Open Relationships Study Debunks Monogamy?

Everything is about exerting control over the narrative:

A new study from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, found that couples in open relationships, who date and sleep with other people, are just as happy as people who are monogamously coupled.

“We found people in consensual, non-monogamous relationships experience the same levels of relationship satisfaction, psychological well-being and sexual satisfaction as those in monogamous relationships,” Jessica Wood, a Ph.D. student in social psychology at the University of Guelph and co-author of the study, writes in a press release.

“This debunks societal views of monogamy as being the ideal relationship structure.”

There is no doubt the study is bullshit. The only question is, was it done by some rabbit looking to justify their own hedonistic desires, or was it done on orders of the Cabal to help destroy the nuclear family.

They want you atomized from everyone, alone, and at war with everyone around you. Their worst nightmare is a society of unified K-strategists, bound to families and friends, ready to forge their own path forward by force if necessary. Case in point, is the coordinated presentation of these stories:

In yet another alleged case of racial profiling caught on video, a white man in North Carolina spent his Fourth of July holiday calling the police on a black woman who was trying to swim in her neighborhood pool — because he didn’t believe she was rich enough to live there.

“This is a classic case of racial profiling in my half a million $$ neighborhood pool,” wrote Facebook user Jasmine Edwards.

“This happened to me and my baby today,” she said, in reference to her encounter with police, which was captured on cell phone video. “What a shame!!”

Does anyone know a white person who is calling police on black people? How rare is that? And yet, these are the stories we seeing constantly now. I am certain those are all produced stories designed to split whites from blacks, and to try and prevent blacks from siding with Trump. I’d be surprised if most of the events are not staged by Cabal actors, and then aired on orders by Cabal-controlled media outlets.

Everything today is controlled, and it is all produced by somebody at the top with an eye to maintaining control.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because nobody wants to be controlled

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6 years ago

Re: open relationships … This is simply another way the r vs K thing plays out — quantity over quality. In my experience, those who prefer quantity are also anti-social, even if they appear social on the surface. When you’re juggling more than one relationship you never have to get invested, you never have to reveal much of yourself, so you’re able to fulfill whatever narcissistic expression you like to project. And so it goes when you’re mixing with other poly types, who are also similar in nature.

I’ve met a couple of these types and they wouldn’t know what to do with true happiness. They do seem entranced by it when they observe it in others, but I don’t think they’re equipped to handle it because happiness is a byproduct of care.

When I think about r-types deeply I feel both sad and scared. I wish I could help them, even if it’s to feel some hope for them, but most of the time I’m just repelled …

Reply to  FJ
6 years ago

By byproduct of care, I meant care for others.

Reply to  FJ
6 years ago

“The only question is, was it done by some rabbit looking to justify their own hedonistic desires, or was it done on orders of the Cabal to help destroy the nuclear family.”

Your site has taught me that perhaps there isn’t a true difference. Wouldn’t the very first Cabal members have been rabbits? Isn’t the Devil a rabbit?

6 years ago

The study’s conclusion is flawed just from the information given. So people who live in open relationships are as happy as prior living in monogamous relationships. So what. Presumably, they all chose their relationship status. So there are some perverts who found other perverts with whom to have a relationship. And now they are just as happy as normal people. Big deal. Doesn’t mean a normal person would be happy in a perverted relationship!

The baseline for this is societies where polygamy is normal, like the middle East, and see how much the women there suffer. And the children! The middle Eastern family is a cesspool at the best of times, much like the patchwork family.

Reply to  Huli
6 years ago

God approves of polygamy (see the Bible), but disapproves of random fornication.

Don’t get the two confused, and don’t be trying to get holier-than-God re polygamy.

6 years ago

Because if you feel happy, then it must be okay. I read these studies with a hefty pinch of Romans 1. Who will be studying the happiness levels of the people who are in the lake of fire?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

I want to hear how the rabbits define happiness. For that matter, what do they mean when they say “relationship satisfaction, psychological well-being and sexual satisfaction”?

My guess is their happy equals feeling good, which means they’re getting what they want, when they want, how they want, which changes often, and shifts accordingly with the latest trend.

Relationship satisfaction = narcissistic supply and sexual needs being met.

Psychological well-being = being aligned with the latest trends, never missing out.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Good point! But r selected can’t think past today – what will this mean if I want to have children and I’m just in a shag circle with a bunch of derelicts? What will my 50s and beyond look Iike if I haven’t built a family? And how will I spend eternity if my life was spent in defiance of God? But all that matters is I’m happy today. I’d be sad for them if they weren’t so evangelical in their depravity.

6 years ago

> There is no doubt the study is bullshit.

Hmm, I’m going to disagree.

We know the researchers are rabbits because they only care about what makes people happier, not what results in a stable, working civilization. They made a possibly good study about the wrong question. I don’t think there’s a need to resort to conspiracy theories here. Rabbit researchers will make their studies about “what makes you happier” and completely ignore everything else, because that’s all rabbits care about.

But… strong civilizations (ie, K) are based on monogamy and stable families.