Patrick Byrne’s Latest Piece

I wanted to summarize the important points of Patrick Byrne’s latest article for those who don’t have the time to dig through the whole thing.

Before we begin, you can trust nobody in this business. I suspect Patrick is fairly honest, but I also have a tough time believing he is as blind to what is going on as he portrays himself at some points.

The important takeaways, if you take his version at face value, are as follows. He maintains Rudy spends most of his time more or less drunk, and cognitively could not follow the more complex aspects of the computer fraud, and would visibly give up when Patrick tried to explain it. A lawyer Patrick refers to as “the Mediocrity,” and which appears to be Jenna Ellis, is a full blown narcissist who is intolerable personally, and blatantly trying to bang both men and women left and right, who either has no idea what she is doing or was sabotaging things. It is worth noting she had a history as a NeverTrumper.

Patrick set up a data processing operation, including a group of techies, who took all data coming in regarding election fraud, sifted it, organized it, and passed it up to managers who would fit it together, and form a cohesive picture that could be presented to lawyers. His intent was to hand this over to Flynn, and let him run it.

On taking a look over it, Flynn requested the central command of the operation be moved far from any city (Although he didn’t say it, that is where domestic surveillance/intelligence operates out of and is most dense and has the most tech deployed and embedded around the city to be able to eavesdrop in any building without needing to do a surreptitious entry and plant anything detectable). Flynn took care of moving it, and Patrick went out to check on it. When Patrick arrived, two people had set themselves up in command positions and were bossing people around. Patrick did not like them, he warned Flynn, Flynn took a look and immediately ID’d them as infiltrators/saboteurs, and had them escorted out. And then they found some tech hardwired into the building. (Flynn located it in a rural area, which is unlike a city, where all buildings are in essence pre-wired. As a result, that location would require tech be installed in the structure where it could be detected, as opposed to on poles, in the ground of other properties, and in nearby, unsweepable structures, where it can operate freely without you being able to scan for and detect it.) I’m sure Flynn is probably superhero tier at all of that.

The significant point being, this was not happening in normie-land, where you make the best argument you can from the best facts you can get in front of a judge who you hope is honest. This was happening in Intelligence-world, where you do not trust fate, you break laws and rules on the regular, doing things your opponent wouldn’t expect, and you use blackmail, bribes, and whatever else it takes to make sure there is absolutely zero chance you will lose.

Patrick took the tech team around to various states to examine voting machines, and by chance ran into a little old lady who  related techs coming in, plugging something into the machine to calibrate it, then having her rerun an analysis. She saved the pre and post analysis, unknown the the fraudsters, and when Patrick’s team looked at it, it showed them rigging the machines. I have to wonder if she was approached by Q’s team beforehand, and told to keep the sheets, or even if the fraudsters took the sheets, Q’s people following them broke in, made copies, took the originals, gave them to her, and told her to ell the story while saying she kept them. Nothing here will necessarily be what it seems.

Patrick’s team was delayed by judges on examining machines, and surveillance of the buildings showed people who were tracked and ID’d coming in, in the middle of the night, and trying to forensically sanitize the hard drive images before Patrick’s team could look at them, but they botched the job and Patrick’s team got good data off a few drives. When his team went back to look at more drives, they had been properly sanitized, but so had some of the old ones which were botched, so Patrick’s team got before and after images on the drives showing how they were being sanitized.

And there was a ton of other data analysis showing everything from hacked thermostats to where the data was sent overseas.

Patrick even all but says he thinks the fiance of the daughter of the Governor of Georgia, Harrison Deal was murdered when his car blew up, as was the cop who was investigating his case that committed suicide.

Oh, and when his techies showed up somewhere to examine voting machines, and were denied, as they drove home, “17” cop cars with lights and sirens whizzed by them. That inclusion is not coincidence. Did they count 17 cars? Did they include that detail to Byrne? Did he pull it out of a hat? I think it statistically as likely or more he was told to include a 17 in his article, maybe he knows why, maybe not.

