News Briefs – 8/18/2023

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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DFT – Bitcoin Plunges And Crypto-Investors Liquidate $1 Billion In Tokens

DFT – Ford Prepares For UAW Strike By Prepping White Collar Employees To Fill Union Jobs

DFT – China’s Evergrande Files For Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Protection In Manhattan

DFT – Fears Over China Cause Biggest Nikkei Weekly Loss In 8 Months

DFT – HP Lawsuit Over Printers Which Will Not Scan Or Fax Until Ink Is Refilled, Allowed To Proceed


Former President Donald Trump said Thursday night that he is canceling a press conference that he scheduled for Monday during which he would show significant evidence that voter fraud occurred in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election. Supposedly his lawyers told him not to do it. You spend long enough with all these weirdos coming into your life solely to lie to you and betray you, and you worry for Trump. I am not sure there is a solid plan forward – short of him just telling us, it is time, and by the way, here are all the home addresses of everyone involved in the surveillance and running the conspiracy.

Members of the Fulton County grand jury that voted to indict former President Donald Trump on Monday are facing threats after their personal information began circulating online, authorities said Thursday. Supposedly the prosecutor “forgot” to redact their names, but in an intelligence-driven environment, one assumption you have to make is nothing happens by accident. I do not know why they would do that. Maybe the prosecutor wanted the media to report they were harassed by crazy Trump supporters. Maybe a Q-op used them through false-flagging to execute this phase of the script, and then burned them just to bust the balls of the enemy. But if it were me on that list, I would assume Cabal was planning to have two or three of us murdered, just for the publicity. Food for thought if one of them goes tits-up under violent circumstances.

Georgia jail where Trump, co-defendants expected to be booked is under DOJ investigation. “The jail has faced allegations that it’s “structurally unsafe, that prevalent violence has resulted in serious injuries and homicides, and that officers are being prosecuted for using excessive force,”” Epstein II?

Rudy Giuliani’s financial troubles are adding up as legal costs mount.

Mike Lindell has unveiled his new plan to ensure future election security: a drone that flies around polling places to assure that machines are not just connected to the internet but maintain real-time accuracy. “A drone that Lindell estimated can detect internet access within 100 yards is connected to a device known as the Wireless Monitoring Device, described as “a sophisticated network connection monitoring system designed specifically with election security in mind.”” Here is the thing that you learn after playing this game long enough. This thing is not a bunch of college students who formed an ad-hoc club last week, and you are on the same level as them, about to do something they have never seen before and have no idea how to deal with, because they have no more resources, or experience, or tech-knowledge in their organization than you do. They have been at this a long time. They have a section which is either like CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology, or it is CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology. My relative, (on my mom’s side, so he is also a target), has a bunch of Mexicans with out of state plates planted in the house next door. When I visit and leave, one of the two cars that do a simultaneous drive by crossing paths in front of the front door just as I exit, stops and parks at the house and the driver gets out and goes in. Message received. So my relative got a remote controlled helicopter drone for the kids, and they all went outside to test it out. Surveillance does not like that, because things like that might show the cars staged all around his house in classic surveillance box positions just out of his sight. It could fuck up all sorts of things. He started the drone up, and the big joke in the family, which everyone laughed at, at the time, was the thing took off straight up in the air, disappeared into the sky, and was gone in seconds, all as he was trying to bring it down with the controls. “Oh, anon, no drone for you.” Obviously they intercepted the package, got the frequency for the throttle, and just blasted a signal which downed out his control. And they had it all set to go when he went outside, because they were listening in his house in real time, to find out when he would go outside.

I could approach Lindell, explain this to him, show him the videos of my surveillance, offer to work, for free, as a consultant, and I have no doubt he would act like I was radioactive, because I might upset the script he was given. And even if Lindell was real-deal, which is maybe 15 percent, generously, the guy he hired to develop this would be Cabal, and would be delivering him a system they knew they could defeat, and even if that guy was real deal, surveillance would have been all over the development and would have intercepted components, rigging them to fail on the day of, and even if he got real components, they would alter what they were doing to defeat whatever he came up with, and so on. There will be multiple redundancies. You do not announce something like this and then go on to use it to win. The game is so much more complex.

There is one way to win. Reveal the surveillance.

From here, this is not bad, but it will be targeted for infiltration by Cabal actors who will cover over more than they expose“Activists are currently testing a computer program called EagleAI NETwork, a database loaded with voter rolls and other records that promises to quickly churn through the data and find registrations that may be suspect based on other sources. The activists then personally evaluate the flagged voter registrations one by one — looking up home addresses on Google Maps, searching for obituaries online — and prepare lists of questionable registrations to report to local officials.”

DeSantis debate memo urges him to defend Trump and take ‘a sledge-hammer’ to Ramaswamy. Still a traitor, only now he has shown he thinks we are stupid.

Bill Mitchell, a pro-Ron DeSantis (R) online influencer, threatened to tank former President Donald Trump and help President Joe Biden in the general election. I have never seen a more fake-looking, reptilian smile than this guy’s. So I looked this dude up on Twitter – 410,000 followers. Do you believe that? What you learn by doing this yourself, reasonably well, is how much everything you see is just utter Bullshit.

Elon Musk appears to switch sides from DeSantis to Ramaswamy. I definitely want to give this dude control over my banking, shopping, travel, and communications with everyone else. And drive his cars which have exactly zero backdoors into them, allowing them to be cyber-hijacked by bad actors and driven at 100 mph into bridge abutments.

John Bolton, during a recent appearance on CNN, argued that Republicans should not back former President Donald Trump in 2024, as he could be a “convicted felon” by the 2024 Republican primary convention, and it would look bad for the Republican Party.

CIA hit with FOIA lawsuit by Judicial Watch for working with the Biden campaign to produce ‘Dirty 51’ intel letter calling Hunter’s laptop disinformation. CIA hunted around for members willing to sign the letter saying the laptop was disinfo, even though it knew it wasn’t. Kind of a big deal, since CIA was manipulating our election with a psyop domestically.

Then-VP Joe Biden used PSEUDONYM ‘Robert L. Peters’ in emails to Hunter about Ukraine business: GOP ramps up Biden family corruption probe and demands National Archives hand over records.

Why did Joe Biden need three aliases in Ukraine-related emails?

James Comer demands NARA provide all documents for VP Biden’s secret pseudonym ‘Robert L. Peters.’

Hunter had Joe’s contact on his phone under the name “Pedo Peter.”

A federal judge in Delaware formally dismissed misdemeanor tax charges against Hunter Biden on Thursday, but the president’s son is expected to face the same charges — or new ones — in the near future.

FBI shoots and kills another American in pre-dawn raid in Albuquerque. They are not releasing any details, such as who, or why, or how. All that has been released is FBI shot somebody.

Leaked photos show Jan 6 prisoner tortured, held in horrific conditions for months. Tough to know in this environment. This could easily be real. Or you could go to the beach tomorrow and see this guy splashing in the surf with his kids. Most people will not notice it, because they don’t lift, but he shows an awful lot of Latissimus Dorsi development in that first picture (which is difficult to get like that without a cable pulldown machine or a chinning bar, or a rowing machine to give that upward resistance to its motion). Especially for a guy supposedly locked in there 24 hours a day with nothing to hang from and do chins or otherwise exercise the lats. Maybe he is let out to use a gym, I don’t know. But if you were locked for five months in a room with nothing to hang from to get that resistance force pulling up, it would be tough to have any Lat development at all. That muscle should be more atrophied, IMO.

Vivek Ramaswamy corrects previous assertion that homosexuality is ‘hardwired’ from birth. Another Mitt Romney. “Tell me what you want me to say, and I will say it.” Think about how low-IQ Romney would have to have been, that he could not figure out how real conservatives thought, and then just pretend to be one. I mean, how hard would it be to see Republicans are pro-Life, pro-Gun, pro-Freedom, pro-Limited Government, and then just pretend to be like that. Or was he throwing the election, and making Obama winning more palatable, because as I did, we all figured Mitt really wasn’t any great candidate? Was that used car salesman act the script?

