I thinking about another change to the site. I am increasingly realizing I can not have much of an effect as a single site operator filling a single moderator/source role with a moderated discussion. I am also realizing I have amassed interesting observations over my life, but I have pretty much dumped everything I have on the community here, so now I am either reduced to repeating old content and wasting reader time, or trying to do what every other site operator does, and pick and choose what to put in front of people myself. One other option exists – open the site to everyone posting in a forum style, and letting what are very highly intelligent people hash out the issues far better than I can alone.
I will still post news articles as now but each will be stand alone, with the exception of daily Q-rundowns when he posts, and Trump’s twitterfeed which would get its own post each day. The improvement would be the individual articles I post will be on equal footing with articles posted by everyone else who wants to hit up the site’s viewership and put what they think is important in front of it. Lembro, Farce, Phelps, Sam, and a ton of others can obviously do what I do in their sleep.
4Chan is great, but the shills have diluted the great content to the point it takes hours to wade through meaningless material and find it. So I see the moderation here being like it is now, with almost no moderation, even with overtly objectionable material and fighting between members, but maybe with slightly less tolerance for concern trolls, shills, slides, utterly meaningless banter meant to dilute, and so on. Ideally, it would be what 4Chan is, absent the 85-90% which is the CIA/Cabal/spook interference. After two weeks, I may turn off moderation and there will be spam, but I will just have to come in and delete it after the fact. I set up a spam filter on it, but I have no idea if it will quash comments from legit posters, or let spam through, and it will take a week or so to see once the bots online find the site and begin hitting it to find out.
The downsides are a few. If this site becomes a real place for shill-free discussion, it will be a threat to the machine’s narrative control, and become more of a target for disruption, and it could end up shut down somehow, ala 8ch. It will also end up more like other forums, differentiated only by a possibly more effective intolerance for Shillery and Cabal-manipulation, and a much higher IQ posting community. However I think the overall content would be better than what it is now. As it is I often see more interesting links in the comments than I find. Plus, I think the only way to have a real effect is to amass like minded people in a single place and prevent them from being subverted.
I’ve set up a test forum here, where people can post. What I am thinking is news stories are posted as a one sentence summary linked to the article. I can also set up other forums for blog posts if people want to link to their own opinion pieces, or even other topics.
See what you think.
How about doing a moderated group on Gab?
This sounds like a great idea.
There are a shit load of people online who know about the r/K theory, you can bet it would amass a pretty big audience, and the content would spill into the audience on gab that still hasn’t been exposed to it.
100% agree. I was going to suggest moving to gab for the new format you propose, and make fewer changes to this site.
I’m on Gab every day and there are quite a few people who talk about r/K. Would love to see a Gab group for r/K. With over a million people on Gab it’s a big audience and the reach is a lot further than that. Good way to spread the word.
It’s an interesting idea but I would suggest that it be kept separate but linked somehow.
I would love to be able to hold forum discussions with the other posters here in real time but I would hate to see this blog die because it became a bigger target like 8Chan.
And I feel like the blog post comments make it easier to have the links and commentary posted on the comments get more views than if they were to be compartmentalized behind more links (which force the audience to execute more clicks, and you always lose audience to a content the more clicks you put between the content and the landing page for the user).
My suggestion to AC: I think you should see how the forum thing experiment goes, but still operate the blog in the same manner you are (and keep the comments open, me personally, I would still use the comment section of the posts in the same manner, and post on the forum the individual links that I might use in the comments). And regarding the repetition thing, think about it this way: repetition is a good thing, and not a waste of time at all because:
you are constantly getting new people on the site, and they aren’t as familiar with the concepts and your way to break things apart as we have became, and it would be a good thing for them to be exposed to your style of posting you’ve had until now like we where (I think otherwise you’d be increasing the difficulty of their “learning curve”, so to speak, regarding the way you break apart things);
even for old timers, repetition is a good thing because we can’t have a 100% clean information diet, and just like exercising for improvement and maintenance of skills and attributes begets consistent repetition, keeping our way of thinking working in a certain way also requires that (and it’s not only about the thinking part of our psyche, but also the emotional and subconsious part). I think the blog format with the comment section is a pretty great “daily training” in this way of analyzing things, and that it would be a bad thing to lose that daily re-enforcement aspect of it (like I said, the blog posts require only one click to see the whole sequence and commentary, the forum posts put more clicks between user and content, and that has an impact on how many will view it and be influenced by it (I know it might sound stupid, but I am always also thinking from the perspective of the new user who might not be that familiar with the type of content, I think it’s beneficial to give the new user as much exposure to the good stuff as possible with as little clicks in order to get the most out of his landing before he might decide to leave and give his attention to something else)).
