On Corruption, Bloodless War, Economic Decline, And Secret Societies

What did Q say a few days ago about war?

You use a war to distract, and the Cabal is going to need to distract:

The Taliban is on the verge of dramatically expanding its control over southern and eastern Afghanistan in a surprise offensive that has caught Afghan and U.S. forces off guard and thrown a vexing new wrench into the Trump administration’s strategy for ending the nearly 17-year-old war there…

While the Afghan forces, backed by U.S. and NATO advisors, claimed Monday night to have retained control of central Ghanzi, local reports indicated Taliban fighters still held pockets of the city and had simultaneously swept in and taken over most of the surrounding province’s rural areas.

Analysts said the development has underscored the Taliban’s capability for a resurgence in Afghanistan and will likely increase the group’s political leverage over peace talks with U.S. officials that the Trump administration has quietly been trying to get off the ground.

Should the Taliban ultimately wrestle Ghazni away from Afghan security forces, it would mark the first major district center to fall to the group since it captured the northern Afghan city of Kunduz in 2015.

So Cabal might be flooding money, weapons, and intelligence into Afghanistan, and organizing the Taliban offensive. Imagine, somewhere may be a Cabal Intelligence operations center with former intel pros looking at satellite imagery, and planning the killing of western-supported forces by some prehistoric savages, just to get our troops drawn in and killed, to distract our population.

On the bright side it would mean the Cabal sees their efforts to win in November, impeach Donald Trump, and re-establish their control are failing. So they are hoping war, and maybe even a flood of US casualties, will save them.

It does cast a light on an alternate theory of history. Cabal uses war to distract people. Which brings you to Sept 11th, and the almost two-decade long wars that ensued, and are still being used to distract today. What was all of that initially distracting from?

This older theory, based on Donald Rumsfeld’s statement a day before 9/11, seems quite a likely candidate:

The next day we were plunged into an almost multi-decade, global campaign – and the accounting office of the Pentagon was turned to rubble too.

This missing $2.3 Trillion (back when $2.3 trillion was a lot of money to lose) was a problem (Last I heard it was up to $6.5 Trillion). But blowing up one side of the Pentagon was not going to make it go away. You would need a few things. First you need to destroy the accounting office and its records. Then you need a mission that would drain every penny from everything in the Pentagon not directly war-related. And finally, you would need full control when it was all over, because obviously things had come so far that suppressing it going forward would require taking over the entire government and media. You would need a distraction that would allow all of that for about a decade, at least. I could see where once you had acquired all that control, the first President you install would be a Kenyan puppet with no history who would facilitate the final transition to an almost shadow oligarchy, cloaked in the façade of a republic, without any Constitutional protections.

In fact in retrospect, it would seem almost expected.

Which brings me to a theory I have had bouncing around in my head for a few weeks now. I think of it as “Bloodless War.”

Suppose you wanted to take over a country. Especially a heavily in-grouped, heavily armed, patriotic nation like the US. You have one option, which is invasion and conquering. It would be a long, bloody affair, and you might fail. It really is not even an option.

But suppose you just started a “secret society.” Something like the Freemasons, where members pledge to look out for other members. You begin recruiting, and since it is not necessarily counter to the nation, you begin to amass members. Maybe you are a foreign intelligence operation, so you come in with some ability to gather intel on people to vet them as potential members.

First, imagine where it heads for a moment. As it gets bigger, for recruiting purposes, you begin broader surveillance operations, to get an idea of who will be open to what. Who wants the benefits? Who would oppose breaking rules for other members? Who might get inside, turn on the operation like Omarosa, and try to bring it down?

When starting out, you would have to think ahead to this point. You are surveilling Americans illegally, against their will. You are punishing some and rewarding others, declaring winners and losers. Now you are breaking the rules and ideals of the nation. Some of those rule violations run against the very Constitution of the nation you are trying to infiltrate. Others require everyone recognize other Americans as enemies of The Society.

How will your members view this when it arises? How do you proactively inoculate the operation against any problems that might arise from all that? Obviously it is a problem for recruiting and marketing. You need a specific psychology that will in-group more with the culture and ideals of the Society than with their broader nation. And you will need a targeted marketing plan which will tell each recruit what they need to hear. National security conscious people may be told they are joining a secret unit which will make Americans safe from terrorism. Neighborhood watch groups are helping to protect their neighborhoods from crime. Others may simply be able to be told they are joining a special group that looks out for its own above all else. Others may enjoy the power trips of being one up on other Americans. Nothing in the plan has to even say there is only one secret society. You could take over the freemasons, run the neighborhood watches, control a business association, dominate a union, hijack a cult, get control over religion, and on and on. So long as everything channels into the same command structure, what the individuals believe means nothing.

