Q Just Said Scalia Was Murdered

He was laying out the 16 year plan to put US under Deep State Control:

Stage SC [AS [187]]

Stage Supreme Court by 187’ing (“murdering” in police code) Antonin Scalia?

I have no idea if Q is legit, if this is even Q, or what all of his post means, but this would not surprise me in the least. The timing on Scalia’s passing was just too perfect.

If this is still the same Q who has predicted Trump’s tweets, that is even more disturbing though. I have thought for a long time Scalia was as likely killed as not. To see it possibly confirmed from somebody who might be in the know is just freaky though.

I am quite certain if they air out everything the left was up to during the Obama years , that would be just the tip of the iceberg.

He went on:

KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]

Open borders

Revise Constitution

Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)

Install ‘on team’ SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)

Two things are clear to me. One, there is no way to really defeat Americans so long as the Second Amendment is in force. No legislator is willing to do something so bad that decent Americans would feel a need to take them out. The Second Amendment is the ultimate failsafe for freedom. So they would have to get rid of it.

The problem is, abolishing the Second Amendment would be inherently un-American. The only way might get rid of it is to import enough foreigners, who are designed to want to give all power to an all-powerful government, and see all power stripped from real American citizens.

So his ideas to jibe with what would have had to happen, if a Deep State Cabal were about to try and overthrow the American government.

If any of this is right, the best thing a President could do is abandon the rules in the opposite direction for a while. The left would need an amygdala-pathway burned in, explaining why this would be bad. To have the machine turned on them, under the precept that if they can do it we can do it, would be the best way to burn a pathway in their brain identifying why this type of behavior is supposed to be agreed upon to be verboten by all sides.

Sadly Trump would have to sacrifice himself to do that, so hopefully we will end up settling for a lot of people ending up in prison, and others still rendered into foreign holes, never to be seen again.

On the bright side, in another post, Q says:

@Jack, MZ, ES, JB, EM, SH, MSM, etc.

Do you know that we know?

Do you know that we see all?

Do you know that we hear all?





Since Q has said 40% would be dealt with openly and the other 60% would be dealt with behind the scenes and out of sight, those who don’t get prison may end up being the ones who wish they had gotten prison. The ones who aren’t getting prison will be the ones who will punished outside of the agreed upon rules of civility.

But never forget, if it comes down to it, the left is the purest enemy of freedom and America, and they have no decency at all. Always deal with them as such.

Spread r/K Theory, because there is dark stuff going on in the shadows

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7 years ago

If a deep statist is chopped down in the woods, and no one’s around to hear it- will it make a sound?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
7 years ago

Make rifles select-fire again!

7 years ago

Reading that creep’s emails, it seemed to fit. From their point of view, it was good timing, right? Kill Scalia, before the election, but not so close to the election to make it a raw issue that might drive turnout. Then, nominate a “moderate” lefty, and try to convince the GOPe to confirm him. After all, HRC would win no matter what and then have a slot to nominate a very-Lefty Judge. So, wouldn’t it be a “win” if they did confirm the “moderate” lefty, better than they could hope for otherwise, right? Of course, doing that would have sunk any hope of the GOPe winning anything in 2016.

Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative
7 years ago

Of course they killed Scalia. In a Dem controlled area, no autopsy or even doctor to examine for a possible cause, quick cremation.
But what the Obama admin did at Sandy hook is even more shocking. It was a hoax. No kids died. A whole list of problems with that, but it’s too touchy a subject for most to talk about.
Search for the sloppy sniper sandy hook video for proof that something was rotten there.

7 years ago

I noticed an inconsistency in the police report regarding Scalia’s death at the time, it may have just been a sloppy mistake, but it disturbed me that no one else seemed to notice or care. I even called the sheriff down there who responded to the incident and he admitted to the mistake: http://researchteacher.com/texas-sheriffs-report-on-scalia-death-contains-strange-inconsistency/

7 years ago

Q has made short-term predictions that were wrong. Why does anyone give him credence?

Hal Gore
7 years ago

Who is it that Qanon will not say the name of?

7 years ago

This was suspected long ago, based on the Podesta emails. This was sent 4 days before Scalia died:


Note that the resort where Scalia died had a pool and is situated next to a vineyard.

Reply to  Sevenwheel
7 years ago

On a slightly different tangent, I take this email as circumstantial evidence that the Podesta emails were scrubbed of all the really explosive material before they were given to Wikileaks. This email would have slipped through the cracks because it was written so coyly — with not a single word that would show up in a keyword search if you were looking to scrub all Scalia-related emails.