Q Flashback

Imagine how everybody just assumed that no matter who won the Presidency, the intelligence apparatus that tracks all of us in the most minute detail could never, possibly, be turned against them. They controlled it all from all the key positions. Nobody could threaten them.

Imagine how many of the mid and lower-level Caballites are now realizing that everything they did was documented, and somehow, somebody lost their grip on it and it landed in the lap of the God Emperor.

Wonder why the Cabal leadership uses the public hidden code of deniable Cabalese to communicate, rather than direct messages and memos?

Wonder how they could think they could use pedophiles, and assassinations, and maybe even child sacrifice rituals to control everyone, and never feel any threat of exposure?


Everybody is speaking in Cabalese lately.

Tell about r/K Theory, because it is happening

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6 years ago

To raid, perchance to drone?

6 years ago

Note that we know know that AS THE WORLD TURNS refers to Maggie Nixon / Wendy.

6 years ago

My theory is that the Strozk/Page texts are not the most damning intel the G-E has on the Cabal, not by a long shot. Rather, the G-E — former reality t.v. star and member of the WWE Hall of Fame — immediately recognized their unique ability to red-pill normies about a complex and convoluted conspiracy to discredit and subvert a duly-elected president.

How many people will read let alone understand Representative Nunes’s memo? But look at how many people will read salacious and emoji-filled texts from two dweebs having an affair describing, play by play, the Cabal’s conspiracy. All the soap opera writers in the world couldn’t come up with such a brilliant way of explaining a backstory like that.

But it took the G-E and Team MAGA to seize this opportunity, dial up the kayfabe, and strategically release the texts over the past five months.

Reply to  pepemandias
6 years ago

The Don’s whole life has perfectly prepared him to play this particular role at this particular time in history.

We are blessed.

6 years ago

Well q pretty much confirmed that Strzok (FBI) has text messages that he sent/received that talk about the assassination of the President or his family.

This is the first MOAB to drop.

Will it change any leftists minds? I dont think so. They all wish they could do the same….