From there, the story becomes one of Rudy not wanting to discuss any election fraud in lawsuits beyond a few dead people voting, despite all the evidence Patrick was coming up with and Flynn was amassing. In some cases lawyers who were doing a good job were threatened, until they left, and other lawyers had to be hired to finish overnight, and their job never mentioned election fraud, and was shoddy at best.

Basically everything was a chaotic shitshow as Rudy let the clock run out, and even though Patrick and Flynn drafted all the paperwork For Trump to have National Guard and US Marshals do a full recount livestreamed which would show 500,000 excess votes under Presidential emergency powers, Trump never signed it and the clock ran out.

A lot doesn’t make sense. Rudy once tweeted what seemed to be a Q post while 8Chan was down, and when Epstein was assassinated. I doubt Rudy is Q, so I suspect that was something he was given and told to post. Two, Trump has spoken about a friend of his who was very sharp, but clearly he had deteriorated with age, and just wasn’t as sharp. Trump knows the power of a young, data-driven mind. I think if he had intended to win, he would have hired a lawyer who was an animal, and not risked the case on Rudy, even with his previous experience.

Most importantly, Trump understands the power of intelligence, given his business, and everything which has happened in politics so far. And he will do anything to win. Signing that paper would have been an adventure to him. The bigger the shitshow it touched off, the more he would have wanted to do it, especially since doing it would have saved our Republic. A lot about all of this still doesn’t fit, because there is a piece we are missing.

So what we know is Flynn was running a sophisticated intelligence processing operation. At some point, surveillance was deployed, as well as a broader intelligence operation, to catch fraudster technical specialists going to sanitize machines, and then follow them and ID them. Patrick, mysteriously got good images off disks which the fraudsters failed to sanitize properly, and then he got good images of those disks after they were sanitized.

One fundamental rule once you are dealing with intelligence, is nothing happens by chance or accident, unless you personally fuck it up yourself and can say with 100% certainty it wasn’t your enemy. I would assume those fraud techies went in to that warehouse and successfully sanitized all the drives they were assigned to sanitize. And I would bet before they did, somebody else, who knew that is what they were going to do, broke in, took images of those disks, waited for them to finish sanitizing them and leave, and they they went and de-sanitized a few of them, so it would look like an accidental fuckup on just a few drives. Meanwhile surveillance tracked them back to wherever they went, and got everything on them. I would be shocked if they weren’t followed to the hotel before all of this, when they first arrived, and somebody on our side had ears in their room from the beginning. Flynn is superhero tier, and he would probably have a crack teams assembled and ready to operate, given this is his game. If they got IDs on those guys, they got a lot more, and were playing to win using intelligence techniques.

And you can imagine the kind of intelligence reports a massive data-processing operation, like Flynn would have commanded, filled with intelligence professionals and experts hired and led by Flynn would turn out after a few months churning away. All of that data, assembled by National Security experts and patriots, showed foreign entities hacked our election, in a way which means those foreign entities will be controlling who our political leaders are from now on.

Given that, there are two possibilities. One, nobody thought to make all of the evidence public, in one place, and take whatever shot they could, and all that data and all those reports will now be deep-sixed, and never seen again. Or two, all of that data was being held, to be used and/or released when it will have maximum effect.

It is also interesting to me Rudy illogically refused to talk about electoral fraud in any court filing or include reams of hard evidence, and nobody challenged him on it except Sidney Powell, who he exploded upon until she left. He could be incompetent. Or he could be a saboteur. Or he could have been given an order from Trump to not mention electoral fraud, because that data was for something else, and they couldn’t risk a judge fucking up their later plans. If he could be told to post a Q drop, he could easily be told, don’t touch the electoral fraud issue.

Given the movements of troops to occupy DC in ridiculous numbers, Pelosi being led around, Trump knowing about the fraud as evidence by his 2018 EO specifically dealing with it, people showing up at Patrick’s front door long before the election saying this was going to be something that would need to be investigated and they needed to get up to speed, and the fact Trump is not saying anything to us, not even a single insult of a single enemy, it is possible something bigger is afoot. Especially on that last one, because you know how the God Emperor loves to shitpost.

Seeing all in this piece which doesn’t fit, I am actually more optimistic than I was before I read it. I still think something really good may very well be coming.

