One Good Thing Immigration Will Bring To The West

The Ugandan Parliament genteelly debates some legislative initiative:

Coming soon to the floor of the House and Senate, and I cannot wait. We have to make sure they have those long aluminum rods laying around when it shows up. Those definitely increase the entertainment significantly.

Everything you do that is r, simply brings K back onto the stage. The more you free up immigration, the more you normalize things like this, and the more you replace the pinky-in-the-air Cuckservative elites with Donald Trump-like animals willing and able to knock heads over principle.

The downside is everything you do that is K also helps r in the long term. Although when you are on the slippery slope into the Apocalypse, even God-Emperor level success in advancing K may only slow the approach of the inevitable.

K is coming back one way or another.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because K is coming back

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Immigration, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Nationalism, Politics, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Dey do not kno de wei

7 years ago

On a marginally more serious note, it’s been over two decades since the last bench clearing brawl in the Texas lege, and I’m starting to feel the itch.

7 years ago

Wow, I had to look that one up to see if it was legit. There was the story in Reuters about how they fought over extending term limits for the current leader.

Samuel Skinner
Samuel Skinner
Reply to  Kharmii
7 years ago

Fights in parliament are pretty common. Japan, Korea, Ukraine, South Africa, Afghanistan…

7 years ago

I was surprised that there were that many business suits in Ugh-ands.

7 years ago

For the record…. the canning of senator sumner. Although that took place in I think 1858. Which a while study of the harsh effects on the amygdala could be done.
Sumner(MA) said something on the floor of the senate that offended a senator from think SC. Said offended senator proceeded to hit Sumner from behind while he was at his senate desk in the chamber. Sumner was left unconscious and late recovered. The offended senator said “he is no man, but a dog, as such I am under no obligation to face him like a man, he can be whipped like a dog” or something like that.

My point? We’ve had that in the US, and perhaps may see it again in the future. It would make debate and c-span more interesting.

7 years ago

The harder the push; the greater the push back–that’s just nature. But when r-type behavior has been artificially propped up the way it has… the hammer that will come down will be brutal.

7 years ago

Didn’t look like anyone was doing much damage.
rabbit rumble I guess it’s progress from temper tantrums.

7 years ago

The Michael Jackson spin move on the tabletop at the beginning is a real crowd-pleaser.