Now The CIA Alleges There Are Multiple Donald Trump Sex Tapes

Another day, another attempt by our intelligence services to destroy our President:

Paul Wood, the BBC’s Washington correspondent, claimed CIA sources indicated there is more than one video of a “sexual nature” of Donald Trump in both Moscow and St Petersburg.

His source said the unverified allegations about Mr Trump being caught on film with prostitutes were “credible”, he said.

Mr Wood said: “I was able to send a message into the CIA at the beginning of November to ask them about these allegations.

There was supposedly more than one tape, not just video but audio, more than one date and not just in Moscow but in St Petersburg as well

“It was illegal for any official to talk to me about them but I got a message back through an intermediary which said the allegations were regarded as credible.

“And, more than that, there was more than a single source for them, not just this MI6 man but there was supposedly more than one tape, not just video but audio, more than one date and not just in Moscow but in St Petersburg as well.

First, Donald has always rolled with the best personal security. Personal security is actually trained as much in intelligence operations as in tactical responses to threats that arise. The attacks that are the most dangerous are those which have been preceded by intelligence and surveillance operations. The threat that involves extensive planning and surveillance needs to be interrupted at the intelligence gathering and surveillance stages. Once such an operation begins its attack, it will have developed to such a point that it will be extremely difficult to interrupt. For that reason top security will be as on the lookout for surveillance and intelligence operations as they will be for direct threats.

The idea that Donald Trump went to Russia with top level security, and then fell into the trap of making a sex tape with prostitutes for Russian intelligence is laughable. His security would never have let him enter a hotel room without briefing him on the risks.

And yet, here are our intelligence agencies, every day, trying to float such ridiculous stories designed to damage the one President who might actually reverse this nation’s decline into a collapse.

Trump is not the type of guy to take this lying down. Clearly there is going to be a major housecleaning in the intelligence services. The first step Trump appears to be taking is to push as many people out into the field overseas as possible. It is a brilliant move.

Taking a population with risk-averse rabbits, and telling them that they will have to endure risk will be the quickest way to force the rabbits to remove themselves from the population.

Of course the spooks bent on taking Trump out will not take that lying down either. In all, there are dangerous times ahead. But this path, draining the swamp all over, is the only way to restore America’s greatness.

Help spread r/K Theory, because the spooks aren’t going to surrender their fiefdoms to Donald easily

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8 years ago

[…] Now The CIA Alleges There Are Multiple Donald Trump Sex Tapes […]

Sam J.
Sam J.
8 years ago

Could they be manufacturing one? They technology has got to be there or close to make a perfect digital copy that looks like him.

I wonder what they are so afraid of? I don’t think Donald is actually going to do anything about 9-11, or is he? Do they have tape of him talking about doing something about 9-11? The laws, they pushed, would allow him to arrest them all with no trial and hold them incommunicado for as long as he wants.

Whatever their afraid of it’s not just reorganization.

8 years ago

This is them setting up a fake news story, months in advance, to cast shadow on Trump’s motives behind the inevitable Intel shakeup. They’ll say ” Unverified reports from anonymous sources claim Trump gave a Moscow prostitute a Cleveland steamer on top of Stalin’s tomb, therefore Trump purged those with knowledge of his degenerate acts., etc, etc.” If the multi trillion dollar intel system was half as good as “twitter shitlords who masturbate to anime” at photoshop they could have a good, believable, doctored video of Trump doin the deed within a day or two. The CIA “simulation” of the downing of MH17 was so bad and amateurish that 1990 CNN could’ve produced a more advanced graphic. Ive tried to find a link to that CIA graphic but cannot. Maybe they were too embarrassed and scrubbed it

8 years ago

Bring back dueling.
Rabbits banned it as “uncivil,” but is there anything less civil than these anklebiting allegations and insinuations? The threat of a duel to the death would shut up a lot of rabbitry.

Same thing with trial by ordeal. If someone is willing to put their hand in boiling water to prove the truth of an assertion, that would level the legal playing field btw rich and poor.

8 years ago

The more the media doubles down the more motivation and incentive they give Trump to destroy them all.

Remeber, Trump never forgives.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
8 years ago

Don’t believe anything from the traitors within Mr President.

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
8 years ago

One thing about this story is striking; one of the paraphillas that he is accused of, the golden showers thing. This alone tells me that the accusation is most probably false. If you follow some of the more r-type messaging boards such as prostitution advertisements and related postings you can see how this particular fetish has suddenly appeared over the past two years. This has been observed with other fetishes. You see it once, then a few times, then suddenly openly without seeming out of the ordinary.

Two things are at play. Having a limited disgust response, rabbits only need the inspiration of one of their compatriots doing something or talking about it to develop the desire to try it out. It helps even more if the persons mentioning it have some social proof. Works equally well with males and females. It explains a particular crisis in the 1990’s when grade school girls were getting sexually transmitted diseases not common to their population and openly admitting to very adult sex acts like nothing was wrong. The news coverage of this only reinforced the effect. Rabbits will see a member eating shit and often follow along.

Secondly, what a narcissist says about something or someone is usually a dark look into their own actions given the way the delusional psychology of these people works. What this should tell us is that the deviants fear Mr. Trump and he should know from their weakness that there is major dirt to be had on them.

The narcissist tells you exactly where to look to expose him.