Post-Election Stress Disorder

Also known as the God-Emperor Syndrome:

Wally Pfingsten has always been a news junkie. But since President Donald Trump was elected, he’s been so anxious about the political tumult that even just having the TV news on in the background at home is unbearable.

“It’s been crippling… I feel angry, really, really angry, far more angry than I expected to be.”

He’s tried hard to quell his anxiety…

Pfingsten is not alone in his politics-induced anxiety — it’s so common it’s been given an unofficial name: Post-Election Stress Disorder. Mental health professionals around the country, especially those working in Democratic strongholds, report a stream of patients coming in with anxiety and depression related to — or worsened by — the blast of daily news on the new administration…

“In my 28 years in practice, I’ve never seen anything like this level of stress,” said Nancy Molitor, a psychologist in the Chicago suburbs. She says the vast majority of her patients — from millennials to those in their eighties — are bringing up politics in their therapy sessions. “What we’re seeing now after the inauguration is a huge uptick in anxiety.”

Many of her patients say they are having trouble sleeping and focusing at work or are fighting more with family members, she said.

“I have people who’ve told me they’re in mourning, that they’ve lost their libido,” Molitor said. “I have people saying the anxiety is causing them to be so distracted that they’re blowing stop signs or getting into fender benders.”

Increasing amygdala activity, fighting, decreased libido, as well as increased worry and fear. These are humans, detecting subtle signals in other people that are causing brains to rewire themselves to be more K. Liberals are trying to exert social control based on a desire of others to avoid conflict, and not be socially out-grouped – and their attempts are failing. They can’t understand that, in the context of their own hyper-socially conscious psychology, and it is causing them to freak out.

These are the first stirrings of the K-shift, while resources are still plentiful for the vast majority. Imagine what this would be like with a Venezuelan-level shortage, and all the different ethnic and religious groups scrambling in desperation, trying to avoid actual death by starvation. Add in criminal gangs, loss of law and order, and every rabbit out for themselves, and you can see how the anxiety now will turn into actual Darwinian selection later.

Good times.

Spread r/K Theory, because we need more post-election stress disorder

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

I would imagine most communities would purge their fat people, desperate parents who failed to prepare and aggressively tried to acquire food would be next. There would be an obvious racial component but the average American seems so self centered they don’t consider that many other people are packing heat. It isn’t unreasonable to assume the most violent criminals would outlast many upscale suburbs, until militias or the national guard eliminate them. So many people don’t take food storage seriously and think they can just run around in type 4 body armor weeks after caloric restriction starts. Stay home people.

8 years ago

[…] Post-Election Stress Disorder […]

8 years ago

Man, I can’t wait.