If you are a Conservative, chances are you have certain psychological traits. One of these traits is a genuine desire to see those around you happy. This site spends a lot of time on politics and complex ideas, but we should all have as our primary focus, seeking to bring pleasure to our friends and family. In that vein, I’d like to periodically share things with the readers here, which I think they would enjoy sharing with their family and friends. There is no better time to begin this than now, with the coming holiday season. These periodic posts will be named “On Dopamine,” so they may be found more easily.
I was watching a show on holiday entertaining recently, and an food expert on the show said, “Don’t bring a bottle of wine to a holiday dinner. Everybody has different tastes in wine, and some may just not like wine, anyway. Bring a bottle of Godiva Chocolate Liqueur – Everybody loves Godiva Chocolate Liqueur.” I would be surprised if it wasn’t a paid endorsement. But that said, to me, Godiva is just like Chocolate milk, with a hint of vodka (I’ve seen it freeze to slush in my freezer, so I’d guess it’s about 5-10% alcohol, though they claim 15%). Plus Godiva is expensive, at about $25-35 per 750ml bottle.
Personally, I think far better than Godiva would be a bottle of the new Dekuyper Crave, Minted Chocolate Liqueur. It is a simple digestivo, or after-dinner liqueur, whose taste is reminiscent of an alcoholic peppermint pattie – a tasty, pleasant, and refreshing mix of chocolate and mint, perfect for an after-dinner-and-dessert treat.
It makes an excellent gift as well. When you arrive, you tell the host to place it in the freezer, and serve it in chilled glasses after the meal. It’s only about 30 proof, so a shot or two isn’t going to leave people tipsy for the drive home. If you really want to impress, serve it in chocolate shot glasses, widely available everywhere today, and easily searchable on Google.
From the first sip, people will ohh and ahh at the chocolatey peppermint. Inevitably, everyone will think to themselves how perfect it is as both a close to a meal, and a backdrop to the relaxed conversations which occur as people begin to see the end of a pleasant evening approach, and try to make the most of what is left in response. It is always nice to see loved ones truly enjoying the moment, and that is what this will provide.
This is not some fancy artistic liqueur, like Chambord or Drambui. But at about $15-17 dollars per 750ml bottle, it offers excellent value, is perfect for the Christmas season, and will be the hit of any party. It will probably become a holiday tradition for those families which try it, along the lines of the old Vandermint liqueur, which is sadly, no longer imported. It would be perfect for an evening spent watching the kids play with their new toys in front of the Christmas tree, or just a nice way to finish any night, before a long sleep, and a new day.
It should be available at any local liquor shop, on request. Just tell them you heard it is like Vandermint, and their ears will perk up, and they will get it in immediately. For the record, Dekuyper also makes a chcolate cherry liqueur, which though delicious, is less chocolately than the older Cheri Suisse, also no longer imported. And for those wondering, I have received no money for promoting this. My only motive is a hope the readers here, who have supported this site and its wild ideas, will derive enjoyment from sharing it with loved ones during this holiday season.
Merry Christmas, and God Bless.
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