extensive tunneling at sea level? Would such tunnels have to be drilled out of solid rock? I would expect to hit water on that island. Would a geologist chime in please?
Down in the Virgin Islands, it is volcanic, so the Islands rise up quite a bit above Sea Level, often with sheer cliff rises. I was looking at a fly over of Epstein’s Island, and it looks like it could be a seventy feet or more over sea level at the highest point. It isn’t like the Bahamas or Keys.
Nothing about Geffen and Iger? Spielberg? Isn’t that a star of Isis?
“Q has said, watch the water. If Epstein did oversee murders on the island, he would have bodies to dispose of”
**And now we know an FBI DIVE TEAM was spotted investigating the water directly surrounding the 72 acre island particularly beneath the temple. AND I saw where either ‘Tru Reporting’ or ‘Dnajlion7’ on YouTube read an online report allegedly coming out of the Kremlin (Russia), that states the divers did happen to find the BONES OF CHILDREN in the waters directly beneath the temple! Apparently there was a tube/pipe (a body “chute”) discovered underwater which connected to the underground bunkers beneath the temple where the remains of sacrificed victims were disposed of.
If this is TRUE, LETS PRAY 🙏 it goes mainstream so that the world will know the truth about Epstein and his satanic guests ESPECIALLY the Clinton’s. We’re starting to see even leftists daring to question the official narrative of Epstein’s “suicide” being disseminated by the mainstream “fake news” media. Let’s keep the #ClintonBodyCount hashtag going! Wake these “normies” up!!! #GreatAwakening
“Q has said, watch the water. If Epstein did oversee murders on the island, he would have bodies to dispose of”
**And now we know an FBI DIVE TEAM was spotted investigating the water directly surrounding the 72 acre island particularly beneath the temple. AND I saw where either ‘Tru Reporting’ or ‘Dnajlion7’ on YouTube read an online report allegedly coming out of the Kremlin (Russia), that states the divers did happen to find the BONES OF CHILDREN in the waters directly beneath the temple! Apparently there was a tube/pipe (a body “chute”) discovered underwater which connected to the underground bunkers beneath the temple where the remains of sacrificed victims were disposed of.
If this is TRUE, LETS PRAY 🙏 it goes mainstream so that the world will know the truth about Epstein and his satanic guests ESPECIALLY the Clinton’s. We’re starting to see even leftists daring to question the official narrative of Epstein’s “suicide” being disseminated by the mainstream “fake news” media. Let’s keep the #ClintonBodyCount hashtag going! Wake these “normies” up!!! #GreatAwakening