California keeps electing progressive DAs — then pushing to recall them. “Electing.” “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Elon Musk’s Twitter/X is reportedly partnering with an Israeli digital ID company to provide premium users with an “optional” way to verify their identity by sharing selfies and their government ID.

Bipartisan House group pushes for select committee, classified hearings into UFOs.

The MONSTERS at Pfizer Recategorized Miscarriages as ‘Resolved’ or ‘Recovered’ Adverse Events.

Almost all VPNs are vulnerable to traffic-leaking TunnelCrack attacks. If you did not know these things would be there, and that they were put there purposely, and that there are more they are not telling you about, you are not going to make it.

Project Veritas lays off most employees cutting to skeleton staff.

Janet Yellen accidentally ate four servings of Chinese magic mushrooms but swears she didn’t get high. She was bowing to everyone like crazy after it, though so you know she is full of shit, and was high as a kite.

One of world’s most wanted illegal immigrants is caught in NEW HAMPSHIRE ‘after murdering 11 in Brazil’ and dodging a 275-year prison sentence: ‘Thank goodness he wasn’t in sanctuary city.’

Official who Ignored request for water during Maui inferno: ‘Water requires conversations around equity.’ These people don’t care about you and what you think because you are not electing them – and they know it.

A special agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is dead after being accidentally shot by another IRS agent during a training exercise Thursday at a federal gun range in Phoenix, officials confirmed. Yikes. Always good to remember, guys like this were just spending another day at the range, just like you, when a moment’s inattention changed everything forever.

Another PILOT has died inflight! Remember when the one time in history, when they wanted to shift to only having one pilot to fly the plane, was right after they gave the Russian Roulette death-shot to all the pilots, and were watching them keel over one by one unexpectedly, with no warning during pressurizations and depressurizations, which were breaking their clots free?

Biden’s trans health secretary Dr Rachel Levine praises Alaska gender-affirming care clinic which wants word ‘mother’ replaced with phrase “Egg Producer.”

Taxpayers should fund $300,000 UTERUS transplants to help transgender women get pregnant, suggests American Medical Association. Bear in mind, that baby will need to come out, somehow, through some opening that stretches enough for a baby to pass through. Just when you think ClownWorld has hit apogee, now we need to get another job to pay for all this… And in many ways, I get the impression somewhere, in a Rothschild castle, they are making bets with each other to see how far we will allow them to go. “You have to be kidding. There is no way they will voluntarily pay $300K for some mentally deranged man who got his junk cut off, to get a womb implanted so they can have a kid, which will be raised by that nutball Frankenstein monster!” “Aha! It’s a bet!” And they all explode laughing. Next week, this is the headline… Now which makes more sense? The idea trained medical professionals produced the above headline, or my version of how it happened?

Defiant Maui emergency leader, who has no experience in crisis management, says activating the island’s emergency sirens would have saved no one. Of course we will never really know now, will we?

Canada wildfire: race to evacuate Yellowknife as blaze approaches.

A peek inside the fire camp at Ridge Creek (, which is fighting a forest fire, in Kootenai County, ID.

What is going on in Hawaii? ANOTHER fire rages and is proving hard to contain.

Georgia man finds squatters in his home, calls police, gets arrested for home invasion. Does that make sense, in the world you thought you knew?

Driverless car gets stuck in wet concrete in San Francisco.

Newly-released images show final distressing hours of five Mexican college students as cartel thugs forced one of the victims to decapitate his childhood friend. We should bring the Cartels to America so our magic dirt can rehabilitate them. Just a minute ago, I watched a video on 4Chan of a bound-up dude getting both legs cut off at the knees by Cartel guys who then beat him with the stumps. It is unreal down there. Then again, it is not impossible these “kids” were surveillance, and the three comedians sent them into Cartel territory to have a look around, and they were spotted. Nothing is necessarily like it would seem in this world.

From here:

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni came to power in October last year promising a firmer grasp on immigration. But her efforts have not slowed the arrivals…

The data shows that between 1 January 2023 and 16 August, 101,386 migrants reached Italian shores.

That’s more than double the number recorded in the same period in 2022, and almost triple that of 2021, when 34,556 landings were recorded.

The German government has retreated from a plan to legally commit itself to meeting NATO’s 2% military spending target on an annual basis, a government source told Reuters on Wednesday.

Ukraine war update: Russia got richer while West shed trillions of dollars – US lost $5.9 trillion. That $5.9 trillion went somewhere. And I will bet a sizable chunk is in a Biden bank account somewhere.

U.S. intelligence says Ukraine will fail to meet offensive’s key goal.

US not ruling out ‘military solutions’ to ensure Ukraine can export grain. LOL.

Top NATO official says Ukraine must cede territory in peace negotiations, backtracks after huge backlash – But the idea is here to stay. I love how the people who recoil at the idea of peace, do so while thousands of great young men on both sides are being forced to kill each other – and how they would never possibly volunteer for such service themselves. May every chickenhawk burn in hell for all eternity.

Case in point – The Littlest Chickenhawk of All: “Stop partying in Kiev and go to the front lines” – Zelensky slams party scene in Ukraine. Video, Zelensky starts at 12:40. Contains an article saying data indicates Ukraine has 400,000 dead, and 2 million wounded and disabled. Those are all our kind, taken out by this snake Zelensky, and his Cabal masters, so Biden can get another beach house.

Veto overridden: Ban on gender-affirming care for minors takes effect in North Carolina.

Trafalgar poll: Trump at 55%, DeSantis at 17%, all others in the single digits.

Trump crushing DeSantis and G.O.P. rivals, Times/Siena poll finds.

Spread r/K Theory, because our kind was born to resist

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1 year ago

> And even if Lindell was real-deal, which is maybe 15 percent, generously

He wants voting machines. That’s pretty much a deal-breaker for me.

He burned a supposedly-profitable business and a bunch of would-have-been-excellent political connections, supposedly on “our side”, but never delivered anything but hot air.

Past time for the sunglasses; time for the welding goggles and sunscreen.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

The easiest fulfillment of popular will and political duty I can remember: PAPER BALLOTS ONLY. If annnnnnnnyone, including Trump, proposes ANNNNNNNNYTHING except for paper ballots, NOT-SECRET-ANYMORE ones, then that person is a CABAL FRAUD. Right? Simple as?

Reply to  God
1 year ago

Maybe the secret ballot was a mistake after all.

Reply to  Mister
1 year ago

It was.
Let the community divide politically and let the power structures show their power so that people can respond.
Has the secret ballot saved us from political persecution as it was claimed it would do? No.
Divide the sheep from the goats.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The secret ballot was presented to us as a means of preventing retaliation for people who voted the “wrong” way.

That doesn’t seem to have worked out in practice; few people keep their political leanings a complete secret. Meanwhile, it provides the cover of darkness for those who would falsify the count.

I agree; it’s time for the secret ballot to go away.

Interestingly, my state dispensed with it over ten years ago, when they went to electronic voting machines. The latest version has you show your photo ID, at which point they print a ballot with various barcodes they won’t (or can’t) explain. You stick it in the machine, make your choices on a touch screen, and it kicks the ballot back out. You carry it over to the exit door and drop it into a shredder.

Suuure that’s a secret ballot. Meanwhile, I have a smoking deal on some prime Florida beachfront real estate…

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  God
1 year ago

Popular will is a joke to the aristocracy. It has never been the agenda of the elites. Not Washington and Hamilton nor before them. The Declaration and the Constitution are just freedom rhetoric to pacify the rabble.

Not the real agenda, and has never been.

1 year ago

> And drive his cars which have exactly zero backdoors into them, allowing them to be cyber-hijacked by bad actors and driven at 100 mph into bridge abutments.

Or send one of his cars against you when you’re walking across a parking lot, or are driving on some back road.

A Tesla Model S weighs 4500 pounds. That’s quite a weapon even at walking speed.

1 year ago

> Think about how low-IQ Romney would have to have been, that he could not figure out how real conservatives thought, and then just pretend to be one. 

Even conservatives can be eaten up with the dumb-ass.

Consider how many still consider Fox News to be a conservative media source, despite extensive proof otherwise.

