Q Implies Obama’s Admin Was Placing Chinese And Arab Muslim Officials In High Positions

Was it for money?

In the referenced Podesta email, Podesta is receiving a list he wanted of potential hires who are Asian and Arab-Muslim. We know the Chinese appear to have been rewarding at least one politician who hired one of their spies into her sphere. It is not impossible the Saudi/Muslim Brotherhood portion of the Cabal was doing the same, and the Obama Administration was selling the Chinese and Saudi/Muslim-Brotherhood access to the US Government’s inner sanctum and secrets.

The rest of Q’s recent posts was a disturbing deep dive into child trafficking and the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti adventures.

The Youtube video is a report about Laura Silsby’s arrest from when it happened. In it she played the role of misunderstood bumpkin Christian missionary in a particularly creepy display – one in which she doesn’t mention her association with the Clinton Foundation:

Q also gave an update on the Storm’s progress:

I remember reading a piece on the old Nugan Hand Bank affair. Old CIA hand Ted Shackley took over some opium fields while serving in Vietnam, supposedly to deprive the Viet Cong of the profits from the Heroin which were fueling their operations in the war. But once he had the Opium fields, he began running them to keep the locals happily paid and generate funds, again supposedly to fuel counter-guerrilla operations. The whole thing could have been a Cabal operation, but its true nature is above our pay grade. The end result was, he ended up running a heroin empire, and probably had other sources of income as well. But the operation had a problem, in that like many drug dealers, he could not get the money from it into banks.

Along the way Nugan Hand bank entered the picture. Its advantage was it had a branch in Hong Kong, and a branch in Australia, allowing the transfer of funds across national borders. So it ended up a CIA money laundering operation. If Shackley had just walked into an Australian bank with $10 million, and tried to make a cash deposit, it would have been flagged and investigated under money laundering laws. The Australian government could have demanded the entity which owned the bank account produce paperwork related to the origins of the money.

Same in Hong Kong. But if he put the money into the bank in Hong Kong, and had it sent right to an Australian account, Hong Kong wouldn’t investigate the deposit, viewing it as Australia’s issue, since it was an Australian account it was dropped into. But on the Australian end, they just saw a transfer from Hong Kong, and not a deposit, so they wouldn’t investigate it either. Plus, they had no legal jurisdiction to demand records from a Hong Kong business even though it had an Australian account. The bank quickly became a money laundering hub, and reportedly even began advertising it’s abilities to Asian drug cartels and international tax-avoiders.

Things went well, until a reporter heard rumors and began sniffing around. The bank was quickly cleaned out of funds and collapsed with $50 million in debt. As secretaries set about shredding documents, Nugan walked into a bank meeting in the main conference room with some stuffy banking executives who didn’t really know what was going on. He sat down at the head of the table, and according to the legend looked everyone in the room in the eye, and said, “Gentlemen, for the next few days, you are going to do exactly as you are told or you will be killed.” He wasn’t kidding. Nugan was later found sitting in a car, shot in the head, with William Colby’s business card in his pocket, assuming you can believe anything you read. Hand, a former Green Beret and Agency-man escaped overseas as a wanted man, but not that wanted. He was later found living openly under a new name, but nothing was ever done to bring him back to face the charges. As I recall none of it ever even touched Shackley.

The point being, the problem with really big crimes, like Q is alleging about Cabal, is how you get that massive amount of money into the banking system so it can be moved around, invested, dispersed, and so on, without triggering the very tripwires they created to draw all sort of governmental attention to lesser criminals.

All nations wanted to be in control of the movement of money, so they all have money laundering laws and regulations designed to prevent illicitly generated income from making its way into the system. A small drug operation can buy a few vending machine routes or some sort of cash and carry business and set up a business entity for them, and claim the cash is from that. On the TV Show Breaking Bad, it was a carwash. But when you are dealing with Clinton Foundation level money, you need an entire country to be on board with your criminal enterprise, which is why I think Q is giving this update. Each of those nations would be like a cash and carry business would be to a smaller criminal enterprise.

Slowly they are choking off the Cabal’s ability to move money into and out of the system. When that is finally dealt with, Cabal can have all the money it wants, but it won’t be able to move it. Then the Cabal security personnel will diminish in numbers, the Cabal bribes will begin to not happen, operations will degrade in quality and control and the real takedowns can begin.

I hope someday they give a detailed analysis of how the Cabal was organized, and all the countermeasures that had been set up. I am sure it will be a fascinating, incredibly well-thought-out mechanism. The only thing even more fascinating, and more well thought out. will be how it was taken down.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the Cabals Days are growing short

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6 years ago

Epstein Island is not an independent financial entity such as a country. In this context, one of these things is not like the others.


6 years ago

Thanks AC.

A few points.



is, IMHO, proof that both Q(s) and The Storm are real. This purge was one part of the House of Saud taking out another part, the Cabal part.

In drop 140 Q wrote:

“Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA?
What does this mean culturally?
Why is this relevant?
What occurred in SA?”

