Nostradamus Says, “Bring The Apocalypse In 2018”

Time for a little mood enhancer:

“The Nostradamus predictions for 2018 are dire, as they include what might become World War 3… there is a common theme.

“Negative energy will intensify and accelerate with unprecedented intensity and speed.


1. World War 3:

The most chilling prediction for 2018 is from Nostradamus’ book Les Propheties…

Nostradamus said: “The big war will start in France and all Europe will be attacked, it will be long and terrifying for everyone and then finally there will be peace but only a few will enjoy it.

“A war will start between the two great world powers and it will last for a period of 27 years.”

Actually the two main world powers are Christianity and Islam. Or, one wonders, could he have meant r and K? He was an oracle, after all.

Given the European Civil War is well on its way, this one could be a dead on hit. And major K-selection. Though 27 years is a long time, given how stupid and inferior the migrant imbeciles appear. We’ll interpret this one to mean European rebel forces will be hunting down and killing all the leftists as well. Body disposal is the rate limiting step of any mass extermination protocol, after all.

2. Major eruption of Mount Vesuvius

The Italian volcano will “shake the earth every five minutes,” and at least 6,000 people will be killed, according to the prophecy.

Possible, given we are seeing geological activity lately. It would also add to the Ice Age possibilities. Again, K-selection.

3. Terrible earthquake:

He wrote: “An earthquake shall concern particularly the western area of the United States. Its power shall be felt in lands throughout the globe…”

Scientists say both the California fault lines and the Cascadia Subduction Zone are long overdue a major earthquake of magnitude eight or above…

No more Los Angeles, San Francisco, or San Diego? K-schwing…

4. Comet or asteroid strike:

A major asteroid strike is expected as Nostradamus has been interpreted as saying for 2018: “A moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky. A nuclear terrorism and natural catastrophes will destroy our planet.”

Again, it would kill the weak, so that’s a K-stimulus too.

5. Economic collapse:

Nostradamus said: “the rich would die many times over

This is taken by many to mean the global economic collapse as a result of WW3 and the effects of many natural disasters.

Not only a K-stimulus, but highly likely in the near future.

6. Humans will live to be over 200:

Nothing would be a K-stimulus like this. Once you reduce mortality massively, the explosive growth of r’s will overwhelm economic ecosystems even more rapidly than they already do. Think the rabbits and their welfarite migrant pets are like locusts now? Wait until they all live 200 years or more.

Of course the practical effect of that will be that when the culling comes, it will be commensurately worse. The more rabbits live, the more have to die when the inevitable K-shift returns.

However, according to… “But what does Nostradamus say about 2018?

“Nostradamus’s quatrains describe a level of destruction more gruesome than anything he had predicted earlier.

“According to these reports, Nostradamus saw terrible events happening in 2018

Honestly, having seen the SJW utopia, terrible events would be post-scarcity, a dopamine agonist that allowed everyone to live out their full lives in narcotic bliss, totally effective and disease-proof contraception, and a perpetual end to war and pestilence. As far as I am concerned, Nostradamus is predicting the rebirth of civilization.

At this point, the herd needs some Darwinian Selection, and the violent Apocalypse on its way is just what the doctor ordered.

Tell everyone about r/K Theory, because the Apocalypse coming is so clear Nostradamus could see it

This entry was posted in Apocalypse cometh, Economic Collapse, Europe, ITZ, K-stimuli, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Politics, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

Anyone who gives you “Nostradamus say” but doesn’t quote the actual quatrains is a bullshit artist. If you EVER see the words “United States” or “nuclear” in something he said, they are flat out lying, because those words didn’t EXIST in 16th century French.

(FWIW, I’ve read all the published quatrains. Every one. There’s lots of nasty shit, but nothing tied to 2018 particularly.)

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

It’s fun and thought provoking. Some things seem like they couldn’t be talking about anything else, but I think confirmation bias accounts for that. More importantly, there are things that are specific enough that, by the same standard, they are referring to events that didn’t happen the way he predicted. That tells me that he wasn’t a prophet by biblical standards (because prophets are never wrong in predicting the future).

It’s a good thought exercise. It’s not any good for predicting the future. And he actually predicts the end of the world in 7000 AD (one of maybe 4 quatrains that have calculable years with precision in them).

Ann K
Reply to  everlastingphelps
7 years ago

And isn’t it true that he didn’t assign years to any of his predictions?

7 years ago

”Body disposal is the rate limiting step of any mass extermination protocol, after all.”

The mongols divided men among themselves and killed each of them individually a quota. In doing so they were able to effect a mass slaughter.

Reply to  info
7 years ago

easier to not deal with body disposal ifyou are moving on. The Germans had to dispose for two reasons. 1 they didn’t want anyone to know. 2. that many bodies is an invitation for disease.

7 years ago

This “apocalypse” talk is a lazy excuse so that no one of those doom and gloom types has to build car bombs and kill people by himself, thinking some act of god will do it for him.

7 years ago

I’d fact-check this a bit more. Nostradamus got a lot of things pretty spot-on, but I don’t believe he ever predicted the United States by name.

7 years ago

He wrote: “An earthquake shall concern particularly the western area of the United States. Its power shall be felt in lands throughout the globe.”

Yeah, I’m sure in the 1500s a Frenchman wrote “western area of the United States.” Did he also give us the Powerball numbers, I mean give me a fucking break. It’s either bullshit outright or they mistranslated something badly to suit their clickbait crap.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Sorry, maybe I was a bit too hostile. I do think Nostradamus can be fun to read but when sites like the express try to bullshit us with quotes allegedly from him that cannot have been from him I get a little pissed. Fake news at its finest.

7 years ago

The translations are always fairly loose… I’m still waiting for the guy with the Blue Turban. But one thing in that list did catch my eye, “6000.” When using ancient texts you stop counting at 7, e.g. 7×7 means infinity, perhaps it means “almost everyone”?

There’s your scary thought…