Q Anon Implies The Hawaiian Missile Warning Was Necessary To Steal NSA Databases?

Interesting part of Q’s post:

>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke FALSE]
Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?
:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.
:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.
Think BDT.

What could this mean?

First he says NSA. One thing we know about NSA is that before he stole the NSA files and fled to Russia, Edward Snowden was in Hawaii overseeing a massive transfer of secret NSA surveillance databases to a new secure facility in Hawaii that would keep the databases out of CONUS. I thought at the time that somebody was preparing to lose large parts of the US mainland, perhaps in a revolution, and they wished to maintain control of their data on a secure island redoubt that rebels from CONUS would have great difficulty reaching.

I thought at the time this was a bad move, as if I were China and war were about to break out the first thing I would do is push to take Hawaii so I could get physical control of the servers. Then I’d transfer them back to China and begin trying to crack them with Quantum computers if they were encrypted, and I couldn’t get in another way. Instantly I would have an intelligence bonanza, and one which might just turn the American people against their own government in the middle of a war, if it revealed the government spying on citizens too deeply.

As I think about it, I will bet NSA was prepared for that possibility with an attack protocol, which would immediately, at first sign of an attack begin a database transfer, or Bulk Data Transfer, a BDT, as google points out is the term, of all databases back to CONUS.

That would be pretty crazy, if the only way the President could grab the NSA databases was by triggering an attack alarm that set into motion a bulk data transfer that gave him access to the databases at their destination in CONUS. Then again, that NSA database may be the Rosetta Stone of every conspiracy against Donald Trump, because the Deep State operators plotting against him might have talked freely on cell phones, in emails, and by text messages, assuming that their being caught in the database didn’t matter, because if Trump ever tried to take the Hawaii facility the immediate procedures there on being assaulted would have been to slag the whole facility in a White Phosporus conflagration. If Trump used this attack signal to grab that database while it was in transit, he now has God-like knowledge of everything that went on against him, and evidence showing him exactly who all is involved. Checkmate, indeed.

It does seem strange that the attack alarm was set off and it took 38 minutes for the people in charge (who should get all such intel routed to them immediately as part of their constant overwatch of all channels of potential intel), to realize it had been released and straighten out the issue.

It is tough to tell with Q, though he does appear to be connected to Trump. Whatever the story, as we come up on Jan 20 and Mueller seems to be turning on the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium scandal, Q implies the swamp is about to be drained suddenly of foreign agents at the highest levels, there are false ballistic missile warnings to gain access to the NSA, the dems are shutting down the military to try and protect the swamp, and Trump continues with his tweet storm, I am quite certain there has never been a more entertaining Presidency in the past, nor will there ever be another in our lifetimes, and maybe ever.

And this all may just happen to restore American freedom and our Constitutional government in the process.

Be sure you drink in every day of this Presidency, because as Americans, we are truly lucky to be alive in this time, to take in this spectacle.

UPDATE: What if everything that has happened with North Korea was setting the stage for this operation?

Spread r/K Theory, because only the God Emperor could do this

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7 years ago

Whatever is happening, the alarm was coconuts.

Seriously though, the US military really, really, really, really, really, REALLY does not want to be vaporized by Chicom/Rus/Nork nukes. So whoever weakens US defense posture, sells our Uranium, weakens our missile defense and colludes with foreign agitprop should know that there is hell to pay and they won’t get out of it. NO SIR. The hammer is coming. Military families live on military bases, which are nuke targets, so ingrouping is involuntary. You either love America, or you leave it. How you leave is a free choice.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

It could be a K builder for the Hawaiian public. As other parts of America come into range we could see more of these types of “drills”.

C Anon
C Anon
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

I’ll agree with that. Those that are unhappy with America can leave under their own power, or they can be carried out. Their choice.

Darren Grent-lloyd
Darren Grent-lloyd
Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago

What about countries like Australia that have been there right away for all forms of colonialism!??!..

We too were born under British rules and suffered a massive exchange into “US” ownership and direction during the second W.W….

…our government is rife with globalists and our “matriarch “ hero is not allowed home and is “embargoed” in an Equadorian embassy in England!!…

How do Australians break away from the narrative when we were sold off to the international bankers by our own politicians!!…
Americans are our brothers and heros!!…
Americans are our “Big Brother” that Aussie’sgot both in and out of trouble with for the past 70 years or so??!!…

Globalists hang in,,out ,,and all over us!!…

7 years ago

Another Q prediction (found at the link in your post) come true, Trey Gowdy is out.


Reply to  Rob
7 years ago

Gowdy only resigned from the Ethics Committee… he’s still on 3 other Committees and the Chair of the Oversight Committee. His resignation letter suggested that he had too much on his plate, so he had to give up one assignment.
However, Q may perhaps be suggesting that he could replace McCabe.
I read a tweet last night from someone who usually is on target, that “A certain agent is singing like a bird right now to keep himself out of jail’ … another Q prediction– “When does a bird sing?”

Reply to  Rob
7 years ago

Q hinted at Trey Gowdy stepping into another ROLE. I’m guessing Dep AG or Special Prosecuter when all of this goes down.

Reply to  RoseLadyT
7 years ago

If they can force Ryan out, then Gowdy could go for speaker of the house. That would put him on the Gang of Eight, which thus far has been infested with Swamp.