The dance Q was referring to is called the Ardah in Saudi:


It is a traditional dance performed “before going to war.” The significance of Trump doing it with the good Saudi princes was because they were going to war together against the Cabal.
When Q asks above “what occurred in SA?”, he is referring to the purge of the Saudi Cabal members, with the head seemingly being this prince:


Q states in drop 133 that the House of Saud is worth $4 trillion plus, the Rothschilds (again, a large house), $2 trillion plus and Soros $1 trillion plus. [The real wealth of the House of Saud is actually a mildly interesting topic IMHO because it could be reasonably accurately guesstimated by anyone with the appropriate data and time.(Oil sales over the years, government expenditures, etc.) It is a math/econ arithmetic problem, nothing more. With wealth in the trillions, you can buy pretty much anyone. Pepe Escobar stated that the real wealth of the House of Saud is rumored to be $6 trillion, so that’s the second time I’ve personally come across a public reference to the wealth of the House of Saud really being in the trillions:


I think Epstein Island was a M_OS blackmail operation and Epstein is an M_OS asset. I think one of the people who procured the girls for the operation was Ghislaine Maxwell:


Again, an M_OS asset, as was her father before her.

Q states in 1871 that M_OS is controlling a significant part of US media, which means a significant part of US media has been completely taken over by a foreign power and everyone knowingly working for that foreign power is, by definition, a traitor.

6 years ago

Forgot to add the link referencing the flight logs to Epstein Island:


How many people visited this island and didn’t appear on the logs?

6 years ago

The access referred to in that list appears to relate to human trafficking, especially children. A different asset class altogether. Cabal will be getting even more desperate in their need for Human Resources, of their particular kind.

Q then went on to suggest a link with sacrifices and cannibalism too. The most recent drops go back to the Podesta artist and linking those pictures of children in red shoes and tied up or hung up with what looks like a swimming pool but Anons seem to think may be a ritual slaughterhouse. This is where anyone of a squeamish nature may not want to look.


Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Someone somewhere pointed out that the ladder is missing steps. EVIL!

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

Wait, my mistake. It was in the NR post that the missing steps was pointed out.

Phillip Harrison
Phillip Harrison
6 years ago

‘Old CIA hand Ted Shackley took over some opium fields while serving in Vietnam, supposedly to deprive the Viet Cong of the profits from the Heroin which were fueling their operations in the war. But once he had the Opium fields, he began running them to keep the locals happily paid and generate funds, again supposedly to fuel counter-guerrilla operations. The whole thing could have been a Cabal operation, but its true nature is above our pay grade. The end result was, he ended up running a heroin empire, and probably had other sources of income as well. But the operation had a problem, in that like many drug dealers, he could not get the money from it into banks.’

Are you serious? You dont know if it was a Cabal operation? It was the very definition of a Cabal operation! The CIA has peddled drugs from the very first when it was running opium out of Taiwan. Theodore Shackley was one of the most sinister people in history. He funded a war in the country next to Vietnam (Laos) with drug money. War was never declared officially against Vietnam (it was an armed conflict not a war) and Congress had to give approval for funding. Of course Vietnams neighbouring countries were essential to winning the war (the Ho Chi Minh trail ran through them and the communists built bases in the lawless jungle areas there) so the CIA ran a secret war there. Unfortunately it was not just spies,special forces and mercenaries that went into laos- often regular American servicemen were sent almost all of them not told that they were illegally crossing into laos. Because of this if captured they were likely to be denied as taken pow by America and not treated according to the standards of the Geneva convention.600 Americans were captured in Laos and only 6 were returned.

Remember the Scene in the movie American gangster where Frank Lucas goes to meet the warlord in the jungle to source opium directly rather than go through the Italian Mafia? He is able to take over prime drug territory in New York because he has purer product ‘blue magic’ that he has paid less for by cutting out the middle man. Well in real life of course he never actually went into the jungle and was given his position by Cabal because with civil rights and black liberation it was no longer possible for the Italian Mafia to be the main pipeline for drugs into the black community. Remember how the movie paints Frank Lucas as a cut above the rest of the drug dealers who imprudently wore flashy clothes and were not restrained and professional? Nonsense he was just as vulgar as all of them. Remember how he is painted as extremely intelligent and figures out how to smuggle purer Heroin in the coffins of dead U.S soldiers? Yeah he never did that either-Continued

Phillip Harrison
Phillip Harrison
6 years ago

-Continued It was the CIA that figured that out. Frank Lucas was just their front man in the black run ghettoes. Frank Lucas was a tool who was told (and believed) that if he stashed his money offshore it could not be taken from him. Even in the 1970s that shows how unsophisticated he was. As it was he lost every penny.Just as they would do later in south America with cocaine (both Pablo Escobar and Manuel Noeriega were CIA assets) the CIA ran an illegal ‘war against communism’ with money derived from selling hard drugs to ordinary Americans. There were many reasons why cities became unliveable in the 1970s but a big one was the drug epidemic brought to you by your countries own inteligence agencies. A Cabal operation the whole time. The CIA continued to do this- just look at the Iran co tra affair which was responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic the in the 1980s. Books I reccommend:

Dark aliance Garry Webb (suicided in 2004 with *two* gunshot wounds to the head- his brother remembered seeing him only a day earlier and thought that he was very happy)

An enourmous crime Bill Hendon

Kiss the boys goodbye Monika Jensen Stevensen

The bamboo cage: the true story of American pows in Vietnam Nigel Cawthorne

America left well over 1000 pows in Vietnam and Laos (they could have been returned in 1973 or in 1990 when negotiations started to admit Vietnam into the world economic community-the French were still receiving remains and live pows twenty years after thier war in Indochina ended) in part to cover up monstrous drug dealing, enrichment of crimial elites (the Cabal) and poisoning of ordinary Americans. Theodore Shackley because of his overt role in the war in Laos never went on to be CIA director-a post he was earmarked for. But he later was a high level player in Iran contra (this time more discreetly) and after retiring ran many more of the unofficial CIA operations using private companies,mercenaries e.t.c