North Korea Is Getting Crazy

Led by Kim Jong-un:

North Korea was practicing to strike United States military bases in Japan with its latest barrage of missiles, state media in Pyongyang reported Tuesday, and it appears to be trying to outsmart a new American antimissile battery being deployed to South Korea by firing multiple rockets at once.

Kim Jong Un presided over Monday’s launch of the four missiles, “feasting his eyes on the trails of ballistic rockets,” the Korean Central News Agency reported in a statement that analysts called a “brazen declaration” of the country’s intent to strike enemies with a nuclear weapon if it came under attack.

“If the United States or South Korea fires even a single flame inside North Korean territory, we will demolish the origin of the invasion and provocation with a nuclear tipped missile,” the KCNA statement said.

China is trying to tone it down:

NORTH Korea must suspend its nuclear and missile activities to avoid a “looming crisis” on the Korean peninsula, according to China’s foreign minister…

He described the escalating tensions as “two accelerating trains, coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way.”

The foreign minister asked: “Are the two sides really ready for a head-on collision?”

Even worse, experts are pointing out Hawaii could be under threat soon, and Kim has a goal of being able to target CONUS:

NORTH Korea will soon have the capability to launch an attack on America’s military bases in Hawaii, an expert as revealed…

Ariel Cohen, director of the Centre for Energy, Natural Resources, and Geopolitics at the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, has now warned the US Department of Defence needs to upgrade Hawaii’s missile defence system as the islands are a close target for Kim Jong-un.

Ms Cohen said: ”Senior national security leaders have stated that the US needs to work off the assumption that North Korea will have ICBM [intercontinental ballsitic missile] capabilities soon, and in this business ‘soon’ could mean five to 10 years, or earlier.

And earlier this year, Kim Jong-un announced in his New Years Day speech he was was close to testing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the US.

Notice how, in our times of r, the idea of a state provoking war unavoidably seems bizarre. Lone Muslim lunatics could provoke conflict, but an actual nation provoking an official war?

It is not impossible there is a psychological element that will send this unavoidably to conflict. Kim has had a unique childhood, with ultimate ease and extreme dopamine/sex/pleasure/power exposure, mixed with reported parental neglect. Sometimes I think an unstable environment mixing pleasure and agony may be worse than stable hardship. The brain, knowing ultimate pleasure, may make other pain and suffering feel worse. This can lead to dread if the pain is predictable, and defensive mechanisms to hack perception to even out the disparity. Such defensive mechanisms often seem to be the root of personality disorders.

Now Kim is under high amygdala. He reportedly has diabetes and heart disease. Some think he has a cripplingly painful case of gout. He reportedly had two broken ankles. It is not beyond imagination he may have used painkillers for the physical pain, and given his poor health, hedonistic psychology, and the escape such drugs could offer, an addiction is not out of the question. It would explain what appears to be increasingly erratic behavior.

In short, China has good reason for coming to the conclusion they may have to do something about Kim.

If I were running things, I would invite him to some neutral ground like China, for talks with the US and South Korea, and I would do what it took to get him to go. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of his generals even encouraged him to take the trip.

Again though, notice how the only way you can conceive of a nation plausibly careening toward war, would be to ascribe psychological debility to the leader. In truth, that psycholoigcal debility is merely a means, allowing you to conceptualize a reason for the type of high amygdala which produces these war-like circumstances. Living in a time of r, it is the only way to imagine the high-amygdala that normally accompanies K.

Note that in the Apocalypse, it will be natural for many nation’s leaders, as well as their citizens, to experience similar levels of high-amygdala to that which we can only imagine in the context of mental illness now. That is how periods have arisen where war was seen as common and not at all unusual, or difficult to explain. The environment literally changed how everyone’s brains worked, and once the environment changed, what requires insanity under these environmental conditions became completely sane in that milieu.

It is coming again.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because it will make the insanity understandable

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] North Korea Is Getting Crazy […]

Humpty Dumpty Parumpty
Humpty Dumpty Parumpty
8 years ago

I worry you are jumping to conclusions on psychoanalyzing the Leader; and aren’t the Koreans very /k selected? Even more than whitey . . .

Humpty Dumpty Parumpty
Humpty Dumpty Parumpty
8 years ago

You really need to moderate comments on this blog? That many /r ‘s?

8 years ago

It would be insane not to stop a guy like this, sooner rather than later. That means more THAADs and missile defenses too. This dude had VX moved on asian airlines, which have just as many security features as US ones. North Korea has thousands of tons of the stuff. Scary to think about.

Reply to  Pitcrew
8 years ago

Good point. Some sort of smuggling route is a much more likely way for the Norks to deploy NBC weapons than a prone-to-malfunction ballistic missile.