Q Goes Deep – MK Ultra Mind Control

What Q is bringing up is the idea that government has launched programs to explore controlling individuals through mind control, testing it on those who seek regular psychological therapy. He points out that a lot of shooters have undergone such therapy:

Feb 15 2018 15:10:38 –

Anonymous –

https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Canada


The CIA convinced the Allan Memorial Institute to allow a series of mind control tests on nine patients in the Montreal school, as part of their ongoing Project MKULTRA.[7]

The experiments were exported to Canada when the CIA recruited Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the “psychic driving” concept, which the CIA found particularly interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 to carry out MKULTRA experiments there. In addition to LSD, Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs as well as electroconvulsive therapy at thirty to forty times the normal power. His “driving” experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. His experiments were typically carried out on patients who had entered the institute for minor problems such as anxiety disorders and postpartum depression, many of whom suffered permanently from his actions.[8] His treatments resulted in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking their interrogators were their parents.[9][10]

When lawsuits commenced in 1986, the Canadian government denied having any knowledge that Cameron was being sponsored by the CIA.[11]

http:// www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/40-years-of-the-fifth-estate/mk-ultra

http:// www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-government-gag-order-mk-ultra-1.4448933

http:// www.nytimes.com/1992/11/19/world/canada-will-pay-50-s-test-victims.html

http:// coat.ncf.ca/our_magazine/links/issue43/articles/1957_1961_canada.htm

https:// www.mcgilldaily.com/2012/09/mk-ultraviolence/

Feb 15 2018 15:13:45 –

Q –

Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?
Be the autists we know you are.
You were chosen for a specific reason.

Did the shooter go to therapy?

In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, an attorney for the family that had taken Cruz in for the past few months said Cruz was “depressed” following his mother’s death but he had been going to therapy.

Now the scary part from that article[Editor’s note : This has since been shown to be false]:

The ADL said ROF leader Jordan Jereb told them Cruz was associated with his group. Jereb, who is based in Tallahassee, said Cruz was brought into the group by another member and had participated in one or more ROF training exercises in the Tallahassee area, the ADL said. Law enforcement officials have not confirmed the link.

ROF has mostly young members in north and south Florida and describes itself as a “white civil rights organization fighting for white identitarian politics” and seeks to create a “white ethnostate” in Florida.

Three former schoolmates of Cruz told ABC News that Cruz was part of the group. They claimed he marched with the group frequently and was often seen with Jereb, who also confirmed to ABC News that Cruz was, at least at one point, part of that group.

Jereb told the ADL that ROF had not ordered Cruz to take any such action. He told ABC News he has not spoken to Cruz in “some time” but said “he knew he would getting this call.” He would not comment further but emphasized that his group was not a terrorist organization.

Why is it scary?

The FBI was warned in September about a possible school shooting threat from a YouTube user with the same name as the suspect in Wednesday’s campus massacre in Parkland, Florida, according to a video blogger…

According to Bennight, agents from the FBI’s field office in Mississippi contacted him and came to his office to conduct an in-person interview the next morning. Bennight told the agents he didn’t know anything about the user, he told CNN.

That was the last contact he had with the FBI until Wednesday, he said.

The FBI special agent in charge of the Miami division, Robert Lasky, confirmed Thursday morning that the bureau received a tip last year about the YouTube comment.

“No other information was included with that comment which would indicate a time, location or the true identity of the person who made the comment,” Lasky said during a news conference. “The FBI conducted database reviews, checks but was unable to further identify the person who actually made the comment.”

There is literally no way he attended a White Supremacist camp that was doing weapons training without domestic intel picking up his trail and checking him out. That camp will have at least two or three government informants in it, so agents can compare their info and see if they are being played by a double agent. It would not even surprise me if the camp itself was being run by the FBI as a honeypot to draws in crazies so they can be ID’d for a closer look. In addition, the camp will be surrounded by a vehicular surveillance web. You will not get in or out without being followed and ID’d.

