Police Line Of Duty Deaths At Record Lows

The God Emperor’s ascendance bestows good fortune on all K’s:

The number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty dropped sharply in 2017, marking the second-lowest toll in more than 50 years.

As of Thursday, 128 officers have died in the line of duty this year, with 44 shot and killed. That’s down 10% from 2016, when 143 officers died, with 66 gunned down, according to data released by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a nonprofit aimed at honoring officers and improving safety.

The only other year with fewer deaths in the past five decades was 2013, when 116 officers were killed.

“This is one of those good-news, bad-news situations,” said Craig Floyd, president and chief executive of the fund. “On one hand, you had 128 officers who made the ultimate sacrifice, showing the cost of public safety, but for the first time since 2013, the number of deaths has actually declined.”

And Trump is probably not just helping the way you think. There is a persistent rumor associated with the Las Vegas shooting, beginning with the idea that the Saudi King came to the realization Saudi Arabia would not be able to compete with US shale oil production.

According to this, the King decided he had two choices. The house of Saud could continue as it has, and gradually see oil revenues decline until the nation became unstable from economic deprivation. Or the House of Saud could take its trillions now, and invest them in modernization, educating its people, investing in science and technology, and diversified portfolios. It could shift from a purely oil-driven economy to a more modern First World economic model. But to do this, he required help, which the God Emperor used as leverage to get him to take on the radicals in his royal family, and stop the flow of Saudi money into causes designed to damage the US.

Some in the House of Saud did not like this. Modernization means bringing Saudi mores in line with the West, and these Islamist radicals in the mold of Bin Ladin preferred a different path. Even worse, the King was beginning to clamp down on them, to gain Trump’s help in modernizing his nation’s economy. Trump approved.

So the radical Princes tried to take out the King and his second in command, but failed. In response, the King took them out, and now most of them are hanging upside down in the Riyad Ritz-Carlton, being beaten by Blackwater operatives wielding rubber hoses, presumably to gain access to their finances before they get disappeared into some hole somewhere.

I don’t buy the conspiracy theory about Paddock for one reason. The FBI doesn’t fuck around with terrorists. If Paddock had been selling arms in an operation on that level, and the FBI had any idea, they would have had surveillance up all over Paddock’s room, with tactical down the hall suited up and stacked. HRT would have been ready to rush in and smoke everything on that floor in a cataclysm of blood spray, flash bang explosions, and agonized screams the moment anything looked hinky. No way is Paddock given a decoder ring and a bunch of assault weapons, and then left alone to handle things on his own.

But I do think the House of Saud has had some unrest, and certain elements are now out of the game. I further suspect that in the background, like a faint mirage in the mist, is the dark shadow of the God Emperor, dealing with problems previous Presidents have ignored out of politeness and then disappearing into the background.

What is interesting is something somebody on Reddit commented on. And that is that since the Saudi’s began cleaning house on the radicals in the family, there have been no more clashes with Antifa, Black Lives Matters has disappeared, there are no more pussy hatted feminists, and there is just a lot less public display of leftist shitbaggery in the public sphere.

It would not surprise me that the same princes who were funding Osama Bin Ladin, decided, when the heat turned up, to fund American leftism as a way to degrade and destroy America’s greatness. Think how many cops they killed, how emboldened criminals became, all as they degraded our moral foundations with pussy hats, and vagina outfits like this:

Where did those hippie bimbos get the money and the initiative to have those costumes made? Clearly somebody was funding them.

And that image? That is Code Pink, whose founder advertises herself as an expert on Saudi Arabia, and which calls for an end to US-Saudi relations, something which would hand a massive advantage to radicals in the Kingdom.

Which makes me wonder about the Migrant Crisis In Europe. We know our left-wing protests have featured tons of professionally printed signs, professionally made costumes and hats, with paid actors bussed in to fill out the ranks and make the protests look more active than they would otherwise be.

Likewise, the migrant invasion of Europe has been well financed as well, as many, such as author Matt Bracken, have pointed out:

We’ve seen the migrants, in massive numbers, marching with pre-printed maps, new winter jackets, cell-phones, food, housing, and other supplies they were given by mysterious “refugee aid organizations,” to make their journeys. We’ve seen the massive freighters, that cost immense amounts to maintain, guzzling diesel fuel by the thousands of gallons, with massive crews, whose sole purpose is to pick up refugees off the coast of Egypt and shuttle them to Europe. Where does all that money come from?

Was that the “New Terrorism” the Saudi Princes who funded Bin Ladin shifted to when their primary means of attacking the West had become too dangerous to perform?

