Paris On Fire With Muslim Riots

This will not end well:

Officers were forced to unleash tear-gas on angry crowds as buildings and rubbish bins were set on fire around the Barbes Metro station, which is just around the corner from the Eurostar hub at Gare du Nord.

As fire crews went in to extinguish the blazes, lines of riot police were attacked, and shops were looted.

A policeman at the scene said: “Windows have been smashed and officers attacked…

Police stations and squad cars have been attacked since, along with patrols trying to operate around France…

The areas is also close to the Sacre Coeur basilica in the Montmartre area – one hugely popular with tourists, including many from Britain.

Many fear a repeat of the mass housing estate rioting that blighted France over three weeks in 2005, leading to a State of Emergency being declared.

Don’t import Muslims, and you won’t have these problems. It doesn’t matter if 99.99% of Muslims don’t do this. What idiot would accept this chaos and violence, just to import the rest of the Muslims, who you don’t need? This is entirely a leftist-created problem – and a great K-stimulus which will sweep Le Pen into power.

This is a problem because these Muslims are seeing their amygdalae trained to purge amygdala stimulation with violence, and they are not being trained to expect adversity in response.

Muslims are bully/coward psychologies. They are made to dominate or be dominated. Every time the Police run away before them, and they destroy more property without any consequence, France is activating their “dominate” brain programming. What this will do is train them to do this every time they are upset, and over time the amount of upset required to trigger it will grow less.

The longer this goes on, the more violent the ultimate crackdown will have to be, to rewrite all of this programming over with programming training them to expect incivility to produce painful consequences.

And again, we are seeing this already, even though the economic Apocalypse has not yet begun to manifest.

When the Apocalypse hits, Europe will explode.

Spread r/K Theory whenever politics comes up, because when the explosion comes we want it to cleanse the land

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8 years ago

[…] Paris On Fire With Muslim Riots […]

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
8 years ago

Muslims and third-worlders in general have 2 options. Anarchy or Tyranny, there is no in between. Saddam Hussein was brutal, oppressive dictator, but under his rule Iraq was a functional, relatively peaceful Muslim nation. As soon as his government was destroyed the nation erupted into anarchy that continues to this day.

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
8 years ago

100% agree with you

Reply to  Mr. Frosty
8 years ago

Ditto Libya. And Syria is a Globalist work in progress.

8 years ago

If France were a Muslim country, soldiers would spray the crowd with automatic weapons, leaving hundreds dead or maimed, and there would be no more riots after that. It would still be a shitty Muslim country though, so Deport. Them. All.

8 years ago

This is disgraceful! Why aren’t the police shooting into these mobs with real bullets? And why do I have to go to the internet to see this stuff? Why isn’t this being shown on the evening news? Oh right – they spend so much time showing us story after story about a few peaceful Muslins , interspersed with stories about what a crazy, unhinged, nut job our president is.

All I have to say is, WAY TO GO, TRUMP! Keep this filth out of our country, and deport the filth that is already here.

8 years ago

The Franks will have to get out their Franciscas.

Reply to  dirkhblog
8 years ago

Now, they just need to play a tune on “le clarion”.