Everybody who went into it would have a decent-sized file. Which means the FBI claiming they were not able to ID him is bullshit. The only other reasonable possibilities would be that one, agents had a lot on their plate when the tip came in, and they blew it off, and now they are covering their asses. Or, Cruz was picked up, he was under surveillance, but he gave no indication of being about to shoot until it was too late to stop. Though in that case, I would expect LE response would have been quicker. But there is no way what the FBI said is credible.

Q then added this:

Target subjects are pre disposable to certain mental illnesses.
Target subjects are scouted over a period of time to study and arrange ‘THERAPY’.
‘THERAPY’ takes [x] to break the mind into a functional/programmable device.
Science Fiction?

That implies an army of people spread throughout the nation scouting out for weird loners with unusual psychologies they think might be amenable to being manipulated into becoming mass-murder perpetrators, through the selective application of various psychologically manipulative stimuli. It is the Parallax Corporation, only with thousands of operatives and a massive civilian network offering all sorts of operational support.

So if Cruz attended that camp and got ID’d by domestic surveillance, and what Q is alleging is plausible, then he could have been ID’d by this rogue domestic intel op as a viable candidate, and taken off FBI’s hands by CIA, or whoever it is. Once his covert surveillance and manipulation was in their hands, they are the magicians behind the scenes who can arrange circumstances to make anything happen, and who will control all outcomes of everything the target did. They could have arranged for the therapist he got to be one of their’s, and from there you would be off to the races. Their therapist could have offered him hypnosis to help him relax, prescribed him drugs to calm him down, and once he was under, being predisposed to mental issues and vulnerable due to circumstance, he would have had no idea what they were doing to his brain, or even what drugs they were giving him.

This raised an interesting observation in my mind. There were several mass shooters under Obama, particularly targeting Law Enforcement and the Military, all of which had a common theme to their cases. Gavin Eugene Long killed three officers in Lousiana, and he complained he had been blanketed by aggressive surveillance:

Besides posting on his own sites, Long appears to have contributed frequently to other forums. On one website, a user named Cosmo Setepenra with an email address associated with Long complained about government surveillance. On stoporgangstalking.com, a user named Cosmo commented about the importance of wearing body cameras and exposing people involved in “gang stalking.”

There was the shooter of NYPD officer Miosotis Familia, who thought he was being followed, and got “therapy”:

Bonds’ girlfriend told investigators he started “acting erratically” over the past two weeks, according to Boyce. He was paranoid, convinced that police and EMS were following him.

“And each time he would duck out of the way and evade them whenever they drove by, well before the incident,” Boyce said.

Bonds, 34, had gone to St. Barnabas Hospital for treatment of a psychological problem on July 1, according to Boyce, but he was later released on the same day.

Then there was the Navy Yard Shooter:

Describing himself as a Navy contractor, Alexis told police he believed an individual he’d gotten into a verbal spat with had sent three “people to follow him and keep him awake by talking to him and sending vibrations into his body,” according to a police report. Alexis said he hadn’t seen any of these people, but insisted they’d followed him between three hotels in the area — the last being a Marriott, where police investigating a harassment complaint encountered him.

There, Alexis told authorities the unseen individuals continued speaking to him through walls and the floor, and that they used “some sort of microwave machine” to send vibrations into his body to keep him awake.

Here’s the weird thing. There is a technology which focuses sound into a laser-like beam, such that the sound can be “placed” in one person’s head, and others around that person will hear nothing. The effect is described as creating a sensation of a voice inside your head, and it is said to be quite unique. It was supposed to show up everywhere in public over a decade ago, advertising outside vending machines and stores to capture people’s attention with its novelty, but it suddenly disappeared for unknown reasons. And there are ultrasound weapons that create vibrations. If there is some sort of MK Ultra 2.0, the ridiculous circumstances Alexis described are pretty much exactly how it would look.

Now imagine if Cruz had been put under hypnosis by a hostile actor during his “therapy sessions,” guided to imagine demons controlling his behavior, programmed to follow their orders, and programmed to reenter the hypnotic state when given a specific command. His hypnosis could have been continued easily while he was out and about, using that special sound focusing speaker, and you’d have a remote controled human killing machine who might not be entirely clear what had happened himself, beyond the fact he heard voices in his head telling him what to do, and he followed their orders:

The bloodthirsty teenage gunman who killed 17 people at his old high school in Florida Wednesday told cops that voices in his head forced him to carry out the senseless attack, according to a report.

