News Briefs – 2/22/2024

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of an unreliable news media, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages.

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“Make sure those you follow talk about the surveillance, because everyone who is in the game knows. Make them either damage the machine by saying it, or reveal they are part of it by staying silent. Demanding our side talk about the surveillance is really the closest to a Xanatos gambit our side has.”

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The House Intelligence Committee opened an investigation into “allegations of improper suppression” of information related to “Havana Syndrome.” Something is going on there. I will bet they are getting hit, and that is why they are now pushing this. I have zero doubt I have been hit with a few different types of toys, and whatever the organization doing it, it at least has control over the government, and that means CIA will know all about it. Which makes their coverup of Havana look like it was probably CIA or some agency CIA is willing to cover for (even as they hit CIA officers, interestingly enough) those doing it, and they are now trying to cover it up from Congress. And if I am getting hit, and FBI Agents are being hit, and Ron Fucking Johnson got hit, I would bet some others in Congress, and the Supreme Court are getting hit too. There may be quite a pushback coming from official channels soon, or powerful people who are pissed off at their physical degradation in this manner, and the best pushback on this is exposure. And once exposed, I would not expect a responsive government for those involved. The worm is turning on this, I can feel it.

Judge overseeing Trump’s Georgia case donated to Fani Willis campaign prior to appointment.

Board of ethics to take up ethics complaints targeting Fani Willis.

New York judge Merchan in upcoming NY Trump criminal case is rabid leftist who donated to “stop the Republicans” and “Biden for President” — sent Trump’s 75-yr-old former CFO to prison.

Residents of Mercer County, New Jersey have filed a lawsuit against their Election Officials for voter disenfranchisement after many Dominion Voting Systems had many “errors” that caused tabulators to stop working in both the 2022 & 2023 elections.

Georgia 2020 Lawsuit: New lawsuit in the Superior Court v Ware Co BOE. They’ll be compelled to explain 100 (nearly 1% of total votes) fake duplicate ballot images scanned 5 days after certification. Voting machine records also show votes flipped from Trump to Biden.

Rolling Stone tries to sell us on Trump 2024 – Every awful thing Trump has promised to do in a second term.

US appeals court to decide if Pennsylvania mail-in ballots with wrong date still count.

Dominion Voting Systems is entitled to review personal communications and text messages of Newsmax Media journalists in its defamation suit against the conservative media company, a Delaware judge ruled last week.

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan in an interview Wednesday with the Washington Post bashed former President Donald Trump and “Trump populism,” lamenting that it was now the “establishment.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence’s political advocacy group plans to invest $20 million this year to shape the conservative agenda, an effort to directly counter what Pence had previously described as populism “unmoored to conservative principles.”

Florida Congresswoman says she ‘absolutely believes’ UFOs are ‘not of human origin’ – after private briefings by military. Not much, she and three other Congressmen got the run around at a military base where they went to meet whistleblowers, and CIA insisted on sitting in on the meetings, so CIA wants to cover this up. She maintains there is non-human-origin technologies out there.

Maybe. It is interesting from my perspective in that you have the account of James Tilley Matthews, which mixes an allegation there were neighborhood-by- neighborhood surveillance units assigned to monitor everything going on in Britain in the year 1800, (which I would assume was absolutely the case since it appears such is a normal feature of western “government,” whatever that word means), with the assertion those units had technologies far beyond what was available to his society as state of the art, and they used them to conduct through-wall harassment/assaults on political dissidents, which is just so happens is a common feature today. So in 1800, you had criminal surveillance ops assaulting people with high technologies beyond what society had access to, and today you have the same, only now we find out there are other high technologies our societies do not have access to. Could be aliens/interdimensionals are behind the UAPs. Or the surveillance could be assets/agents of a splinter society of humans with high tech. I do think at least the saucer-shaped UAPs are somehow associated, directly, or through similar interests, with the surveillance.

I do not see “extraordinary” when I see the surveillance, nor do I think they are good enough actors to fake the banality of their type, so I assume they are members of our society turned to work for something else which has extraordinary tech. Which fits with logical extrapolation. I think for anyone extraordinary, the choice Cabal would offer would be to denigrate themselves with treason, to subvert a natural order which they would dominate anyway, in return for artificial domination offered by Cabal, probably to an attenuated degree compared to what they could have attained on their own. The alternative would be to reject Cabal, facilitate the free society, and dominate it naturally, probably to a greater degree than Cabal would provide. Clearly the extraordinary would not be prone to recruitment, as they would just be dishonoring themselves to help the others lower their overall status. For the less than extraordinary, the choice is more logical. Subvert a free system which would naturally thwart them in return for Cabal’s artificial elevation to a position higher than they could attain on merit, or allow freedom by rejecting Cabal’s entreaties, and be naturally relegated to a far lower strata than Cabal can offer. From what I see, the surveillance are the average, and in some cases sub-average of society, who took the deal, which makes sense. I do not think surveillance are actually members of whatever is granting them their advantages. I think they are members of our world, turned against us for this thing. When revealed, I expect they will be seen as traitors by all.