Also AC, I think you should create a drop-down menu on the header button/link that says “blog” so you can include a direct link to the comments page.
Another thing AC, if you can create a pastebin document ( https://pastebin.com/ ) with the links to all your articles and blog posts, I could run all off them thru the archiving sites (archive.is and archive.org/web , probably there are more) so that even if the cabal fags attack your site, we have the archives in place ( Heartiste didn’t archive his posts like that, and it was a pain in the ass when he was down because lots of shit from him that I wanted to link to people and couldn’t because I hadn’t thought about archiving his stuff (I thought he wouldn’t get taken down) ).
It is a good point about one link. And I’ll get to the comments button.
Agreed. A forum could be very productive.
It’s an interesting idea. I hope you’ll leave RSS functionality intact. When you incorporated comments into an RSS feed, it revolutionized my ability to keep up with the site.It may be an old (~20 year) technology, but I still rely on it heavily.
I’ve enjoyed the ability to see the comments on your posts without having to remember to go to the site and check each individual post, which is too much work for me on an average day.
I don’t know if I’d personally have much time to keep up with a forum, but being able to see the comments has me interested in what some of the other minds here will contribute to it. You’ll have to heavily moderate it though. I enjoyed what I was able to learn when I got on Q”s board, but the shilling and gay porn was excessive.
Your daily summaries are like drinking from the firehose. Not sure how much more I can handle, but I’m glad to tag along for the ride, and thanks for having me.
Goodness, AC, I don’t know how you do it. Your work redoubles my resolve and courage. But I understand that your Sisyphean efforts shame us all. (Who among us hasn’t hit “refresh” a dozen-or-so times at 6:15 a.m.?) Whatever works for you works for us—as long as you are somewhere we can hit refresh a few dozen times to find.
Roger that. Amazing amount of quality work put out to us daily. How fortunate we are!
Too true! Plus those days when the site isn’t working properly and all of us praying that ‘they’ didn’t finally get you.
The forum could use some more sub-forums besides “News”.
Here are some ideas:
r/K Science
Philosophy/Government Theory
Prepping/Self Defense
Site Issues
Don’t mess with success. I made this site a daily visit because you managed to collect most of the tidbits I’d see elsewhere anyway. (I gave up on 8chan monitoring because 95% of the key items were here).
VoxDay is another daily stop, as is Zerohedge, and when 8chan and Q return (welcome back!) also on the daily agenda.
But please don’t make a forum a replacement. Way too much investment time. I really like the links, and even if I’m aware of 80% as “same thing different day” it’s the 20% newly on the radar that I’ve valued.
I don’t 100% agree with your worldview, but the truth will out, and you’ve certainly made a great case at times.
Agree generally with the don’t mess with success formula, although I would love more long form work from you as well. Your daily links are for me what instapundit was about a decade and a half ago. Must go to daily to find out what I should be aware of.
I would say if you (AC) need help, as for it. If you need moderators for comments, some will step up. If you would have a few trusted commenters move up to posters to add to the content flow, that would be fine.
But if you open it up too much to the public (forum), you will be buried in trolls and disinfo/discrediting ops. I think it will put the core site at risk. As commenters, especially if moderated away if troublesome, you’re protected. If you let the world on, they will simultaneously post midget tranny child porn, and complain about the midget tranny child porn on AC to any and every link in the chain like your DNS, hosting, ISP etc.
I think you have to keep it tight. Not necessarily one man tight, but small group tight.
Good luck, and thank you for all you do.
“MK Ultra was done on servicemen who volunteered to serve their country and made the mistake of trusting in it.”
Jason Bourne?
Sorry AC. The above comment is in the wrong place.
As for changing the site, I think the current format is working. I read your daily post, and then go to the previous day’s comments and learn more. If you are getting spam and crap posts, then they are hidden well!
Q has said that movie was close to reality. I could see if they said, “Hey, let us do this hypnosis and it will make you even more calm and focused when the shit goes down. You’ll be better, calmer, and it will be like time slowed down for you,” I would have agreed, thinking it would be just a normal part of training.
That records fire could have been from the period before they were able to identify the most hypnotizable candidates. There may have been a lto fo guys there who were not hypnotizable who they were afraid would become a problem if they started talking.
I think hypnosis for soldier performance enhacement might have been tested/used during the Vietnam War, I say this because there is this AMAZING military sci-fi book called “Forever War”, written by a Vietnam war veteran:
The novel is widely perceived to be a portrayal of the author’s military service during the Vietnam War, and has been called an account of his war experiences written through a space opera filter.[5] Other hints of the autobiographical nature of the work are the protagonist’s surname, Mandella, which is a near-anagram of the author’s surname; Mandella being a physics student, like Haldeman, as well as the name of the lead female character, Marygay Potter, which is nearly identical to Haldeman’s wife’s maiden name. If one accepts this reading of the book, the alienation experienced by the soldiers on returning to Earth – here caused by the time dilation effect – becomes a clear metaphor for the reception given to US troops returning to America from Vietnam
There is a scene on the book, when the Humans finally face off the aliens, where the author descrives how the “”combat conditioning” hypnotic conditioning kicks in, and he describes what it is, how the characters had it done to them, and what the purpose is.