Nikolas Cruz, 19, confessed to killing his former classmates and teachers after storming into the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. with an AR-15 assault rifle.

Cops nabbed the twisted teen after he fled the school and remained on the lam for nearly an hour. Cruz told investigators that voices in his head made him execute the grisly attack, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Strangely I saw one interview with a student at the school, immediately following the shooting, where he said it was all so coincidental, because they had never discussed active shooters, until two weeks ago when agents came to the school, and “trained” the students to run, hide, and not show resistance in the event an active shooter entered the school. This article mentioned the training, however the student was clear that they had never received this training before, and he was shocked the shooting happened so closely after it. You have to wonder if this whole shooting was organic, as we are told, or if it was a measure of the Deep State’s desperation as the walls close in on them.

Other mass shooters have reported similar issues regarding being under surveillance, however. Myron Mays was a famous case of an intelligent lawyer whose life spiraled out of control when he began to believe he was being followed around and psychologically experimented upon:

Gang Stalking Goals

The goals of gang stalking are to (a) silence an individual, (b) drive a victim insane and possibly to the point of suicide, and (c) destroy the victim’s reputation and believability – as the person will be viewed as mentally ill if they complain or report such abuse. Gang stalking may also be used to force an individual to move or leave an area.

Who Are The Stalkers?

For the most part, stalkers are everyday citizens that are usually acting under some type of guise (e.g., that they are doing something positive for the community; a false accusation that the targeted individual is under investigation for a crime). Other stalkers, however, are simply paid to harass a targeted individual. Sadly, many of these gang stalkers are involved in law enforcement.

Examples of Gang Stalking Harassment

Here are some of the stalking activities that targeted individuals have to endure: slashed tires, threatening phone calls, hangup calls, verbal assaults by strangers, property damage, death threats, peeping toms, being followed on foot and by vehicle, and character assassination among family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

Tactics Used by Stalkers


A technique employed by stalkers to persuade the targeted individual that a particular group is responsible for the abuse – neighbors, racial-ethnic group, etc. The goal is to trick the targeted individual into thinking an innocent bystander is the culprit of their harassment and compel the targeted individual into verbally or physically assaulting that person.


Brighting involves the practice of repetitive flashing of a car’s high beam headlights at a targeted individual. The targeted individual is flashed an inordinate amount of times from either a tailgating, passing, or oncoming vehicle. Brighting also occurs when bright lights are flashed into a targeted individual’s home windows.

Electronic Harassment

Electronic harassment is the use of technological devices to spy on or cause harm to targeted individuals (e.g., exposure to high electromagnetic fields. microwave radiation, etc.). A frequent form of harassment involves beaming a low frequency tone into a targeted individual’s area, which over time causes sleep deprivation, agitation, and stress. A great deal of this research is highlighted in a book written by the pioneer of electronic harassment. Dr. Robert Duncan, which is entitled “Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed.” Other prominent individuals in the field include Dr. Nick Begiche, Dr. John Hall, and Dr. Terry Andersen…


Ghosting refers to the practice of rearanging or moving a targeted individual’s personal belongings to make the targeted individuai question his,4rer sanity (e.g., moving home furniture, lawn decorations,
desk decorations, etc.).


Mimicry is a specialized form of harassment in which the stalkers imitate every movement made by the victim.


Mobbing is a term that describes intense group bullying. Several stalkers descend upon a targets area in the same time period. In these instances, gang stalkers are not as discrete because they want to make their presence known to the targeted individual.

Noise Campaign

A noise campaign is an orchestrated effort to produce stress in a targeted individual by prolonged exposure to noise (e.g.. neighbors playing loud music, cars passing at rapid paces, vehicle horns blowing, technological devices to induce dogs to bark. etc.).


