Possibly The Most Interesting Cabal-related Link You Will Ever See – An Interview With An Architect

A reader in the comments linked to this archive, which is apparently a message board transcript of a discussion on a Conspiracy website’s commenting platform back in 2011 and 2012, consolidating the questions and answers with one individual who represents himself as a Rothschild. It is a massively long read. The “Rothschild” had shown up and promised to answer honestly anyone who asked the right questions.

Every few years I read something which is like importing a fractal into my mind. A seed of it infects my brain as I read it, and for days, weeks, and even months later I can feel each time that small speck sparks a new line of thought or different perspective in a new part of my brain, which rapidly matures into a new perspective that guides my perception of reality more broadly. Eventually, I expect this thread to expand and spread, radically changing how I view what I see, and much of what I have seen.

This appears to me to be the real deal, at least in terms of being somebody who knows something about the Cabal, whether an actual leader I cannot say. From here on I will call the leadership caste of Cabal, which sets the course of events, the Architects. They are the very top level. People like Hillary, and Comey, and McCabe, even Obama are merely minions who serve this top level leadership.

Clearly the ideas he is touching upon are ideas which he has spent considerable time and mental effort bringing to maturation. The model he presents is more or less exactly what I would have expected to discover from whoever the Architects are. The only piece of this which does not fit is that we have a name and an identity. It makes me wonder if whoever this is, is actually a six foot tall Nordic-looking man named Karl Eichenfree, and he has posted this under the Rothschild name because that family, is in fact the front his ancient bloodline uses as a final firewall to protect their identity. It might explain his having fun misspelling the Rothschild name as Rofschild. It is possible back in 2012 the populace appeared so helplessly brainwashed that maybe he derived some sort of perverse pleasure at the idea he didn’t even need to hide, and could speak openly of his plans, without any fear of the mindless sheep posing any threat. But I still think, if he is as bright and focused as he seems, the real name may be false.

First, why would he do this?

A few times now in the last year or so I have seen reference to the Cabal having performed some calculation, or run some computer model, which they used to predict future events, and the results consistently showing that no matter what variables they altered, their machine was destined to collapse and be destroyed in the near future. Interestingly he describes this in this link (albeit dismissively), which would be the earliest mention of this I have seen:

Strong blood lines are essential for survival! Support of your family will get you through any difficulty…and without the emotional suffering so common today!

THAT is our biggest threat. If the bloodlines are respected, unity will be restored, and balance. And, just as you, we are prepared for any eventuality. However, the last calculation put those odds at zero.

What he appears to be doing here is taking the measure of the website’s participants. He may be measuring one specifically he is interested in who surveillance identified as having traits which could have been useful. Or he might just be trolling a site of open-minded, unorthodox-thinking conspiracy theorists for people who can take the limited information he is providing, and extrapolate out the more complex system he is referencing. Perhaps he was trolling for an unorthodox thinker, who might have found a way to have altered that terrifying calculation that showed they were heading for destruction.

One other possibility is, he has given out his diet recommendations, and is using those recommendations to troll for fellow Rh negative individuals (He indicates he holds a belief that people who are Rh negative, whose blood lacks a protein complex called Rhesus Factor, are some sort of special bloodline, superior to others). You will notice down in the thread, someone says they tried his vegetarian diet, and it made a huge difference in their health, and he suddenly becomes very receptive to them, promising to contact them off the board and mentor them.

Note that the Rh system appears to be used to export ammonia out of cells. Ammonia is a side-group of the amino acids which make up proteins, and is not present in Carbohydrates or fats. So if you are eating a lot of protein, and metabolizing it, you will have a higher ammonia load, which your body will have to cope with. Likewise, if you carry a lot of muscle, and periodically metabolize it for energy, I would expect Rh factor would aid with that. So I suspect Rh negatives probably evolved as plant eaters with a limited protein intake and limited muscle development (perhaps forcing Machiavellianism, and a higher IQ as a strategy in social competition), while Rh positives evolved as more physically robust meat eaters who carried and periodically metabolized lots of muscle, and they needed to get rid of that ammonia.

Notice Vault-Co has long postulated in his Melonhead/Neanderthal model that there were two such different strains of human, one Machiavellian, scheming, and less physically robust, and one group-oriented, pro-social, and more physically robust. Vault-Co counted himself among the latter, and said he didn’t feel right unless he was loaded up on protein. And here is his opposite who cannot feel healthy unless he swears off meat and goes vegan. It also fits with Neanderthals having high N-15 levels in their bones. (I swear, if I had a nickel for every time I saw something that sounded insane, which Vault-Co proposed years back that was borne out as you looked into it…)

So by showing up on this board and giving his dietary advice, this “Rothschild” might be looking for fellow travelers, without actually asking outright who is Rh negative and who is not. And when somebody comes back and says they tried the diet and it made a huge difference for them, he tells them he intends to mentor them outside the board later. He found a fellow traveler. It is very clever. He also gets very bothered when a poster implies that his giving advice on the board must have an ulterior motive, even though he says he follows a natural law that is all about everything having an ulterior motive. He seemed to want to discourage any examination of that.

The Rh negative thing is also interesting, as the issues it causes with pregnancy and miscarriage are something which I could see driving an early examination by a population of how to avoid problems in pregnancies. That examination would naturally have led to a very early adoption of a sort of bloodline belief system, to try and avoid letting females mate out with Rh positive males, who would not be able to produce viable offspring with them. Once established through this quirk, that bloodline belief system could have given them a leg up genetically, by promoting the concept of selective breeding of their bloodline. Such a belief system and motivation would likely have eventually stumbled upon the work of Mendel, which they would then have likely latched onto and incorporated into their purposes. The very tangible realities produced by Rh positive/negative status on breeding would explain how this bloodline belief system could arise very early, before any real scientific understanding of the underlying issues was available, and how it would have evolved naturally into what he is describing here. Add in assertive mating of Machiavellian royals marrying Machiavellian royals due to a bloodline belief system, and you can see a simple means by which the realities you see today might arise spontaneously.

