Petition To Make Congress Prioritize Admission Of White Refugees From South Africa

Not a bad effort here:

We the People call upon Congress to apply immigration priority to the South African Farmers facing systematic land confiscation and murder by their own government. These government sanctioned land confiscations / murders are race related (See here – ) and our governments responsibility to act by UN law ( See here – ) Must not be ignored.

White South African Farmers facing genocide in their home land should be given priority as they not only face extinction in their homelands but also stand as a primary example of the kind of immigrants we would want here in our own country as they speak English and share a common ancestry and way of life as our own.

Please give precedent to this issue and save the South Africans from this atrocity

I am sure leftists hate this, because it so clearly highlights their hypocrisy. These are people who speak our language, share our values, embrace our culture, and have all the cognitive tools to integrate seamlessly into our society and make it great, and they are facing genocide in their homeland. Leftists can’t possibly oppose this, unless they want to admit that it is purely their racism which is making them import hostile third worlders with low IQs and limited English speaking ability, who practice a religion that is openly hostile to America, and who are not under any threat at all in their homelands.

Even worse for the left, the problems forcing these migrants to move in the first place are solely due to the leftists’ relentless support of evil over good. As with the crisis in Venezuela, each time this situation is broached, it only highlights the destructive nature of the leftist ideology.

For that reason alone, this should be publicized everywhere.

Spread r/K Theory, because leftism is the destruction of good and the ascension of evil

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Mountain Farmer
7 years ago

I signed the petition. I don’t know how much it will help. But then I never expected Trump to be elected because I thought all voting was rigged by the Deep State.

It is horrible what is being done to the white farmers in South Africa.

English Tom
English Tom
7 years ago

Interesting how everyone is on board with whites leaving South Africa. Who benefits from this? Seems to me the (((Chameleons))) want it cleansed of any competition for their new Chinese hosts. The whites in SA should be backed by the nuclear forces of the West, that is, if the blacks attempt genocide they get nuked, and, taking a leaf out of Israel’s play book, their leaders should know they’ll be hunted down. Whites need to stay in SA, maybe by creating their own homeland which would be recognised as a state by the West and its security guaranteed by the West.

7 years ago

It also highlights a fundamental flaw in leftist world views. In the Marxian Arc Of history everyone of the diversified oppressed lived in peace and prosperity until the White Male Christian came as the oppressors. Life has been a struggle since then and from that point on the yolk of the oppressor must be thrown off.

However back here in reality different races and cultures in-group and the ones who achieve power tend to oppress the out-groups. Always have always will. South Africa has gone from Apartheid to Mandela/Tutu to killing white farmers and stealing their land in a generation. So much for the long march of history.

On the flip side if we allowed the Whites safe passage from South Africa the diversity is our strength crew would have a good two decades to explain why South Africa became such a shit hole

7 years ago

Can’t believe I didn’t get feedback on the anti-sjw Facebook page, even with a bit of your text along with it. Was it not sensational enough? That’s the trouble with social media, even an anti-sjw site. They shitpost too much on there, so people might ignore something good and focus on trash. Hopefully at least some will sign it. I sent it to a few friends and family too.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Nothing you’d know about, just that I boosted the petition on an alt-right site that gets a lot of traffic. I think it got buried in shitposting though.

Donna Locantore
Donna Locantore
7 years ago

These people are in imminent danger and need help immediately. They can’t wait.

7 years ago

I don’t know why more South Africans aren’t leaving already. Many plan on standing and fighting to the very end for their homes and culture. I can respect that, but everyone who wants to leave should, and team Alamo should send their children abroad because they will receive no quarter. We can’t let those warrior Boer lines get broken, especially by the wildlife.