Politics, Oppression, and Amygdala Angst

There was a case in Barcelona where a kid had his amygdala repeatedly agitated by taunting. He eventually pulled out a crossbow and shot his teacher, as well as a couple of other people. It was obviously an over-reaction, but I hate seeing it couched in those terms, as it just promotes the idea that it was somehow random, and by extension was borne of a cause that is unpredictable and unable to be understood. It is that lack of understanding of this simple cognitive process which I believe leads us to keep acting out the same historical scenes over and over again, each time thinking what happened before could never happen again.

This kid’s shooting spree was amygdala stimulation combined with amygdala weakness – his amygdala couldn’t handle the stress, so it did something it thought would alleviate it. I believe that simple analysis is the foundation of much of the memorable (and often horrific) events of our history. I suspect we are going to see much of this in the future, as the coming unrest approaches. Combining heightened amygdala stimulation due to a disordered environment, with a populace that has inherently sensitive and easily-triggered stress-intolerant amygdalae, it will produce some wild fireworks.

One of the fireworks we will see is a push by some toward the horrors of the past. The hallmark of a narcissist is that they want to make everyone as miserable and unhappy as they themselves feel. Liberals are narcissists, and as a result, they look for any social excuse to inflict unhappiness on others, be it making Army ROTC cadets march in high heels, or taking children and disrupting their childhoods with bizarre realities designed to leave the child, as an adult, confused and reality detached. Confusion and reality detachment is, at its core, amygdala mal-development.

Here we have a prosecutor with an amygdala that exhibits two traits. It cannot withstand any level of angst, and it cannot foresee long-term adverse outcomes. Combined with a couple of similarly minded judges, it produces a group of individuals who see nothing wrong with reinstituting state-sponsored oppression of conservatives, at the ends of guns held by state agents.

The next President will either make an example of everyone involved in this with Federal Civil Rights charges and a Justice-Department-run blanket party, or the amygdalae of these types will conclude that there are no consequences, and the next iteration of this play will push the boundary even more. The nature of the amygdala is to only constrain behavior if there is a history of severe negative consequences flowing from it. Without consequences, the weak in our population will joyously oppress everyone to assuage their own psychological anxieties. There will be no limit.

More and more, I find myself viewing the governmental environment with a troubled eye. Things are heading in a direction that feels historic. Little bits and pieces of stories are drifting out here and there, and as minor as each is, they seem to carry a consistent theme, where leftists in the state are becoming hostile and controlling to a level which previously seemed impossible to imagine. In the article above, a woman says,

Cindy says, “I lock my doors and I close my shades. I don’t answer the door unless I am expecting someone… I’ve been harassed. My house has been vandalized. [She did not identify suspects.] I no longer feel safe, and I don’t think I ever will.”

She keeps her blinds closed. If all I was afraid of was Police serving a warrant, I would keep my blinds open, so I could see them coming. I spoke in the previous post about the four puzzling cases I’ve seen on Free Republic speaking of “gang-stalking,” which basically sounds a lot like the “decoy/diversion” layer of “layered surveillance.” It was being discussed on Free Republic by conservatives who seemed too low on the totem pole to be worthy of anyone’s time. I wonder if that type of surveillance is the harassment she is speaking of, but she is afraid to say it for fear of sounding crazy. Fear of surveillance would account for her closing her window shades, so people couldn’t see in, as well as her feeling harassed in public.

I put this here for those who come later. The indices were there, even this far back for those who looked closely. The rabbits in government are terrified of what is coming, and now bad things may be starting to happen. There are subtle indices that the rabbits may be taking measures to cling to power no matter what. The only unknowns at this point are the extent of the issue, and whether it can all be walked back to a place where the job of government is to facilitate everyone’s ability to act freely.

Is this a point of no return, or will the next administration administer enough amygdala stimulation to those would destroy freedom, to make them voluntarily tolerate the freedom of their fellow citizens?

We shall see.

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