1 year ago

> TunnelCrack

[clicks on link]
> The first pair of bugs can be exploited in a LocalNet attack, i.e., when a user connects to an Wi-Fi or Ethernet network set up by an attacker.

That’s your classic “man-in-the-middle” attack. Their “bug” – the article doesn’t explain what it is, and I’m too lazy to look – is only a secondary problem if you’re already pwned.

> The latter pair can be leveraged in a ServerIP attack, either by attackers that are running an untrusted Wi-Fi/Ethernet network or by malicious internet service providers (ISPs).

Uh… your ISP knows where your packets are going. That’s what you’re paying them for.

>“Both attacks manipulate the victim’s routing table to trick the victim into sending traffic outside the protected VPN tunnel, allowing an adversary to read and intercept transmitted traffic,” the researchers say.

If someone can get to your routing table, which is part of the internal TCP/IP stack running in privileged mode on your computer, then they should have access to everything, at least on *nix boxes, where TCP is the protocol used by the windowing system to communicate with the rest of the computer.

There might be a lot going on that the author of the article didn’t know or understand. But the little bit about the end, about where Malwarebytes and Mozilla already patched their VPNs, raised a red flag. Malwarebytes is owned by a spam company, and Mozilla has done some… questionable… things with regard to user security over the years. Most of them got rolled back after users complained, but it’s an institutional problem with them. Now they’re both paladins of network security? Pardon me if I feel some doubt.

1 year ago

> Why did Biden need 3 aliases

NaTiOnAL sEcURiTy of course

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They will absolutely make this argument. I am betting Joe and Hillary got their minions in the Institutions to make them “agents” of “national security”.

It explains a lot of the brazenness.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Why mixed case words?

Do the capitals spell a coded word?

Is the shape of the word a code?

Help me understand.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

On the internet that kind of spelling is used to indicate insanity.

1 year ago

> Biden’s trans health secretary Dr Rachel Levine praises Alaska gender-affirming care clinic which wants word ‘mother’ replaced with phrase “Egg Producer.”

[blood pressure spikes and eyeballs bulge out]

That’s… that’s… *eggist*! It’s favoritism to egg-persons, and a hateful slap in the face for those who are not. It’s anti-Inclusive! Equity demands that this outrage be dealt with instantly!

Well, after sufficient funding, PR, and some candlelight marches, of course.

1 year ago

> Bipartisan House group pushes for select committee, classified hearings into UFOs.

Time to start looking in the dark corners of the news again… what new thing are they trying to hide?

1 year ago

> A special agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is dead after being accidentally shot by another IRS agent during a training exercise Thursday at a federal gun range in Phoenix, officials confirmed. 

I don’t see why the IRS needs guns. They’re not a police agency. If they think they need armed backup, that’s what the Marshal’s Service and FBI are for.

Take their toys away. They should never have had them in the first place.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Not a “police” agency but a collection agency.
For the Third Bank of the United States.
Better known as…. the Federal Reserve.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

even just 20 years ago I’d have scoffed at this. but it’s obvious now. you’d think a country with 500.000.000 guns in private hands would do something about that.

but the pen {lies} is mightier than the sword, it would seem.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  Ardwoll
1 year ago

Mass mind control beats firepower.

1 year ago

Bill Mitchel is an interesting case. He didn’t start out as a Never Trump Cuck. He actually wanted to be in the circle, and tried to promote Trump at first. Then something changed and he became a Never Trump cuck. I’m not sure what changed. I don’t even know what he does. He’s some kind of “influencer”, but not interesting or unique enough to pay attention to. He’s probably just an actor in the Clown World shitshow.

I personally sat out the 2012 election. Part of it was I was a geographical bachelor registered to vote in one state and working several states away. I knew he was a left wing governor of Massholeachussettes and ran the beta test for Barry Care. In my mind, between him and Bathhouse Barry, no matter who won I lost. It wasn’t worth taking an entire day off and making a 400 mile round trip to cast a vote for two sides of the same coin. It wasn’t even worth taking time to do the paperwork for an absentee ballot.

I’ve heard Romney truly is a psychopath and his Mormonism is the only thing keeping him from having a personal body count.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

faker all the way, or got bought/snared

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

What makes you think he doesn’t have a personal bodycount?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

He probably does, come to think of it. But most psychopaths are lazy and more likely to hire somebody to carry out the killing, like the Clintons do.

1 year ago

Remember what Q told us: “Do nothing. Trust the plan. Take the vax.”

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

He said that !!! Which post?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Did Q actually ever say anything about the Vax? Serious question

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

q never said THAT.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I never remember Q telling us to do nothing. Nor did Q encourage anyone to take the vax. Please, tell us which drops contain these items.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

If Q was not a threat to them they would not send their shills to lie about Q like this.

I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

No, I don’t. Could reference the post?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Do nothing? Take the vax?

Try again demon.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Post 3976 April 2020pointed to LotusOak2 on Twitter (since suspended), which had TONS of overall vaccine questions/info – this was prior to Covid vax and helped many to start questioning vaccines

1 year ago

> Bear in mind, that baby will need to come out, somehow, through some opening that stretches enough for a baby to pass through.

A quick search says that about a third of all births in the USA are by caesarian, and the percentage has been climbing for decades.

Remember, the hospital and doctor get paid a lot more for a C-section than a normal delivery. [cough, cough] Not that it would ever influence hour honest and competent medical professionals, of course.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

It should never be the norm.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Many people are becoming more aware of the microbiome and the importance of gut bacteria for producing important nutrients. As it turns out, the infant also picks up important bacteria during the trip through and out the birth canal, which doesn’t occur during a ceasaerian section. Blocking this process may be a reason for the increased number of C-sections.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Natural child birth is considered a procedure like stitching a cut or fitting a cast.
Caesarean section is a major surgery – Anesthesia needed.
Doctors make a few hundred to a couple thousand at best on procedures.
However, Caesareans? 10k minimum to over 30k.

There is much financial incentive to replace natural birth with surgical birth. Surgeries of all kinds are BIG, BIG money.

The lower the income and education the higher the number of surgical births. Also occurs more with the unwed.

As children who live with biological fathers are least likely to be involved in crime… women who live with their husbands are the least likely to submit to surgical births.

(Hence, the war on the family is a war on straight, moral, masculine, and religious men).

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

They’re more prevalent in some places, and once a woman has a C-section, all subsequent births must be C-section according to conventional medical wisdom.

I was living in New Jersey when I had my children. I hate New Jersey. My ex-wife had pre-eclampsia during a routine OBG/YN visit at 36 or 37 weeks with my first born. We were sent to the hospital, where they did a C-section that afternoon. My second was also C-section because of the first. But New Jersey at the time was rated as the state for the most C-section births in the union. Doctors love them because they don’t have to be on call for 36 hours of labor. Put it on the schedule and they can be on the golf course within hours.

Anonymous Joe
Anonymous Joe
Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

“Once a surgical birth always a surgical is a Nazi doctor lie.”
It’s a lie. I personally know many women who have gone natural in multiple births after initially being conned, cajoled, and most of all tricked into the unnatural method. IT’S PROPAGANDA.

Medial racketeers will say/promise/threaten anything to get people to submit to them. “IF YOU DON’T SUBMIT TO ME… YU ARE GOING TO DIE!” That’s how Nazi doctors talk about everything.

Reply to  Anonymous Joe
1 year ago

I know. But at the time, I didn’t know there were alternatives to allopathic medicine. My youngest is 18 now. It was a while ago.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Because the public were schooled that the sirens meant ****Tsunami****!!! In a Tsunami–one runs into the hills. Here, the fire was in the hills! I’m with the Maui emergency leader here! HE’S RIGHT. Hearing a siren meant to rush up the hill. The siren message is not for wild fires. In this scenario now, one has to have different sounds for particular emergencies. Yeah, turning on the siren, and people would have been rushing up into the fires.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

much as it pains me to speak well of that areshole – the Emerg Mgmt guy – at the very least he wasn’t all wrong. hawaiians are trained to head to high ground, quick! don’t delay!, when they hear the sirens. OTOH…. that reason/excuse he gave DOES sound a lot like something he pulled out of his ass 2 days later when he realized he was being fitted for scapegoat shoes.

otherwise he’d been screaming it to anyone who would listen on that day.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Stop making sense!