Nevertheless, whatever his motives, what I see here is a fascinating insight into their views of bloodlines, money, and their purpose on the earth. I believe him to be real because of how thoroughly he has obviously considered the issues he discusses, given the myriad of different variations of examples, analogies, and metaphors he lays out. One of the more interesting analogies he makes is that currency is like electrical current (he even implies the name-similarity may not be coincidental), moving like electrons, from point A to point B, with the natural force driving its motion being harnessed to do work along the way, by those who understand the concept and can apply it correctly.

Interestingly he says this about the machines we encounter, by which I assume he is obliquely referencing gangstalking, as well as probably other forms of government control of the plebes:

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don’t and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

I am guessing by that he means not the Obamas or the Pelosi’s, who are too-far removed to have any concern for us and whose jobs are more akin to that of performers, but rather low level bureaucrats and political operatives who lack fame or power, but who get some moderately increased comforts. Eric Schneiderman having access to NIXIVM’s sex-slaves comes to mind.

One thing which caught my eye was this exchange:

Mr Canada – … it’s YOUR DILEMA. So called. For the house of Rothschild have broken natural law, and their contract is up. The clowns are calling in the debt sweetie, and it was all your “free will” that got you into this pickle.

Rofschild – Hello Mr. Canada and Welcome!

Rest assured that we did not get where we are by being STUPID…OR greedy (in that we respect NATURAL LAW at all times!). This whole thread has expressed the absolute importance of this aspect and yet you ACCUSE us of exactly the opposite! From what basis do you make this assertion??

As far as the “clowns” calling in the supposed debt…WHO are those clowns? You, perhaps? If so, state your claim!

Under common law, any wrong MUST be made in an appropriate venue, with proof presented, evidence entered (and subject to challenge) witnesses and cross-examination…etc. One cannot harbor some grudge secretly and expect redress!

SO, Mr Canada, present your grievance under those terms and I will respond. It is your lucky day because I am in a position to REMEDY any damages, and bound by NATURAL LAW to do so. But YOU must present your claim!

To use the vernacular…put up or shut up!

Notice that one, his antagonist uses the terms “Clowns,” a phrase Q would use later to describe the CIA. Was there a period in 2011-2012 when the CIA was split, with “Clowns” who opposed the Cabal, and others who were compromised? Is “Clowns” an inside word Rothschilds use to dismissively reference what they view as lower level slaves they use as pawns and hired help, and this use of it by his antagonist was a covert message that he was one who was involved in the battle? Were there CIA agents who set the stage for the Ultimate Storm, before Brennan purged them from the organization? Or did Brennan never find and purge them, and they are still there, embedded, working to help the Storm come to fruition?

Also notice how it is important to the Rothschild to emphasize he is not “Stupid.” Q is constantly saying, “These people are stupid.” This might be another inside phrase. I suspect as part of their rearing, they are taught that anything which deviates from, or fails to focus upon their bloodline’s perfection and dominance is “stupid,” and Q is ribbing them using their own terminology.

But even more look at the Rothschild’s response, which says essentially that if you have a complaint, you need to bring it through the system. Imagine if they had compromised the courts, the judges, the juries, the clerks, the investigative apparatus, and even all the lawyers, and so on. The Rothschild is trolling his troll-er, saying in essence, there is nothing you can do because we have compromised the very system you would need to present your complaint. We can have our people disappear your evidence, alter any records, and in any case we will own the judge, the jury, our counsel, and probably even your’s. I am sure nobody, save for someone on the inside who knew how far this went, would have understood that communication. He is saying that Mr Canada is helpless because the entire system is already compromised. What I do wonder is, with whom is the Rothschild’s contract supposedly up?

Now fast forward to six years later, and the troll could just as easily be Q, posting of how the Clowns are being purged, and “These people are Stupid.” Very interesting to see the battle which is being revealed today, possibly briefly emerge in an, at that time, almost unrecognizable form on a message board in some rarely travelled part of the internet.

Then there was this comment by the Rothschild, in response to a questioner asking if they are planning a world war:

This is the ERA of the BIG EVENT. Global spectacles where all will be watching, and to some degree, invested. The 9/11 show garnered the sympathy of many of the world’s population…later to be lost, of course. Watch for similar BIG EVENTS coming to a neighborhood near you!

Laughing out Loud!

Of course, the risk of any one human being killed is infinitesimal, but the risk of what is happening every day, every second to your life and odds of survival is 100%, or higher!

The current process is that of grinding wheat kernels into a fine powder, which scatters at the first sign of wind.

Catherine Fitts, a knowing human, has defined the current phenomena as SLOW BURN. Exactly correct. Stress levels are high anticipating the next big thing while the degradation of EVERYTHING continues unnoticed. Wheat into flour.

The boiling frog syndrome.

It might mean they are degrading the structures of society, and the respect of citizens for those structures, to fuel a violent civil war with the migrants when the time comes. Until then they use terrorist attacks to acclimatize the amygdala to big events so minor things like corruption and betrayal of the citizenry do not trigger any amygdala-response or resistance due to desensitization. As we wait for the “big” event we are acclimatized to (but which will have no effect), an even bigger event happens under our nose – the destruction of all of Western civilization, and yet we do not notice it.

He also insinuated that his family has a belief/knowledge that aliens have made it to earth, and that some of them are not visible because they have inserted themselves inside humans, demonic-possession-like, using extraordinarily advanced technology, so as to observe/interact within our society firsthand without being noticed. He scoffed at the idea aliens which had traversed trillions of light years would be limited to technological means of observation of us which required they be visible as they flew over, observing us from a distance. His indication was they would show up invisibly, we would never see them, and they would observe our world using our senses from inside us – and his family believes it is already happening.