And while we are on the subject, it would appear the Supreme Court case which is rumored to be being used to investigate Election Fraud, has been “DISTRIBUTED for Conference of 2/19/2021.” Make of it what you will.

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John galt
John galt
4 years ago

A waste of time to read.
It was a shit show.
Q is a double agent.
Biden is a kiddyfiddler.
The republic is dead.
Nobody is coming to save you.
Get right with Jesus.
Your future involves a gulag.
Trump is golfing, and he’s not coming back.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  John galt
4 years ago

And then there’s the bad news…

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  John galt
4 years ago

Your future involves a rope.

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

if we cannot get these idiot people off their dead asses and do a violent civil war, all of us will hang

4 years ago

Very interesting analysis. I thought Byrne was just laying it on thick with disinformation to create impression that Team Trump is in chaos. Sun Tzu stuff. Your take strikes me as better.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  krauserpua
4 years ago

Hey big K, thank you for your books on game, really helped me a lot, cheers mate.

LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões (if the barcode starts with 729, just leave it behind. Israel is enemy #1 of the West). Legio XIII Tubicen
4 years ago

Fog of war is T H I C C af right now.

4 years ago

What does this mean?
Trump…” would have hired a lawyer who was an animal…”

4 years ago

My take on Rudy would be that while he is not compromised, he is out of his depth. He is likely not very tech savvy. He is 76 and of a generation that did not grow up with computer technology. Moreover he is a law guy. People tend to be either good with spatial and number IQ or good with verbal. Lawyers are verbal.

recovering plan truster
recovering plan truster
4 years ago

> it is possible something bigger is afoot
> I am actually more optimistic than I was before

Why not just consider the most obvious explanation–Trump didn’t actually want to secure his victory and him and Rudy were just trying to grift as much and as long as possible.

Is it difficult to believe that Trump wanted out? Him and his family were viciously attacked for his entire first term. A good business man always has an exit strategy. If he had enough, what are his options? To not run for a second term? To purposefully lose? Or how about, using the knowledge he had that the dems were going to cheat their asses off (as they did in 2018), just let them steal it while you do just enough to convince the public that you were robbed but not enough to actually secure the WH. That way, Trump can move on to his next venture without looking like a loser or a quitter.

This secret military tribunal shit is extremely far fetched. I want to get high off the copium just as much as anyone else. I listen to Praying Medic. I listen to X22 report. But, let’s stay grounded in reality. There is literally no legal pathway for Trump to regain office any time before 2024… Short of what essentially amounts to a military coup taking place. The only evidence we have that there is a secret military operation in DC right now to “sort things out” is the troop presence. But, why believe such a far-fetched explanation when a simpler one is much more likely?

Is it really all that unusual to see an illegitimated regime resorting to domestic military operations to secure their power transition? Is it so hard to believe that Trump simply capitulated after the 6th and called in the troops as he was told?

Lisa Spears
Lisa Spears
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I don’t believe anything Byrne says. PERIOD! With that said, Trump DID NOT send his A TEAM to the fight. That to me makes no sense.

Trump knew they would cheat AGAIN. Still NO INVESTIGATION as to WHY counting STOPPED in 6 states at the same time????

I have no clue what Trump WILL do, but I know what he didn’t do. He didn’t reveal the fraud that he claimed he had before the 20th and now we are ruled by a fucking shit show of deepstate commies.

recovering plan truster
recovering plan truster
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

> Trump won in 2016. Elections have been fixed, for a long, long time. How did he slip through?

The pandemic created several new opportunities to cheat in 2020 versus 2016. They also have been planning and coordinating the steal since Trump won in 2016.

Put simply, they were using a lot more cheating strategies the second time around. It’s really not mysterious at all how Trump could beat the cheat in 2016 but not in 2020. If Boxer A defeats Boxer B, and then Boxer B does steroids for the next 4 years straight, don’t expect their next fight to have the same outcome.

Rudy Dekkers
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

“There is one more big thing which doesn’t fit. Trump won in 2016.”

Now you’re thinking, but you still missed the whole simple explanation: They fixed it for Trump in 2016 and for Biden in 2020.

