Oslo Is Lost, According To The Police

A sign the Norwegian Police are in need of a K-shift:

Gronland is a district in Oslo, Norway, very close to Parliament…

Poqari News reports that Norway (and all of Europe) is no longer recognizable as such, that women are routinely raped, men are robbed on a regular basis, the police have given up, and there are sharia patrols.

In 2015, there were 50 rape reports filed in Gronland, where, like all of Oslo, 100% of rapes of native Norwegian women by strangers are committed by Muslims. Across Norway, as with all of Europe, women dare not go out at night alone, the risk of rape is so incredibly high.

Also in 2015, robberies in Gronland averaged one a day. In the past ten years, more than 4,000 people have been robbed, often right near the Gronland police station, which is in an immigrant ghetto.

When the police visited one of Gronland’s latest victims, who was assaulted, held hostage, and robbed, they told him they had no way of stopping the robberies. “We have lost the city,” they said.

The problem is they will have no problem now arresting any Norwegian who tried to rectify that state of affairs. With time, Apocalypse, and a few of their wives and daughters being attacked, their amygdalae will gradually learn to find relief in turning a blind eye to vigilantism, and to find amygdala angst in standing up for the migrants.

It does show however, the wolves need to get on the Police forces. One wolf on a routine patrol, turning a blind eye when necessary would be worth fifteen rebels doing violence on their own.

Plus he would be armed.

Apocalypse – the early stages.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Apocalypse cometh, Cowardice, Decline, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

Actually, the Oslo police usually are not armed. They keep a pistol in a safe (they call it a “shrine”) in the patrol car and they don’t know the combination. They have to radio in for permission to use it, after which a lawyer is contacted and asked if the patrolman can have permission to get his gun. When he finally says Yes, the code to open the safe is radioed to the cop. You can’t make this shit up!

erwin rommeow
erwin rommeow
9 years ago

Apocalypse isn’t coming. If whitey isn’t awake by now he never will be.

erwin rommeow
erwin rommeow
9 years ago

What happens when that amygdala gets constant exercise from anger but can never be allowed to act because of the threat of law enforcement?

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

I remember Oslo and Norway in general very fondly from my visit many years ago – before Western “leaders” went totally mad. Question: will these invasions be confined to the cities, or will they spread out to the country side and rural areas as well? I don’t just mean Norway – I mean across the West.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

And herein lies my conundrum: I’m currently stuck in Rabid Leftist [sorry for the redundancy] Rabbitville, USA. I plan to move ASAP. My only options are Canada (IDK where I’d go) or a certain state in the US Sunbelt known for having decent, Constitution-abiding folk as its residents.

Problem is my wife. She has finally come on board with moving, but still desires a modern, urban locale. She would be content in an all-white suburb on the outskirts of a major city, but I’d prefer a somewhat more-removed town, about half an hour from said outskirts, whose residents are more self-sufficient. She shrinks from the idea of living near [what we perceive as] hicks and/or rednecks.

I’d greatly enjoy reading your response re: the pros/cons of each. Maybe an article on how to choose a safer/sturdier locale? Not all of us can live in a bunker in the Montana mountains.

PS: Thank you so much for this site. You provide the even-keeled, reason-based commentary that my other sources cannot.