In that model, some cases of exorcism would actually be these entities faking being ejected to perpetuate a perception of them as demonic and not aliens. I am not sure if within that belief is the idea that those same aliens could take over a body using technology, thereby running our government through possessed leaders, without anyone knowing it. It is interesting we hear stories of Hillary performing seances so her body could be taken over by the spirits of others, such as in one case Eleanor Roosevelt. I hold no position on any of this, whether it is delusion, misdirection, psychological coping mechanism, demonic possession, or whether we are genuinely in contact with some massively superior technological force. There is neither evidence for it or against it. It is one of those issues where sufficient evidence to conclusively settle on any option 100% is not possible, even if some possibilities feel more likely than others. I can say in some regards I am certain his expressed beliefs are incorrect, so I do not view him or his family’s beliefs as infallible, though I suspect they are not held without significant evidence which would appear in support of them.

And to be clear, I do not doubt Christianity, or God at all, and view his seeming dismissiveness of it as a sign of his own fallibility.

Interestingly, he also says this of Israel:

I don’t suppose it occurs to those zionist (admitted) shits that they would not NEED to defend “israel” if it weren’t a disgusting blight upon the earth.

Seems like the kind of psychology who would put the most craven and corrupt Jews he could find into power to enact their policies – and then receive the blame so when the fire comes, the Jews will be the ones who are fed to it.

So what is the worldview he is referencing so obliquely? And why might they see r/K Theory as a threat?

As best I can tell, he is laying out how they have been raised to view their entire life as a small part of creating a multi-generational bloodline, using selective breeding to try and make their bloodline superior to all others as time goes on. I seem to gather a sense of a quasi-religious belief that that the bloodline they are forming is being perfected for the purpose of serving something else which in their belief system actually runs things, be that a spiritual entity, extraterrestrial entity, or something else, I do not know.

He also seems to hold some belief that once they attain “perfection of the bloodline,” something will happen, perhaps something quasi-religious, such as a prophesy fulfillment of some sort, or perhaps a sense that the work being done on this planet will be done and only they will be “saved,” and taken to be used for their purpose. To that end, for them everything is merely a tool to facilitate perfecting their bloodline. Money is worthless, except as it allows them to accumulate the wealth and power which gives them the ability to freely choose their broodstock by acquiring superior mates. Knowledge is paramount as it is necessary to achieve their goals, and control of it is what truly offers power over everyone else. The masses are sheep, designed to be harnessed, their efforts channeled in such a way that the product they generate produces benefit to the Rothschild’s bloodline’s reproductive advantage and related ability to perform purification of the bloodline by having access to whatever mates they choose.

When he ridicules how a normal person would act if they won the lottery, he is saying they would buy a house, or a car, or even an island for themselves. But if you asked them what they would have spent money on, to see to it that their bloodline was perfected and stronger in 100 years than it was now, they would look at you blankly. Indeed, most people probably do not even think of themselves as part of any sort of bloodline, nor do their familial lines engage in the type of conscious careful selection of mates which could incrementally increase IQ, or strength, or health and vitality. So when winning a lottery, everyone sees the money, and giving it to their kids, or giving their kids the ability to make money in the form of education, or a business. But the path followed by their kid’s underlying genes are completely ignored. They could marry a bimbo, they could fail to reproduce, they could just marry the first “average” girl they happen across, that is not custom-chosen to meld well with their genes, and so on. All of that shortsightedness would lead to failure by the metrics of a bloodline family, since they would not be incrementally accruing beneficial genes in their family’s bloodline.

The key, is that meme, passed from generation to generation. You must create something in the family which will endure, incrementally improve it with each generation, and make every decision based on how to perfect it – in the next generation, and the generations hence. I must confess, it is a powerful idea, and would lend long-term advantage in a world of short-term individualists choosing love based purely upon the heart.

That is why the Rothschild implied they would not see anyone else as a threat – unless they grasped that concept and acted on it with all their might. Even as a lottery winner was handed this great advantage of hundreds of millions of dollars, they would squander it and fail to pass forward anything which would compete with the next generation of the bloodline-oriented families. Indeed, their wealthy kids, raised with ease and resources, would probably be even weaker than they would have been absent the lottery-winnings. And all along the way, nobody was seeking the real power, the information of how to perfect their genes and raise their children to be maximally successful.

And yet the most lowly citizen, grasping that bloodline concept, embracing the long-time-frame outlook, and developing the motivation in their family to pass that idea forward generation to generation, in children who were raised most effectively, would be a potent threat, if the other bloodlines did not get on top of them or subsume them at some point.

Which brings us to the use of DNA testing. I will guarantee you, right here, that somewhere in the world an artificially intelligent system is processing all of the DNA sequences handed over to Anestry.com and 23andMe, digging through it trying to decipher the purpose of all the various alleles it is detecting, and seeking the answer to how to create a superior bloodline. I would not be surprised to find Mendelian geneticists were digging through family trees long before PCR, probably assessing individuals and their traits, and relating them to their family histories or surveillance files, if they were available. I am beginning to wonder if this might be the purpose of the mass surveillance, and if perhaps it goes back much farther than we would believe.

I will bet that had Q and Trump not altered the timeline, someone, somewhere, would have someday taken a DNA test, and somehow ended up marrying into the family, and it would all have seemed like it happened spontaneously. They would never have seen the months and years during which their data was accessed, their lineage analyzed, and they were observed, and then selected. It is a fascinating world they live in, in no small part because they have raised us to not think what they do is possible, or likely, when in reality millennia of Darwinism would dictate that it is probably unavoidable somebody would be doing it. I hope we get a fuller picture as the Storm plays out.

