Now Support for Pedophilia Grows

This is predictable:

Today, Salon gave a platform to a self-confessed pedophile to explain his urges in sympathetic terms. “I’m a Pedophile, But Not A Monster” reads the headline. It’s a long, self-pitying screed that ends with a call to be “understanding and supportive” of adults who crave sexual intimacy with children.

Forgive me if I’m not first to start the standing ovation. In fact I’m pretty sure most people will find the existence on Salon’s website of this post both shocking and distasteful.

The timing of Nickerson’s post, barely a week after multiple high-profile progressives rallied around progressive activist Sarah Nyberg, couldn’t be more suspect. Over the past two weeks, an alarming number of left-leaning commentators have rallied around the self-confessed transsexual pedophile and progressive activist who defended white nationalism.

In other words, progressives who got fired up about whether green and purple was a “rapey” colour scheme were suddenly fine with discussion of incestuous pedophilia from a 22-year-old in a chat room full of teenagers. It has been a somewhat grotesque spectacle to watch.

As the r-strategy takes over, sex with children simply becomes normal. It isn’t odd, or unusual. An individual wants it, feels the need, and it sates it.

Conversely, you can’t take a wolf, who is programmed to think that only the mature Alphas mate, and explain to it why that weird guy on the side should be allowed to rape the Alpha’s young daughter pup, because he has that urge. You will never convince that Alpha dad that being judgmental would be bad. His moral nature is already defined.

We are caught somewhere in the middle. We all know this is evil. We know it would be moral to hunt these people down, and do all sorts of exotic torture procedures on them. But we have resources, we are filled with dopamine, and it all seems so abstract right now. But we are, all of us, filing it all away all the same.

At some point in our lives, those resources will snap back. We will all get irritable. We will look for something odious to vent our rage on. Most serendipitously, it is likely that same resource contraction will also diminish the government’s control over the populace. This will produce a mass of K-strategists, angry, focused, and eager to vent, and most will be unrestrained by the forces of government.

On the other side will be the savages, who though of criminal bent, still have no misconceptions about the evil of pedophilia, and who will despise weakness in general. They too, are likely to be unconstrained by the overwhelmed governmental structure.

That will be a time to be glad that you are not a pedophile-supporting rabbit.

Apocalypse cometh™, and it can’t be too soon.

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9 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

9 years ago

Men will do great violence to protect their own children, but children without fathers are pretty much on their own. Single mothers sometimes pimp out their children for their own gain, and they’ll do that a lot more when their welfare benefits are cut off.

This will be a paradise for pedophiles if they’re not too flagrant about it. Who’s going to object to a man adopting hungry orphans off the street? Matthew Mancuso abused a Russian girl for years, and probably never would have been caught if he hadn’t shared photos with other pedophiles and Federal agents.

Robert What?
Robert What?
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

… to shield the helpless …

Talking of the cops from 20-30 years ago who saw themselves as “peace officers” and “public servants” I would have had a lot more confidence in that. Talking of today’s cops who see themselves as “law enforcement officers” I am not so sure.

Robert What?
Robert What?
9 years ago

I’m not an expert in pedophilia: they didn’t offer it as a college elective when I was in school. But – correct me if I’m wrong – isn’t most pedophelia these days homosexual? That is, man to boy or woman to girl?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

Older women picking up teens is not pedophilia actually. Its worse. Its diddling prepubescent children that is the clinical definition of pedophillia.

Its the Sarah Nyberg pedophilia that the rabbits are promoting.

Although I warn you the following is sickening. Even writing about this causes me to cringe.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
9 years ago

”I suspect if that Muslim gang-rape stuff was in my neighborhood, and I couldn’t close the tab and shut it out, I’d have to find some way to shut off the amygdala. ”

Unfortunately in Oz Guns are extremely restricted. So I cannot do much about it but be pissed.

8 years ago

That’s what retired quarries are for.