Obama Tries to Amygdala-Hijack Jared Kushner

It would be a classic narcissist amygdala attack:

A BREAKING NEWS, Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) communique is reporting that a comment allegedly made by outgoing President Obama to President Elect Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner in their secret meeting Wednesday at a Marine Corps Base in Hawaii was so antagonistic that US Secret Service agents had to intervene!

Their meeting “erupted in a Scream Fest that caused US Secret Service protective agents to intervene before physical violence was caused.” Kushner was reacting to stark criticism of his father in which Obama, “suggested/implied that his father, Charles Kushner, might be safer living in Israel if the Trump team didn’t like how he, Obama, was doing his job. The alleged ensuing profanity from the younger man [was] said to cause the Secret Service agents to approach him in a protective stance.”

I will bet most people think Obama just blurted this out on the spot, and it happened to be particularly offensive to Kushner. Still others will think Obama blurted it out on the spot trying to be offensive. I suspect, based on my dealings with narcissists, Obama has been mulling this interchange over in his head for some time. The entire exchange had been prepared beforehand, like a complex ballet, maybe even for weeks prior to it occurring.

You never know if this whole story is true, of course. The sourcing is thin. But when I read it one thing jumped out at me as a detail which would occur in real life, but which I do not think someone composing the story might think of. That detail is that Obama went right to Jared’s father.

Way back, my narcissist Bob had mentioned that all his brothers were coming into town for a family get-together. That was unusual. According to the story I heard from a member of his family, they had a family reunion when they were younger which devolved into a big brawl. They were spitting on the TV for emphasis as they screamed, throwing beer mugs at each other, and over turning furniture, and two came to blows and had to be pulled apart. For a decade and a half after nobody in the family would talk to anyone else, and the idea of a reunion was never on the table again even once they began talking.

I never realized it, but I was very similar physically to a younger brother of Bob’s, who he didn’t like. I suspect that is why I had problems with Bob. He conflated me in his mind with his brother. I even once heard him refer to me in a conversation with someone else, using his brother’s name for me, as if on some level he couldn’t tell the difference between us at times.

So about two weeks before the big family get-together between Bob and his brothers, out of the blue, while I was with Bob, be suddenly grew quiet. I realized in retrospect, he was preparing his presentation. He turned to me, and said, “You know, I think my mother had an abortion.” He was older by this point, and that would have been decades back, so my initial reaction internally was, “Why the fuck would I care?”

I looked at him quizzically, and realized he was hyper-focused on my face, his eyes wide, and his expression blank but intense, as he was taking in every subtle nuance of my facial expression.

“What do you mean?,” I asked. By now I was getting confused. Something was going on, and I knew it, but it was totally getting by me.

“My mom had an abortion. I remember I was a little boy.” Now he segued into what seemed a practiced rehearsal, as emotion returned to his face, he leaned back into an easy delivery, and the words flowed in a practiced fashion.

“One day, she got all dressed, and told me I had to come with her. We got on a train, and the whole trip was very mysterious. She wouldn’t tell me anything, and we went to Philadelphia. She went to some place, it as like a doctor’s office, and I had to wait in a room, and then she came out and we went home. I remember feeling like we weren’t supposed to talk about it. I am certain it was an abortion.”

Just like that, the practiced fashion evaporated, his emotion drained from his face, and as his head snapped back to look at me, he reacquired that blank, hyper-intense, wide-eye’d expression as he scanned every crevice and wrinkle in my face, looking to gauge my reaction to this revelation.

I seem to remember feeling confused, as this all came out of the blue. I shook my head, and said, “That’s weird,” and then returned to what I was doing. Nine out of ten interactions with him back then consisted of me auto-piloting an answer as I wondered what the hell was going through his head.

The interaction made more sense weeks later, when word drifted back to me about his little family get-together with his brothers. It turns out they all took turns rehashing nostalgic stories. There was the time his crazy brother jumped off the high bridge, and splashed in the river, and someone told his mom when she came to pick him up. She began slapping him as they went in one side of some bushes, and she was still slapping him as they came out of the other side. There was the BB that skipped off the water and hit one brother in the ass, and he proceeded to begin firing BBs at everyone on the other side of the pond, just to be sure he got the one who he thought had shot him purposely. Each story precipitated waves of laughter and nostalgia.

