Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at http://www.qanon.pub
What is surprising is that I could see four years ago this thing had gotten too big and too exposed, and was coming down, unless Cabal was able to clamp down total control and complete dictatorship very quickly. Americans – real Americans who will do anything for the country, just can’t abide by an abomination like this. They don’t want to spy on other people, and they don’t want to be spied upon. And yet these elite spooks like Strzok were freely using email and text messaging to discuss their conspiracy, even after Donald Trump won the Presidency, and was clearly in a rebellious mood against a machine that was already teetering. Something weird there.
BREAKING: Sources inside Trump Administration confirm to me that CDC has been misreporting the data for coronavirus to inflate the numbers.
— Emerald Robinson ?? (@EmeraldRobinson) July 17, 2020
Immediately after this election might be when the action starts. Personally, I would make sure I had enough food on hand for at least a few weeks, and enough medications, if I needed them, just in the event things got locked down for a while. I’d also have a generator and enough gas to keep the electricity flowing as needed. Hopefully given Q knows what is coming means it will not happen, but you never know.
It is possible that what I have seen is yet another covert operation to take over the country, unrelated to the one Q is describing. But it is statistically unlikely there would be two such operations in such a territorial arena. If what I have seen is what Q is going to take on, grasp that millions of Americans have signed on to it. If so, then what will happen will depend solely on what the ground level of Cabal thinks. If they are millions of Americans, false flagged into thinking they were serving their country, then the reveal could be relatively peaceful, with only the top levels of Cabal offering resistance because of what awaits. But the ground level would seem to know more than that. They have been engaging in behaviors they have to known were against the law and the Constitution, targeting Americans who were non-combatants, sometimes even killing them. They had to know 9/11 could not have happened without the support of their organization. It is possible they know this was a foreign operation, or something in opposition to the official US government. They could be vestiges of a secret society of British spies that goes back to the post-revolutionary era, handing loyalty to Crown from parents to children. Or they could just have known about the real world power structure, realized how big it was, and figured they might as well go with the winner. If so, they could have a lot more to lose, and try to resist aggressively, in which case you should be ready to hole up for a while, as this could drag out.
I will say, I am amazed at the situation with AR uppers. Everything out there is being scooped up as fast as it hits the market, and those who build their own ARs are just a small percentage of the market. Glocks are non-existent in gun stores, as are any basic 12 ga shotguns. The ammo market is supposed to be fucked until at least January. Given what is happening, it is possible the civilian market has done all that. But it is not impossible those things are being bought up by another actor in one last stab to try and arm up their own and keep the civilian market capability down at least a little bit.
What I have seen is big. Millions of people who not just knew the ideals of America, that the nation was sold on, were complete and utter bullshit, but who went out every day and made them that way. They may not let Cabal die peacefully.
Real data (again) comparing seasonal flu deaths in Texas in 2017-2018, & 2018-2019, to C19 deaths in 2020 (data from Texas Dept of Health): 2019 flu data https://t.co/E5tTqF6cPw ; 2018 flu data https://t.co/ScfwvS5ZYF 2020 C19 data as of 7/14/20 https://t.co/ZpvVLR75An; pic.twitter.com/qztIQNPpX0
— Andrew Bostom, MD, MS (@andrewbostom) July 15, 2020
The PawPaw was a reference to the suspicious President of Tanzania having a Pawpaw fruit tested for COVID-19 and having it turn up positive, implying the test was a scam.
Q might be saying the power will go out because of Cabal. Or he might take it out himself to blind any Cabal tech that is deployed monitoring domestic activity, in preparation for doing things himself for which he needs surprise. Either way, be ready for the power to go out. And if it lasts for a few days, be ready for the local feral population to get unruly.
Fucking Disney. If I recall correctly there was another guy who had the same deal going as Epstein way back then, only his Island was somewhere up by Michigan in the lakes. Epstein was a blueprint they had built from before.
Spread r/K Theory, because everything we thought we knew was wrong.
I’m pretty sure the Pinnocchio movie was an attempt by Walt himself to warn heartland America about what goes on in Hollywood. The Character of Stromboli in particular is supposed to represent a Jewish movie mogul.
Watch The Devil and Max Devlin knowing what we know now.
After all of this is over, I think there’s going to be a bit of free real estate in Orlando and Anaheim.
“If I recall correctly there was another guy who had the same deal going as Epstein way back then, only his Island was somewhere up by Michigan in the lakes.” North Fox Island. Notice the illustrations.
Their need for symbolism will be their downfall.
What those who dwell in their own universe thinks.:
“I wrote an entire paper back in college on how the psychology of a military occupation always leads to further violence against the occupiers.
