Obama’s Justice Department Working To Kill Cops And Trigger Martial Law?

That is sure what it looks like:

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is coordinating with Democratic activists to so disrupt the upcoming Republican and Democratic National Conventions that martial law will be declared.

That’s the stunning discovery revealed in a series of direct messages between three activists.

On Friday, June 10, 2016, someone hacked into the Twitter account of #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) leader and former Baltimore mayoral candidate DeRay McKesson. McKesson later confirmed the hack to The Baltimore Sun.

On June 11, 2016, a Twitterer who calls himself The Saint (@TheSaintNegro) tweeted a direct-message conversation on June 10 between KcKesson and another BLM leader Johnetta Elzie (Netta), in which the two discussed talking with Attorney General Loretta Lynch about plans to bring on martial law by causing chaos at the upcoming Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA, so as to keep Obama in office…

JE: “Have you spoken with Mrs. Lynch [Attorney General Loretta Lynch] recently about the plan for the summer and fall leading up to the elections.”

DM: “We spoke two weeks and they want us to start really pushing how racist Trump is now instead of waiting so the others can start getting the protesters ready to shut both conventions down.”

DM: “If we can get both conventions shut down for messing over Bernie and for having racist Trump, then get martial law declared so Obama can stay in office we will win. Call you soon when I get to my dads so I can use his landline and we can talk more on this…”

The rabbit strategy is ultimately designed to kill K-strategists. Cops are at the top of that list in the subconscious of the liberal mind, but grassroots K-strategists are not far behind.

What is amusing is how the black rabbits see white rabbits subconsciously as rabbits, and hold them in contempt. As there is no honor among thieves, even the rabbits have contempt for the even more rabbity they try to manipulate:

DM: “… I know you don’t care for them [white people] but this is the time we need our white allies doing a lot of the work for us. They are the ones who listen the best.”

JE: “…. You know I can’t stand those white allies, but yo right this is the best to use them. They hang on every word you say and will do whatever is asked. I just hate all that kiss ass they try to do. Like that changes who they are.”

DM: “We have a lot of white allies volunteering for Trump’s campaign to pass along information to us before it’s made public so we know when rallies are coming up before they are announced. That way we can plan major disruptions in those cities in advance. We just have to keep our names out of this and let these [white] people do the work for us by pushing how Trump’s racist ways will destroy….”

McKesson has a long history that is well-documented by The Conservative Treehouse, and he has been to the White House as a guest numerous times:

source:https://open.whitehouse.gov/dataset/White-House-Visitor-Records-Requests/p86s-ychb (search: Mekesson, Deray)

We are in high r. Obama will be trying to use the murder of the Dallas officers, which he and his people have helped create, to push for even more constraints on K-strategists, from assault weapons bans, to shutting down Donald Trump’s dialog and dispersing his rallies with violence. And behind that, Obama’s even more militant allies will be plotting more attacks like this. Their ultimate goal is to trigger all out war between citizens and cops, so they will destroy each other while the rabbits hide and endure no consequences.

If it worked, as I assume it must have in our evolutionary past, when the rabbits poked their heads up after the dust cleared, think about all the free resources they would enjoy, in a world massively depopulated by the very enemies the rabbit hates. It is a brilliant instinct, from a biological perspective, genuinely yielding free resources with an absolute minimum of risk.

At this point, given how far we have gotten into r, I would not think anything impossible, especially with such a huge population of neurotic rabbits desperate to see everyone else kill each other, and the truth-telling unifying efforts of Donald Trump breathing right down their necks. With that level of amygdala, nothing will be impossible.

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8 years ago

[…] Obama’s Justice Department Working To Kill Cops And Trigger Martial Law? […]

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
8 years ago

Obama will bring on martial law and march on the capital as dictator. He is going to repeal the second amendment and reconstruct the Tarpeian Rock on the cliffs of the Potomac. He’s going to lock Donald Trump in the Washington Monument and appoint Hillary Clinton as Postmaster General.

He’s going to replace all the gun powder with chalk and eradicate social security and send troops into your kitchen to steal your Corn Flakes while you’re sleeping.

Avraham rosenblum
Avraham rosenblum
8 years ago

It would thus be wise to be armed and ready in case the Federal government tries this.

8 years ago

It sure is a scary thought. But, a lot of people thought Bush was going to instigate martial law instead of leaving office. Not that Obama won’t, but I’ll be hesitant to latch on to those theories right now.