And then it was Bob’s turn, to tell his devoutly Catholic brothers who idolized their mom, about the other brother who should have been there with them, and who couldn’t be, because their round-heeled mom had gone and gotten him clothes-hangered into a trash can somewhere way back, when he was just a fetus.

From the account I heard, the whole room dropped completely silent as Bob pretended to just be accidently releasing a stream of consciousness, oblivious to the possibility it might have been objectionable. For ten seconds you could hear a pin drop as brothers looked at each other in astonishment at this revelation about mom. One wife who knew just what was happening stifled a giggle, and then looked with wide eyes, waiting to see who would go volcanic first, and what particular flavor of violence would bring this reunion to an end.

As I was told the story, I realized what had happened a few weeks earlier. Bob had been testing this amygdala hijack on me. I suspect he had somehow melded me with his little brother in his mind, and this made him think he could field test the hijack on me, and look for if it would have had enough of a shocking effect.

I think in his mind, he was hoping I would be repulsed. I didn’t know his mom, didn’t feel related to him or her, and could have cared less, but for some reason his melding of me and his brother led to a reflexive perception that he could use me to judge the effectiveness of the hijack. Some aspects of narcissist cognition and predictive ability are extraordinarily degraded by their inability to separate similar concepts in their mind.

So back to Obama and Kushner. Why did Obama refer to Kushner’s father? If you or I were in a normal extemporaneous conversation, we would focus on each other. The parent of a stranger would never even enter our mind. If you and I are talking, why would I mention your dad?

But if you are a narcissist, then you plan amygdala hijacks, as I now realize my narcissist Bob did for weeks prior to his family reunion. In planning a hijack for Kushner, you would look for something which would have laid deep pathways in his amygdala – something stressful, something traumatic, something emotional, and something they would still remember years later.

The turmoil surrounding Jared’s father’s tangles with the legal system would certainly fit the bill. From an outsider’s perspective it would appear that Jared Kushner has had a relatively idyllic life of wealth and ease outside of that one small interlude. For a narcissist like Obama who is crafting an amygdala hijack, that legal event with Jared’s father is exactly where his focus would immediately fall.

The moment he would bring up the idea of adversity befalling Jared’s father, within Jared’s brain, the amygdala would recognize a pattern it had seen previously which was associated with enormous negativity, and all those pathways of anger, angst, irritation, fear, and frustration would light up all over again. It is like the twig snapping just before a lion attacks. You never hear the twig-snap the same again.

Sadly, from the sound of it, Jared’s amygdala lit up and he took the bait. It happens, we all have our triggers. Notice the child-like imagery, of Obama hiding behind the Secret Service as he tries to taunt Jared. That is a little kid, who was always a loser, and always getting his ass kicked, finally taking out his frustrations on the cool kids, while protected from the inevitable ass-kickings he got as a youth. That constantly operating from a position of weakness is why Obama has learned all this – he had to because it was the only way he could lash out growing up.

I found it amusing that a Russian once said that Obama was only ever tough with Putin when the Secret Service was within arm’s reach. He was conditioned as a kid, to expect an ass-whupping, if it was at all possible. Even as an adult, he still operates as if he is on that school-yard playground, even while a US President at a State Dinner in the Kremlin.

What Jared should have done – what you always do with a narcissist, is still-face them, as you present a concept that will recall the agonies of their youth. “You’re really something – you are still trying to get back at the kids who kicked you in the head and took your soccer ball back in Indonesia. You are still living your entire adulthood as if you are still that little kid getting bullied and beaten up by all the cool kids. This is a different country, and you are an adult now. You need to grow up and not get so emotional and worked up over things that happened 50 years ago.”

Then, as Obama gets worked up telling you he isn’t worked up, you give him the Gary Busey still face, and watch him go all Meatloaf on you.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because we need more liberals amygdala hijacked

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Obama Tries to Amygdala-Hijack Jared Kushner […]

8 years ago

If true, I’m surprised that Trump would have elevated someone to such high position who is so susceptible to amygdala hijack, even if family.

8 years ago

The hijack I would try on Obama:

“You know, you really are a piece of shit. You managed to get all the way to the White House and you are still a piece of shit. You were given 8 years, and what did you do with it? You played golf and pulled petty shit like this. You know what your place in the history books is going to be? President Obama — he was black. Obama was black, Taft was fat and had a mustache, and Trump is on Mount Rushmore.”

8 years ago

psalm 59:

ג הַצִּילֵנִי, מִפֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן; וּמֵאַנְשֵׁי דָמִים, הוֹשִׁיעֵנִי. 3
Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from the men of blood.

