The initial symptoms in two-thirds of cases are loss of balance, lunging forward when mobilizing, fast walking, bumping into objects or people, and falls.
Other common early symptoms are changes in personality, general slowing of movement, and visual symptoms.
Later symptoms and signs are dementia (typically including loss of inhibition and ability to organize information), slurring of speech, difficulty swallowing, and difficulty moving the eyes, particularly in the vertical direction. The latter accounts for some of the falls experienced by these patients as they are unable to look up or down.
Some of the other signs are poor eyelid function, contracture of the facial muscles, a backward tilt of the head with stiffening of the neck muscles, sleep disruption, urinary incontinence and constipation.
The visual symptoms are of particular importance in the diagnosis of this disorder. Patients typically complain of difficulty reading due to the inability to look down well… Difficulties with convergence (convergence insufficiency), where the eyes come closer together while focusing on something near, like the pages of a book, is typical. Because the eyes have trouble coming together to focus at short distances, the patient may complain of diplopia (double vision) when reading.
Basically it is just like Parkinson’s, only it progresses much faster:
Both PSP and Parkinson’s disease cause stiffness, movement difficulties, and clumsiness, but PSP is more rapidly progressive as compared to Parkinson’s disease.
Interestingly, it may reduce what I would term “Amygdala Tolerance”:
Another common visual problem is an inability to maintain eye contact during a conversation. This can give the mistaken impression that the person is hostile or uninterested.
Eye contact is intensely amygdala stimulating, and can actually overload the structure, creating discomfort. That is why the inability to maintain it can be seen as hostile – that is mostly seen in people whose amygdalae are so loaded they cannot handle the additional strain of eye contact. That means if Trump wants to break her in a debate, he may just need to lock on intense eye contact while addressing her directly. She will feel the need to reciprocate, but her brain will not be able to handle it, creating an intense amygdala strain.
It does fit. But it is impossible to know for sure what is afflicting her. This would not account for the seizures, or the photophobia, which makes me wonder if we may be looking at something somewhat unique to Hillary’s unique medical circumstances and unique physiology. She has always had an easily triggerable amygdala, which could have seen its semi-unique circuitry uniquely modified by neural tissue death produce by her strokes and head traumas, yielding a brain pathology which is fairly unusual, and not easily shoehorned into any specific box.
What we do know is she has seizures, they appear to be amygdala-triggered, they appear to be rapidly progressive, and her entire staff appears to view them as totally normal, and not prone to benefit from any medical intervention. In addition she has swallowing difficulty, a prone-ness to falls, and other indices of PSP, including the speed of progression.
In short, pray for Hillary to make it to election day, so we have the joy of seeing President Trump elected with the greatest ease and certainty possible.
[…] Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) – Hillary Clinton’s Latest Diagnosis […]
Yeah. I am not the only one that thinks this!
Hillary was around tall people at 9/11. She is short (5’4″ despite what Google says). She wore the glasses so that her vertical gaze palsy would not be obvious. She still tilted her head way back (abnormally so) when talking to people in photos released. Glasses were not for eye sensitivity or seizures.
Also, look at the “convention seizure” video where Bill easily looks up at balloons/confetti and Hillary tilts head back and tries to look up, but is only able to turn eyes side to side. They didn’t want a repeat of that.
Hillary most definitely could have PSP, I had spotted it a month ago, with all the going ons with her health over past 4 weeks I am very certain PSP is it, she displays all the symptoms – falling, unable to stand alone, stiffness, startled alert look, head gaze up only able to move horizontal, loss of voice power, loss of weight, unable to swallow etc.. no shakes which is ke indicator of Parkinsons, and different type of gaze. Heads up for PSP.
Today headlining on The Drudge Report
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“The liver is the organ of anger and its orifice is in the eyes. All diseases of anger will originate in the eyes.”
This is amazing. When I watched the video of Hillary the other day…..the one in which her eyes were not focusing together……I mentioned to my husband that it reminded me so much of the first symptoms that my mother had before she was diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Apparently, I am not the only one to notice this. She must be crazy to be running for POTUS!!
I agree. She is exhibiting some of the first symptoms of PSP. My father who had PSP complained of having terrible balance, he would sometimes get confused, he would fall backwards, he coughed, and he had problems with his vision. My dad was also in politics and began having some of the first symptoms while he was a state senator. No one recognized the problems except for my mother. There is no way Hillary can be President at the stage she is in. She will only continue to get worse. It’s so sad – I am not a Clinton fan but I wouldn’t wish this disease on anyone.
I’m sorry about your dad. If it helps, I have no doubt this world is a stop on a long journey, and from the accounts of many who’ve passed and come back, the damage our bodies endure on this stop are shed before we move on.
My mother had PSP for 8-10 years before it took her life. My sister & I guessed Hilliary to have a Organic Brain Disorder, PSP or Parkinsonism before this article was written. My mother had similar symptoms minus the seizures.
First, visual disturbances with double vision, not corrected with glasses, followed by
multiple falls especially when walking forward or after walking up the stairs. This is due to downward gaze of the eye controlled by the brain being effected. She also had bouts of inappropiate laughter, bad breath and random urinary incontinence usuaully occurring in bed at night. One of her 2 major falls occurred when going to the bathroom hitting her head and the worst fall was trying to remove a king size bed sheet and breaking her hip in the process. She was a beautiful woman and many did not know of her illness as she did not look ill until later. Towards her last year she could not control her head and she had episodes of coughing and choking on liquids such as water and then we had to add Thick IT to all liquids. She avoided liquids as she choked easily. Parkinsons Medication was prescribed as PSP is parkison like disease but progresses much more quickly and has no cure. It was extremely heartbreaking. On a possitive note, she could hear questions when asked but was slower than usual to respond as if she was collecting her thoughts. Hilliary appeared controlled & poised during Trumps debate, but I was extremely worried when she leaned forward to shake hands to those in front row. She could have easily fallen & I noticed Bill & other men were close at hand. I am sorry, but regardless of what is bot being said about her health, she is not a healthy person, but did have great hair & makeup, red is a good color for her. I am also sad to notice she is one of the only presidental canidates to forget to wear an American flag pin during a debate. I wonder why. Best wishes to Hillary & her family, keep that Kane close by, you will need it for support sooner than you think. Kudos for wearing any heel at alI. Be careful. I am not being mean, just speaking from my own experience and noticing a lot of similarities in a disease that took my mothers life.