If they can they will. As you say you’re not privy to the upper echelons of the Secret Police (please stop calling them “intelligence”–the first step to defeating them is to stop using Big Brother’s newspeak). Maybe they needed Trump as controlled opposition to usher in the Covid Hoax 3 years later? Maybe their computer models predicted there would be too much organized resistance if they rolled Covid martial law out with Hitlery as the Emperor, so they used dependable life-actor Donald Trump. Did you ever think of that? It is by far the most logical explanation.

gregory p fockler
gregory p fockler
Reply to  Lisa Spears
3 years ago

exactly right

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  recovering plan truster
4 years ago

“There is literally no legal pathway for Trump to regain office any time before 2024…”
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

recovering plan truster
recovering plan truster
Reply to  Max Barrage
4 years ago

> You don’t know what you’re talking about.

such a beautiful and well-reasoned argument. consider me fully convinced that the military is secretly working to remove Biden and install Trump… Biden only appears to be sitting in the White House signing EOs, establishing commissions, commanding the military, etc. It’s all an illusion by the Patriots! Deep fakes and CGI indeed! I can’t wait for JFK Jr to preside over the televised military tribunals.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

In the comments over at VP someone mentioned that Bribens EOs don’t take effect for 30 days… i haven’t checked the truth of that personally.
“Done in 30” – Q

Reply to  RedMoonProject
4 years ago

How can I become a part of this? Seriously, I can’t join reddit groups on my work computer. I want to contribute to fucking up the beast but I have no idea where to start.

Reply to  kbg
4 years ago

I would say that the best place to start is with knowledge. Learn the details of investment theory so that you are in a position to understand the landscape. Then get a traditional brokerage account from an established firm such as Vanguard etc. Do not use any app downloaded from Apple or Google for trading ever.

recovering plan truster
recovering plan truster
4 years ago

> No way he just decides he wants to go home and sit quietly in the background

No way at all? How about if he calculates that him and his family are better off if he simply moves on to the next thing–which, in this case, seems to maybe have something to do with “Office of the Former President.”

> Flynn leading a massive Mil Intel Op
> surveillance and ID’ing people
> Byrne joining a group
> they knew the voting machines were going to be important
> Trump’s EO
> means they were prepared

I agree that there was a lot of data points (EOs, curious hires and fires, SF restructuring) consistent with Trump implementing a “plan” to handle the corruption. But, having a plan doesn’t guarantee victory. Your opposition has plans, too. While it’s possible that Trump wanted out, it’s also possible that he had a plan to remain in power and it wasn’t successful. Somewhere in between is also possible, where he started out as “work with military to restore the republic” and eventually pivoted to “work with Rudy to maximize grift,” perhaps as a plan B. Remember that Patrick himself described what he saw as self-destructive “shit show,” which isn’t how you’d expect someone to describe an operation being run by military intel and “top brass.”

4 years ago

No doubt in my mind, Mediocrity is a cabal handler whose purpose is to control Rudy and thus what gets to Trump’s ears. Rudy’s Grima Worm Tongue.
Wouldn’t put it past possibilities Rudy was subjected to chemically and or RF’d control and or slowly poisoned, while Grima is whispering in his ear and denying him any contrary information.
Every once in while you can see a little bit of the old Rudy the crusader show up, then he shuts down, its apparent in his video talks on Rudy’s Common Sense website.
Takes Mediocrity’s kind of character to run somebody like Rudy. Look what it took for Patrick to stand up to her. And what a perfect position to place an agent provocateur. Its classic.
The alternative is to kill specific people involved. That option has undesired unintended consequences, and avoided with great discretion or used in great need.
Bob Dylan said, Don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. When you are putting hits on everyone who is a threat, and already too many of the public already take it on faith assisted suicide is SOP of the machine, its actually a form of graveyard humor since the clinton regime days in the white house.
Yup, he was Vince Fostered.
What, you lookin to kill yourself with 32 pneumatic nail gun spikes in the back of your head?

