Heartiste talks about the new term of art, Cuckservative:
CH definition: A cuckservative is a cowardly pussy who sucks up to leftoid equalists for mercy and pisses himself when he gets accused of racism, sexism, or anti-semitism.
Corollary to the above CH definition: The cuckservative will throw his brother and his nation under the bus if it means he keeps his token status as cog in the Hivemind machine. Those cocktail parties aren’t going to attend themselves!
Matt Forney does a longer piece at Return of Kings, detailing the ten signs you may be a Cuckservative
What is happening now is in-grouping. Cuckservatives are trying to say this is about race, and those wielding the term are racists, or white supremacists. But it is about more than that. Merely by seeking to disqualify users of the term Cuckservative by using word associations such as racists and white supremacist, the Cuckservatives betray something about themselves. They have a little leftist in them.
Rather than debate the merits of importing third worlders from socialist countries to America, or meet the non-cucks head on and debate their issues to show they are wrong about something, they would rather simply use name calling to stifle debate, and out-group the alt-right with the population over associations with unpopular terms. That is straight out of the SJW playbook.
When you combine it with the Cuckservative’s desire to ally with leftists, gain leftist approval, or not attack leftists ardently enough, it is no wonder alt-righters, feeling the tingles of unrest in the air, want to purge the leftist-like cucks from their group, in preparation for whatever insanity may be coming.
Of course race and immigration are issues which delineate the Cuckservatives from the non-cucks, and it too relates to in-grouping in the face of what is coming. Within the poorer black community in-grouping has been occurring for a while. It is why Michael Brown can strangle a cashier while stealing his cigars, dive into a Police car and try to kill the cop who saw him, and when he gets shot by the cop the #blacklivesmatter crowd acts as if it was akin to Jesus being crucified. To the #blacklivesmatter crowd, their own can do no wrong, and the outsiders are the enemy.
Cuckservatives never dealt with this honestly when it began. To this day, I will bet nobody short of Donald Trump would call out Michael Brown as a savage who got what he deserved. We all know it. We saw him strangling the cashier. But no Cuckservative has the balls to say it. This emboldened the #blacklivesmatter crowd to become ever more in-grouped, and ever more vituperative. Now, if you say “all lives matter,” they view it as a call to arms.
Which points out the big problem. Cuckservatives are afraid of truths, if they are amygdala triggering to leftists. They will fire John Derbyshire for quoting peer reviewed statistics. They will shout down members of their own party with labels and innuendo. And they will do it all, just to gain the acceptance of the very leftists who are destroying our nation.
That is one thing if you are a leftist. We expect leftists to say the King is beautifully clothed, even though he is stark naked. But now we even have idiots on our side saying the King’s clothes are especially splendid, and anyone who says otherwise is a racist, homophobic, insensitive, bad-person who is not to be liked. There is a point past which you lose the people who believe in truth. The Cuckservatives have now crossed that point.
Even worse, by capitulating to the left, they make the leftist’s mental problems grow. It is a sort of Folie à deux, where two mentally ill people each feed the other’s delusions, because there is literally nobody who will inject reality into the relationship. The Cuckservatives cede a fantasy to the leftist as reality, the leftist comes up with a new fantasy, and the Cuck bolsters that one too.
It is no surprise given all this that one man running for President, saying simple truths unapologetically, would find immense support in such a scenario. It is even less surprising that as he creates a confrontational environment where truth can be spoken, others would rise to do so as well, and pitch in – in this case by labeling it, and purging the Cuckservatives from the Right as best they can. This is the prelude to resource restriction, and the K-selection which will arise from it.
When r turns to K, the rabbits do not determine destiny, the K’s do. If at some point in-grouped blacks attack in-grouped whites, or in-grouped whites begin attacking in-grouped blacks, all the SJW and Cuckservative unity-talk in the world will not stop how attitudes will change. All blacks will begin to view all whites as enemies out of necessity, and any white Cuckservative who assumes he can just drive through a poorer black area during that period will learn very quickly why evolution preferred in-grouping. How this all plays out will be triggered by the K-strategists, not the rabbits or the Cuckservatives at the margins, trying to sound important or superior.
It is surprising to observe the degree of in-grouping today given how easy we have it. It brings to mind Matt Bracken’s Civil War Cube. I never understood the full implications of it, but looking at the degree of in-grouping already amongst highly educated, affluent whites, and understanding how bad the collapse will be when it comes, it now appears to be required reading for those who want to be prepared for what is coming.
While Civil War Two is on the table for discussion, allow me to introduce two aggravating factors that don’t fit neatly on the cube. The first is the concept of multiple embedded minorities. Picture the old cartoon mainstay showing a line of fish getting ready to gobble another fish, from the leviathan down to the small fry. You might live in a neighborhood where you are in the majority, but the neighborhood is in a town where you are in the minority. And the town is surrounded by a larger area where your own kind once again predominates.
Or you might fit into the picture as the smallest of all fish, living in the only minority household within a majority neighborhood. From street to neighborhood to city to state to region can easily place you in the middle of several levels of embedded minorities-within-majorities. This formulation might work for many decades during times of relative prosperity and well-being, but during a civil war it is a recipe for disaster, as unstable as nitroglycerin-filled bowling pins. It’s all cool just as long as the pins are standing still and calmly hanging out together, but look out when the Black Swan bowling ball comes rolling in! An unstoppable chain reaction ensues, as each new act of violence is avenged up and down the line.
Apocalypse cometh. Nobody said it would be fun, but if you’re a Cuckservative, kiss your ass goodbye, and don’t expect a non-cuck to save you.
[…] Of Cuckservatives, Racial In-grouping, and the Civil War Cube […]
On the right, you have ‘dialog’, but I believe it’s dialogue. In the heading of “How r- and K-type Psychologies Affect Societies, and What This Means for our Political Dialog”.
Until recently I worked as a pharmaceutical rep; it is astonishing how many highly-educated Caucasian males with whom I spoke were (behind closed doors) willing to express sentiments for which the current Narrative would tar and feather them.
Previously unutterable truths are no longer off-limits (among like-minded “friends.”) I consider these early indicators of the coming change of Narrative discussed on this blog.