On Relative Superiority And The Migrant Invasion

Not encouraging:

A deadly combination of a plummeting birthrate and massive immigration portend that native Italians will make up an increasingly small percentage of Italy’s overall population, a new study reports. Italy’s fertility rate is less than half of what it was in 1964, the Centro Machiavelli reported in its study titled “How immigration is changing Italian demographics.” It has dropped from 2.7 children per woman to just 1.5 children per woman currently, a figure well below the replacement level for zero population growth of roughly 2.1 children per woman.

What we are going to do is a hypothetical theory post on the worst case scenario – the elites have planned the Muslim invasion well enough that Europe will be lost in some measure at some point. I do not personally think it is the case, but I also do not believe anybody has ever seen this degree of r, mixed with an economic system set up with the control to avoid a collapse and foster economic irresponsibility as effectively as this one.

Here is the problem. Decades back there was a book on the theory behind organizing special operations attacks written by US Navy SEAL and now Vice-Admiral William McRaven. It explained several highly successful military operations through the lens of the theory of Relative Superiority.

The theory was that all battles have a tipping point in the midst of the battle, where they are decided. Everything after is just fate playing out. They key element of that tipping point is that the force which will win has attained what is called “Relative Superiority” over their enemy.

Relative superiority simply means that when you combine the number of forces, the power of their weaponry and their ability to do damage, and their positioning to exploit key weaknesses in vital infrastructure, the winning force had relative superiority in that combined metric.

McRaven then went through various special operations where a small force, sometimes just a handful of men, subdued a much larger and superior force of hundreds or thousands, and showed that you could move around the relative superiority metric. This was most often done by delaying the point where the fighting in the battle was to begin, until your forces had already achieved relative superiority through position and placement of ordinance and men.

Because small forces tend to be more easily concealed and can arrive via unexpected means, they can delay the moment when fighting begins by hiding as they position their attacks on critical elements and structures. If they carry sufficient weaponry, they can move the point of their attainment of Relative Superiority to even before they start shooting. Because the enemy doesn’t see them or expect them, they will be offered no resistance, and the battle can be won before it is even officially begun.

But there is a risk. If your operation is exposed before your forces have positioned themselves and attained the planned relative superiority, you will be annihilated due to being inferior in the force numbers and inferior positioning. Once contact is initiated, the relative superiority at that moment is what is operative, and any plans you had are meaningless. That is the risk of a covert special operation.

As an example, one sniper who concealed his position as he maneuvered on Nazi headquarters and took out Hitler could have perhaps ended WWII, whereas it otherwise would have taken millions of men and untold amounts of resources. But if he is exposed before he is in position, just one gunshot will leave him a position of relative inferiority as hundreds of guards descend on his position and find him and kill him.

I have found this applies in a lot of places in life. Get your pins in order, before you start knocking them down, and conceal your real plans until they are already a fait accompli before you pull any trigger.

Everywhere I look at the migrant invasion, I see this principle of relative superiority in action. The Muslims are pretending they will always be nice and happy, and appreciative of their European hosts. Even where they abandon the façade, the r-strategist rabbits lie, cover up, and ignore the evidence, and use everyone’s conflict-avoidant natures to continue the influx.

This is, to my eye, clearly the first phase of a special operation designed to attain relative superiority over the European people using superior Muslim numbers, using their own naiveté and r-strategist conditioning to lull them into apathy, before the initiation of contact. Given the history of Muslims, in every instance where their populations multiplied sufficiently in close proximity to a different population, violent subjugation is unavoidable. From the perspective e of r/K Theory, the initiation of conflict should be seen as being triggered by the economic collapse.

So to my eye, the question is, to wait and allow the Muslims to possibly one day attain relative superiority through superior numbers and positioning, or to initiate contact as early as possible, and let the conflict play out before they have attained such relative superiority over European forces. It is literally the question of to win or lose your homeland, and whether your descendants will live as Muslim slaves or free people. As some have noted, Europeans will either serve as slave labor erecting minarets for Muslims, or appreciatively erect statues of Anders Breivik himself, of their own volition.