Sensitization is a psychological tem referring to the forced association between a stimuli and a coresponding reaction. For example, if a targeted inclividual is frequently harassed by people wearing blue baseball caps or sunglasses, over time, the targeted individual will believe that anyone wearing a blue baseball cap or sunglasses is a stalker coming to harass them.


Gas lighting refers to presentation of false information for the purpose of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.

Then there was Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas Shooter:

A prostitute that last seen with deranged Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock just before his deadly rampage has mysteriously vanished, RadarOnline has exclusively learned.

The Sin City escort was reported missing by her boyfriend several days after the Oct. 1 shooting that left 58 dead and 800 injured…

“She was telling girls after work that she was scared something would happen to her,” claimed former escort Mikaela, whose full name is being withheld to protect her identity. “She was booked the day before or the day of the shooting before she disappeared…”

“There’s messages where Stephen is telling her he’s a government experiment and that they are listening to everything he says and does, and they can hack into his brain and take over,” Mikaela said.

Paddock was on Valium, so he had been to some professional therapist to get the prescription. And as for the escort, if he was under this type of coverage, they were listening to him every moment of every day, and they would have heard him tell her about his predicament. Once they knew she knew, her days would have been numbered. My guess would be she has already been liquefied and poured out somewhere.

Q has also been schooling people on the MK Ultra experiments, beginning with this pdf from the Senate hearings, back in the late seventies. It is a pretty shocking history, of CIA agents just wantonly drugging, electroshocking, hypnotizing, and otherwise manipulating innocent, unconsenting, unaware people, with no real plan for the experiments beyond untrained people doing it to the patients and seeing if anything interesting happened, that they noticed right off.

If that is what was happening back then, when they had far less control over the machinery and the law enforcement apparatus, imagine what is happening today.

Q then went on to link to this video below in this drop, insinuating it was an attempt on Trump using an electronically hacked and hijacked car:

CAR control?

Statement by the driver?

Look at how perfect the timing of that car was. Just as Trump’s limo, “The Beast” drove by, that car was perfectly timed to ram it, had it not hit that culvert first.

Here is a thought. If that was being done by high level intel remotely, via hacking the car’s electronics, they would probably have been timing the car’s movement to Trump’s movements, to coordinate the impact, using a live satellite overhead video, since Secret Service would have closed the airspace over it to aviation imagry. A satellite overhead would not have been able to see the culvert, or other vertically-oriented obstacles. From the satellite overhead, the culvert would just have looked like a sidewalk next to the road – and that car would appear as if it could have soared down that hill, entered the road freely, and run squarely into the side of The Beast at sixty or seventy miles per hour. Now imagine if the doctor at the emergency room had been arranged ahead of time to be one of their assets, and Trump was wheeled in after the accident. He would have been at their mercy, and if he had a heart attack, who would have questioned it? That culvert was the hand of God.

I was talking about all this with someone who knows what is going on behind the scenes, and they agreed, this would all make a lot of strange observations make sense. They then quickly added that if this is the explanation, and Trump tries to make this public, the media will make everyone think he is crazy. Nobody will believe him. A massive army of intelligence agents who are covertly integrated into the very fabric of the nation’s private sector citizenry. They experiment on innocent Americans on whims, they create mass shooters to manipulate public psychology to disarm the nation, and they think nothing of hacking the system and trying to ram the limo of the President of the United States, and maybe kill him, to send a message and hold on to power.

That was when I really realized how Vox Day is right. That is why Q is releasing this the way he is. He is slowly and covertly amassing an army of millions of patriots, seeding this among the most ardent believers first, and then quietly swelling the ranks of the believing through personal conversions, until it can be dropped on the public, and accepted as truth, because so many Americans will point to all the open source evidence we have amassed on sites like this and call it truth.

It is no wonder Trump referred to it as a Storm. This is going to be wild when it all comes out. We’ll end with one more Q quote:


Spread r/K Theory, because nobody would believe the rest of the truth these days

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7 years ago

Wonder how much of that stuff is used by marketing companies to get people to buy stuff. Especially things they don’t need.

7 years ago

Also, that shit is real.

7 years ago

The White Supremacist angle is a hoax. Jereb admitted he was trolling the ADL.

