Now Illegals to Be Covered By Obamacare?

California wants it:

In an unprecedented move, California legislators look to extend Obamacare health coverage to the state’s estimated 2.6 million illegal immigrant population.

If passed and signed into law, California would be the first state in the nation to request illegal immigrants be covered through a state exchange, the Los Angeles Times reported…

“This bill would require the Secretary of California Health and Human Services to apply to the United States Department of Health and Human Services for a waiver to allow individuals who are not eligible to obtain health coverage because of their immigration status to obtain coverage from the Exchange,” text from California SB 10, amended April 13 in the California Assembly, says.

Already premiums were rising steadily through 2015 and 2016:

Obamacare premium costs will soar 20.3 percent on average in 2016 instead of the 7.5 percent increase claimed by federal officials, according to an analysis by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The discrepancy is because the government excluded price data for three of the four Obamacare health insurance plans when the officials issued their recent forecast claiming enrollees would face only a 7.5 percent average rate increase in 2016.

When data for all four plans are included, premium costs will actually rise on average 20.3 percent next year. The 2015 Obamacare price hike was 20.3 percent.

And now they are saying they will be up again in 2017, and that prediction was being made even before we were told that illegals could be given subsidized care under it:

A wave of state-level requests will ripple across the country ahead of the political conventions this summer.

Insurers say the law’s coverage has been a financial drain for many of them, and they’re setting the stage for hikes that in some cases could reach well into the double digits.

They are saying almost a 40% increase for some plans, and that may just be the rosy prediction, not factoring in illegal alien coverage.

The real kicker is that everyone is forced to buy this crappy product, made to the specifications of a corrupt government that is itself on the fast track to bankruptcy. To anyone operating on logic, a self-evolving free marketplace with optimized products based upon supply and demand would look astonishingly perfect by comparison.

This is what happens when a psychology which is designed to presuppose resources are free begins formulating policy in a world where resources are inherently limited. They will create a system destined for failure.

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8 years ago

[…] Now Illegals to Be Covered By Obamacare? […]

8 years ago

Obamacare is simply a fig leaf of “private” over an explicitly corporatist (state-socialised costs with private-corporation concentrated benefits) system. That it is failing in the “concentrated profits” part is actually the same as staffing a slew of women and effeminate men in a fire department due to “Equality!” The outcome is utterly irrelevant when the central premise is ideological (of the leftist, reality-doesn’t-exist-so-we-can-define-it variety.)

Corporatism is still working because the corporate elite still thinks they’re going to come out of all this in the green. In reality, Obama’s administration is arguably the apotheosis of multiculti ideology, the full realization of which would be a North America stripped of whites yet blossoming in a Garden of Eden of equality and tolerance…with Obamaphones, free housing, free food, free 72″ TV’s, etc., etc.

It remains astonishing to watch this 50-years-in-the-making, slow-motion train wreck…made worse because I’m an unwilling passenger in a car toward the caboose.