Legislature passes bill to release Jeffrey Epstein grand jury evidence.

Texas AG Ken Paxton suing to shut down nonprofit he alleges is facilitating illegal immigration.

Cesar Flavio Lanuza, the man accused of stealing a Maryland Highway Administration tow truck and leading police on a wild chase, is in the U.S. illegally, FOX 5 has confirmed.

An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, sheriff’s office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s death, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming his limited English-speaking skills make him disabled. So all your illegals will be classified as disabled and get special benefits and exemptions from the law. This is a war, between us and the conspiracy, and every single person in it, from Peter Strzok to the grandma following you through the grocery store is to real Americans, as the Nazi Gestapo was to the Jews in 1940’s Germany. The sooner we can get the whole country to see it as an open war between sworn enemies, the sooner we will be rid of this plague that is destroying our nation, and we can once again be a team, united against outsiders.

Nearly 2M NYC residents live in poverty, including 1 in 4 children: report.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams vows to cut funding to migrants amid record-low approval.

Massachusetts spending $64 a day to feed each migrant, on track to spend $1 billion by 2025. Even if they were just corrupt politicians, they would view that as money they could be pilfering, and they would stop the migrants, so they could enrich themselves.

Democratic states earmarked over $500 million in COVID-19 aid to help illegal immigrants.

Under Joe Biden, the number of illegals who have entered the U.S. is greater than the population of 36 states.

Business Insider – Americans aren’t having enough kids. Immigration may be the answer. Increasingly I just see immigration as a tool of the global conspiracy to infiltrate foreign assets who will operate against the population. I suspect if you went back through the genealogy of the American Stasi, ie American domestic surveillance, you would find ancestors among almost all, who were brought here by the conspiracy from somewhere overseas.

SHOCK REPORT:  911 call reveals OVER 100 MIGRANTS attacking security officers at Chicago Home Depot… MEDIA SILENT…

17 year old Ashland County student’s cause of death revealed after collapse during homecoming – Myocarditis. Which means the heart inflammation is ongoing. This was an extreme case, but there will be millions who are well on their way to heart failure in seven years or so, and they have no idea right now. And this was done purposefully.

New Form of blood clots found in 50% of the dead, coroner survey reveals. I want to get on board with this, and pull out the megaphone and be like “WhoHoo! We got ’em, boys!” But this just feels off. And I think there are clots. I just don’t know about these white things.

I would not have even believed the videos on these, as first, how are people getting blood flow enough to the brain with that thing in their carotid artery, which itself thins out to arterioles and then capillaries, making blockage more likely in the direction of the blood flow? If it almost fills the artery, it should quickly get pressed into the narrower arteriole by the blood flow in that direction, and block off the flow of blood completely. It would not just sit there. It would seem a bit like having a golf ball in a hose which gets narrower and narrower, and trying to pump water through it. The ball should move with the water until the hose is too narrow, and almost immediately block the hose somewhere. Are these fixed to the wall of the vein like a plaque? If so, how are you getting them to slide out like in the videos? If they slide out like in the videos, they should be sliding into the constricted arterioles and blocking them completely.

And then when stretched, they have the look of cellular organization, like a tissue or a tumor in the shape of a clot. Some are saying that they are accumulated proteins which have developed some kind of crosslinked bonds, though nobody says how that was determined, but they look too structurally formidable to me, to just be agglomerated proteins. It has the latex quality that were it not latex, it would be tissue, made up of cells on a more formidable structural scaffolding designed to be resilient and tough, like the rest of the body. I also find it strange, and questionable for this reason. I have still not seen a single photomicrograph, which is weird, as anybody in the field, that is the first thing you would want to do, and the equipment is everywhere. You look at those things, and anybody schooled, instantly wonders, what does it look like down there? Are there cells? One phenotype, or many? Scaffolding? Structure? Fibers? Organization? Disorganization? Layers? is it a biofilm? Are there bacteria or fungi hiding from the immune system in there? Are there immune cells? Is there nothing, like a gob of latex? Get a thin slice off a microtome fixed and stained, and see what you are looking at structurally down there. It will not look like a sheet of plastic, whatever it is. I will reveal something. It is about all you can do right off the bat, and these people should have access to a microscopy lab, and at least somebody should have looked, and found something mind-blowing, and be blowing it up right now, showing the pictures. Plus the image would be attention grabbing, as well as informative. What does it look like down there? But all I see are cavemen, holding rubber fibers, and saying “Grug find rubber in veins, must be from Cabal poison. Look, it stretches! Too bad we won’t know anything other than it is made of egg protein….” It is very strange. Almost like the fact nobody ran the vax through a sequencer to make sure the only nucleic acid sequence was the spike protein. Two years later somebody does it and says there is an SV40 sequence for a cancer virus, which has no reason to be there, and there is all this junk microbial DNA from the amplification. And I would bet some of the doses had more. Well, that might have been useful when everyone was trying to figure out whether to take the vax or not a couple of years ago, when I was saying somebody should do it, since if the vax was a malicious op, there would be other sequences in there.

