Obama Amygdala Hijacked by FBI Director James Comey

It takes so little:

Shortly before that meeting officially commenced, there is said to have been a brief but heated rebuke by Barack Obama against a “top FBI official” assumed to be Director James Comey.

That rebuke, described as a “snarl” was apparently initiated by Director Comey’s alleged suggestion a “temporary pause” be initiated over immigration from certain regions of the world known to be primary breeding grounds for Islamic-based terror….

The president…did a “double-take” following the suggested immigration pause in the face of what is a very real and ongoing terror threat.


Mr. Obama apparently sat at the head of the table clearly unhappy for the remainder of the meeting…

Notice how after the initial hijack, the amygdala activation persisted. That means that for that period, his amygdala is on a hair trigger. In that state is when you view the amygdala as a button, and you just keep unemotionally pressing it, and doing so “accidently,” so the rabbit has no rational, reasonable justification for acting out and venting the amygdala. I would not recommend it if you are in a position like Comey, where you need your job, but with the run of the mill narcissist or rabbit you happen across, great mirth can ensue if you follow that plan.

This is a good sign Trump is deep inside the rabbit’s heads. Rabbits don’t do careful logic and reason. Rather they have emotional touchstones, which become foundational emotional analogies they use to think, perceive the world around them, and communicate with others. Vox is a Nazi. You are a fascist. That is McCarthyism, etc. Those aren’t technical descriptions, they are emotional shorthand. One word triggers designed to elicit the requisite emotion in the listener, and thus communicate the emotional state of the speaker when contemplating the referenced idea. Where logic deviates from emotion in the rabbit, it is an even more accurate (and easy) way for the rabbit to convey their thought process to the listener. This idea – happy, this idea – happy, this idea sad, this idea angry.

That so early in his political career Trump has already become such a unique emotional trigger that rabbits are likening other triggers to him is a sign that he will be a great leader for the movement. Notice for all of his political capability, Cruz has not yet achieved such status. “You sound like Cruz!,” just wouldn’t carry the same emotional punch for the rabbit as, “You sound like Trump!” This is because Trump plays their emotions like a violin. Cruz is picking it up (such as with his Hillary spanking comment), but he is not yet speaking exclusively in emotional-ese.

It is interesting that Obama seems to be at odds with the ostensible leader of what used to be the largest domestic intelligence agency in the nation, and yet some conservatives seem to report surveillance or even harassment from some sort of domestic LE Intel/Surveillance operation. It makes you wonder if the FBI has been forced into a backseat in the LE/surveillance hierarchy behind some other agency, more amenable to doing political favors in the course of its duties.

Either way, the GOPocalypse is upon us, and Trump is leading it.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, GOPocalypse, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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9 years ago

[…] Obama Amygdala Hijacked by FBI Director James Comey […]

9 years ago

You’re a self-important sophist.

Reply to  makroth
9 years ago

Such chutzpah: nothing to post except a personal attack, a great example of a whining rabbit. At least AC has produced a body of work bringing knowledge of important biological facts and their relation to human interactions to light. “Self-important”? sounds like a narcissist projection, for sure. Thanks, AC, for revealing these monsters to us.

Reply to  makroth
9 years ago

Rule 3 in action.

Reply to  makroth
9 years ago

True, true. He is also 100% correct.

9 years ago

What would happen if the director said to Obama, “You know, Mr. President, we’re catching plenty of these Iraqi and Syrian guys before they do something bad, but if we miss one and he blows up half a shopping mall, and the press discovers he came in under your program explicitly, well….Mr. President, do you want THAT to define your time in office for the rest of US history?”

It would be worth losing my job to watch the man’s head explode.

Richard Trundle
9 years ago


9 years ago

Food for thought.

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

A common meme from the Left recently is “Do you want Donald Trump’s finger on the nuclear launch button?” or some such thing. Well, aside from all the misleading assumptions in that question, it is way scarier to have the nuclear “button” under the finger of an unstable, immature narcissist like Obama.

9 years ago

[…] Makes me wonder just how much coverage James Comey is under after he gave Obama an aneurysm by suggesting a pause in Muslim immigration might not be a bad idea. […]