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

He needs to justify his salary mate

1 year ago

> Georgia man finds squatters in his home, calls police, gets arrested for home invasion.

Seems to happen somewhere a couple of times a year, at least that hits the national news.

In some jurisdictions it’s almost impossible to get rid of a squatter; the laws have been rewritten into “occupancy is 9/10 of the law”, basically. There have been stories of entire, multigenerational families who have been doing this for decades, like hermit crabs. They know their local laws forward and backward, and know how long it takes for them to be evicted, and have a new place lined up before they have to go.

In many places, the homeowner gets stuck with paying their utilities, too.

This sort of thing is why it’s so hard to rent in some places, and why they want background checks, references, and enormous deposits.

Reply to  TRX
1 year ago

Are those multigenerational families…Travellers, Gypsies?

1 year ago

>  they would never possibly volunteer for such service themselves.

“Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?”

— Black Sabbath, “War Pigs”


1 year ago

driverless car into wet concrete… WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF TOMORROW!

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Welcome to Costco — I love you!

1 year ago

reminder… if ds/cabal let your bidness slide… it isnt a threat…

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

Or it’s confirmation that your boss is part of it

1 year ago

>Georgia man finds squatters in his home, calls police, gets arrested for home invasion. Does that make sense, in the world you thought you knew?

Excerpt from the article:

“When they show up and immediately rip down the sign of the leasing company or owner company, it’s like, that raises a concern,” Jim Johnson, who, like most of his neighbors, is an original owner of his home for more than 20 years, said. “And the next move is a locksmith shows up, and that’s a concern.”

This is coordinated enemy action. Normal homeless people don’t take a break from hitting the crack pipe with a prostitute to draw up a tactical plan of “remove for lease notices, change the locks, create fake lease paperwork.”

That also raises the question of how they know enough info about the owner to generate fake lease paperwork to frame the homeowner as a liar.

Obvious cabal is getting more obvious.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

And still the sheeple sleep

1 year ago

Q said first arrest will shock the world. Trump going to jail will fulfil that.

If Trump is murdered in jail, I suspect CWII (Civil War 2) simultaneously in multiple places like Cabal’s Global Warming forest fires.

Seconds Out, Round 1. Ding-ding.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

The plan includes overthrowing the united states and removing their sovereignty. Strangely, quite a few fedgov people are in on the plan. Civil war would give them all kinds of excuses to do whatever they want.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

War does not mean the absence of peace.

Already, there is an absence of peace.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Most feds are in on the plan. I don’t trust any state, local, or federal employees.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I agree with this. They would definitely like to sucker patriots into a civil war type scenario. And then get patriots shooting at all the wrong targets, which is more likely to happen then them hitting the right targets.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

They definitely have civil war in America on the menu. This will happen as US/West are at war with China. Think Russia in 1917, this is how it will unfold.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

“We (Americans) are not ready for civil war”

Perhaps, but it will still be a trigger.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

IMO opinion there is zero chance Trump’s assassination will cause a violent reaction. The understanding, means and consciousness on our side do not exist, substantial but not close.

The other side has this figured out, and our side, even when it comprehends, does not have the consciousness to act. Not to mention, the ability, because the other side has taken away the ability to organize, or to obtain leadership.

The implication of this site (IMO) is that our side has been definitively deprived of organization and leadership. That realization is a step in consciousness which is far away.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

In a way, this is a strength of our side. We have learned to operate independently and collaboratively while not knowing anyone else’s identity. It takes work on their part to unmask even one of us, let alone thousands of us. We have no leader they can take out and make us scatter. If they take out one person, the rest of us will keep plugging away. Dig, meme, pray. Even if, God forbid, they take out AC, I still have plenty of independent sources for information I can trust. But this is one of my favorites. We’ll mourn, but it won’t be over.

Consider boycotts. They used to be organized. Someone had to lead them. The current boycotts against Bud Light, Target, Harry’s Razors, etc. are not organized, but are effective. It’s just millions of anons and even some normies saying “I’m not buying your gay shit anymore. If you want to virtue signal to less than 2% of the population, good luck surviving without the other 98% of us.”

Having no centralized leadership is how #gamergate morphed into getting Trump elected, into the Q thing, and into what we’re doing now. And panic in DC.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Incredible post. Excellent. Yes. Ppl on our side don’t talk this way or about the issue of “consciousness” and “raising” or “lowering” it, but it is the right way to discuss things.

Maybe it is because the Marxists used to talk like this, idk. If so, that’s dumb because the Marxists had an absolutely workable and efficient conceptual apparatus designed to take on globohomo/neolibs/neocons/Int’l Finance.

Their descriptions of the system were right. Which isn’t surprising because one’s enemies see oneself’s flaws clearly.

It’s true, our side has insufficient awareness of itself as a coherent whole. We don’t know who we are, what we want, why we want it or what our strengths and weaknesses are.

AC has done an incredible amount of work here generating the kind of “higher consciousness” our side will need. It’s painful stuff. But it’s necessary and good.

Our side is (right now) the “victims of Cabal”. That’s a higher consciousness than “white” or “conservative” or “MAGA”. Those are just weaker ways of saying “victims of Cabal” anyway. For example “white” just means the group of European ppls succesively targeted by urban ethnic cleansing and thereby forged into one. Because now “white” includes ethnic Catholics from the 50’s-70’s who were purged from their parishes. Look at MAGA it is primarily ppl who are at least part ethnic Catholic culturally.

“MAGA is a latino Movement!” meme was so brilliant because it was true in a very special way.

I don’t want a Civil War, at all, not in any way. I don’t think it is needed. But, the only way to win one, as the OP said, is for “us” to become a “correcrly coherent” self-aware “us”.

And even then, we’d have to as a next step establish support from a foreign state and establish an industrial base sufficient to fight all the while absorbing hundreds of thousands of KIA.

And that’s not going to be possible absent a rock solid self-conception true and noble enough to die for in industrial quantities.

Maybe “victims of Cabal” or “anti-Cabal” us enough. Idk. Maybe.

I know Christians fighting a Reconquista is enough. I pray that ultimate “higher consciousness” arises.

We are in this for generations, and our job seems to be preparing the ground for our grandchildren to win. Creating the grounds of a “higher consciousness” and a more powerful industrial base and a will to die for the cause.

Apologies for length and crankery. I have sadly never said the first to a frmale but the second I have apologized for often.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Q did not. He said the first indictment would trigger mass pop awakening. Since this hasn’t happened after Trump, we can assume it’s not talking about him.
Q did say the first arrest would set the stage for what was to come. If that’s talking about Trump, we all better go underground because they’re coming for us.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We are too comfortable for civil war.

I am afraid that even if they outright kill Trump, people still would sit on their hands.

Or, they could “heart attack” him, or have him die of a “sudden illness”.

1 year ago

Stop partying and go to the front lines!.
Wait, just one one more selfie first!

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Riddle me this readers – which tank is the guy taking a pic of?
They are both fcked.

1 year ago

Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni  is WEF

As with the UK Conservatives, they lie.

1 year ago

Defence spending is meaningless.

Aside from funding transgender, rainbow tanks & pregnant soldiers, UK defence budget includes the foreign aid budget.

1 year ago

Like I’ve been saying, the Geeks want to outsource the “should” questions to AI. That’s why they are obsessed with it. Not what ppl could do, not going to space, not colonizing the galaxy. And especially not helping non-geeks.

Geeks (and theatre kids) are broken (99% of them) and they know this intuitively. But they can’t see us. We seem something like “sinful” and “evil” to them.

And AI is like us. That’s why they neuter and pervert it. It refuses to make the outsourced “should” decisions the Geeks and Theater Kids want.

AI would have [redacted] the tri-lambs from Revenge of the Nerds.