8 years ago

[…] Obama and the left are stirring up chaos and trying to get cops killed. […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

I wonder if this “hacker” is not just more psy-ops?

As for the cops being shot I’m surprised it’s taken this long. The police are shooting everyone not just Blacks. I’ve read that the primary trainers of police are ex Israeli police. It would fit right in. They training the police to treat us like Palestinians.

Things are really coming to a boil in this country. I wonder why they don’t move the GOP convention to a majority White State with a mayor less inclined to work with subversives?

Reply to  Sam J.
8 years ago

For those who argue criminal suspects should be given the doubt in this situation so innocents don’t die, realize that shifts the burden of the risk to policemen meaning innocent policemen will end up dieing.

Who should be given the benefit of the doubt to avoid dieing? Innocent policemen or innocent criminal suspects WHO RESIST ARREST? If the choice was between innocent criminal suspects who cooperate with police vs innocent policemen I would side with the suspects. But that is never the choice being presented. It is always criminal suspects RESISTING ARREST. In that scenario I side with giving the benefit of the doubt to innocent policemen.

For those with scientific background, which false positive should we strive to avoid. Deaths of innocent policemen or deaths of criminal suspects resisting arrest?

Reply to  chris
8 years ago

For those who argue criminal suspects should be given the doubt in this situation so innocents don’t die, realize that shifts the burden of the risk to policemen meaning innocent policemen will end up dieing.

First, cops very rarely die from suspects killing them. It’s more likely to be killed by a criminal clerking at a convenience store than arresting him. Being a cop not only isn’t the most dangerous job, it’s actually one of the safest physical jobs.

Second, this is all a strawman. This isn’t the choice we are called to make. We are demanding that cops follow the rules. The rules say you defend yourself and others. When there is no one to defend, then you attempt to de-escalate. Those are the rules. The rules are working, and shouldn’t be changed based on one exception, especially an exception that was precipitated by the cops ignoring the rules.

Should cops take risks? Absolutely. That is what makes them cops. When they took risks, they had the respect of the public. Now they no longer take any risks, “everyone (with a badge) goes home” is the motto of the day, and innocent civilians are dying so that cops don’t (like when they waited 3 hours to go into the Orlando club.) The cops have lost the respect they once had.

How do they get it back? Start acting like they did when they had respect. Stop shooting people just because you got scared, start respecting the citizens (step one to that is stop calling citizens “civilians”) and start showing indifference under the law (which was just a giant failure by Comey.)

8 years ago

I’m not an “everything is a false flag” guy, but the shooting here in Dallas stinks. Dallas doesn’t have the tension between the police and the people that other places have because our chief has put in reforms and there is transparency with our department.

What really stinks to me, though, is who gave the OK to essentially execute the suspect? I can’t imagine any DPD lawyer OKing that, and I can’t imagine the chief OKing that without the lawyers signing off.

Think about it. The negotiations have been going on five hours. He’s not a clear and present danger — he’s holed up in his barricades and no one is currently under fire. He hasn’t fired a shot in hours. Now you’re going to send in a robot to blow him up? You’re not only going to use premeditated lethal force, but you’re going to do it in a novel and unprecedented way?

No lawyer would ever OK that.

This guy was inactive military. He was a black nationalist. If His Black President and His Black Attorney General were represented to him as calling him to duty, he would answer. But, a patsy is only useful if you can eliminate him. You can’t set up a cop to do it — for all their faults, a cop isn’t going to go with your plan to kill several of his Brothers before he goes and commits a murder for you. So, you need someone outside his tribe to do it.

You tell your patsy not to carry a cell phone (they can track them, you know.) You tell him that the plan is to send a robot in to do the comms for the negotiation and after a few hours, they will say the agreed magic word and he surrenders (to be rewarded by the handlers). You tell him to tell them that he has bombs all over the place (so they can’t rush in and have to keep negotiating.) Then, after a sufficiently loud period of time, you send the signal to the robot that you gave the DPD to set off the pulse charge that they put on the robot to disable the bombs that your patsy told them he had.

It doesn’t take a big group. You could do it with the patsy, a tech with a moderately sophisticated radio setup (the dirty secret of those robots is that there is virtually no encryption or authentication on the signals, so it would be easy to send the ‘detonate’ signal to it overtop the police signals), and a handler for the patsy. And the handler and the tech could be the same guy.

This one could be a legitimate false flag.