One other thought I had that was interesting. The Rothschild implied that bloodline-oriented families scoff at the idea of marrying out of race, for IQ-related reasons. And yet the Queen, whom he implied is heavily bloodline-oriented (and even had relatives with less desirable traits culled from her bloodline – locked away in asylums, labeled in the records as dead and disappeared before they could breed), the Queen allowed Harry to marry Megan. It was briefly puzzling to me given their beliefs, until I realized this:

Harry was not of the bloodline. He was the product of Diana and some plebe, so the Queen used him to promote the interracial meme, which a bloodline family will think is useful to their kind, to prevent the “perfection” of capable rival bloodlines. There is even talk, perhaps a trial balloon, indicating the Queen may not allow Harry’s child to carry the Royal title. The Queen probably is happy to remove some of Diana, whom she likely views as filled with “troublesome” traits, out of the royal bloodline, as she sees Harry made useful to the bloodline, promoting a bloodline-destroying meme upon others. I assume were Q and Trump to not destroy the bloodline-oriented families, Harry’s children’s marriages were already destined to be directed out of the Royal bloodline, assuming they didn’t covertly give Megan some sort of sterilizing/abortifacient drug.

The irony is Harry and William are far superior by our group-centric metrics than the rest of that family, and yet by the metrics of the inbreeding bloodline family, he must be removed. Oddly enough I am not certain the bloodline family’s protectionism of their bloodline is not superior from a Darwinian perspective, though whether that is genetics or the meme is probably arguable.

Interestingly, the Rothschild makes it quite clear that r-selected career girls are also quite damaging to the bloodline-pursuit, as is the embrace of low IQ migrants, the destruction of Christianity, the acclimatization to mass corruption at the highest levels, the elimination of patriotism, the destruction of the traditional family unit, and everything else SJWs stand for. I find that interesting, because you can almost look at what our culture is promoting today, and see the exact opposite of what these bloodline-oriented families believe is necessary for success. And the Rothschild essentially says in the interview, that is all purposeful, as he scoffs at the idiots who embrace it and promote it, and in doing so hand them victory.

The question is, are all of those pro-girl-power, inter-racial, ultra-leftist, pro-migrant, anti-trad-family leftists, in every facet of everything from News Media, to artistic/culture endeavors, to academia, to government, to powerful companies, just happening to espouse exactly – exactly – what the most powerful families in the world would want them to espouse in order to destroy everyone else’s bloodline? Is it purely coincidence? Are they programmed through persuasion of their weak minds? Or are they part of something which has issued them clear and direct orders, and which will reward them in some way for sabotaging everything that has any potential for greatness around them? No way to know for certain now.

This may be why r/K Theory has gotten such attention. K is its own form of a potentially unifying bloodline-concept, in the form of a meme that could be infectious among the K-strategists of the world. If we could create some recognition that K is a genetic trait to be nurtured not just in offspring through teaching, but in bloodlines through careful mate-selection, it could be a powerful, reality-affecting meme. By uniting all K’s in one bloodline, the K-bloodline would also have a high degree of diversity within it, which would be a potent advantage as competitive selection culled through the diverse ranks of K’s, sorting out the absolute very best with the absolute very best.

It would also carry with it the potential to encode the K-behaviors and family structures intellectually within the families who adopt the meme. Imagine combining what the Rothschilds had in terms of resources and purpose, with a Warrior’s spirit, and capability to do anything, embrace anything, accept anything, even sacrifice themselves for the cause, without fear. Then do it within a system which, by virtue of its conceptual-nature, and competitive-K-structure, would inherently draw in a wide variety of diverse trait-producing alleles, pit them against each other in Darwinian battle, and only allow the best to pass forward to the next bloodline. It would even serve as a quasi-belief system to imbue the next generation with a K-psychology and rearing strategy.

I am fiercely curious if the bloodline concept could be encoded in a meme, and then spontaneously self-assemble a competing bloodline-structure, perhaps more powerful than the current inbred-models. It would need to include within it a full suite of counter-intelligence-related data and skills, designed to confront threats ranging from surveillance by enemies such as the bloodline families, to infiltration by enemies, to performing surveillance and infiltration of potential enemies on an offensive basis and using the tools of intelligence against them.

This interview does not bode well for the spread of the concept of r/K however. The Rothschild implies that as part of the deterioration of the populace’s capabilities, regular books and ideas with good information are routinely suppressed, and supplanted with drivel which will not advance the populace’s capabilities at all. He even references how the Vatican library is filled with books which contain the real information, which are not available anywhere else. Notice how Vault-Co made reference to exactly the same thing. He even said much of his knowledge came from acquiring a large box of rare books, through the estate of a weird, abnormally tall, large-headed man with red hair. It makes me think in 100 years there may be a copy of Evo-Psych in the Vatican library, but almost nobody else will ever have heard of it or the ideas it promotes. I am still puzzled nobody ever connected r/K to politics, through all of these intervening decades.

There is a horrifying thought this interview brought to mind though. Throughout the commentary, this Rothschild has repeatedly made reference to his family’s view that non-bloodline-obsessed humans are somehow worth less than them, and that they are entitled to do as they please because of “Natural Law.” He makes oblique reference to the migrant importations, the cultural degeneracy, the rise of corruption as all being their doing through their knowledge and use of the tools of mass psychological manipulation. In his view, it is not only proper for his family to destroy everyone else, they have some sort of natural imperative to do it, just as the lion must attack the gazelle as part of his life-course.

It is horrifying to me because if you examine that psychology, that destruction of other humans does not have to be limited to such passive means as described above. Decades back I saw the study which said regular exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin among organic farmers who sprayed it on crops regularly, produced an aggressive allergic reaction to the protein toxin, which itself is designed to essentially dissolve insect gastrointestinal tracts into goo.

