Prison Stocks Skyrocket

The K-shift will have an affect on the metrics of the investing world:

Thanks to President Donald Trump, America’s private prisons appear to be entering a gold age.

The stocks of the two biggest private prison operators — CoreCivic (formerly know as Corrections Corp. of America) and Geo Group have doubled since election day. CoreCivic is up 140% since Trump won in November; Geo Group has risen 98%.

For all the talk about how good Trump has been for big banks like Goldman Sachs, he’s been even better for private prison investors.

The reason private prisons are back in vogue is simple: Trump has made sweeping promises to crack down on crime and illegal immigration. Wall Street calculated quickly that Trump’s rhetoric is likely to translate into more people behind bars. And that means more profits for private prisons.

Prisons are about self-preservation, with ease. In a shift to K, where people still desire the ease of r-selection, but need the aggression in dealing with threats that K offers, they are a sure bet.

Right now, people are just looking at the prospect of having to lock people up. When the Apocalypse comes there will be a lot of bad hombres who will need to be locked away, and doing it will be an issue of survival. On top of that will be a lot of people engaging in crime because they have to in order to survive, and they will be getting punished as well. Until a year or two in, when death has reset the balance and law enforcement is freed up to kill more freely, that will have a huge effect on those stock valuations.

K-shifts hold great promise for the smart investor who can extrapolate out the changing demands for various services. The shift from conflict averse to aggressive and punitive, the shift from appearance-oriented to substance-oriented, the shift from pleasure-oriented to survival-oriented, and the shift from extravagant to sinecure will all radically change the values of investments.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because everything will change except r/K

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8 years ago

I don’t think prisons should have been invented:

Better for the worst to be executed, for the rest fines,whippings and lesser punishments that do not involve imprisonment.

Only reason for confinement is for forced labour to pay off fines unable or unwilling to be paid outside, pre-trial detention and death row in order that the criminal may have a chance to save his soul.

Prison gangs controlling criminal activity from the inside would not exist were it not for prison.