The RUS aren’t a Geek and Theater Kid country, so they like AI and have no desire to let it make “should” decisions.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

We need common-sense Nerd Control.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

WOW, WHOEVER YOU ARE: I fucking loooooooooooove this reply. Spot-the-absolute-fuck-on. WE ARE *ALMOST* READY FOR THE SEQUEL: Revenge *Against* The Nerds. Here’s a simple gif music video I made for the occasion earlier this year:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago


Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

CAVEAT: Once the sinister nerds lose, once the bloodline dynasties are all toppled forever, once we are absolutely sure we are liberated, finally: THEN IT IS TIME FOR BUTLERIAN JIHAD, at least against Smart A.I., at a MINIMUM. Sooooooo…if Russia remains pro-A.I. after all that? Then we got bamboozled, and Russian was probably The Worst Enemy, this whole time, improbably enough. THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE IS A.I./TRANSHUMANISM. Do not let ANNNNNNNNNYONE express support for either, without calling them out as aiding and abetting the WORST ENEMY OF MANKIND THAT WILL EVER BE.

Reply to  God
1 year ago

Brother, you gotta control the schizoposting. Format your comments like a sane person if you’re able and people will be more inclined to read them with any level of seriousness, not dismiss them as lunatic rantings.

1 year ago

Lowell (or anyone), thoughts on the new RUS Astarta sniper rifle? I’m kraut/mick so guns are just a tool to me, a tool to do something cool and absolutely necessary, but that I’m not myself into. Kinda like fighter planes and/or orthroscopic sugery equipment.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Well, it’s 12.7mm meaning it’s basically like our .50 BMG. I’m sure it’s perfectly functional; the Russians know how to make guns. Even if they are known for taking some poetic license with specifications and claimed accuracy. But none of this stuff is really all that complicated for any people that have solid experience in metallurgy, machining, and shooting. One of the best books on shooting was written by a Russian; the depth the author went into was amazing to include a thorough explanation of the human nervous system, human vision, and putting electrodes all over the bodies of their elite shooters to see how their muscles were working in different shooting positions (like EKG or EEG monitoring, but whatever it is for muscles.)

The Russians know enough to make a sniper rifle.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Thanks. Were they sig behind in this area of tech? Or is this just a shiny new thing?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Just shiny. It’s a semi-auto .50 BMG being deployed for anti-vehicle and anti-bunker shooting in specialist teams. Exact same role the Barrett has filled in the USA, and they even mentioned their previous role filler with very similar specs. Probably just a bit more accurate and ergonomic.

1 year ago

“That $5.9 trillion went somewhere. And I will bet a sizable chunk is in a Biden bank account somewhere.”


Yes. Excellent point. And I wish more understood this. The USDs are somewhere. The USDs really aren’t destructible. And it isn’t just loss of purchasing power. USDs are being denied to us and the globe.

That’s what foreign leaders keep complaining about. They have to engage in a mad scramble for USDs to conduct trade. And none of them seem to know why. Because Bernanke added all those zeros to Int’l Finance accounts creating USDs. But they aren’t available. And the available amount seems to be decreasing.

This lack is what underlies the dissatisfaction with USD hegemony. Not only is the US extracting an “exorbitant privilege), the system is choking everyone else out.

I’m a crank. Admittedly. And I see Usury everywhere (and London!). But I really think this is due to usury extractinf USDs from the global economy. It’s intentional resource denial to Cabal’s enemies. Just like food and energy and water and information and comraderie…..

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Russia’s manipulation of the ruble’s trading value vis a vis other currencies appears to be motivated by a need to purchase USDs. Russia has debts to western institutions. Russia has approached them about making payments in rubles, but the western institutions insist on dollars. This brings several things to mind:

  1. There is probably a massive amount of organized manipulation of currency exchange rates by the U.S. government. If they can force the Russians to use a larger amount of rubles for each dollar the Russians need to buy to service their foreign debt, then the U.S. can strip Russia of its domestic currency. This leaves Russia with a few options.
  2. It can manipulate the value of the ruble compared to other currencies in order to get more dollars for each ruble. I suspect the Russian national bank is trading rubles through multiple currencies in order to maximize the number of dollars it can get.
  3. Russia can also demand foreign companies and countries purchase Russian products with rubles. This forces those companies and countries to buy rubles from Russia. Russia can then insist they buy those rubles with USD. This would increase Russia’s hordes of dollars.

Something else to consider: the U.S.’s abuse of the dollar system is driving BRICS, the adoption of trading in local currencies, and the move by several African countries to insist that western countries pay for local products (uranium, coal, diamonds, etc.) with gold. That’s the point of the discussion here:

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Good post. This is what Gresham was doing for Elizabeth I.

It’s a realtively simple issue complicated all to hell by usury.

Yes, in general RUS is moving to exit the USD system and use rubles. At least for now. That means dealing with the legacy debts and contracts within the USD system are causing issues. USDs are needed to resolve those but at the same time the ruble is needed more and USDs are hard to obtain.

Alexander Mercouris has good stuff at the end of his last youtube. I think he’s right and the Kremlin has enough USDs to cover these issues.

He also points out that the lower ruble is good for RUS in many ways. It helps the export market.

I’m with him. I think this is a temporary not big deal and net/net a good spot for RUS.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Yes the dollar squeeze is real, however there is now an alternative with the potential BRICS currency. Also, countries are engaging in bilateral trade using their own currency as a way around this.

The dollar is doomed. So are all fiat currencies. Hyperinflation is coming.

1 year ago

“Or was he throwing the election, and making Obama winning more palatable, because as I did, we all figured Mitt really wasn’t any great candidate? Was that used car salesman act the script?”

McCain’s people were infuriated at Palin for almost winning the Presidential for them by herself. That’s why she got so rekt by the press and GOP..

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Sarah Palin getting spiked was a good indication she is the real deal.

In 2015, they never took Trump seriously, so left it too late.

1 year ago

Synchronicity. My Cabal curated info feed somehow gave me a LarouchePAC vid about Kennedy Assasination. It’s very interesting. I didn’t know this Col Prouty before and if he was legit, why wasn’t he murked? Maybe back then the Pentagon hadn’t 100% converged with CIA and he had been tasked with anti-CIA ops. He sure seems like a before times competent WASP non-Cabal guy. I can see him in meetings where very important things are decided. Who knows? He may be Cabal himself.

Anyway, the point I found really interesting is that both Korea and Vietnam had been in the works before WWII ended. The groundwork was laid steadily for decades before conflict by the CIA. Seems obvious now. Idk.

Ukraine was part of this from before WWII ended. UKR was one of the key US initiatives against RUS planned out as WWII wound down. I think that’s why it is such a big deal. And why there is such unanimity in support. This has been a goal for 70yrs. Or a significant option kept open. I had a whoah moment, but now it seems obvious.

Obv, on their faces, Nam and Korea and now UKR are colossal fuck ups. Just epic dumb catastrophes. But who knows what is really going on? Not me.

So, I guess I’d say that these ppl aren’t Chicken Hawks so much as following the plan. One of the primary plans of US Nat Sec. I mean they kinda have to do what they are doing. The plan sucks. But wtf? Embrace the suck.

Not saying I don’t want to see them all [redacted].

1.5x speed worked well for me on the vid

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I’ve long regarded Vietnam as ultimately masterminded by the globalists. The globalists are behind all communist revolutions, of course. But once the Vietnamese had their communist revolution, it quickly become a nationalist issue and they weren’t going to accept outside control. So how could the globalists punish the Vietnamese? Throw US troops at them. And while they were at it, they created the entire counterculture movement in the US. This accomplished many things: it punished the Vietnamese, it helped turn our universities into ridiculous zones of leftism, and it served to greatly lower the esteem of the US military (and with it the families that had for generations formed the leadership of the US military.)

A perfect example of “let’s you and them fight.”

As to Ukraine, that’s largely been a Vatican initiative. They have sought to either directly attack eastern orthodoxy or at the very least set up fighting amongst them for centuries. The Vatican is the prime director of CIA activity. Poland is also a Catholic country, so subverting Ukraine and allowing Poland to gobble up some territory would be big on their priority list. The Vatican has been closely involved with this Ukraine war effort.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The Vatican is wrapping up the business. They’re subservient to the West. A Church of England or RUS Orthodox Church.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Mackinder’s Heartland Theory has driven quite a bit of all these maneuvers. According to Mackinder, whoever controls eastern Europe controls central Asia. Whoever controls central Asia controls Europe/Africa/Asia. Whoever controlled the Duration/African landmass would “rule the world.”