PS, AC, if you aren’t aware, thought you might want to know, Amazon is blocking folks who bought you r/K Theory book from posting customer reviews. Only one person bought your book in 2020? I posted a review in early November, been guying books off them since they first began, never has a customer review not made it onto the authors product page, its a lot of book reviews, I try to read at least a book a week.
Checked earlier to day, no dice, gonna try to make a request why my review of your book has not been approved by now, see what the fucking insects say, if anything, and or make a revision to my original review, that might do something.
Sure are a lot of 1 star skummbag reviews though with classic insect hater/gamma piehole comments.
Can you have Vox Day’s Castelia House market it for you? They could use a great book like your r/K Theory, especially with the customer base that buys their books. Fit like a glove into their lineup of authors I would think.

Excellent post, thank you, it’s a lick of work composing it for sure, ton of good info, still going thru the linkage pieces, Patrick seems like he knows quite a lot going on. Got a good head on him. Hope he is situationally competent, there’s a guy they probably considering Andrew Breitbarting.
After what they been doing and done fucking with me as a simple citizen journalist, Patrick must be on the extra special personal attention list.

4 years ago

I always figured Rudy for noise, to raise awareness.

4 years ago

Speaking of agent provocateurs, here’s an interesting place

Among being an online black bloc manual of tactics techniques and procedures its a targeting list and dead drop messaging board. All quite plausibly deniable, of course. Presented to appear organic, grass roots etc, looks obvious as straight up astroturf, run by the machines network.
Some pretty interesting things to be found.

Reply to  wvmtnmama
4 years ago

This is a great view behind the curtain. Thanks wvmtnmama.

4 years ago

AC, I KNOW you’ve started to see people connecting the words “game” and “stop” in Q posts. If I’m spotting them, I know that you’re spotting them.

We are now at 7 days straight where the lights are out at the White House every night. There is still no flag flying there. We very possibly have discovered that “Biden’s” EO signing ceremony was at Tyler Perry Studio’s White House replica set in Georgia. The military is not treating “Biden” as the CiC. Hell, instead of the Presidential salute they ran a funeral/foreign dignitary salute through the cannons, and that’s AFTER the Guard turned their backs to him.

What I think is happened is exactly what we’ve hoped for, we were just thinking too small the entire time. Q kept saying “not another four year election” and we just thought that meant that this one was a little more important. What was that clip from “Law Abiding Citizen” – “I’m going to bring down the whole diseased rotten system down on your head”? What if the Q Group meant the WHOLE SYSTEM – political, legal, financial, literally ALL OF IT?

What if this one really was for all the marbles? Insurrection Act signed? End of the UNITED STATES as a corporation and restoration of the republic? Politicians and celebutards arrested and tried? And now we’re looking at even the end of Wall St which is currently estimated to have lost over 70 billion dollars collectively and the number keeps rising which will torpedo the banks involved in loaning the money to the hedge funds – literally an attack on every single front so that Cabal has no place to retreat to, so that they get them all at once instead of spending years playing whack-a-mole. Having surveillance does not make one all powerful, just sneaky.

Half of the politicians we are seeing might be doubles because they have been arrested and replaced. Biden might not even be Biden, and fake-Biden might even be a white-hat op. Don’t know. What I do know is that “Biden” has yet to fly on single US government aircraft, they didn’t hold an Inaugural ball, and lots of Europeans keep saying they saw the whole thing go down live twelve hours early. And where are the celebutards tweeting in celebration? Crickets. Where did they go? Did the culture war just end?

DC is a currently still set up as a giant open air prison. The White House and the Masonic Phallic Statue went dark, symnbolizing the breaking of their power. Hell, from what I’m seeing Washington, DC may not even be the capitol in a years time. The break-away may be just that complete.

And all of it REQUIRED trump to lose. Remember on election day when he said “No one likes to lose.”? They needed the crime to finish out so that they could legally activate the attack plan. Otherwise this would just be a military coup. What I can tell you for absolute certain is that the military is not behaving at all correctly if Biden is genuinely the recognized POTUS.

