Politician – Poverty Plays A Role In Gun Violence

This is true:

MARTIN: One of the things that came out, though, when your grandson was killed is that you noted that you’ve delivered eulogies for some two dozen young Chicagoans who’ve been killed. So the question is why? Why is this happening?

DAVIS: I mean, the over-arching, over-reaching issue is poverty. Black unemployment in Chicago is off the chart. I mean, there are communities where literally 40 to 50 percent, especially of the youth male population, is unemployed. I’ve been around low-income people all of my life. I mean, growing up, low income, the community where I’ve chosen to live, low-income. But there’s never been a time, to my knowledge, I would say, where the lack of positive thinking – I mean, everybody that I knew growing up practically had little in the way of resource, but we all have the hope and the possibility that as soon as we finished high school and went to college or went to the Army that we were going to have access to employment. We were going have a chance.

Many of the young people living in inner-city America don’t see themselves – I mean, they even talk about things like death and dying. And there’s a tremendous loss of hope. And of all the things to lose, I think nothing is worse or more difficult to overcome than the loss of hope.

MARTIN: The terrible incident that took your grandson’s life, they were fighting over borrowed clothing. Like, one kid had borrowed something from another…

Poverty does increase the K-selected urges to compete and exhibit aggression.

The problem is where the poverty mixes with low IQs and an inability to acquire resources any way other than by performing raw violence. Then for society, there is no way to alleviate the poverty without providing free resources. Before long your low IQ, r-selected savages are multiplying like tribbles, and expecting free resources.

A smart society would begin to think of ways to export the low IQ savages who want to engage in violence, to places where low IQ savages compete by engaging in violence naturally. Or it would look for ways to exchange sterilization in return for the resources to buy their acquiescence.

Instead of that, our society looks for more low IQ violent foreigners to import, to add to our already growing collection.

It will be a hell of an Apocalypse.

Tell others about r/K Selection, so when the savages come, the society is K-ified enough to turn the problem over to DNR so they can start issuing tags.

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8 years ago

[…] Politician – Poverty Plays A Role In Gun Violence […]

8 years ago

Its our women largely looking for low IQ savages to import, I doubt American men are largely supporting immigration. Molyneux said it best, the West is already dead this is just the twitching. From feminism, the pill, birth control, soybean oil and bpa in water this is a slow moving bio-chem attack that’s nearly complete. Leftist women are demons but more and more I see “right-wing” women who are man-jawed, drinking, cussing, Megan McCains that are fully Corporatized and all to eager to berate men for being men. These types overwhelmingly support immigration. The lack of feminine women in our culture and the delay for a full stop on immigration is essentially an Anthropological “kill shot” that was likely completed in the 1990’s. It’s all over but the crying (and violence, of course).

8 years ago

Sterilization in exchange for a free ride, I like it!
Why hasn’t this been thought of before?

8 years ago

For the leftists that claim to love science….

Why Leftists Are Violent | John Wright and Stefan Molyneux


Duke Norfolk
8 years ago

For a too-long list of reasons these people (and the culture that created them and they perpetuate) are irreparably broken. They have gone truly feral. There’s no way to break this cycle (other than for the occasional person that creates the anecdote that keeps “hope alive”). This will end violently, of course.