Now We Are Importing Terrorists

Obama changes the rules:

As if President Obama’s sweeping amnesty measures haven’t compromised national security enough, the administration let 1,519 “inadmissible” foreigners embroiled in terrorism into the U.S. last year because the crimes were committed “while under duress.”

Before the Obama administration tweaked a federal law last year, these foreign nationals would have been banned from the country for supporting terrorist causes. But under the changes the Secretary of Homeland Security has “discretionary authority” to waive certain grounds of inadmissibility relating to terrorism. We’ve seen this discretionary authority abused in the last few years and in fact, the administration has eliminated a zero tolerance policy for granting asylum or residency to individuals who have provided any sort of terrorism-related support…

The biggest chunk of exemptions was processed for refugee applicants and lawful permanent resident status, with 806 and 614 respectively. The rest were processed under other DHS programs such as Temporary Protected Status (TPS), asylum and relief through a Justice Department initiative. The bottom line is that the U.S. government is allowing them all to stay in the country with rights and benefits afforded to legal residents despite their terrorist connections and associations.

More than half of the candidates rewarded by DHS last year provided material support to terrorist organizations, according to the DHS report. The others received military-type training from a terrorist organization, voluntarily provided medical care to members of a terrorist group and solicited funds or individuals for membership in a terrorist organization. After a case-by-case review, Obama’s DHS Secretary, Jeh Johnson, determined that the recently admitted terrorists only participated in these activities “while under duress.” So, welcome to America!

Supposedly surveillance recruits Confidential Informants heavily from recent immigrants. It is a great strategy. An enterprising mob boss can usually smell a cop mile away. If he has a question these days, an internet search might turn up a database listing tucked away somewhere identifying the individual under a specific heading common to surveillance operatives, or a social media post giving up some breadcrumb of intel.

The Mexican landscaper fresh from a border crossing, hedging the bushes by his pool, who can barely speak English and has no online footprints, will look as un-cop-like as possible. He can move freely around the grounds, planting bugs, assessing security measures, and creating a mental blueprint of the areas he is allowed near. Such an individual will have no conflicts of interest or social connections to targets, and they will be delighted to gain the extra income and the legal protection of a law enforcement agency. Even better, they frequently enter service industries, and thus can gain lawful access to areas which would normally be “denied areas” for surveillance absent a warrant.

I have no idea if this is some Homeland Security initiative to try and turn incoming radicals into intelligence assets for infiltration by bribing them with legal status and a stipend, but it wouldn’t surprise me, especially given Jeh Johnson is personally handling the case by case review of each potential terrorist.

When you have liberals with damaged amygdalae they cannot see threat. Every terrorist is a friend waiting to be made, if only you can treat them nicely. I’d expect this to turn out badly at some point.

Even more interesting, it may show how the surveillance state is increasingly declaring itself fully and completely above the law. No rules apply to it, and any rules that are in its way merely need to be re-interpreted. That isn’t devastating so long as the people who run it have functional amygdalae and only target the “right” people, but as history shows, inevitably psychopaths will take the organizations over and seek to use them for personal gain. From there, everything will go downhill.

Apocalypse cometh™

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

Agent J
Agent J
9 years ago

Doing the jobs Americans won’t do, I guess. I suppose it will just bring The Thing That’s Gonna Happen on a little sooner.

Robert What?
9 years ago

I’m trying to figure out what the different parties get out.of this. Obama is trying to “fundamentally disrupt” the United States for whatever sick, twisted reasons he has.. Maybe even start a race war: a war that Blacks cannot possibly win. SJWs get to feel morally superior – until things go horribly wrong, at which point they’ll blame Bush anyway..

What I can’t figure out is: what do the establishment Democrats and Republicans get our of it? (None have offered any push back.)

And lastly, what do the bureaucracy get out of it (DHS, FBI, etc)?

Care to analyse this from the standpoint of the amygdala?