And I’m pretty sure that they won’t let the charade go on much longer because we are under the gun, or more accurately Taiwan has lots of Chinese guns/missiles pointed at it. Xi made it clear at Davos that the US will either get with their program or else -appear strong when you are weak – and have directly threatened the Republic of China government in Taipei. Meanwhile the US Navy has five Nimitz battle groups ready to step in, and I know the RoG has to be aimed at the Three Gorges Dam, and if that is loosed there is no propulsion system, no electronics or pilot to fry, no warhead to sabotage, and it’s in orbit where the CCP cannot reach it. No way to shoot it down.

Mark Taylor said the CCP will be humbled, and specifically mentioned the dam failing as his best guess, and I didn’t need anybody to tell me that. That’s 60% of their food production flooded out. Several major industrial cities washed out, including Wuhan. 400 million people below that dam to have to rescue from the flood. The CCP cannot survive a disaster of that magnitude. No government on Earth can.

Literally the Whole. Damn. System.

4 years ago

Lot of good people in this Republic, way more than tearing it down. Take Flynn and Patrick and the Dolphin heads, think what it takes as a man to go up against cabal, they be warriors, the men of our centuries ling history and culture who accomplished the impossible, because they believed they could win.
Sometimes its as Admiral Sockdale said it comes down to faith you will prevail in the end. Thats what I get from Dinald Trump, first because he us a leader, aint none of the shitstains running things remotely have and resemblance to that kind of American, people been made to forget heroes and leaders. Another things got to do with who we coose to lead us, ideally thats part and parcel of America, we choose, we make choices, that all the diff between we who are freemen and who are slaves, to the network, to globo=pedo, nobody made them choose, only you can choose, no excuses, comes back to faith, and there but the grace of God you dare go, like being extorted to rape and kill a child, excuse me, i was raped so many times when i was a child i do not know how many i was sodomized or forced to suck some pedos dick, nobody made those pervs do that, and if I was put in such a position as raping and murdering a child, id go out fighting, because you submit you lose, oh, to save your wife, your kids? Sorry no dice, go out fighting, its the only choice, might take one with me, and what gaurantee they dont off your lived ones anyways.There is payback for everything in this and the next world. They are doing shit like this to folks because you arent one of them, why would you choose to be one of them.

All it requires is enough of us who refuse to submit who defy resist and cabal is kaput, look at the reaction to the short sell rebellion, they are fucking freaking out, why, because too many proe said fuck you assholes, instantly those fucking thieves lost all power over people, only reason cabal exists because only enough submit choose to comply go along be part of it.
Theres no secret squierril star chamer trilateral thing in this, this is school yard bully shit, and the bullies are nothing. They get away with being bullies because they use fear as a weapon, kill of few select individuals, sends a message, if enough comply well they have power.
Its those of us who say No. I Won’t! we have power, power no crook or tyrant can ever posses. The idea is to get folks to not know this or use fear to make them think irrationally. it works till it doesnt.
If cabal was indefeatable if it had power it would not be putting pedo=joe as a puppet in the whitehouse, and the other shit they pull. Its folks like Flynn and AC and Patrick and Ms Powell who are the real power, and by the fact all of us who speak out and refuse to be cabal we resist we defy and we win.
Thats America. Its my America. Its why there is America. America really is all that stands in thier way, and its all our job to stand in their way, like Patrick like AC because we refuse we choose to submit, there are no others yet it dont take very many of us becuse we are indomitable. Folks like us we never quit we never say die, its that simple.
Not for a new york minute would Trump have become president if he did not see this in a plurality of people, thats what he was doing atthose ralkies, rallying people to choose to resist, its why they call us domestic terrorists, because we are terrorizing them they are scared of us we are the only thing they fear and why would we be what they fear. Its like they started calling our property our Rifles Assault Weapons, because they are scared of us using our Rifles to assault them for what they do to us.
You got to think like these shitstains tounderstand them, believe me, i learned, pedos arent sexual perverts they are petty tyrants, they usefear to get what they want thats the orgasm, they betray trust they use fear as a drug, they condition children to submit and be thankful for it, thats cabal in a nut shell, to a T, why i call them globo=pedo, its terrorism, they always project thats another weapon, its just more control.
But when a person says No, I Won’t! nobody has power over you. It dont mean shit what they do to you, you win, they have no power no control they lose.
Just enough good folks do that globo=pedo collapses like that. No need to even use our Rifles to win. Thoughour Rifles areextremely incredibly important, their power for us is in not using our Rifles. Its paradoxical but its the truth. One reason is our Rifles they are our property thats the first thing. A force multiplier, property that hascbuilt in defense from tyrants who would steal our property because to take a mans property is half way to making him a slave. Slaves dont own property Freemen own property, a rifle is a Freemans property that fights back. Its doubly powerful and its legitimate just as you are to say No to be a freeman. You start adding this stuff together its adds up to the most powerful weapon ever devised, consent, or rather the power of withdrawal of your consent, I Won’t! Mind Your Own Business! BFYTW, Because Fuck You Thats Why. Live Free or Die Bitchez. Liberty or Death.
More powerful than cabal could dream of having. And I think too, envy hate and contempt. What do menwith power want? More power, and power they cant have? Shit, thats got to be the thing the tyrants wants more than anything, power it cant have, cant because that power only belngs to people who are legitimate in their actions, peoplewho power is the last thing they think of having, and hate and envy, thats what created when absolute power cant have the one thing thats more powerful than the power the tyrant has, it drives them crazy, they hate and envy us goig folks for our power, have contempt for us because we dont abuse it like they do, it consumes their thinking, they possessed by it. Think like these shitstains, and they are easy to beat. You do what fucks with them more than anything, you refuse to comply. Because you can. Because you choose to. It all comes down to choice. Choice is action. And inany war, it is the act that counts.