Fast forward decades, and we have spliced the genes for the toxin into the very cells of food products from corn to grains, so that it cannot be removed by processing. That protein, which kills insects by destroying the integrity of their gastrointestinal membranes, is now in everything from bread, to cereals, to pastas, to corn syrup sweetener. Notice in the commentary by the Rothschild, he talks about the necessity of producing your own food today. I strongly suspect that somewhere in the Black Forest may be a secret farming operation that supplies the bloodline families with food that is not so contaminated. The Rothschild as much as confirms this, saying one reason he is so healthy is he produces all of his own food. He even states he only drinks distilled water which he distills himself using copper coils. I find that interesting as it is illegal to own a still in the US, supposedly for fear it could be use to distill alcohol for consumption.

And once you go there, you will begin to wonder about everything else, from the Flu vaccine they tell everyone to get each year, to the chemtrails people say they feel sicker after seeing, to the Fluoride in water that is established as lowering IQ, to the Roundup that is in everything today, to radiation from cell towers, to medications they sell to everyone that have horrific side effects, to the opiate problem, to the things we may not even know about that they put in everything the plebes eat and drink and are exposed to in the air and the electromagnetic spectrum. If destroying all of Western Civilization is fine according to natural law, then poisoning, contaminating, and irradiating everyone else, person by person, has to be acceptable too – and they have the resources and capability to make it happen as well. It is even possible they are out there, looking for the gazelles when they are young, and preemptively acting to take them out if they might pose a threat. There is no telling how deep things may go, or what we may all have been exposed to already.

He also references what his kind calls PCE’s, or Perception Changing Events. He says they are mass-events which are produced to alter societal perceptions in such a way as to facilitate a certain change in public attitudes or perceptions. He cites 9/11 as one, presumably designed to usher in a perceptual shift more open to a surveillance state that watches everyone and an all powerful government that has a free hand to deal with dissidents/terrorists. After Clinton, we on the right were not exactly trusting of government, and yet in a year there was an entire department named “Homeland Security” the “Patriot Act” was Law, surveillance was everywhere, and government could even drone citizens, and imprison undesirables in blacksites off US Soil. Those things are fine, if your leaders are American patriots loyal to our citizens. But if it is some bloodline family in the Black Forest which believes humans are like ants, and patriotic citizens are an obstacle to their bloodline’s perfection, not so much.

As I close this post, I realize the idea of a K-bloodline, perpetuated by an established rearing protocol designed to further the K-trait may be a dangerous concept, in a world I now just accept that I do not know the boundaries in. I ask those who read this idea keep it alive on their own. Embody it in your life with your own offspring, and try to promote it where you can online and among friends. If it were to not reach maturity here, try to bring it to maturity elsewhere.

The greatness it could produce would be worth the effort.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the journey of a thousand genetic miles begins with a single gene

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Decline, In-grouping, ITZ, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, Rearing Differences. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

A substantial amount of information to process here, AC, both in your post and the transcript. It will take several re-readings on my part to fully understand the complexities involved. I will note two items that immediately came to mind.

First, some Freemasons and Masonic scholars (most of whom are regarded as “fringe thinkers” within Masonry) assert the belief that the Masonic fraternity and the Masonic symbolism and rituals exist throughout time to perpetuate a “royal bloodline.” Some take a divine route, e.g. the bloodline of Christ (e.g., The Da Vinci Code and the works by Scott Wolter.)

However, more interesting and relevant here is the route that fewer take in their research, that of a Masonic preservation of a “Merovingian” bloodline. This bloodline is regarded as spanning across millenia, working to preserve itself through selective and behind-the-scenes acquisitions of wealth and power through a network of inter-bred families. I’ve read many papers and books alluding to the use of Freemasonry and its associated bodies as a front or screening group to identify potential new members – and enemies – of this royal bloodline, whether it be Merovingian or not.

This leads to my second item: Your reference to “Architects.” Recall that in Freemasonry, God is consistently referred to as the “Grand Architect of the Universe,” and that its rituals and symbolism are related to building and architecture.

I’m not attempting to peddle Masonic conspiracies here. It’s just something that came to mind in my first read-through.

Mycroft Jones
Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

Interesting thing about that post… I’ve heard at least one Jewish person say in casual conversation, unprompted, “the Germans will be the last ones standing”. And I think he meant it in the sense of the struggle between bloodlines described in that document.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

This is very related:

Basically, Jews have declared ad literal blood-line war against the Amalekites/Amaleks and they consider the German to be those, and they have called for the literal genocide of ALL Germans in the 40’s.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
6 years ago

“..the Germans will be the last ones standing”.

With reference to AC’s comments on the British Royal Family, they are not British. Queen Anne had no progeny so the first foreign Monarchs were the Dutch William and Mary from the House of Orange who were invited to take the throne. Then starting with George I we have been ‘ruled’ by the German House of Hanover until the present day. If my memory is correct the ancient bloodline is the Welf or Welph, another one originating in Bavaria. Germany is the modern name for the larger geographic area.

All European Royal Families are connected and that also includes Russia where Tsars married into Western European families.

As for our Queen’s bloodline, Diana Spencer was from an ancient English family. Much older than our current Monarch’s family. She was chosen deliberately via her grandmother Lady Fermoy a lady in waiting to the Queen Mother due to her lineage and virginity. Selective breeding, no doubt. Though interestingly William has been allowed to marry outside of the aristocracy so I’m not sure it was for breeding purposes unless there’s some unknown element in the Middleton family.

Reply to  Rossa
6 years ago

The Middleton family is very large, there are many different lines.
*cough cough*
Some foreign who took the name, some not who gave the name, some who never outbred, but the foreign tried to marry into Brits.

