Q-Anon Says Republican Train Crash Was Not Coincidence

Then there was this:

‘Railroad crossing had been malfunctioning’ before train carrying Republican lawmakers hit a garbage truck and killed driver

The railroad crossing where a train carrying Republican lawmakers struck a garbage truck killing the driver Wednesday morning had been malfunctioning, residents in Crozet revealed.

Benny Layne, who lives near the horrific crash site and found the destroyed garbage truck on his property, told the Associated Press that the crossing arms had not been working properly for quite some time.

He said the arms would stay down for hours at a time and he recently witnessed a line of cars waiting at the crossing after they were signaled to stop although a train was not approaching. Layne said several motorists eventually got out of their cars to help guide other drivers safely around the malfunctioning arms so they could cross the tracks.

Don’t ask how I know, but those gates can be controlled in some places on the fly. I do not know if it is a wireless emergency services override like on traffic lights to let emergency vehicles through, or if high-level Deep State, and maybe Emergency Services can phone in to a central control center and have them overridden by people on the payroll who are in the right place.

Those prior malfunctions could have been testing the mechanism and making sure it worked, as well as laying the foundation for a cover story about how that gate never worked right. Then again, it could have been unrelated. Not enough data to say for sure.

But it is food for thought going into the Apocalypse. Things can be timed amazingly well, when you have overhead aviation feeding video to central control and ground units which can slow or modify traffic travel just the right amount, and traffic controls all along the way that are malleable. If you happen upon a train crossing as things heat up, and you are in the online right, you might want to look both ways, just to be sure, before crossing.

Interestingly, a Freeper said they were driving along that same road earlier, and there was a Police checkpoint set up checking driver’s licenses a ways before the crossing. The Freeper didn’t know about the train and thought the Police were looking for a suspect, but in retrospect it was probably a security checkpoint securing that train crossing. How security could have been that tight a few hours before, only to have a dump truck sitting on the track later, and the train was not notified, is an interesting question. Especially in these days when cars and trucks are computer-controlled and wired into the cellular internet network at all times.

Also saw this, albeit unconfirmed on 4Chan:

Add in that after the baseball shooting, this is the second time a mass of Republicans congregating together has had a brush with death, look at the faces of the leftists in the State of the Union as they contemplated their utter defeat, and think about the rumors this week that Sotomayor is going to retire due to complications from diabetes exacerbated by her schedule, and you have to wonder if our half of Congress almost being killed in one cataclysm is all coincidence.

In these days, anything is possible.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you never know today

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7 years ago

On the left: The end justifies the means.
On the right: The means are the end.

Which is why the left always derails and kills millions.

7 years ago

Most GOP is in the Greenbrier right now. Probably in the bunker.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
7 years ago

H.R. 4760 forces a new biometric National ID on every American citizen. One would not be able to get a job, get a loan, open a bank account, or board a plane without this National ID. And as is always the case, there is a total blackout in reporting on this bill by the mainstream media—including FOX News.

The bill has 82 co-sponsors. Introduced by Rep. Goodlatte, R-Va.

Contact your congressmen. Tell ’em, “HELL NO!”

Do it now.

Mr Darcy
Mr Darcy
7 years ago

H.R. 4760 forces a new biometric National ID on every American citizen. It’s to be part of E-Verify. Sponsored by Rep. Goodlatte, R-Va. Has 82 co-sponsors. Look into it:


7 years ago

Its really no different than what Peru and Chile experienced in the 80’s and 90’s . The only difference is that we don’t have rural indigenous natives that are being exploited/manipulated by the marxists…and the marxists haven’t ( outside of Antifa) united under a group led by a strongman. Instead, the the minorities being exploited are migrants and native blacks living in urban areas. Also the marxists have co-opted the already existing Democrat party utilizing decentralized means- marking it that much harder to rally public support to go full Sherman on them. After all the Democrat party was the party of Truman and Kennedy…right up there with baseball and apple pie. In time however, the reticence of the masses – to go full “brass knuckles” on them will probably change. The masses are beginning to see through the treachery. Im sure in my lifetime helicopter rides will become a new American tradition