The benefits for those on the inside can be great. Imagine you get to the point 50% of the population is a member, just as an example, and look at landscaping. (Obviously I do not believe 50% of our population belongs to such a society, but the advantages which are apparent at 50% are still present at lower percentages, if not as apparent. I do however believe it possible to scale such a model up to 50% or more in many areas, especially during economic decline, for reasons which may become apparent. So it pays as you read forward to imagine that perhaps our engineered economic decline served many purposes for the Cabal.)

A member of the Society starting up a landscaping business will immediately have exclusive access to the 50% of the population who are members as essentially guaranteed accounts that will hire them based on Society membership. That may be enough to float the business alone, especially if the Society does not have many landscapers. And the other 50% of people are out there, unaware of the secret Society, hiring landscapers randomly. So your company starts out with a large number of guaranteed accounts, and regular access to the regular Americans on a basis similar to any other company. You may even be able to drop your prices with regular non-members to seize additional market share in that sector. But if you are a non-member, 50% of the population will never hire you, and you have to scramble to try and get many more accounts among the non-member segment of society, to compete with Society-companies. You will probably also have to charge higher prices to capitalize all your equipment, further eroding your ability to compete.

If the society gets to the point it has 50% membership in the population, I am not even sure a regular citizen could start a successful business that will last. And if you, as a regular citizen get close to succeeding, the society can have its members in OSHA, and other government agencies close in and make it unprofitable for you to go forward. Now they control all landscaping companies, which comes with the benefit that everyone who hires a landscaper is inviting your people onto their property and giving them access to walk around and peek in the corners of your property and look in your windows. Imagine if that kind of occupational targeting was done to plumbers, cable TV companies, electricians, appliance repairmen, contractors, carpet installers, computer repair services, confidential document destruction companies, maid services, and anyone else given free access to homes. Your operation now has powers a government restricted by the Fourth Amendment does not.

Now expand that out among all industries and occupations. You can see the motive forces which would drive the success of such an operation. Take the right positions in HR in the right companies, and you control most hiring and firing there, allowing you to guide everyone right where you want them. Get the leaders in Law Enforcement, and you control that. Politics, media, intelligence, private sector companies, it is all there for the taking, and the growth will be exponential, with each position in a critical point yielding even more positions.

Let economic conditions be tough, and a lot of people would feel as if access to the Society’s benefits would be a God-send. All they have to do is swear pure loyalty to the group before everything else.

Before you know it, the news anchors every night present a scripted message attacking regular ground-level government agents that is so ridiculous you can barely believe it is being presented – and it is given to the populace every night. As the Society’s influence rises, the population is bombarded with the message that government agents they see every day like the Police are the enemy of the people, while Society-controlled elements like Antifa are heroes opposing hate and promoting love and harmony and freedom. Now, because your people control the key positions, even the members of the population who aren’t in the Society are being bombarded with so much propaganda that it is tough for them to maintain their moral bearings.

If you can get to the point your members control the machinery of the government, the media, and you have a control over enough of the population to run a decent surveillance state, you have taken over the nation, without a drop of blood spilled. And if it is done right, the members of the society who you own not only pledge loyalty to the Society first. They will view the very culture of the nation, including fundamental ideals such as the Constitution as flexible, if not actual impediments to their own happiness and success. And they will view Americans who hold dear to those principles and reject the Secret Society as enemies who need to be controlled by any means. You could completely replace the nation you entered with a very different nation, without ever changing the people. You would be replacing the nation with an entirely new nation subservient to you, solely by using carrots and sticks to reprogram minds to see things not as foreign vs American, but as Society vs “outsiders.” Add in the cult/pedophilia/blackmail aspect to your command structure, and you are really cooking with gas, but the truth is it could probably be done without it.

And if you never do a big reveal, but rather seek to remain hidden by using your control of the government, and media, and society to hide you, your total victory may never even be known by the broader populace. You literally won a war nobody ever even knew was being fought, without spilling a drop of blood (save for isolated, unique cases like Hastings and Breitbart, maybe).