Reply to  Anonymous
7 years ago

Paul Ryan is of the swamp. Of that, I have no doubt. 😉

Veritas Quaerite
Veritas Quaerite
7 years ago

I have experience with 911 and the emergency response systems. That was no accident. It is not possibility really. This was either a hacker or insider as Q described.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

Hmm…so Q is the answer? Have you read this?

The Board Owner,”…Q posts from Jan 5th onwards are a LARP…”.


No I’m afraid Q is just someone making you think something is being done. I mean do you see Sessions doing anything? Oh we hear all about all the things he’s doing but as far as I can tell he’s spending his time going after marijuana growers. I’m SURE that’s our biggest problem. Reefer madness and all that. It’s very disappointing as I used to be a BIG Sessions fan. I hope I’m wrong.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Over 9K sealed Federal indictments have been filed over two months. I think Sessions is getting his ducks in a row before the MOAB is dropped.

Darren Grant-lloyd
Darren Grant-lloyd
Reply to  karmytrumpateer
7 years ago

Let’s fucking hope so!!…
Love from Australia!!…

Sylvia Grein
Reply to  karmytrumpateer
7 years ago

I think so too, the poop will hit the fan and we will have front row seats. I’ll bring the popcorn and grape koolade for the other side.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

The board was compromised….Q ‘s Trip codes were cracked…..so there was a period that a Hacker was posting as Q

He also posted this…
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/08/18 (Mon) 22:29:38 No.4


NO private comms past/present/future.

NO comms made outside of this platform.

Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.




Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

The marijuana is all about the sanctuary cities. To cut off the millions of dollars flowing to those cities. Those cities need that cash big time and cant afford it to lose. Its a punishment for being a sanctuary city. So its a hell of good tactic of Sessions / Trump administration.

Stephen Heard
Stephen Heard
7 years ago

V/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – January 13, 2018
Yesterday, Jan. 12, an anomaly was detected off the coast of Hawaii which held off the RV release.
Today, Jan. 13, the cabal attempted to nuke the Hawaiian islands and put the blame on North Korea.
(Sources have confirmed that the false alarm today in Hawaii was a cover story. The attack was real. The media had their “North Korea Attacks the Hawaiian Islands” story preemptively ready. The cabal panicked when the attack failed. A cover story was shortly made up and the attack was branded as a false alarm. The Emergency Broadcast System does not lie. Someone pressing the “wrong button” simply does not happen. This was another cabal attempt to derail the transition process by fabricating a war.)
Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.
The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12.
The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.
The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.
The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.
Planetary scans did not detect any anomalies two days ago on the 11th.
The Alliance believes the submarine originated from another D.U.M.B. located somewhere in the Pacific.
The Alliance is now actively searching for said D.U.M.B.
All legal documents regarding the RV/GCR/GESARA are signed and sealed.
The Chinese Elders are withholding RV authorization until the situation has been resolved.
The Alliance expects to resolve the situation within a couple of days.
In the meantime, the Republic is preparing for the deliveries of the prosperity funds in the U.S.


This from: https://projectspeak.net

G Man (@GManIOM)
7 years ago

That would explain why the HI police knew it was a false alarm five minutes after but did not stand down for another half hour

MGTOW warrior
7 years ago

what is D.U.M.B. ? That threw me there…

Tanjil Bren
Tanjil Bren
7 years ago

Has anyone wondered whether Q is actually Trump himself (with assistance)?
That would not surprise me at all.

cris hamilton
cris hamilton
Reply to  Tanjil Bren
7 years ago

I believe it is indeed Trump

Reply to  cris hamilton
7 years ago

I’ve been reading Q since Nov. I don’t think it is Trump, but one or two of Trump’s mannerisms certainly has rubbed off on Q, like “losers”.
I think Trump has too many Trumpisms to hide/control. Also, the intelligence codes are not anything Trump has been trained for.
Just my 2¢ worth.

7 years ago

BDT also is the Bangladash currency

7 years ago

[…] once all the chess pieces are set, off goes the Hawaii Missile alert for mysterious unknown reasons, saying an incoming ballistic missile is about to strike, and it is not a drill. And all of a […]

7 years ago

Link of interest:


7 years ago

What is the scoop with theJ apan mistake today?

7 years ago


7 years ago

[…] Q Anon Implies The Hawaiian Missile Warning Was Necessary To Steal NSA Databases? […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

“…9K sealed Federal indictments have been filed over two months…”

If they’re sealed…how do you know this? Someone on 8chan told you??????

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

You can look up indictments on PACER, and they still show up. They just list a matter number and “Sealed” as the parties.

But please, keep telling us how uninformed we are.

Reply to  Sam J.
7 years ago

Put your money where your mouth is. pacer.gov
You want all sealed indictments in all federal districts including DC.

7 years ago

Q is actually one Steve Bannon, and Trump and him are in Cahoots (for good) and creating a false dualism to overturn evil. Haha I don’t know, it’s just a theory. Stranger things have happened. Seriously though, my God. I swear to God, people still have faith in society institutions. it has to be broken. Those who can see deeper in the layers are called haters and fascists. It’s funny because people wake up to certain layers of truth and feel they are wise, but if you keep peeling back and extrapolating your principles, you begin to realize that WWII should not have been fought. But who can go that far in our citizenry? Too much truth will turn them away. We have to dilute the truth and it’s not the most directly relevant today anyways> that can be for another day. For now, focus on our layers. We have to tow the masses slowly along, and I say that humbly. its nothing to be arrogant about.