The whole book is amazing, mindblowing, and extremely captivating, and I recommend everyone to read it or listen to the audiobook if you can.
Are you familiar with Vox Day’s site? With swift, ruthless moderation, the comments are worth reading. You will need to be that swift and ruthless.
Rather than a free-for-all forum, I’d suggest selecting several contributors you can trust, and letting them post. Open comments with moderation, but limited posting. You need to be ready to pull the plug on posters and commenters if they violate your standards.
As the forum develops, some posters and commenters are going to out themselves as drama queens and you need to weed them out, some commenters are going earn trust and become posters.
Doing a forum as you described would be a great addition to your site, but changing your blog would be a negative move in my opinion. Everyday I look forward to your analysis of the headlines and the potential connection to the cabal and relationship of the r/K theory. I’d rather not have to look through tons of other comments to be able to find your views on a subject. Another way to put it: when something is great, why would you want to mess with it?
AC – your site and your insights are unique and extremely valuable and you have commenters – Farce, Lembrador, for example – who are brilliant and add much to your site. I fully appreciate the wish to address a larger audience and to encourage greater community. I dread the inevitable shilling and ultimately the snuffing-out of your voice with a targeted “manifesto” or other tactic.
>”ultimately the snuffing-out of your voice with a targeted “manifesto” or other tactic.”
Good point.
AC, you should put up a disclaimer in the forum, a pinned post with the rules, and make it 100% explicit that you do not support violence, or accelerationism bullshit, etc.
>Farce, Lembrador, for example – who are brilliant
Thanks fren, glad you find my posts useful.
Sure thing. Case in point, I’ll definitely check out “The Forever War”. Sounds fascinating.
Agree with comments about Gab. If for no other reason just so we can find you if this site gets taken out. Jim of Jim’s blog & Heartiste both have accounts there.
The threat infini posed was 1. the composition of the participants. But it was only possible because 2. any fool could comment and 3. they didn’t suffer fools gladly.
They had a code which weeded out fakers. It was glorious to behold. The powers that be never really got to the bottom of it. The guiding force was both abstract and temperamental. No leadership beheading, nor the imprisonment of soliders could have an abating effect on any of the rest.
The cabal cannot comprehended fanatics with a sense of humor!
As an aggregator, anon-conservative is at the level of any corporate news feed. As a forum administrator, he could build a very solid platform. infini’s problem was the loosely bound audience and the political pressure on the admin. If you have a dedicated readership, their bond will not be contingent on a particular technical platform. Take the risk – I know you can take the heat.
Anonymous Conservative, The human race could be eaten entire by a “mere” mould. K pre-eminence is not a foregone conclusion. I don’t share it, but I am inspired by your optimism and look to it as an example. Thanks for your work.
I agree with Loyal Reader and the others who rely on the daily “digest” of links with your commentary. It is a touchstone… a “must read”.
If it’s too much trouble to police the blog comments, I could see turning off comments here and and directing people to a forum for discussion, though, esp. if you can get help with set-up and moderation there. That might give you the best of both worlds.
Change your server passwords. Enemy capabilities have been degraded; they may not be able to regain access.
The only issue is, I can write stuff anywhere on the internet, and affect the traffic levels outside my house before I hit post.
So changing passwords would be complicated.
Can they read what you type in a program other than a web browser, or on a page that does not show any content from Twitter or the other enemy services?
In any case, they appear to have already lost the access they previously relied on to sabotage your site.
I visit your blog multiple times a day, and review constantly earlier posts for the comments and to link to all the time.
But i have no understanding of the work involved with putting it together, (a Delta on the tools)
So whatever is best for you.
It really is helpful as it is, if you change it? I will still come, though i agree with many that the ease of access currently enjoyed would be missed if replaced.
Regarding “the masses” could i point you all to a short audio (36mins) by Albert J Nock published at Mises.org
“Isaiahs Job”
Text version here.
Your blog is way better than the mainstream media, due to better quality, reasoned meaning of news, links, being of the perfect length, and most importantly, ending with the best news for your audience, so we would all suffer a massive lose if you changed it. Its truly is a masterpiece.
The forum may be optional but I would first see it before judging it .
Keeping the news site, and adding gab, due to the increased audience, would be the best move, and the only one truly promising.