Obamacare Repeal Initially To Cost $9 Trillion

Not the final price tag after whatever replaces it is enacted, but…

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will oppose the Republican budget resolution designed to begin the process of unwinding the Affordable Care Act, making him possibly the only member of the majority to break ranks.

In a speech scheduled for later Wednesday, he will criticize the resolution for assuming $9 trillion in additional debt over the next 10 years.

Since each President, to date, has had to roughly double the national debt just to keep things afloat, that will raise what Donald will likely leave as a $40 Trillion debt into a $50 Trillion debt.

Now Donald is a bright guy, and after negotiated drug prices and service fees, and cost cutting and waste management, he will probably save money in the end. That is why he scares me. The economic system is the immovable object, and yet Trump seems the unstoppable force.

And yet, Obama created a system where everybody who lacks money has to have essentially free healthcare, which is then paid for by everyone. Whereas one person paying their own way might skimp here and there to save costs, when the final cost is totaled and divvied up among everyone, nobody at the free end of the scale will bother. I just do not see how that, added up to all the other debt bombs, can ever be dealt with absent default or inflation.

The Apocalypse is almost certainly still on, though Donald will likely delay it a bit, given the audacity of his current moves.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because even Donald can’t hold off K-selection forever

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8 years ago

[…] Obamacare Repeal Initially To Cost $9 Trillion […]

8 years ago

Adjusted for inflation in 8 years it certainly could be over 40 Trill. I was taught about fiat currency this way- every dollar is chasing every bit of global GDP available to it. If it is locked out (think ruble) or some vital resource is not available in sufficient supply inflation accelerates. Makes sense to trade paper money (play money when you think about it) for items of value, especially imported non-renewable ones. Henry Kissinger, who orchestrated this system, did not expect this to last more than 30 years (from 1971). A prudent individual would wonder what the post dollar plan was for Kissinger & Co. I would bet it was the Euro and now its the Yuan. Note that Kissinger/Bush1 didn’t plan on dying poor, and they’re 92/93. We are living on borrowed time already, I just hope Trump isn’t the fall-guy.

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