Paris Must Choose Between Civilized Migrants And Savage Migrants

Economic and war-refugee migrants are r-strategists, and the stupider they are, the more they come programmed with all the left’s attitudes and perceptions:

The streets of Paris have erupted into inter-migrant strife as North African youths have targeted ‘rich’ Chinese migrants amid growing tensions.

Police in France recorded more than 200 attacks on Chinese immigrants last year, mostly from hostile migrant gangs.

This comes amid a growing perception that recent migrants from North Africa have become “too demanding” and consider themselves “victims” who deserve pity…

While the crime rate grows, local migrants from North Africa have been unafraid to voice their prejudices.

One told the programme: “That’s the way it is. I don’t like the Chinese.”

Another added: “The Chinese have become too rich in France. That’s not fair. They have nice clothes and big cars.”

Notice, migrants who migrate away from K-selection are r-strategists. The same attitudes you see in these ungrateful migrant savages are the exact same attitudes you see spouted on the part of leftists the world over. Sexual behavior, rape, sexualization of children, avoidance of conflict and competition, expectation of free resources – both the left and the migrants have it all.

In a way, I think this envy we see is not even really envy as it is frustration with the fact that resources are not free. They see hardworking Chinese with resources, and all they see are free resources enjoyed by the Chinese, while they stagnate in squalor, and it makes them angry. Things are not as they expect they should be, because they are r-selected losers in a K-selected world.

This is why Europe will need a civil war that destroys one side or the other. The leftists will always choose the sides of the r-selected savages, with hopes they will wipe out the intelligent and civilized K-selected competition of the r-selected left in society.

Sadly the savages will multiply too fast, and eventually the choice will be to eject the savages and the left together, or see Western civilization decline more permanently into the same savage hellhole the Africans migrated out from.

This is why when the Nazis gained power, they set about finding everyone who opposed nationalism and taking them out. In the end, the left leaves the civilized little choice. Already, although programmed by conditioning to feel aversion at the thought of a nationalist roundup and execution of leftists and Cucks, I can see logically how at some point it will become either that or the destruction of all that is noble about Western Civilization.

You won’t see me sticking my neck out and opposing it when it begins.

Tell everyone about r/K Selection Theory, because fate of civilization is actually on the line

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Paris Must Choose Between Civilized Migrants And Savage Migrants […]

8 years ago

If it wasn’t for Pinochet and his helos think about how much we could all be paying for copper right now. FMJs could be twice as expensive- that’s unacceptable. Everyone has to embrace the K though. That means men getting their hands dirty and women being domestic and caring for children. Alot of r’s can deceive a nationalist round-up though, its what they do. That’s whats so tricky about things like that. If you find yourself in a firefight there’s a very good chance the guy shooting back is K. The r’s, including leadership r’s, will be fleeing. This is how r keeps surviving- and coming back, it’s a coward. This is why this has to be done at a community level, after a dollar collapse (hint: the starving and looting will be r’s, because they are typically obese). The nationalist governments that arise afterwards can be more organized and constructive in how they solve problems and the situation would be more like the “Wild West” of old. Remember “Let no man deceive you”. Real leaders lead by example, so its not enough to order, Commanders have to do.

Reply to  Pitcrew
8 years ago

r-strategists I think can also manipulate K’s and use them as their footsoldiers by appealing to their in-group loyalty and nationalism as it was in Soviet Russia whilst implementing r-strategy.