Is that why the leftist leaders like Merkel, who herself noted early on that multiculturalism was a failure, became so vehemently pro-migrant? Might they have been bought off by certain Saudi elements which were funding movements to advance their political parties and their leftism? Might leftism’s present downward trend become a full on collapse now that those funding sources have been cut off at the root in the House of Saud?

If so, the 2018 elections, without Black Lives Matters, and feminist rallies, and radical hippies turning out for ultra-leftists, might just turn into an even bigger Republican rout than they were already going to be. And Europe may go really hard right now. The left’s image as we know it may just be astroturf, designed to draw in lemmings to supplement the rabbits in its base.

Take away the illusion of vibrance, popularity, and invigoration, and leftism may be seen for what it is – the drab domestic enemy within our gates, that terrorist sponsors fund when Osama Bin Ladin is not available.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it helps our shadowy God Emperor as he sets the world right again

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7 years ago

Hey boss. Just a quick O/T note to tell you that this morning I emailed you with screen caps of my new pick-up textbook where it makes extensive use of your r/K analysis. I mention it here because I attached 9 image files so it’s possible the mail went to your spam folder.

7 years ago

It would not surprise me that the same princes who were funding Osama Bin Ladin, decided, when the heat turned up, to fund American leftism

The, or one of the, drivers behind the new Executive Order?

7 years ago

According to Tommy Robinson, the Saudis own many (most?) U.K. politicians. Aside from stupidity and leftism (but I repeat myself), this would explain why so many British politicians support policies that are killing the U.K.’s legacy population.

Now that the money is drying up, it will be interesting to see if European politicians suddenly remember who they’re supposed to be serving — their own people. Some light shining on these cockroaches would definitely help.

American Graffiti
American Graffiti
7 years ago

I dont know about vegas but it does look like the president made a deal to cut funding off, maybe in return for war with Iran and turning a blind eye on Yemen.

The Saker predicts Israeli and SA allied to get US into war with Iran. I dont want the us at war with Iran. But if that’s the quid pro quo, I’d accept it.

7 years ago

What shite are you peddling? Jews are behind this invasion. Go on YouTube and type in Barbara Lerner Specter. Then answer this question: HOW does an American jewess get to just waltz into Europe and say to an entire continent “hey Europe you have to become multicultural or you won’t survive” and then it happens. HOW does a jew get to wield such power. Put the blame on Europe’s problem where it really lies. Jews are behind white genocide. Tell the fuckin truth man

7 years ago

Saudi Arabia definitely won’t be able to compete in Oil. Neither will the rest of OPEC or Russia. There is so much shale oil and offshore oil in the US, tar sands in Canada and Venezuela that it has upended the existing world order- just like free markets are supposed to. Even Hugo Chavez had to export nearly all of his heavy oil to the US because we are the only nation on Earth that has advanced enough refineries that can process it.

Only China has a similar level of energy infrastructure, but they have very little oil. The Arabs main problem is that they started consuming too much of the oil they produced, and exports have kept falling, and will keep falling until their fields are tapped out. If the Saudis didn’t change course they’d be full ISIS by the time they become oil importers in the mid-2030’s.

7 years ago

Well, the number of officers killed goes constantly down since the 90’s with a little hickup during 2011 and so far, as mentioned, the lowest year was 2013. What i would find interesting is the number of cops wounded and survived because of medical technology. Also i think it would be of interest how the supply situation for triggermen is. The book Freakonomics made that argument that crime was dropping because many would-be criminals were aborted during the 70s.

And speeking of supply situation. It could also be that these trafficers that supply boats and maps are tools of middle eastern governments that desperatly need to get rid off useless surplus men. Their population numbers have more then trippled since the end of ww2, but still they can’t produce modern day goods and services and their economies are shit. Syria and Iran burned up a chuck of that surplus on the syrian battlefield, but its still not enough.

7 years ago

Oh Lordy. Another conspiracy theory that seems to make perfect sense. At least this one could be good news

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I understand AC’s objection but I’m with “Angry”. One reason is a odd ball thought I’m heard quite a few people come up with,”The Saudis are Jews”. The the Sauds are Jews would not surprise me even the very minute slightest bit.

I find that most of the big evils in the world if you look carefully the Jews will be up to their necks in it. Even if they’re not in on this, to blame them for it and be wrong doesn’t make any difference as they’re involved in so much other bad stuff that they could be hanged for the excess makes no difference.

7 years ago

[…] I posited the possibility in this post: […]