NYPD Sees Spike In Hate Crimes

A sign of growing K:

There has been a 115 percent increase in bias crimes in New York City following Election Day, with Jews being targeted in 24 of the 43 incidents during that nearly monthlong period. The anti-Semitic incidents represented a threefold increase from November 2015, The New York Observer reported.

In total, hate crimes have increased 35 percent from 2015, the NYPD’s chief of detectives, Robert Boyce, said Monday morning.

“We had a huge spike right after Election Day, it’s somewhat slowed a little bit,” Boyce said. “We’re seeing across the board an increase right now.”

Besides Jews, other targeted groups included Muslims, whites and the LGBTQ community, according to Boyce.

The r-strategists are obsessed with eradicating hate, because hate is their loose descriptor for the motivator of the conflict in K-selection. In reality hate is merely amygdala angst, amplified to the point it drives action.

When resources are flush, and dopamine is high, the amygdala shuts off and the hate in the population evaporates. Pull the resources, the amygdala amps up, and the hate begins to flow.

Initially it will only be triggered by the grossest differences, but let time go on and the amygdala build, and soon everything from familial lineage to the neighborhood you grew up in will trigger the amygdala and set off the conflicts.

Again, from a historical standpoint we are still swimming in resources. But the constriction is beginning, and this early splintering is the start. Even as food is still plentiful, and technology loads us on dopamine, things are just a little harsher, and as easy as it is, amygdalae have noticed the shift.

Every time I see the shift happening now, I just think about what it will be like once the big collapse goes down.

r/K Theory will change everything, because only it can channel the hate

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] NYPD Sees Spike In Hate Crimes […]

fellow traveler
fellow traveler
8 years ago


r strategists also suppress information which would coalesce the K’s.

8 years ago