Poland In-groups

170,000 strong on the march:

170,000 Polish patriots marched through the capital to end Islamic invasion in their country.

They are even burning EU flags.

You didn’t hear of this on the media because the media knows that nothing is as contagious as the beat of the war drum. Once most of the people are out marching, everyone else wants to be there. You don’t want to miss out on all the excitement, or hear about such a massive event second hand. Here is a force larger than most armies, and they don’t even have a clear objective to pursue.

These are the emotional forces that produce war. It is irritated amygdalae in search of relief – and it terrifies the politicians, sitting in their offices, aware that if the mob rushes the building all at once, anything can happen.

This drive to action is surprising to me. It is not typical for a dopamine soaked, first world nation. It makes me wonder if the financial situation is much more volatile than we are being told in some borderline nations. As an example, we are told inflation is non-existent, but they only factor in items people don’t need. As the cost of necessities like food and fuel take off, there is even less money and demand for non-necessities, keeping their prices low, and thus creating a measure of inflation that is not at all indicative of how far currency will actually travel in these times.

Maybe all of these people are working harder, forgoing luxuries, and barely getting by.

Apocalypses in mirror may be closer than they appear.

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

[…] Poland In-groups | […]