ד כִּי הִנֵּה אָרְבוּ, לְנַפְשִׁי– יָגוּרוּ עָלַי עַזִּים;
לֹא-פִשְׁעִי וְלֹא-חַטָּאתִי יְהוָה. 4

For, lo, they lie in wait for my soul; the impudent gather themselves together against me; {N}
not for my transgression, nor for my sin, O LORD.

the psalmist in the 4th verse gives across the concept of bandits gathering together, conspiring and waiting to ambush the innocent.

I cannot even conceive of someone doing what you described. The concept is simply beyond me. If someone did that to me, I would simply assume that something I said or did must have provoked him beyond all reason. It just doesn’t register with me to do something so utterly evil to another human being.

8 years ago

Something I want to add to the previous comment to explain why I said what I did, what gave me that sense of it:

the word “יגורו” which is translated as “gather” is related to the word “לגור”, which means “to dwell”.

These wicked men are not merely “gathering together” to ambush their victim. The psalmist is saying that the bastards are practically living in the ambush spot.

M.S. Leavelle
M.S. Leavelle
8 years ago

The anecdotes you tell about “Bob” are one of my favorite parts of your writings, AC. Sounds like a very disturbed fellow, albeit fascinating. He didn’t think to add a “my mother was pregnant and then she wasn’t” detail to his abortion story. I take it Bob has passed away?

8 years ago

This December was the first time I had visited my family in six years. My dad pulled that stuff on me several times during the visit, but for the first time in my life, I did not crumble, like I usually do. On two occasions, others were around to witness it. After the second to last incident, two people said afterwards, “He would never that to us. He was pushing your buttons!” I think it was a revelation for all of us.

A few days after that, he tried it one more time and I pulled the Gary Busey still face on him and he crumbled like I couldn’t believe. First he asked me to leave, because I was upsetting his stomach. Then he said I was going to give my mom a heart attack. What he meant was himself. As I walked out the door, he said “Good riddance.”

I have never felt more free and relieved in my life. I will never speak to him again.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

I want to thank you. I have your book and I read your blog. Reading about the amygdala hijack was a revelation.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

More than you can imagine. I’m starting 2017 free for the first time.

8 years ago

Unfortunately, my mother is a narc. I blank face instinctively around her. I didn’t even realize it until she walked into my house after an extended separation–instant deadpan. Since it hadn’t happened in so long I was able to see for the first time how weird and automatic it was. “Civilians” often lack the protective mechanisms to deal with these people. One time my unflappable husband was thoroughly flapped after mom said, “I’m going to kill your pets, and I know JUST how I’m going to do it!” He said, “My God, her eyes! It was like looking into the face of death!” You never look into the crazy eyes. That’s why the whole time she said it I casually flipped through a magazine, “Mmmhuh”.

8 years ago

My mother has Alzheimer’s now. It’s rough. Narcissists are usually pretty slick at hiding agendas and leave lots of room for plausible deniability. Given the motivation to believe (because the narc is a parent for example) you can almost convince yourself the narc didn’t mean what they just said or did. However, dementia makes them sloppy. It becomes undeniable that they are way worse than you thought they were, even when you didn’t have a high opinion to begin with.
Sometimes, with enough behavioral training from adult children, narc parents (always fearing abandonment!) will rein in their more destructive behavior and a quasi-normal relationship with them is possible. But again, dementia makes them sloppy and soon they act out like they did when they had power and knew they could get away with it. That was the last straw for me; it’s back to minimal contact. Now I get to be one of those “horrible” people who abandon the aged. See the trap? Your advice is good AC. Relationships with narcissist are never a zero sum game. Odds favor the house, you always lose. You have to cash in your chips and stop playing.

8 years ago

[…] because he never had the stomach for confrontation, preferring surrogates to do his dirty work. Absent muscle he can not bear the thought of losing. If you don’t play you can’t lose, simple as […]

7 years ago

I’m no fan of Kushner. But I’m less a fan of Obongo. Why didn’t Kushner just shoot the asshole in the face with a .50? stop whining. All things are available. If you can’t shoot a smarmy Negro in the face, then ain’t no point complaining.

teo toon
teo toon
3 years ago

Interesting. You’ve just described the Progressive/Liberal study groups such as the WEF or people such as Fauci and Gates who have planned out this pandemic scenario for years. This would include the progressive NGOs.