Reply to  Mycroft Jones
4 years ago

Interesting. At the Denver airport there is a picture of a man in a German uniform talking guns from other nations.

6 years ago

My opinion on the bloodlines.

They are trying to purify their bloodlines and get back to a pure source bloodline.

A couple specific passages he/she discussed RH negative and that its not a mutation (inherited). RH negative means you dont have the monkey blood in you. Logically implying, RH negative would be decended from the source and not a mixed hybrid. Their goal could be to get to back to 100% genetic purity.

Do they believe a pure bloodline would have special powers or greater intelligence?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Due to the date…. i wonder if he is referring to the 16 year plan to kill America and the associated nuking and population reduction.

6 years ago

Also, that link with the alledged Rothschild reminded me of this interview which ended with the interviewee (Harold Rosenthal) killed one month latter:

http://archive.vn/RkL3D “The Hidden Tyranny”

Like you AC, I do not believe that the Eye of Providence which the Cabal feeds can be summed up as “the Jews”, but what I do KNOW is that Jewish COLLECTIVE power is the main tool in the tool box of the Cabal in the West.

This is why its so important to terminate ALL Jewish GROUP power in the West ASAP, take away one of the Cabal’s main weapons. We are not operators so we can’t go around shooting bad guys, we are not agents so we can’t go around spying on bad guys and building cases, BUT what WE CAN do as civilians is to redpill as many people as we can about the tools of the cabal, and propose peaceful, fair, just and effective solutions for destroying said tools.

Reposting because everyone should read:

The peaceful and fair solution to this issue of jewish group subversion of Western nations:
Educate the general population world-wide about the jewish supremacism issue and Israeli crime;
Ban all jewish interest groups in the West;
Ban all dual-citizenship politicians and judiciary in the West;
Cut all aid to israel;
Ban islam in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Ban judaism in the West because it is a supremacist ideology (make it illegal to: practice circumcision for religious purposes and; produce and/or sell Halal meat);
Terminate all “hate”-speech and “hate”-crime laws in the West, all hate speech and hate crime laws need to be done with, its a mechanism of censorship that thrives on false flags. ;
Terminate censorship online, so people can educate each other on the matter and lies and false narratives can’t take hold again;
Include the real history and facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime in school programs so future generations are protected against it in the future, given that the biggest weapon of jewish subversion is ignorance, censorship and the memory holing of the facts about it.
Last but not least, audit and then end/reform the FED so the people don’t get pimped into oblivion by it no more.

6 years ago

Did Vault-Co mention the names of the books?

Reply to  Bman
6 years ago

The Lost Book of Enki is one, I think. Others are mostly news reports over the years, and his conclusions were on his website.

Man in the Middle
Man in the Middle
6 years ago

Seems like there is an inherent weakness in the bloodline strategy. Even if proper pairing for bloodline could optimize all the traits sought, it does nothing for the unknown unknowns, the traits that are important, but not noticed. Likewise, unwanted side effects, such as Hemophilia, more common among inbred aristocracies.

We can also see this in the animal kingdom. Several varieties of purebred dogs have characteristic illnesses and weaknesses, such that it might be easier to find an entirely healthy dog from among the mongrels in a shelter than from a special breeder.

No Name
No Name
Reply to  Man in the Middle
6 years ago

Don’t think about it in terms of selecting for normal healthy features. Think of it more in terms of the connections amongst the individuals within that blood line. The power of the blood line as a social network.

6 years ago

When you speak of bloodlines, you remind me that I am the last of mine: No siblings, and no progeny thanks to having caught a batted line drive square in the crotch in the last baseball game I ever played, at age thirteen. Now that I am seventy-four, this gives me the freedom no longer to be emotionally involved. When my present incarnation expires, I know not whither, or among whom, I will reincarnate.

A friend of mine subscribes to the theory that Rh- blood is alien blood in the form of extraterrestrial human beings among us here on Earth.

6 years ago

I had to set this post aside until I have time to give it a full read.

You mentioned currency as electricity. That set off something in my brain, so I went to William Cooper’s “Behold, A Pale Horse”. In Chapter 1, “Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars”, Cooper presents a document supposedly found in a used copier that claims to be a manual for the elite. Around page 47, it lays out a code of using electrical terms to describe money flowing through the economy. Not sure if anything is there, but this forum archive you found seems to lend some credence to what Cooper published.

On the subject of bloodlines, I’m starting to wonder if there is something to this radical individualism that has been pushed on us for at least 3 generations now, probably to dissolve our family and civilizational bonds. I think others notice this whether they connect it to anything or not. Vox Day has been hammering Jordan Peterson’s preaching of this doctrine lately.

Reply to  Eric
6 years ago

I came to that conclusion about money a while back, think of it as the electrons flowing in a circuit, as in, it only does work as it’s moving, and due to inflation, just like a battery loses charge as it’s stored…money loses value likewise.

6 years ago

1 Corinthians 1:27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;

Also, natural law is usually attributed to a Divine being giving us certain rights. Not the elites.

I appreciate the thought – fractals was a creative way of phrasing it! – you put into your articles. I see things after reading your posts that I wouldn’t on my own.

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

That was incredible AC. Thank you.

6 years ago

Wow. Great post AC, lots to think about.

6 years ago

Seems like a better bloodline strategy than one currently pursued by the Cabal.

”By uniting all K’s in one bloodline, the K-bloodline would also have a high degree of diversity within it, which would be a potent advantage as competitive selection culled through the diverse ranks of K’s, sorting out the absolute very best with the absolute very best.”

Since K-selected species like ours involves complex genetic sequences. Its better that a general selection for quality of ever increasing intensity gradually over time continually takes place rather than interbreeding and inbreeding that those “Elites” undertake. And binning a lot of genetic potential through their “Eugenic” policies.

