Of r-selection And Subway Dongle-Massagers

I can’t help but laugh nowadays when I see r-selection in action:

They say New Yorkers are tough. But even by big city standards, nobody is as fierce as Deanna Carter, a woman who recently busted out her phone and confronted a man who tried to masturbate in front of her on the subway.

“Rubbing your dick? What the fuck are you doing?” Carter shouts in the mobile video. “Do it again and I’m gettin’ up out this chair and I’mma bust your fuckin’ ass on this train … you rub your dick when you get off the motherfucking train. Do we fucking understand each other?”

The man nods slightly, but Carter isn’t satisfied. So she tells him to get off the train at the next stop.

“Say, ‘I understand you, Miss,'” she says. He complies, promptly exiting the train.

This model of sexual dimorphism is exactly what you see in r-selected animals in nature. Cowardly effete males with no sexual control sit off on the side, quietly spanking their monkeys in public, until large aggressive females decide to humiliate them in front of everyone else. This is the r-selected liberal Bonobo human to the Conservative’s K-selected chimpanzee. The only difference is that in humans, females videotape it for youtube, just for fun. The best part?

“Say, “I understand you miss!” All ‘ight now! We have an understanding!”

He actually meekly says it to mollify her. Then he got off the train, went somewhere else, pulled out his shlong, and did it again – and they caught him. Now he has been charged in both instances.

Think about how the real r-strategist thinks. Imagine being him. This is normal to him. To him, this is how his life as a man is meant to be. This woman humiliating him like this – it happens and it doesn’t phase him. He gets up, moves, and then he does it all over again somewhere else. His life is spent running from one corner of the world to another, sitting frightened and massaging his dongle publicly – and getting humiliated and chased off by alpha women all along the way. That is just normal, everyday experiences to him. If this isn’t the perfect example of the ultimate evolution of the modern pro-feminist manboob, I don’t know what is.

This is what r-selection inevitably evolves toward. Scalzi, Obama, Clinton, George Will, the Cucks at National Review – they are all waypoints on the evolutionary path to this. This is the pinnacle of r which they want to lead us toward. Cowardly, effete men, lacking sexual control, and manly aggressive women who try to humiliate them for fun – (themselves in search of that Ultimate Alpha who parries their verbal assail with some witty, Gives-No-Fuck banter as he amusedly rubs away).

Think this won’t be legalized some day? The Federal government has not just legalized men entering women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. It has legalized the most sexually twisted men, wearing wigs and makeup, using women’s bathrooms and walking around naked in women’s locker-rooms superman-style, wigs blowing in the wind, arms akimbo, and shlongs resplendent. Nothing is off the table today.

Mark my words, if the free resources continued long enough, subway jerkers would get federal protection, because they aren’t hurting anyone. It would be like gay marriage. You would be the weird one for feeling it is odd. They would even try to shame you over your opposition to it. You’d be a donglephobe, with donglephobia. LGBTQ would become LGBTQD. They would march down the street in St Patrick’s Day parades proudly, schlongs in hand, and SJWs would cheer as they went by. The Pope would debate making them Priests. The issue would cost candidates elections, and National Review would chew us out for being extremists, and turning our backs on the civil rights of Public Dongle Massagers. They would make the big tent argument, tell us the rise in dongle massagers meant we would be demographically doomed unless we embraced it, and say we are uncompassionate and antiquated in our thinking. They’d bring Derbyshire back just so they could ban him again as an example.

r-selection is a scale of infinite weirdness, and there is no end.

It is funny to see the model in other r-selected animals in nature, marvel at how strange it seems, and then see it crop up, in full form, right in front of us just as you would predict, despite its seeming ridiculousness. But there it is in humans, just like you see it in nature, and emerging at the very moment we are at peak resource availability courtesy of an artificial resource glut provided by national debt.

This is the r-selected Apocalypse. Now for the economic collapse to rescue us, by bringing K-selection back.

This entry was posted in Cuckservatives, Decline, Economic Collapse, GOPocalypse, Humor, ITZ, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Of r-selection And Subway Dongle-Massagers […]

8 years ago

I’m imagining what it would be like to tell someone off like that both before and after the legal and civil acceptance of it. Compare the feeling of having and not having the mental initiative; ‘before’, you would be supported, and ‘after’ you know you are going to be marginalized (seen as not a full member of the advancing human race).

If everybody is against you, it is a bit like water trying to enter a submerged box of air. You have to really lock yourself down, and know why what you know is right. This is more than just the K biases, but fortifying them against arguments that may be false but are yet more comprehensive than what you can refute with (r/K theory is a big help). Then you go down like the savage in Brave New World (the book), infiltrated and unable to live with yourself, knowing it is wrong but with the constant pressures against you.

I think the shift of initiative that places the K person on the back foot requires this extra work, if only to eliminate the doubt in oneself if one does not become isolated from the increasing r sources (and become the ‘classic bigot’, who can only justify themselves poorly even if they may be right). So I wonder if this woman, or any other person who would stand up for decency like that, would still have the mentality to do it if it were the ‘after’ stage, and not stay silent (this could still be a valid option, I’m not saying that the mentality would be straight good or bad for every case).

How do you, AC, respond to the “not hurting anyone” argument? I’d appeal to dignity, but that’s an unknown, or defined as a social abstraction not necessarily to be adhered to, to the person I would be talking to. Although, I guess the important thing would be to argue in order to sate your own doubt of it (the existence of dignity as a reality), rather than convince another person who can be free to do their own research.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I had to laugh at some of it too. It’s not even far-fetched.

8 years ago

“You’d be a donglephobe…”
Okay, I literally LOL’d at that. Ludicrous, hilarious, and sadly true.

It also begs the question. What, for example, would Thomas Jefferson would think of the term “Islamophobe?” He’d probably find it similarly ridiculous.

Great article!

8 years ago

Well, you called it.

Breaking: Masturbating in public is not illegal, Italy’s highest court rules

“Supreme Court in Rome…over-turned the conviction, citing a law introduced last year which decriminalised the offence of masturbating in public in front of women. ‘The act is no longer regarded as a crime by the law,’ the Supreme Court ruled….”

As a donglephobe, I find this development rather disturbing.

8 years ago

[…] Addendum: For those who didn’t see it, we predicted this here. […]