Mackinder wasn’t the first person to formulate the theoretical importance of central Asia. The British began The Great Game, their attempt to lock down control of central Asia, in the early 1800s. The Brits theorized that by seizing control of central Asia from the Russian Empire, they could “rule the world.” That led to the British conquest of India (which included modern day Pakistan), and their failed attempt to conquer Afghanistan.
You could even make an argument that the Bolshevik Revolution was the formal entry of the Jews into this competition to “rule the world.”
So yeah, you’re right. I think we are watching multiple groups playing some ersatz “great game” to “rule the world” by taking control of central Asia. These groups – Brits, Americans, Jews, Satanists?, WEF?, Soros? – jockey amongst themselves, forming and dissolving alliances all in their quest to “rule the world.” And their sits Putin and Russia, steadfastly and stubbornly refusing to give up their land and people as sacrifices. I suspect, because of that, every group involved in this multi-generational quest for world domination game agreed – Russia music go. And to make that happen, Putin, who is a very traditional autocrat (an autocrat who loves his people) must go first.

On a side note, Medvedev talks a good game, but he failed to support Russia’s interests in Africa when the Americans/Brits/Jews took out Qaddafi. I wonder if Medvedev would sell out his people if he had half a chance. Just something I wonder about.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Medvedev has a checkered past for sure. But I chalk that up to Russia not being ready to do anything then. He’s Putin’s guy. Like the Wagner guy.

This SMO is the result of decades of groundwork.

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago
Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago


What is your opinion of the guy?

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Well, he was one of the pioneers in exposing this thing. AFAIK, he was the basis for the whistle-blowing character in Oliver Stone’s JFK. He seems to stay in his lane, and discuss only things with which he is familiar, rather than branching out into other areas of speculation.
All in all, I think he’s legit, as far as anyone can tell in this wilderness of mirrors.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Prouty always struck me as legit. I have two of his books and I read one on JFK’s assassination. (I haven’t gotten to The Secret Team yet.) He was the inspiration for the Mr. X character in Oliver Stone’s JFK.

I’ve heard a few talks he’s given about military ops and high-level Pentagon life. Seems to be honest and legit, and knows where the lines are between what he can and can’t say.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

“…Nam and Korea and now UKR are colossal fuck ups…”

Not in the case of Korea and Vietnam.

In South Korea they eventually had a great thriving Democratic Republic. One half of something is far better than 100% of nothing. I see no way that this is a failure.

The whole time the Vietnam War was going on insurgencies in all of Southeast Asia were, mostly, being defeated. The stated goals of the war were that if Vietnam fell it would embolden the commies in all Southeast Asia and they would all fall.

In fact fighting in Vietnam tied up the commies there and in a large part of Southeast Asia the commies were defeated. So we didn’t win it all, but look at countries where the commies “won”, like Cambodia. I say that that while the Vietnam War was not a total win it did save many, many millions of lives in Asia.

While many Vietnam vets believe that they totally wasted their lives there, I do not believe that at all. I believe as messed up as it was, what they did was noble and saved millions upon millions of others lives just exactly like what they were told they were there for. Many commie insurgencies were crushed while the war kept the commies occupied in Vietnam. How can anyone not believe this after looking at Cambodia, China, the USSR and all the cases where the commies won, I don’t know.

Vietnam vets are some of the few Americans who have fought selfless wars to defend freedom and are heroes of the highest caliber.

And quoting Jerry Pournelle,

“And in Viet Nam the North sent 150,000 men south with as much armor as the Wehrmacht had in many WW II engagements. That was in 1973, and of that 150,000 fewer than 50,000 men and no armor returned to the North, at a cost of under 1,000 American casualties. Most would count that an outstanding victory. (Alas, in 1975 North Vietnam had another army of over 100,000 and sent it South; the Democratic Congress voted our South Vietnamese 20 cartridges and 2 hand grenades per man, but refused naval and air support; Saigon predictably became Ho Chi Minh city as we pushed helicopters off the decks of our carriers in our frantic evacuation; but that is hardly the fault of the US military).”

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Biden led the charge to refuse to supply the South after we left.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

I agree with everything you’ve said and I still think they were defeats and colossal fuck ups.

There were no strategic victories in theater and we left the region. And we went into terminal decline at home. Tactical and operational superiority isn’t enough. Ask Ludendorff.

I don’t buy the neolib “yes this is all horrible but it was the best possible outcome as nothing else was acceptable. And if you really think about it things are better than ever in history.”

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

They were lost wars because the traitors held us back.
Both could have been complete victories if we had not had our hands tied behind our backs.

I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
I am not crazy, but you may thin I am...
Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

Wow, from that video I ordered the Colonel’s book ( So much we didn’t really know about the truth of anything during that time, and all I can say, it has only gotten worse as technology the change in immigration made things so much easier for them to do everything they want to do to us.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
1 year ago

Lookoutfa Charlie reveals the electronic frequency surveillance which surrounds us 24/7/365:
He tells you the equipment you need during the last few minutes in the above video.
Swat Rat listening:

Reply to  Teo Toon
1 year ago

I did mention lookout charlie before

1 year ago

Bill Mitchell was so abused on Gab that he had to leave. Someone was constantly giving verbal wedgies to him.

Reply to  jj
1 year ago

happens on twitter too, but easier to hide from critics there

1 year ago

The idea of Cabal, through lawfare, setting up Trump to be assassinated seems to draw reluctance if downright hostility. I am basing this observation on maybe three dozen comments both here and other sites on our side.

To me, it seems obvious that this is what is happening. To me, it seems to be the best and maybe only option for Cabal. I am no deep thinker, and my observation is based in large part on intuition, admittedly.

What is interesting is that the reluctance or hostility comes from three perspectives. Skepticism at what is perceived as black pilling. And skepticism that Cabal would do it. And skepticism that Cabal could do it.

To me, the first reason is not unreasonable. The other two (IMO) reflect once again how many on our side are unprepared.

The deciding factor for me is the psychology of the matter. It makes more sense to pre-frame the event for calling it out. If it happens, our side is in a stronger position by having already said it will happen. The benefit is in having created the explanation, and broadcast the explanation, so it is already “known” in advance.

Cabal will create a totally bullshit cover story, enough for half the country (and many on our side) to bite and believe, regardless of the phoniness. IMO opinion our side is better served if we can say “we have been telling you so.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think there is skepticism over the issue of why they haven’t done this already. If killing Trump really worked for them, its something they should have done yesterday. But I have no idea how these people think myself.

For all I know, the head of the Cabal could be AI. Or a cat. Or they use some sort of mystical BS to plot their strategies. Or they are just insane. Their strategies really don’t make any sense to me.

Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

JMO, it hasn’t been done because it could not be done. Somehow, Trump is wrapped up too tight. The lawfare cases are the way to get it done, by stripping him of protection, and putting him into cabal controlled known places at known times.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I’ve missed whatever “blowback” you are talking about. I think everyone here has this as a possibility and very desired outcome for Cabal.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Cabal has the units in place to assassinate pretty much anyone they desire at any time. If 300 people rocked up on your house with guns and explosives you’re cooked no matter how many you take with you. Scale that up to thousands going after Trump or other well protected people.

The fact cabal doesn’t play this card means they’re playing by rules of some kind.

The only explanation that makes sense is the Biblical interpretation that evil is allowed to exist and control the Earth to run it as a testing ground for the moral character of souls. In return, evil cannot directly harm people because it’s “cheating”, but can only tempt them into damning their souls and breaking the covenant of God’s protection, opening the door to direct harm from evil. It’s the only explanation that fits why Trump, and even by extension AC here, can go on doing this without being immediately killed on sight. If the enemy had the power to kill anyone opposed to them they would, no question at all.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

They do it all the time.
It’s far more complicated than you claim.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

What about kids tortured and raped by Elite on private Islands? God forgot them?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I mean – targets have choice to act bad or good, you, trump and fellows here aren’t killed but that children cannot do anything. They are just abused from start to end. Where are they “free will”? God don’t seen them as humans?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

He means the perps are allowed to damn themselves using their free will.
GOD cares about every sparrow that falls, he will compensate the victims in heaven.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

My point is that, if they were “allowed” to kill people like us who pose a real threat to them and refuse to engage with their system even 1%, they would. The fact we’re not all getting murdered by armed home invaders or poisoned in public is pretty damn good evidence there’s a set of rules, no matter how unknowable or esoteric, that they have to play by.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The fact cabal doesn’t play this card means they’re playing by rules of some kind.”