Having ample genetic diversity prevents risk of extinction by enabling enough flexibility to adapt present in our genetic lineages.

Its observable that humans seem to primarily be able to drive K-selected species extinct. But r-selected species are almost impossible to get rid of through in comparison. Etc Sabre-tooth tigers going extinct but ants and mosquitoes not so much.

Reply to  info
6 years ago

We need a good war. or pandemic. or to cut off all welfare.
Those malthusian traps should thin the r-herd.

6 years ago

My first thought upon reading this was actually Dune. Old Herbert, of course, had a fascination for both secret extra-governmental groups (the Bureau of Sabotage) and for long term bloodline planning (Dune, Hellstrom’s Hive, etc.).

It’s been a while since I have seen a copy of Hellstrom’s Hive on a bookstore shelf now that I think about it. A bit too close to “present day” for that kind of plot?

White Guy
White Guy
6 years ago

AC, here is another ‘link’ in a chain that, coupled with what you just posted makes a whole bunch of sense.

I come from the belief that scripture is true and everything else should come from that point of origin, these families that seek to purify their bloodlines are trying to capture what was lost from the Flood.

So when Jesus was speaking to a group and told them they are the sons of the Devil, he might not have been speaking in metaphor.

I also noticed that he kept referring to “Natural Law” at the beginning of those posts to justify their actions, seeking ‘perfection’ of the bloodline. Sounds a lot like the schemes of the devil. Telling Eve, you can be like God.

There are no ‘space aliens’ that possess these people, this is a cover to prevent people for actually believing what is spoken about in scripture. These are fallen angels who have violated Gods boundaries. The Devil is prince of this world, why wouldn’t he set up a network to create his perfection on his world?

Duke Norfolk
Duke Norfolk
Reply to  White Guy
6 years ago

Yes indeed. It all smells of sulfur, and Satan. I never would have thought this way until quite recently. My eyes are being opened to the evil that walks the Earth.

6 years ago

I remember reading that thread a few years ago. It kinda reminded me of “Die sheeple, die” by the Honorable DJ Hives, although the discussion in the thread was far more focused on the bloodlines concept.
Really interesting stuff. Made me depressed back then. Words like silvery poison.

Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

“Harry was not of the bloodline. He was the product of Diana and some plebe”

Is Prince Charles a plebe? (not of the correct bloodline)

Or is Prince Charles not really the father of Harry and William?

Reply to  Mountain Farmer
6 years ago

The photo on the right looks like Major James Hewitt who had an affair with Diana. Problem with the question of Harry’s parentage, is that they didn’t meet until after Harry was born. If you look at pictures of Prince Phillip as a young man he has reddish blonde hair and red beard. Very similar to Harry with a beard, so more like a throwback to his Grandfather’s ancestry. While he was a member of the deposed Greek Royal Family, he was of Germanic descent through the Mountbattens.

It didn’t really matter who Harry married. The line of succession is secure through William and his 3 children. Mind you, if Q is right we may not have a Monarch in future if it can be shown what they have been involved in.

6 years ago

Seems to me it would be easier to identify desirable bloodlines by creating a virus or disease that targets and wipes out large swaths of those those are inferior. On another note one of my siblings sent his blood off to 23 and me for testing. I was pissed but what I did notice on his report was that his % for American Indian was less than 1%. This is surprising to me since we have a full blooded Indian great grand parent. Makes me wonder if they’re keeping the real results for themselves and sending back false reports especially since for most people it’s just for curiosity purposes.

Reply to  Cyrus
6 years ago

Maybe one of your parents isn’t telling you boys something…

Reply to  Cyrus
6 years ago

The results are made up, they want the DNA for database power and research purposes, you give them a right to research with the data. The % thing is like a mood ring, random. Twins get wildly different ‘results’ as do different providers.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
5 years ago

so the science and services are hijacked as I have long suspected
we should make money and invest in independent laboratories and universities deep and high in the mountains …
scientists, who would breakway from this made up world

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

It leads one to understand why the NSA was kept so incredibly secret for so long even while becoming so big and powerful. It also leads to questions of how Bamford got his information and who was supporting him.

6 years ago

I read the “Rofschild” threads shortly before stumbling upon the Law of One conversations with Ra. There seemed to be a tremendous amount of overlap between the two. The Architect group being the ones who pursue the “service to self” path. I don’t have the time but a thorough mapping of the core concepts of each body of work and comparison for consistency could be interesting.

6 years ago

“Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.”

What all the legit real-deal spiritual lights have done is go through the process of Enlightenment. This process, of the body being able to handle the higher, more rapid, more intense vibrations of ‘consciousness beyond thought’, is a bio-chemical process carried on by mental means. The mind transforms the body and creates an absolutely perfect physical instrument, infinitely adaptable moment to moment, which can then, by the universal energy it channels and directs, control space and time. This ability is 100% not heritable. It (The Kingdom) can only be achieved (inherited) by an individual and it cannot be passed on genetically (blood). If the Cabal’s goal is a “perfected bloodline” which will allow those born into it to become part of an all-powerful race that controls space and time by virtue of a perfect physical instrument (laugh at that), then they have truly fulfilled the definition of evil: satan is god upside down.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

He dissed fiat money but that’s because they control the issue of it. What if we had another model? What if the Federal government issued all money and tied it to economic growth? As it is now, most here know this, the FED lends money to us and we pay them interest. They give us nothing in return and since all money is debt based it’s mathematically impossible to pay off the debt. To pay debt you must have more money for the interest…which you can only get by…borrowing more money. The system is inherently unstable as the debt compounds but the economy doesn’t.

