Obama May Be Leaving Prisoners In Iran For Political Posturing

Interesting scuttlebutt on Free Republic:

Just returned from big “lawn party” here in DC. Not a hugely exclusive one, but loads of people, many upper level career Dept. of State types, retired general/flag rank military and agency types (now consultants,) foreign government officials and the usual Washington riff raff.

Background: Many DOS do not like Obama/Kerry. Many military and agency retirees hate them…

Now the good part: This is the inside from many of the people there. Obama did not put the release of 3 of the American hostages in Iran into the announced Iran Nuc Deal, because he is holding the release of that information as a trump card for when Senate takes up “confirmation” of deal…

Stop and think about this deal confirmation without Obama’s scheming…

So, regardless of pass or fail, Obama loses.

Here’s how he wins. Just as the deal is coming to vote, Obama announces live on TV that “he heard our pain” and he has quietly but vigorously pressured Tehran to release hostages, and they have!

You can hear the speech now; “America spoke and I listened.” “These three brave American patriots are on an airplane clear of Iranian airspace as I speak!”

Next; big welcome home ceremony in Rose Garden; Obama is the master diplomat…

Now you know why they didn’t publicly push for hostage deal… Obama wins big in the court of stupid public opinion.

Trump or Cruz should set the stage now, by confirming and leaking this rumor on twitter, and beginning the meme that Obama is leaving these men in their hellholes while he plays politics. Then when Obama finally releases them, he looks like the douche bag he is, shamed into releasing them by master-statesman Trump, instead of the hero Obama wants to pretend to be.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Karma's Bunghole (@TurdBurglestein)
Karma's Bunghole (@TurdBurglestein)
9 years ago

I emailed a link of this post to Donald Trump. I only hope his team looks into the possibility of this and formulates an appropriate strategy.