There are only two ways to win such a battle. Recognize it in the covert phase, recognize it is unavoidable, expose it, and initiate contact early while your forces still hold a position of relative superiority. Or recognize it, and covertly realign your forces so you will have relative superiority when the conflict begins.

Now there are several factors not accounted for in this analysis. One, Europeans will be fighting on their home turf, with nowhere to fall back to. The Muslims will have their countries to flee home to – but only if the conflict begins before they have become first generation European Muslims. That is a huge advantage for Europe, but it means each Muslim baby born into European society that grows to fighting age will be a loss of this advantage. Even Muslim women will suicide bomb.

The second factor is these Muslims are r-strategist migrants. When fighting began in their homeland, they beat feet halfway across the globe to get away from it. The generals who assembled this army did not send their genetic A-team. If a new conflict begins in Europe, I would expect all of the migrants to have a genetic r-strategist tendency to flee the conflict and danger in search of free resources anywhere else.

Those will buy Europe time, but the point of relative superiority through numerical superiority is approaching even if it is far off. Those who say Europe could never be conquered may not be seeing that the relative superiority metric is a simple mathematic metric, the graph lines are presently not in the native’s favor, and given the elite’s ability to forestall the Apocalypse, none of us really know how far off contact is.

If you think Europe could never be conquered, I would only say it is difficult to imagine just how much wealth the west has produced, how much simulated wealth it continues to produce through financial manipulation, and how much dopamine everyone has been exposed to in the form of technology, from smartphones, to videogames, to CGI 3d movies. All of those are pushing the European r-strategy farther r than I think mankind has ever seen. Even the Roman Military at the time of the collapse, after the Empire’s reign had flooded Rome with free resources like never before, from foreign booty to slave labor, did not consider actively recruiting transgender soldiers as a way to improve their military.

So how to initiate contact early? There are limitations to what you can do. As I say, you cannot fight the tides of r/K Selection. So long as the free resources are flowing, the Anders Breivik option is not going to work, as we have seen. It is a dead end.

The elites have shown an astonishing capability for prolonging the r-selection. In 1980, we should have had one decline to re-Kify us, and there probably should have been at least a couple since then. They have managed to prevent all of those course corrections, and that has left us in the present state, where our nations not only allow the invasion by violent low IQ rapist foreigners, they invite them, subsidize their journeys, and run cover for them after arrival, even as these savages slowly accrue relative superiority over us.

My own preference would be to withdraw production and go Galt. If the free resources stop, you will have instant K-selection. The limitation on that is that the elites control so much of the financial machinery, the ability to make that happen now is questionable.

But we are on a decline. As time goes on, we are building stresses in the system. While the success and wealth Donald Trump is producing as President are concerning, he is also releasing K-stimuli, and the wealth he is generating is coming at the expense of others. And all of our nations are constantly spending money they don’t have in ever-increasing amounts. This mixture of instability and decline cannot go on indefinitely.

There will come a time when the system is teetering. At that time, you may be able to move the time up on our contact point by pulling your wealth out and taking control of it yourself.

As always you will need paper cash on hand at the collapse to avoid being stuck using worthless digital currency, and then as time goes on you will need to be transitioned to something else, be it precious metals, ammunition, or some means of producing value like reloading equipment, welding equipment, or farming capability. None of that involves self-sacrifice. You should be pulling your wealth out anyway. But doing it in a coordinated fashion at the right moment with an eye to triggering the collapse might be worth considering.

It should also be considered that is possible the elites have somehow structured this perfectly, and contact cannot be initiated throughout greater Europe before the Muslims reach relative superiority. If that is the case, the only way to fight is to reposition K-strategists, concentrating them in one enclave where they can achieve relative superiority themselves, and defend their enclave. From there, a broader period of perhaps decades, or even centuries-long conflict might be required to reclaim Europe.