What he is saying when he blames us for the state of things is that we let them get away with it. This really not an honorable way to relate to others. It’s not civilized. He talks of the “natural order” but if everything was like that then there would be no civilization as everyone would be at each others throats. He talks like a psychopath. Blames others for letting him prey on them.

They lie to us, cheat us and blame us for our lack of knowledge of the situation…that they create.

6 years ago

AC, The Rofschild is signed off. but had you been aware of him then, what question (or few questions) would you put to him?

That question is the more important part of this verbose comment. If interested please read below…I considered making it a separate comment.

I am not sure your ‘counter them with K bloodline’ would or could work. I interpret his writing as very K-ish, not at all r-ish. I think he views us as pretty r-ish. He views us (and our bloodlines) foolishly going about our lives like rabbits in a big field of grass while not paying attention to what is going to prey on us.

Or perhaps a different animal analogy…he views himself as the dominant male lion leading (architecting) a global pride of lions, and we are beta or delta males, whose lines will be denied the opportunity to breed, so in a few generations, all the lions will be his heirs, and only his heirs. He thinks we foolishly are paying so much attention to our current social status and FRNs…we aren’t paying attention to what matters in the course of generations. So he is ‘architecting’ what he thinks the best possible lion 10 generations from now looks like…and remarkably, he thinks it looks a lot more like him than us.

And to your point….he may be right in that it is inevitable that someone is going to do it (his natural law point) and so it might as well be his bloodline that ‘wins’ (his free will point) We/our bloodlines could be competing in that arena, it is not his bloodline’s fault that our bloodlines are not preparing for the inevitable fight in accordance with what he sees as natural law.

It also pulled something from Q’s board to the front of my mind, there was an anon asserting that NWO was Natural World Order….a world according to this dark interpretation of natural law. This Natural World Order with ‘them’ on top, and us on the bottom, and ultimately, them surviving and us not.

6 years ago

The anime “Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet” extrapolates on r/K selection, though not by that name.

It is discovered in the story that the aquatic-looking “aliens” that humanity fights in the far future are actually descendants of genetically modified humans who sought to adapt humanity biologically to life in space.

The hero of the story is struck with the moral complication of having been bred and trained to kill other humans, and wonders if peace can ever be brokered, but he is quickly reminded that the creatures he fought had completely abandoned their humanity in order to pursue biological perfection, and that the two branches of humanity cannot coexist because they hold mutually exclusive views on what the future of humanity should look like.

In biologically adapting to life in space, the one branch of humanity tapped into essentially infinite resource supplies, and since the basis of their adaptations were inheritable and they were not sterile, they went r-selected to the extreme.

The “mainline” humans thus had to develop their individual skills, conditioning, and technology to act as a force multiplier, and even bake these into the structure of civilization, just to compete, and thus represented K-selection to the extreme.

This otherwise average anime is definitely worth checking out and sharing, if only for the “what if” seeds and conversation starters that it enables, and how it portrays a possible outcome of r/K selection for humanity.

6 years ago

AC, only just this post.
I read the Roff thread a couple of years ago, it’s definitely legitimate.

I now this because he describes the next monetary system and says it’s all ready to go.
I’m a professional monetary geek by chance and can confirm this is the case, and the new system will be implemented in full in 2032, with a major step toward it within 2 years ( euro and gold revaluation).

Jehovah uses a lot of gold in the tabernacle, so his enemy and followers covet all of the works gold. And they invert all of Jehovahs laws .

The funny thing is, really funny, they know they lose eventually, and individually too, as they miss out on eternal bliss in heaven, and the bloodline of Jesus Christ, Christians don’t care about material matters, and will be blessed with eternal bliss.

That’s the counterintuitive nature of the faith, we suffer for it here, whilst the Roffs revel in their power.

6 years ago

I didn’t know rhesus-neg was that rare in America…. it’s not rare here.
Most people in my area are. White people.
I knew it was important for good looks and intellect, and I have observed this. Something about a cleaner immune system? I’ve never been treated as better for it, but I heard that might be what blue blood REALLY is (among whites). We also happen to be paler.

5 years ago

Look, Mayan blood, Redbone. I don’t know where it came from, but we got it. So,,, ,who corrupted the File on 11-11-2010. Read Euler. Consider the “Riemann Hypothesis”, circa 1859 solved and Bitcoin toast. Algo;s’ with Expo;s’??? ? someone missed the negative sign on the exponent

5 years ago

And, Can we locate Grigorio Pearlman, He solved it, all we did was Reverse Engineer what he and Hamilton had done versus the Chinese .049999……degree Angle. Impossible??? ?No. Difficult??? ?Yes. Hidden Figures,,, ,OLD MATH WINS AGAIN. Is it possible someone can give us a platform to show all this information (our digital artwork needs to be seen). Picture is worth a Trillion words,,, ,please help. NON-TRIVIAL ZERO;S’





5 years ago

[…] Update: Anonymous Conservative also found the discussion wiv A. Rofschild fascinating. […]

Nigel Ford
Nigel Ford
5 years ago

In accordance to the first paragraph you posted, are there any other articles / posts of great intrigue that led to ‘fractal-like downloads of permanent perspective-changing?’

I, too, spent days or weeks perusing and even studying this thread and consider it to be of great import for anyone hoping to broaden their perspective about what’s possible and what’s likely going on out there.

However, I’ve also found that it’s hard to find anything comparatively ‘juicy.’ Any recommendations for other good, life-changing reads?

Nigel Ford
Nigel Ford
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Thank you very much for the detailed response! I will check out Chameleo. I haven’t heard much from Qanon since they were banned from Reddit, though – not sure where to find updates!

3 years ago

For anyone else returning to read this extraordinary piece here’s a link to the Rofschild posts:


Thanks to Commenter – Macaque Mentality – for the link.