Parents Have No Rights If The State Wants To Transgenderize Their Kids

Another example of amygdala degradation breaking down law and order:

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Minnesota mother against her teenage child along with school officials and healthcare providers on the grounds that they violated her parental rights by treating her son with a hormone therapy to start transitioning into a girl even though he hadn’t been granted court approval to be legally emancipated from his parents.

Senior U.S. District Judge Paul A. Magnuson dismissed the suit this week, saying Anmarie Calgaro’s claim was “meritless,” according to the StarTribune.

Calgaro filed the suit, with the help of lawyers from the Thomas More Society last November, against St. Louis County, the St. Louis County School District, the county’s Health and Human Services, Fairview Health Services and Park Nicollet Health Services, accusing the parties of usurping her parental rights by granting her 17-year-old son de-facto emancipation from his mother even though a court never awarded his son legal emancipation.

Her son will turn 18 this summer.

The lawsuit challenged a state law that allows minors to access medical care and procedures without their parent’s consent.

Although the emancipation has no legal standing in court and the St. Louis County District Court ruled in January that the child could not even change his legal name without parental permission, the school district, the department of health and human services and the medical providers all treated Calgaro’s son as if he was legally emancipated from his mother and wouldn’t give Calgaro any access to his records or decision-making ability in regards to his health or education.

Moreover, she was not consulted before the St. Louis County Public Health and Human Services paid for Park Nicollet Minneapolis Gender Services to give the boy hormone replacement treatment and Fairview Health Services to provide him with narcotics.

Everywhere I look today, I am struck by how there are no rules when amygdalae break down. When amygdalae function, they keep everyone behaving in accordance with rules and regulations. But once they are gone, it is just a free for all, where everyone does whatever feels good.

Morality in the rabbits may simply be a raw fear of consequences. If tomorrow the nation were filled with angry citizens who periodically killed anyone who transgressed against their children or interfered with their parental rights, none of this would have happened. I suspect any rabbits in the fifties would have constrained themselves simply due to the fear of being out-grouped.

But as amygdalae break down, violence, out-grouping, even just a media speaking truth all cease to be a threat, and in that environment, there are no rules.

I suspect this is part of the cycle. During times of peak r, there are no rules and no violence. When K arrives, the no rules meets K-selection’s might makes right and results in no rules and wanton violence. As the r creeps in, increasingly r-ified people decide to create rules to avoid violence, and the fear of the memory of the violence keeps them adhering to the rules, at least until r erodes amygdalae and the rules break down again while violence is kept at bay by the residual r.

Personally, I suspect when the Apocalypse starts a lot of what will motivate the breakdown in the rules and the return to wanton violence is the memory of what the rules were used for during the period of peak r. Perhaps the grass is always greener on the other side of the cycle, and that drives the cycling between rule adherence, and the total rejection of the rules in favor of rule by force.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because you don’t want you kid transgenderized

This entry was posted in Homosexuality, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Parents Have No Rights If The State Wants To Transgenderize Their Kids […]

7 years ago

I guess chemical castration is the new type of “Minnesota nice”. Though it does make sense that the type of people who make rules are also the type to break them. Conversely, K selected people probably just demonstrate what Stefan Molyneux calls “Universally preferable behavior” and they need less rules to begin with.

7 years ago

So the kid isn’t old enough to smoke, but he is old enough to lop off his penis and inject himself with girl hormones. Because smoking = bad. Allowing your child to develop and indulge a mental condition that has a 40 percent early death rate= good.

OT, but I stumbled upon this today: the Archive of Amygdala Meltdown:

7 years ago

They target only those who are unprotected by a high-T man. Even the rabbits in powerful office know that if they pull such crap with the child of a real man, they court shortening their lives dramatically.

7 years ago

“If tomorrow the nation were filled with angry citizens who periodically killed anyone who transgressed against their children or interfered with their parental rights, none of this would have happened. ”

Shouldn’t a good nail bombing planted by a Muslim blowing up 20 rabbits have the same effect? Doesn’t matter whether they are punished for what they individually did or whether there’s a general random culling, in my opinion.

Meaning: The random mass murders should drive rabbits to K one by one.