Sam J.
Sam J.
4 years ago

What about Rudy? Let’s just be realistic. He was mayor on 9-11 and there’s no way possible he does not know about building 7 and that the Jews did 9-11. That doesn’t mean he’s in the gang. He could be threatened but…here’s the problem. If you are not in the game and you are threatened and decide to back off then you’re going to remove yourself from the game. You’re going to find a different line to take out of the line of fire but Rudy did not. He moved into the spotlight farther running for president so, he’s corrupt.

The likelihood that he is not is minuscule and the likelihood that Trump doesn’t know this is also minuscule. Not saying it’s not zero it’s just very unlikely.

We have to acknowledge that going by the facts that pile up more and more every day that Trump played us.

And leave Hillary out of it. Never could Hillary have caused such a divide as Trump did by letting the election be stolen. The function they are after is division and boy do they have that. It’s exactly how they have prevailed for thousands of years. Division.

We should concentrate not on more division or separation but less. First by moving wherever we can to get a verified non-corrupt voting system in place. Even of it’s not everywhere the absence of “true” voting will pressure the States that do not have it. It will also allow in the future suits in court to force them to do so. The courts can finagle some things but serious contentious pressure they can not.

Never forget the Jews hasbara teams are all in on succession and anything they want for us can’t be good.

Some say,”we can not live with them”. I say we can if we set the system to do so and only let them affect themselves. We can get a Constitutional amendment with only 38 States to force them to have verified voting. We could add if caught without it their representation would be forfeit. That would get their attention.

There are several different tactics we can use force them to stop allowing the cities to make all public policy. Two illegal court decisions sealed the fate of suburbs and rural vs. cities. 1. Doing away with regional State representation in the States. 2. Forcing the States to allow anyone to vote except felons. Many States had requirements like a high school diploma or pass an intelligence test. We could overturn these with a majority in the house and Senate or just bypass them all together and make it a Constitutional amendment.

We still have the majority in the States. If we could just get the chicken shit leaders out and get in some guys who will ruthlessly look after our interest. All is NOT lost.

We’re going to have to use our imagination and try to monkey wrench every single lever of power we can gets our hands and only for our interest the rest be damned.

Ralph Jones
Ralph Jones
4 years ago


4 years ago

“demanding a mental health exam from him if he wants to keep his law license. ”

Don’t want to doxx myself, but been there, done that, had the man dressed as a woman assess my mental capacity in order to do a hit job on my character. Fortunately, a dozen highly reputed neurologists signed off on the fact that this tranny* was a slander.

*I believe this was a homosexual, not a biological hermaphrodite. A scum bag, regardless of their mental disorder.