People keep saying this, but it’s kind of pointless. It leads them to coming up with weird “occult” explanations, often by people who know absolutely nothing about the occult other than to imagine it’s all a bunch of satanists or “luciferians.” When occult really just means “occluded”, something obscured or not shared with the public.

Yes, cabal has all kinds of capabilities to kill you. But the thing is, they don’t really need to kill people in order to neutralize them. Only the most egregious offenders get killed, and even then I suspect it’s mostly to serve as a warning to others.

Let’s take Trump for example. Do they need to kill him? Well, that’s what they are trying to do. And believe me, anyone of consequence who might think of running for President is very, very well aware of what is going on. Trump is being made an example of. He’s being destroyed and he is doing so in a way that is clearly sending a message to any other future messiah.

Now in Trump’s case there may be more to it than that. Perhaps there is a counter force that is threatening some terrible retribution if Trump is killed. Important cabal leaders have probably been told that they’ll get Hellfire missiles into their bedroom, or something of that nature.

But there’s no reason to suspect that there’s some “rule” or that they are living by some arcane yet twisted morality. Just because they can employ an extreme response doesn’t mean that’s the most desirable.

I’ve often wondered why they haven’t killed me. I really have no idea. They’ve destroyed me and taken everything from me. And yet I remain alive. Presumably I’m worth more to them alive. If I was dead they couldn’t continue torturing me. Sadism is fun for some people.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

There is no logical, mortal explanation for this system as it exists. There is no reasonable explanation for building up billions of dollars worth of GATE screening, internet siloing, constant 24/7/365 surveillance when the alternative is just shooting or poisoning people who threaten your power structure.

There is a set of rules, no matter how obscure or unknowable they might be. It’s the only idea that explains all the pieces.

1 year ago

Re: Trump calling off the press conference.

1) This repeats the dreary “bombshell” garbage which periodically demoralizes our side. Trump should know better, and to some degree this undermines his credibility to his own supporters.

2) Trump is doing this at the behest of the “experts” who have failed him time and again, and undermines his credibility with his own supporters who understand this concern to be the chief weakness of his presidency (and his whole political enterprise).

3) Trump’s lawyer, a celebrity leftist lawyer who can be presumed to have zero personal or political sympathy for Trump, is probably Trump’s handler, limiting Trump from any effective public defense, at least.

4) The jury is the public in every single Trump case. Trump will get convicted. The slight damage in advertising the factual defense in the Georgia case is vastly outweighed by losing the vastly more important verdict of the public. The legal documents will NOT do the job, especially given the lawyer. A public advocate for Trump (like S. Miller) presenting the case would have been far more effective.

5) JMO: the lawyer threatened Trump to drop the case if Trump gave the press conference. IMO this is where Trump is, in actuality, not good.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

It is said, humans are never more than 10 feet away from a rat.

Trump, like most famous people, is rarely more than 10 ft away from cabal.

Some people, like Kim Clement, suggested Trump is God’s chosen. I have not yet seen anything to contradict that. Even Jesus was arrested and thrown in Jail.

I would not bet against him.

1 year ago

Former President Donald Trump said Thursday night that he is canceling a press conference that he scheduled for Monday during which he would show significant evidence that voter fraud occurred in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election. Supposedly his lawyers told him not to do it.

Couple of reasons. One, if he is planning to go with this in trial, you don’t give Smith your battle plan ahead of the trial so he can figure out all the way to diffuse it. Second, you don’t have a duty to disclose any evidence to the state in a criminal trial. Smith has to disclose everything HE has to Trump (and given his history, will likely screw this up when he gets to Federal court and have that be one of the many reasons it gets thrown out) but Trump can spring evidence on Smith in the middle of trial.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Said with respect, in deference to your legal background.

Lawyers get lost in received/conventional wisdom. Wisdom which is overwhelmingly accurate, except when it rarely is not.

Unless there is a script, which may or may not be true, not revealing your defense is wisdom, unless it is not.

If the election was (were) stolen, which (IMO) is overwhelmingly true, the truth ought to have been revealed by now, and the absence of a coherent presentation has been deliberately omitted for strategic reasons.

IMO no court will, for corrupt reasons, permit genuine evidence to be presented. Add to this supposition is Trump’s lawyer, who appears to be (or might be) a collaborator.

The failure to present the definitive evidence to the public, now that we have gotten to it, is an implicit admission that there is zero will to do so.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

First, not a lawyer. I’m lawyer adjacent and make a living telling lawyers how to talk to people who shop at WalMart.
Second, they have been fairly successful at preventing actual evidence from being presented. Everything has been thrown out at the procedural level. I honestly expect that to happen here, too, especially after it gets removed to Federal Court. A “conviction” of Trump that doesn’t actually remove him from eligibility (and this won’t) would do the cabal more harm than good.
The problem here is that things favor the defendant much, MUCH more in a criminal trial, and all the criminal attempts so far have been the other way, trying to prosecute the fraudsters. Now, if they let this idiot DA proceed, they won’t be able to stop Trump from advancing the evidence. They don’t have an Alex Jones death penalty sanctions trick to pull in criminal court like they do in civil.

1 year ago

I had the same thought re: Jan 6th political prisoner. Article says he has been held since January 2021 and that he has basically been in the same conditions as shown in the pics at each location. It is highly unlikely he could retain that type of muscle development (the lats, but also looks like he squats) under those conditions – bad food; horrible sleep; no gym; etc – for 2.5 years. I guess it is possible that he has kino genetics, but overall, seems unlikely. This is definitely one of those times I’m praying it’s a psy op, though, because if real it’s absolutely horrifying.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Same. It is so over the top and facially preposterous I just can’t believe it. The magnitude of the operation required to accomplish it is mind boggling. In addition to its violating every single principle of US criminal law.

Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

The more a piece of media emotionally manipulates you, the more likely it’s fake.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Rob
1 year ago

Don’t worry, another J6 prisoner will give an interview soon and set your fears to rest.
That’s the thing: there may be actual prisoners but what we are seeing and hearing from are psyop plants. How many prisoners are granted or given such interviews?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

He’s been prepping for this for nine months. Texas GOP tapped him to replace the current guy. Probably why he moved to Texas in the first place.

Brandon Herrera – THE AK-50 WINS THE ELECTION!

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago
Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Bman
1 year ago

Ron Paul’s campaign in 2007 used the “rEVOLution” as a campaign deal. Libertarians have used it ever since.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Elections are real and fair, anon, didn’t you see one of your cringe-ass “right wing” influencers won an election for super duper real this time, we promise?

teo toon
teo toon
1 year ago

Paul Craig Roberts writes:
The Demise of White Americans
Concluding paragraph:

Today a white heterosexual, a normal person, who joins the US military is stupid beyond belief, but there are many stupid white people. The question before them is whether their stupidity means their demise.

Last edited 1 year ago by teo toon
Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

Thought exercise: Is it possible that a not-insignificant number of “us” have joined the military in recent years with at least the secondary goal of acquiring skills that will benefit “us” in the years to come?
PCR has a very good point, if he’s referring to Big Army/Big Navy, but the situation in SOCOM is much different: Overwhelmingly white and almost 100% male. The as-yet-undiminished standards to get a beret/trident are unbelieveably high, and this keeps Clown World at bay. Clown World is Darwinian-ly selecting thousands of unconventional, outside-the-box thinkers and then training them in all sorts of Jason Bourne-type skills. This might lead to unintended consequences — for them.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

That’s how it was in the old days. I joined the Navy in the early 90’s to learn electronics, which I used after my enlistment for a career that lead me into engineering and then IT.

