Outgrouping, In A Meme

I just love this image:

Notice how this is the physical manifestation of the psychological drive to out-group others. They would never say this about their own desires.

But suppose you want something that will make you happy. If the socialist doesn’t like it, then by saying this you are, defacto, the enemy of all of society because you are putting your individual freedom first. Since they are too weak to stop you, they look for any way to turn everyone else on you, partly in hopes that you will act as they would, and immediately retreat to avoid the conflict. I believe this psychology is a natural outgrowth of a childhood spent envious, angsty, – and powerless. Those urges, all combined, flow in every direction until they find the path to relief in playing, “Let’s you and him fight!”

They all think like this. It is as if they are all robots, flowing off of an assembly line. They even say the same things, decades apart, and are totally unaware of it. Hillary isn’t paraphrasing what she heard, she just thinks exactly like Hitler did. Same people, same brains, and they always gravitate to politics, where they can use the force of others, better than themselves, to try and to tell you what to do, and make your life less pleasant. It is the envious child, all grown up, and adapted psychologically to follow urges that satisfy all that angst, as best as possible.

At the end of the day, the apocalypse will clean the Augean stables of our society of this pathetic and cowardly riff raff – and it will do it quickly, but only if we don’t get too focused on each other as the shit goes down. We all have one enemy, and it is the rabbits. Never waste energy on another K-strategist that you can spend getting rid of the rabbits.

Apocalypse comethâ„¢

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Marc Bahn
Marc Bahn
8 years ago

The difference lies in their definitions of “society”. To Uncle Adolf (notice that these types don’t even know how to spell his name) it referred to the nation, i.e. the people who formed the nation. To a stooge like HRC “society” means anyone and everyone that can be forcibly included, i.e. the whole world.

More and more people are finally realizing that WWII was fought to end nationalism. As nationalism is a necessity for any kind of Darwinian survival, the re-attainment of it will be no doubt bloodier than that most horrible war thus far. But the only other option will be a long and torturous path to extinction.

Therefore, ridiculous comparisons on this level are based on childish propaganda.

On another subject, you Cruz fans should abandon his Hollywood-scripted “Christian conservatism” and get on the most viable torpedo going – the Trumptrain. If there are enough gullible evangelicals left to throw the Trumptrain and give the throne to HRC then let our blood be on the hands of them and their children.

8 years ago

Problem is, if you want a good fight, you gotta pick it with another K.

Great website
Great website
8 years ago