Old James Bond’s Psychology Triggers SJWs

This is a sign of a fundamental change in human psychology

James Bond is part of British cinematic history, with 26 films spanning the past 56 years – but some millennials watching 007’s early outings for the first time are taking issue with the movies’ ‘inappropriate’ content.

Some viewers too young to witness past Bonds like Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Timothy Dalton – and even Pierce Brosnan – in action at the cinema have expressed their shock at the ‘sexist’ and ‘racist’ contents of the films in a modern context.

The older Bond movies may have stood the test of time in the eyes of true devotees of Ian Fleming’s hero – but those people coming to the franchise with fresh eyes say the spy’s sexually aggressive actions are unacceptable.

In particular, Sean Connery’s James Bond – the Scottish actor took the title role in seven Bond flicks between 1962 and 1983 – has been described variously as a ‘sexist wife beater’, a ‘scumbag’, and a ‘rapist’ by modern viewers.

It comes after the arrival of seminal ’90s sitcom on Friends on Netflix sparked an online outcry among 20-somethings seeing the episodes for the first time, who branded it ‘transphobic’, ‘homophobic’, and ‘sexist’.

There was a time when those old James Bond movies were so enjoyable to everyone, that people flocked to the theaters, and paid good money to see them. There is still a large segment of the population which likes them. But there is also a small coterie of weaker amygdalae that find the real world entirely too triggering, and driven by amygdala their frantic vocalizations can almost begin to sound as if they were a majority.

Things are definitely accelerating though, to the point that the normal K-strategists who have inhabited the nation for centuries cannot even begin to recognize the neurotic r-strategists as members of the same species. And likewise, the r-strategists cannot fathom how K-strategists think, nor do they recognize them as human.

Even worse, each is an impossible to tolerate amygdala-trigger for the other. Leftists find every environmental preference and lifestyle choice of K-strategists as intolerable to their amygdala-addled rabbit-like psychologies, while conservative K-strategists naturally find the leftist’s inability to tolerate realities and the morality of a K-selected reproductive strategy itself impossibly irritating.

I suspect amygdala weakness promotes avoidance of amygdala stimuli, which produces greater weakness, and that accelerates the slide into r by rabbits. If you start with a stronger amygdala, you don’t avoid the stimuli, and you may even like them, which keeps your amygdala developed and stress tolerant. This is why we are dividing. We are each heading in different directions of amygdala.

There is no way to continue the slide into r much further. History would indicate that this level of r indicates things are approaching the point of reversal. It is just the misfortune of the r-strategists that a reversal entails the application of beaucoup amygdala by force.

It is going to be fun to watch.

Spread r/K Theory, because nothing is a beautiful to listen to as the agonized shrieks of leftist SJWs exposed to reality

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Conservatives, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

It is true what they say,
You only live Twice

7 years ago

I once watched “The Thing” from the fifties to compare it with a more modern remake.

The modern movie had all the usual garbage in it. And it was mostly about the rivalry between people. The things itself was just a prop to build a plot around. The leader was appointed but had no support. The woman was, well… something modern.

The movie from the fifties was entirely different. Next to no rivalry, everyone worked together as a team to defeat the monster. The leader was a real alpha, and the female a real woman.

That comparison was a real eye opener for me as to how far we have fallen.

7 years ago

“I’d like ‘the rapist’ for $200, Alex.”

Duke Norfolk
7 years ago

“There was a time when those old James Bond movies were so enjoyable to everyone, that people flocked to the theaters, and paid good money to see them. There is still a large segment of the population which likes them.”

The Silent Majority was a real thing, and still is, I think (hope). Slowing getting less silent though. And the Vocal Minority (i.e. crazy, degenerate lefties) can – not – bear that. And it’s getting to be oh so entertaining.