7 years ago

On schedule, alt-left radicalizing their useful idiots:


Keep the redpilling going and PREP in case you need to act in self defense. We shall prevail because we follow the path of light.

7 years ago


Read on how the hoax that Cruz was a E
WS was created.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

Now for a LOL break:


Gen Z is going to have many wanting to become helicopter pilots I suspect.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

That’s just the windmill of peace and tolerance.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
7 years ago
7 years ago

That culvert thing was interesting. I remember when it happened last year, and I just took it at face value that some deranged leftist really was trying to ram the President. Yesterday is the first time I ever saw the video. And that got me thinking that whomever set it up MUST be completely incompetent. Nobody scouted at all to check for obstacles, and they definitely didn’t bring the car into the woods that way. I haven’t seen a map, so I’m assuming there is another road close by with access to the woods. But seriously, even if you’re a crazy leftist woman driver or a deep state operation, how do you not scout ahead for that kind of obstacle? Unless it was meant to be a warning, I guess.

Something Q said yesterday has been blowing my mind:
Why is Big Pharma essential?
Expand your thinking past cures.
Think Google [new Pixel phone].
Think Apple [vs. Samsung].
Why was Blackberry destroyed?

I never thought about it. I just assumed RIM died because they good too confident in their government and corporate customers and didn’t innovate. That and their “single point of failure switch” in Canada. I had some work issued Blackberries that got caught up in those worldwide outages. I hated BlackBerries.

It never would have occurred to me that BlackBerry was “killed” on purpose.

Reply to  Eric
7 years ago

They weren’t necessarily incompetent, they were just limited by the tool. They weren’t controlling the car. They were controlling the driver. The driver just wasn’t competent enough (or sane enough) to consider the culvert.

That’s why it is all about pharma. Pharma sets the switch that the EM flips. BB was already sketchy in that they planted their evesdropping pipeline in Canada — was that to get around US wiretapping regulations, or to put it beyond the reach of NSLs? But, if the BB devices didn’t have the right radios in them to transmit the needed EM (and more importantly, if BB refused to adopt the new radios) then this would explain it. In fact, the outage itself could have been engineered to force BB to either move the point of failure back to the US, or start cooperating.

7 years ago

Why redpilling others is 1 of the 3 pillars of upholding the West:


2)Wage memetic warfare (red pill others, undo their brainwashing)
3)Prep as much as you can for potential social unrest and natural catastrophies

The Matrix metaphor: people born inside the matrix are the power source that keeps the machinery running (MSM, pedowood, music industry, banks all need consumers and/or gov’s that have tax payers or future generations to indeebt (sovereign debt) that can support the/bail them out to keep running ).


We’ve been reduced to this: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JGRDPeYYVoM/VNET2jVAUXI/AAAAAAAEpPk/bcZVAGkt7aU/s1600/matrix_trilogy_07.jpg

until we unplug, and instead of giving energy to the machine (by repeating lies or silencing those that speak truth, by buying tickets to jewpedowood movies, etc) we start fighting the machine.

Fuck the deep state.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago
7 years ago


Good link to red pill normies on globalist backed invasion of the West.

7 years ago
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
7 years ago

Following in the footsteps of his equally-cucked father.

7 years ago

Phones and psychiatric drugs used to mind control?


7 years ago

Lembrador, dude, you gotta chill with the sperg spamming of AnonCon’s combox. I only want to read legit comments, and I’m pretty sure I’m not alone on that.

Reply to  Drew
7 years ago

Sorry, I just get carried away. There is so much info that I feel ppl would like to put their eyes on that I just dump it all here too. I’ll be more on topic.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…That is why Q is releasing this the way he is. He is slowly and covertly amassing an army of millions of patriots, seeding this among the most ardent believers first, and then quietly swelling the ranks of the believing through personal conversions, until it can be dropped on the public, and accepted as truth,…”

This makes very good sense to me. It does explain some of the doubts I have but at the same time I have a LOT of doubts about Q and Trump and the whole narrative that anything will get better. I hope my doubts are wrong.

