News Briefs 3/30/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

Trump will pull out of Syria – More proof the Deep State war-profiteers don’t issue him orders.

Ecuador Cuts Off Julian Assange’s Comms, probably because he is beginning to question if Russia was involved in the nerve gas attack on the former Russian spy, and may have asked if it was a flase flag to start a war.

Turkey’s economy may be crashing, and as a result, Turkey’s leadership may be on a path to war with someone, to distract their citizens

Never sign a DNR at a hospital when you are admitted because it may diminish all sorts of care options throughout your treatment, allowing the hospital to save money

Sessions will not appoint a special prosecutor to look at FISA abuse, but that may be because the Inspector General – like Internal Affairs for the federal government – is opening its own investigation.

Russia hacked the US Electrical grid, which is one more threat the God Emperor and the white hats would have had to neutralize before they could take out the Cabal.

A funny article on how Millenials are rabbits who have a “Fear of missing out”, or “FOMO,” which drives them to spend compulsively on things they can’t afford, and how the Apocalypse will affect them.

Venezuelan prisoners light mattresses to try and escape, and authorities let them burn, killing 68

Pro-Trump Roseanne’s TV premiere is a huge hit, stunning Hollywood

Another article on pilots seeing UFOs flying way above them, which makes me wonder if the Cabal is thinking it will try to overwhelm Trump’s Great Awakening with perhaps the only thing that could be more shocking – Disclosure of something shocking about UFOs.

The Pope says there is no Hell, and also signals he may support blessing homosexual unions

Trump will penalize immigrants who take federal money

Donations to the NRA tripled after Parkland school Shooting

Actual teenagers made up just 10% of March For Our Lives crowds

Possible authority for Trump to Build The Wall at Free Republic?

Spread r/K Theory, because the news moves fast

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7 years ago

“The Pope says there is no Hell, and also signals he may support blessing homosexual unions”

Maybe he should read his Bible a bit more. As the old saying goes, is the Pope even Catholic? At what point does Papal infallibility over-rule Apostasy? There are other organized churches for Catholics who wish to remain Christian out there. Maybe they should do their research. Remember, let no man deceive you.

Reply to  Pitcrew
7 years ago
7 years ago

It seems like a good compromise between strictly doing full blog posts and the portal you experimented with a while back. I’ve been reading your blog for close to two years now, and I still find your analyses and ideas just as fascinating as when I first set foot here.

Thank you, A.C., for your devotion and for allowing us to be a part of your life.