You wouldn’t need to replace any people, you wouldn’t need to deploy any occupying forces, and after your victory nobody would even know the war had been fought – even the people in the nation who pledged their loyalty to your Society. Remaining covert and keeping the Society secret would also allow you to take whatever level of victory you could attain at any moment, and sit on it for as long as you need to, in order for environmental conditions to improve to the point you could advance the Society’s membership and control further into the populace.

By contrast, Yuri Bezmenov’s description of demoralization as a psyop tactic would be pathetically weak and ineffectual. Just create the Society, take key positions early on in Intelligence and Law Enforcement, and then grow it constantly over decades until it subsumes the nation – or at least enough of it to control everything.

It makes me wonder if this was the plan after Rumsfeld said they were missing $2.3 trillion. Start the War On Terror to distract, and then use the decade or two which that would buy you, to begin a bloodless war within the nation using the Secret Society model to take everything over, so you would not need to fear exposure in the future. They already had the Intelligence infrastructure, and penetrating and controlling Law Enforcement would be nothing for the Intel community. From there, just vacuum up the population into it.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because being K is a Society all its own

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6 years ago

Excellent article, it made me realize something. Q is like an attempt to make an answer to the Society. It’s trying to create an even larger counter-Cabal network of patriots. Or as Trump would say, The Super Elite Society

6 years ago

I recommend Fritz Springmeier’s Illuminati Bloodlines. As long as they exist so will the Cabal.

Sergei Siminov
Sergei Siminov
6 years ago

The KGB / Kremlin’s “Active Measures” that Yuri Bezmenov & other Soviet defectors* detailed, would simply have been another aspect of the infiltration model the globalists were implementing as a whole.

Divide & conquer up & down the line.
Right vs. Left
West vs. East.
Capitalist vs. Communist.
Black vs. white.
Democrat vs. Republican.

All two sides of the same coin.
Flipped over & over by sinister forces; all for the ultimate goal of total control.

*Stanislav Lunev, Anatoliy Golitsyn, Ion Pacepa.

Mister Quigg
6 years ago

In the Horus Heresy books, the corruption spreads through “warrior lodges” which operate in secrecy within each Legion; they begin as a kind of drinking club but end up as a vector for infiltration. The inherent secrecy is a useful vessel for evil.

6 years ago

This is one of your best posts ever.

6 years ago

I reprise until “the fat lady/golden goose” expires:
Sadly, but not surprisingly, government[s] attract the most egregious, nefarious, parasitic element of “civilizations”. This is becoming increasingly evident in the declining “United SNAKES Corp”, D[e]C[eit], especially with the advent of the Internet – Gutenberg v2.gazillion. ALL the top echelon of said turd-pond bottom breeders/feeders – including almost all “legisTRAITORS” – are completely COMPROMISED. Otherwise, they would have NEVER been “SEelected”/promoted/allowed to assume such “positions”. How this gets “resolved” – I have absolutely no idea, but . . . a big-ass WAR has been the int’l financial [D]elites/PTB (Psychopaths That Bugger) ultimate/final historical method of DISTRACTION to [quietly] “exit, stage left” to their remote digs from which they fund ALL the belligerents and . . . then the REBUILD with interest-encumbered fiat currencies – “FUNDED” into circulation on the “AUTHORized sigs of the pleb borrowers while the coupon/interest amt remains UNfunded, of course

Deter Naturalist
Deter Naturalist
6 years ago

The economic system you describe is a cartel. As such it guarantees decline because, like overt socialism, its price system (essential for allocation of capital) is defective.

All roads lead to decline, and if such a grand conspiracy does exist, it is simply another part of the Matrix, performing its assigned role. I guess that if decline is baked in, the attraction of clinging to the higher floors of the enterprise is large, watching as we do the lower floors (and their occupants) being ground to dust.

English Tom
English Tom
6 years ago

Interestingly and also on September 10th 2001, a report was issued regarding the capabilities of various foreign intelligence agencies. Regarding Israel, the report stated:
Wild card. Has the ability to target others pretending to be Arabs.

Obviously someone was trying to get a warning out.

Track track track
6 years ago

(((They))) use the media to “tell” us what they are doing, as “admitting their sins” “frees” them of guilt with Satan or whoever their god is (Molech? Some crazy hierarchy of evil I assume). What you are describing here has been “shown” to the goyim before, via (((Hollywood))), the ol’ magic wand.