You know the Colorado batman killing at the theater had the most ridiculous problems with the evidence. Direct witnesses seeing more than one perp. The guy seemed drugged in court. All the strange blood spots and mask all the way on the other side of the theater. I mentioned that because that guy had therapy and his therapist studied under the guy who was big in the MKUltra program and even worse was Jewish.

The latest school shooting has two different students that said there was more than one shooter. One saw the, supposed shooter, in the hallway after the shooting started in another building.

The thing that bothers me is why exactly can Trump not make these false flags public. Let’s say Sandy Hook was false. That means no real bodies so he could expose that. Why go through all this slow process? Why not explain build 7? Why not arrest the guy who supposedly had his leg blown off in Boston and appears to be an imposter? There’s so many of these why do they need anything new? I find it hard to believe the press could cover up the unveiling of all of these with public arrest and evidence that the narrative is false. This is what makes me suspicious. This is a MAJOR tactic of the Jews. When they are confronted on any issue they try to move the focus to another issue. They do this over and over and over. Isn’t this just the same? Isn’t there plenty of issues already. This just seems one big, hey look over here, not over there. Like cheap magic stunts.

Jeff A. Taylor (@TheFree_Lance)
7 years ago

Recall Justin Barkley, 38, who killed 52-year-old William Schumacher on Dec. 8, 2016 in the Ithaca Walmart parking lot by shooting him with a .30-06 and then running him over repeatedly with his car. Barkley then told authorities he’d just killed Donald Trump. He’d worked at St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center for eight years, until sometime in May 2016. Ted Cruz dropped out of the presidential race May 3rd 2016, making Trump the certain nominee. Barkley then took up a DSS job with the Massena Wellness Center. Massena is on the Canadian border in Upstate NY. He’s there only until August, when he decamps for Dryden, NY which is surrounded by state forests. Then a month after the election, he drives into Ithaca and kills a man. After an initial flurry of reporting, none of it addressing if he’d been an avid hunter, owned guns, etc., Barkley was declared mentally unfit and that is that.

Reply to  Jeff A. Taylor (@TheFree_Lance)
7 years ago

More to that one, he claims to have been drugged with LSD, not voluntarily, but by four malicious individuals.

All of the stuff above in this blogpost about gangstalking reminds me of East Germany’s ‘Zersetzung’ program for targeting, harassing and discrediting the communist state’s political detractors.

7 years ago

[…] Q’s raising of MK Ultra was out there. And yet, him sticking his neck out like that almost makes me think he might be real more, given there is a lot of evidence for what he alleged. […]

7 years ago

I recommend you – and everyone who has a strong stomach – to watch at the pictures of Kim Noble and her multiple personas. A former mind-control victim. You can find her gallery here: http://www.kimnoble.com/virtual_galleries.htm

Pay also attention to the kabbalistic occult symbolism of the persona Key and the masonic occult symbolism of the persona Judy.

But back to “Key”. As the name suggests (by chance or purpose), she does a blueprint of how to brainwash someone. Essentially you need to break them. And it’s incredibly easy if you lack the morals. All you need to do is torture, torture, torture and leave the target in isolation inbetween the torture with nothing but an animal / cuddly toy that’s his/her only saving grace. Once you have tortured that poor soul enough you just kill off her only saving grace infront of her and watch her break apart. Her personality splits and the new persona is essentially an empty canvas for you. Look at Britney Spears changing accents for example.

P.S. Women are more recommended since they can endure pain for longer amounts of time while men have a higher pain threshold – probably for very biological reasons of giving birth vs being hurt on the hunt or during war.

7 years ago

I noticed the car is an older model, possibly Ford Taurus, which is still a common municipal vehicle. These tend to not have the lojack, or services like GM’s onstar, which can be used to track movements by law enforcement, let alone the feds. My guess is Trump’s security and whoever else is sweeping for this, because those trackers are a two way street, which is exactly why an older car was used.

6 years ago

[…] have previously covered Q’s drops on MK Ultra before here, here, and we discussed an experiment someone did on the possibility of actually using hypnosis for […]