Given the Muslim migrants are r-strategists, and that Russia seems opposed to a Muslim Caliphate ruling Europe, it would be likely that once K was reestablished in some nation in force, Europe would eventually be retaken from such a mass of r-strategists. All that would be required would be a unified European K-nation, primed and thirsty for battle and victory. Being K-ified by such a battle would reinvigorate birthrates and produce greatness.

These are dark times. People call it Europe’s suicide, but it is really the attempted murder of apathetic real Europeans, by fake Europeans. We all know where it is heading. The question is whether that realization can hit everyone’s amygdala the way their own actual murder would, even although their amygdala has not yet experienced it, and is not yet practiced at producing that emotional realization.

Regardless, those who take the survival of Western Civilization seriously need to start planning now for how to manage the threats which are, beyond any doubt, approaching in the future.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we need to have relative superiority when the festivities begin

This entry was posted in Betrayal, Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

A group of military officers in any European country could pull a Pinochet. That would kick it off. And they would save Western Civilization.

7 years ago

[…] On Relative Superiority And The Migrant Invasion […]

7 years ago

There is a third option. Consciously K-ify the population through teaching. Until a critical mass of such assembles that they can keep the machine working properly.

I view high resources and rabbiting in a slighlty different way, as energy being poured into a system, and the stresses of that energy causing errors. I believe what this generation is experiencing is a moment of perfect stress, wherby God is taking all our various systems and subjecting them to high energy (resources). The systems then do what they are designed to, take that energy and grow. As we watch this happening, those of us that deeply care for good, are doing what we can to prevent the inevitable crashing of the system. Some of us come up with great models to describe the mechanism, others encourage taking safe precautions, still pthers run for office and try to establish order. And a few others open up their hearts to God and beg Him to bring redemption. That concept where humanity reaches a stage of collective understanding such that we can finally overcome the original damage down to our psyche, and receive direct understanding and aid from God.

This is where r/K theory leads me.

Let's destroy liberals with science!!!!!!!!!!
Let's destroy liberals with science!!!!!!!!!!
Reply to  Ron
7 years ago

AC comment in this post would be useful about how to K-ifie and maintain that k-ification.


It’ll be exceedingly important to keep the population mostly K once a future success due to k-ification of the population after the apocalypse of the current status quo becomes a reality and restarts r-selection.

Also plz


Cecil Henry
7 years ago

Yes, this is the key issue. ITs why they’re trying to get as many non-Whites into the WEst as fast a possible before the real numbers and consequences can be realized by the host population.

The attitude is: once they’re in, they can stay forever, always. You have no say. Now, now, now!

Hence the ‘urgent’ need in Canada for 50,000 Syrian refugees by Christmas in 2016. And on it goes. The ‘diversity’ promotion endlessly and ‘anti-racism’ propaganda is meant to prevent objections and a response before they can get massive numbers into the every Western nation.

This has been going on since the 1960’s. In 1989 the Mulroney government promised to never drop immigration no matter what the unemployment rate– this was deemed as very important.

For Canada’s 150th celebration, everything was about celebrating the ‘diversity’ of the past 20 years only. The PM Trudeau opined that the best and most genuine Canadians ARE immigrants.

Its a horrendous, evil crime that is being done here.

The Docent
The Docent
7 years ago

Perhaps this is why the EU is so irate at Hungary and Poland, which have been less welcoming of the Islamic horde. It is unfortunate, from a strategic standpoint, that Hungary and Poland are at the periphery of Europe.

7 years ago

Members of the German high command were rebuffed by FDR in seeking help to kill Hitler.

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

That was a great explication of where we stand right now. So many in the Alt-Right are frustrated right now, watching this insanity unfold and wondering what we can/should do to take back the world from the forces of degeneracy and evil.

This needs to get wide distribution throughout the movement folks.

7 years ago

“My own preference would be to withdraw production and go Galt. ”
Yup, in the late 80’s. It took a few years.

Concerning the new SJW misuse of ‘concerning’, I find it,… cause for concern.
Triggers the shit out of me. (snicker)