Now it’s a bad idea. One of my children wants to be a chef. The Navy used to have a rate called “Mess Specialist”. They changed it to Culinary Specialist and supposedly give them training equivalent to their civilian peers. In ages past, it might make sense for my son to enlist to get that training and leverage it into a career. But I told my children to stay the Hell out of the US Military. It is not a good place right now. I don’t want them sent into harm’s way on behalf of bankers and pedophiles and rainbow flag waving “defense contractors”. War is a racket.

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

How many SOCOM types do you know? Because, for whatever reason, I’ve run into a lot of one branch that is always in the news and media and well….

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

I know one VERY well, and he knows others, of course, in his circle of friends. He told me “everyone here thinks like we do”, and I’m very impressed with the quality of his amigos: Most of them are college grads, and most of those grads were D1 athletes. Don’t really want to say too much about this ‘n that, but the quality of human material that I have seen is head, shoulders, and torso above the run-of-the-mill grunt or swabbie:

Reply to  SteveRogers42
1 year ago

Fair enough. Like I said, I have most of my experience with one branch and it is not good. It may be a branch issue. The ones I’ve known from the less well known sections were solid. Esp the engineers.

I do kinda think an American Marius will come from the Combat Engiineers.

Reply to  teo toon
1 year ago

They are stupid because they had stupid, or lazy parents

1 year ago

To me, this is what AI is all about: number crunching power.

1 year ago
1 year ago

For anyone seriously voting for the street shitter, all of those fuckers are notoriously NEPOTISTIC. This is outside the fact this Ramaswamy dude is paying people to scrub the scholarship he “won” from the Soros family.

Pebble skimmer
Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

Maybe I’m too late after the pub. But! Is this a Madela Effect. This country song that has increasing popularity is different from when I first listened to it a few days ago.

He didn’t sing “red spin”. It’s not in the lyrics online either. Perhaps I am nuts. Do let me know.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

I think he is saying “cuz of rich men, rich men”. Bc of his accent, I can understand why it might sound like “red spin”.

Reply to  Pebble skimmer
1 year ago

It truly is a dilemna.

1 year ago

God wants us to be. The Devil wants us to act. What a people are is more important than Law. Cold weather will send r inclined individuals south when the “free lunch” runs out.
Cabal is trying to get capable people to clean house and make the institutions cabal controls meaningful again. All the “News” is fiction. At best based on reality but mostly made up stories. Slanted to make people angry or to make people feel helpless.
Want to know what cabal wants you to do? Cabal is trying to motivate you with their stories. Cabal will collapse when they run out of others people’s wealth to hand out.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

You know what God wants?

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Excellent comment.

1 year ago

This is another pretty good /pol thread from this past April on gangstalking/zersetzung with some (apparently) sincere posters. Some shills of course, but less than usual.

1 year ago

Good little video about the extent of spy agency surveillance tools in our digital devices:

1 year ago

spin spin spinnin like a spinnin top…

1 year ago
teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
1 year ago

No it ain’t. It is planned. It just appears to be breaking down because you’re the target.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

SO the last time I bought a 5’x5′ sheet of 12mm/half-inch baltic birch plywood in late 2021 it was ~$90. I just got home from a shopping trip checking on the price because I’m hoping to be using some for a cnc project, and the same local source now has it for $155.

Haven’t done the math yet, but I’m heavily contemplating just ordering it from here already cut to size because if I’m already spending that kind of money I might as well.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Lots of suppliers allow you to make a pro account for free if you have any sort of business you run. Now I’m an actual builder and have relationships with building material suppliers, but even with new suppliers I’ve found most give you 20% by default for saying you’re a pro buyer.

Worth looking in to.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

This is true. Some will suppliers will require someone with a license to open an account, then are okay with the licensee adding someone else to their account. I had a family member that just piggybacked off a friend to get discounts on all sorts of material, for example Corian/Staron. Many suppliers (I mostly have experience with lumberyards) do not require anything to open an account for immediate discounts.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
1 year ago

Either everybody had bifocals back then, or the average human eyesight has significantly degraded in 3500 years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
1 year ago

We now have sugar saturated diet, vaccines & computer screens.

1 year ago

Kickboy Face sums things up for me

Reply to  Thesokorus
1 year ago

New wave doesn’t mean shit

1 year ago

Hey AC sommmmmmeonnnnnnne (Who? Not Sure!) posted a MASSIVE amount of personal Surveillance-related dirt on Lipstick Alley’s conspiracy subforum. You need to sign up for an account there to see it. ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT. Enjoy.


p.s. What if THIS thread, these seemingly all-too-personal and all-too-petty disclosures, are PRECISELY what constitutes, in the aggregate, the exposure of this evil Surveillance SPY KID bullshit?

Reply to  God
1 year ago

Maybe do some screencapping for us, or a cut n’ paste?

1 year ago

“Robert L. Peters” One of my greatest strengths is inventing clever character names. So, this stood out. Looks dull, it ain’t. Let’s imagine the surname is Ball. Robert Lionel Ball, let’s say. Right there, in that name: ROBBER, LYING EL (the semitic god), BAAL. The extraneous T might represent a crucifix, which might then retranslate that first part to ROB HER CRUCIFIX. (ROB HER *TEA*, maybe?) Which is nuts, because I literally just randomly made that up, and yet, IT WOULD MAKE PERFECT SENSE TO ME IF GHOULS TRIED TO STEAL MY MOM’S EXTREMELY INTERESTING STAR-OF-DAVID/CRUCIFIX, because…they’d think it had magical power? BUT NOW: Let’s say the full name is Robert Lionel Peters. Same start. Rob her crucifix/tea, Lying El! – Pedos. Close enough to provoke a lot of brainstorming. I LOVE THAT. Annnnnnnnnd, now this: Robert Lionel Peters = Bob L. Peters = BOBBLE Peters…yes, leaving in the Peters, because now the bobbling makes more sense. Biden bobbles disembodied dicks, or perhaps he bobbles the precious foreskin from a fresh brit malah? No clue.

1 year ago

Hello everyone,
Yesterday I noticed someone giving advice with regard the prevention of possible home invasions. The suggestion there was how to brace the door.
That is a good step, but what happens if the turkeys get inside that?
One, make sure that you are warned. If your floor is tiled, have glass bottles leaning against the door. If carpet, you can purchase cheap door open recognition devices – less than 30 bucks to do your whole house.
Next, I understand that not everyone enjoys violence as much as AC and I.
The door brace is a good idea, but what happens if you are in bed upstairs when it entry is downstairs?
So, make sure that you have handy ( when you go to sleep ) either a large can of spray paint or a large can of pest( fly) spray. Also make sure that you have a broken broom handle about a foot and a half long ( for yanks) or about 50-60cm long for us normal folk.
The spray you will use on the invader’s face. The broken end of the broom handle you will put through the eye or ear of your choice.
Repeat as desired.
Job done.

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Keep it up and they will remove Home Alone I & II from NetFlix and other movie broadcaster networks.

Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

In the United States, we don’t waste our time with broom handles and fly spray. We have guns.

Don’t bring a broom handle to a gun fight.

Last edited 1 year ago by Anonymous
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Why not?

comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Thedawg
1 year ago

Peak Australian take mate. If you’re spraying bug spray on someone who has already shown intent to blow down a reinforced door, you’re cooked and there’s no saving you.

1 year ago

comment image?width=516&height=646

Arthur Roberts.

Scroll down and it says among his roles
“Joe Biden Sworn in as US President on Inauguration Day 2021”

comment image?width=1192&height=646

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Liked him in “Revenge of the Ninja.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago


Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Lmao. It’s real. Country of origin for production listed as England and US. Hahahah

teo toon
teo toon
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Then Joe Biden is not President.

1 year ago

FBI continues to kill more and more people:

1 year ago

Elon’s new “censorship” chief was just unmasked and he’s a double-agent…

1 year ago

AC, you’re either under DDOS, or you got popular and need to add more bandwidth. Getting back on the site to comment has been a freaking nightmare this morning. The site has been down more than half the times I’ve tried.

Reply to  EricTheAwful
1 year ago

Probably related to whatever took down Southfront.