If the federal government wants law and order they must remove these troops immediately, or they will begin down a path which we can not return from. Imagine the George Floyd protests, but if the subject material this time were a number of protestors being shot by federal agents for protesting said federal agents. The logic is circular and leads to asymmetric warfare against the government, from the people themselves. IE: a rebellion”
What they fantasize about:
“Just got handed a draft script for the Winter season. Gonna be a cliffhanger…
May 2021: trump, who has been squatting in the White House since his election loss in November 2020, has not been seen since December and has been holed up while protected by a white nationalist militia group that surrounded the building and grounds. The group includes ex russian military special forces.
A total of 1,104 militia, US service members and assorted state and federal marshals have been killed in the fighting however no further skirmishes have occurred since late April for fear that escalating the conflict would result in damage or destruction of the historic White House by the militia.
All tunnels and infrastructure lines to the complex including electric and communications have been severed since February leaving the building and grounds without food, power or water. The amount of supplies remaining for the former president and his militia is unknown.
The impeached president’s last known communication via twitter was in January with the words “LIBERATE THE WHITE HOUSE!”
President Biden, who was inaugurated at the Supreme Court in January, has been working out of the Pentagon along with Vice President Duckworth, cabinet and joint chiefs of staff.
The former president’s family, all under house arrest, pleaded through their attorney to give himself up.
Joint Chiefs chairman, 4-star General Edward Stevenson told reporters “Like Saddam Hussein, it’s only a matter of time before we capture this traitor and his terrorist militia. He has nowhere to go. He has nowhere to hide. He will be brought to justice.”
Top kek, go short on salt, supply is going to go thru the roof once the Trump slide in Nov happens, those delusional useful idiots will cry so much they will crash the market.
Regarding the part about 4th gen warfare (because as a general rule, under “normal circunstances” (which have gone out the window a long time ago), no government can win a 4th gen warfare conflict):
What they don’t understand is that the gen pop who aren’t gaybal or retarded useful idiots would protect the government by waging 4th gen warfare against the cunts who are trying to fuck the legitimate administration using 4thgw because they want to keep their global organized crime network of pedo child trafficking shit going.
Governments can’t win 4th gen warfare conflicts, except when they are on the side of the People and they manage to inform the People of the actual state of affairs, which makes the People then use 4thgw tactics against the subverters using 4thgw against the government (infiltration and sabotage being the most obvious one). The People will stand with a government that stand with them. As Marshall McLuhan said:
“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation.”
I’d say that if a group of people decides to wage 4th gen warfare against the gov because they want to help protect global organized crime networks which support child trafficking and all sorts of sick evil shit, if the gov manages to inform the gen pop of what is going on (which they have, and their reach keeps expanding, see Q and all the blogs and vlogs that keep popping up everywhere, despite the MSM Jews trying to keep their control of the narrative), the gen pop will have a substantial percentage of people within it ready and willing to wage 4th gen warfare against those gaybal faggots who are trying to use 4thgw tactics against the gov. And although many common sense people (Patriots) are already burned because the gaybal surveillance machine already took notice of them and noted them as potential problems, you can bet there are many who are smart and/or lucky enough to go under the radar (people who don’t say or write out loud what they think, despite realizing what is going on).
Why do you think the gaybal is so big on omni-surveilance and constant demoralization, keeping people poor so they don’t have energy to realize what is going on (and they can be baited into criminal activity, which can then be leveraged into more gaybal activity (such as acting violently against targets, under the cover of “random violence”))? Because gaybal wants to use 4thgw against governments that try to get rid of their influence, and the way for the governments to defend themselves is to be on the side of the People for real (loyalty to the People is a requirement for loyalty to the government (without use of coercion or bribery)), and make people realize that they are a key element in fighting the subversion.
It reminds me on how some 5 or 6 years ago, while Antifa was clearly showing itself for the threat it was, while they had already infiltrated many institutions and office, you had civilians also infiltrating them and gathering up intel independent from the government. Some anons on 5benis (or was it on 8chan? Can’t remember for sure) were posting undercover vydia of antifa gatherings, complete with addresses, names, faces, etc.
Nothing can stop what is coming, and I can’t wait until enough gen pop is awake enough so they can swing the hammer at the MSM traitors (who will literally be charged with supporting terrorist activities). I wonder how many of them will try to use the excuse “I was just following orders”, just to be told that that excuse didn’t help the nazis on trial in Nuremberg. And the sweet irony will be that most of them are Jews, top kek
Walt wasn’t clean either, but he kept things under control. the tribe hasn’t done that and cannot create, either.