The Power Of Amygdala – Borders Build Up As Schengen Falls

When the amygdala grabs the reins, Cucks are powerless, and nothing is impossible:

Struggling Schengen was all-but destroyed in 2016 when countries began blocking their borders to stop illegal immigration.

Under the arrangement European citizens can travel without a visa through the designated zone, covering most of the bloc.

However, as scores of migrants from Syria, Africa and all over the Middle East began making their way through Italy and Greece to inland Europe, borders were sealed.

The introduction of border controls was a divisive issue but member states stood their ground, with Hungary and Austria erecting huge fences to stop entry.

Initially, authorities had announced that they would return to the Schengen area by the end of 2016…

Months later, it is unclear when Schengen will ever work again.

There are two progamming systems for the human brain. When things are r, everyone will push for the leftist ideals, and there is no logical argument you can make that will bring those people to their senses. Once things turn K and amygdalae begin lighting up, people will do whatever they need to do, and all the cries of the rabbits will not deter them.

This is why I am increasinbgly zen with whatever happens in politics. Man cannot mold the events of our political battles, as well as the evironmental conditions.

And with the Apocalypse approaching, the environmental conditions are becoming very advantageous to conservatives.

Spread r/K Theory, because good borders make good neighbors – and keep the savages at bay

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Cuckservatives, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] The Power Of Amygdala – Borders Build Up As Schengen Falls […]

8 years ago

“scores of migrants” WTF?? “Scores of thousands of migrants” would be correct, as would “scores of legitimate refugees”.

Jeffrey Pope (@explorer68841)
8 years ago

Many conservatives want action now. Our amygdalas are on fire! (I wish I knew how to express that better. Someone please correct me.) The ANTIFA events in DC further the anxiety. I’ve recieved several informal calls-to-arms. I’ve taken your advice regarding laying low & letting the nation’s amygdalae catch up to ours. But the waiting is horrible! Standing by while leftist destroy our country is infuriating.

But I also know that rabbits rule in my neck of the woods. I can’t move to a more conservative, rural area for another 18 months. And I know that I don’t ever want to go to jail, nor do I wish to commit a crime — two things that may not be as positively correlated as I’d hope.

So for now, I just look at these libtards. The way they dress and the way they act is disgusting. When words come out of their mouths, I hide my complete astonishment. To relax, I see them as cartoon characters. I’ll put their insane words into imaginary dialogue ballons, or whatever that thing is in comic strips.

And then I think, “When things go sideways, this is a person I don’t want on my team.” And I’m playing out the idea as a sort of movie: the disgusting person in front of me will be acting like they were on my side all along.

No way.

Those are the monkeys dancing in MY unenlightened mind. Thanks for your “why I am increasinbgly zen with whatever happens in politics” phrase.

It helps.

8 years ago

Zen, that’s it. More, I’m enjoying myself.

The family tells me I’m being mean. Our soon to be DIL (sjw all the way) seems to run crying from the room every time I disagree with her.

And my delivery is not even good. But I am improving. Trolls are kinda fun now, too.

I wonder what the status of our wall is? Not trying to rush him or anything…