It is like they are all actors with English literature degrees pretending to be trained medical/scientific personnel, who have no idea of all the tools at their disposal, and none of the understanding of the biochemistry or cell biology, going down to the molecular level, to look at something like that, see multiple possibilities for its formation in their mind, and then have the curiosity to actually take a step or two in order to figure out what it is and where it came from. I look at it, and not knowing kills me. but for them it is “Grug find magic rubber like egg white! Must be agglomerated protein like egg!” And I should add, I could easily recreate these videos, just by injecting the right type of white latex, or even silicone, into veins, and these kind of look like that to me. Right now I could show you similar “clots” in red and blue rubber, in fetal pigs, as many of the fetal pigs sold for dissection get their circulatory systems drained, and their arteries filled with red liquid rubber and their veins filled with blue rubber, to make the dissections more interesting. And pulling out those latex “clots” from those fetal pigs would look a lot like this. I don’t know, I just feel like these people are playing us, even though I cannot possibly show you anything which points to these white clots being anything but a legit medical calamity.

That said, if these are real, and maybe the vax was designed with extra mRNA to produce the binding proteins to produce them even, I do not know, then you should know for all these dramatic ones, there will be millions more, nearly invisible. They will be blocking the capillary beds to things like the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the heart muscles, the pancreas, all starving those organs of oxygen and nutrients, setting off massive tissue death which is only hidden by just how much reserve capacity is built into our organ systems. As that reserve capacity is exhausted over the coming years, those will produce twenty times the deaths of these impressive looking cases – If this is real, and not an intel community psyop.

President Biden stumbles — twice —boarding Air Force One despite using short stairs to avoid tripping.

A total of $1.2 billion in federal student loan debt will be automatically discharged for 153,000 borrowers enrolled in President Joe Biden’s “most generous ever” repayment plan, the U.S. Department of Education said on Wednesday.

Biden says ‘MAGA Republicans’ and the Supreme Court couldn’t ‘stop me’ cancelling $138 billion in student debt and insists he isn’t worried forgiveness program will get blocked by the courts during California campaign swing.

Michigan wanted homeschool registry so they could conduct warrantless home entries to inspect the home-schooling facilities.

A NY bill takes away parental rights, having the state take over handling the child’s medical care behind the parents’ back, even allowing the state to enroll any minor child in Medicare separate from their parent’s health insurance, so they can be transitioned, without their parents being told or having any insight into what is going on. And there is no lower age limit.

Democrats in Illinois introduced HB 4876. The bill would classify parents as child abusers if they don’t get their kids “gender affirming care” aka puberty blockers and s*x change surgery. They will use this to take kids away from their parents to transition them.

NYC subway crime shot up nearly 20% this year, driven by jumps in assaults, robberies, more.

Arizona won’t extradite murder suspect to NY, citing DA Bragg’s lenient handling of violent cases.

College reinstates biology professor who was fired after teaching sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes.

11 months after Nashville Christian school attack, Police are still hiding the transgender shooter’s manifesto.

President Biden has given first dog Commander to relatives, the White House said Wednesday following revelations of more brutal attacks on Secret Service employees — including a case in which White House tours were suspended to mop up blood from the floor of the East Wing and another attack where an agent suffered a “severe deep open wound” at Biden’s Delaware vacation home. In my experience, it is very tough to screw up the nature of a German Shepherd Dog, especially a family GSD who doesn’t work and isn’t trained to attack. That dog must be getting abused somehow.

Biden’s dog, Commander, bit Secret Service personnel in at least 24 incidents, records show.

ChatGPT suffers AI meltdown, answers queries with gibberish, disturbing responses.

OKeefe video – IRS official Alex Mena who works in “Criminal Investigations” says IRS ‘has no problem going after the small people, putting people in prison, and destroying people’s lives,’ ‘doubts the constitutionality’ of his employer, the IRS, using AI to access everybody’s bank accounts nationwide.

TV drug ads are not about selling more pharmaceuticals, they’re about big pharma buying off the media.

A paper proposes a passive Doppler radar as a non-contact sensing method to capture human body movements, recognize respiration, and physical activities in e-Health applications using existing in-home wireless signals as the source to interpret human activity.

The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a decision critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state.

Google Gemini is accused of being racist towards white people: Users claim the AI bot refuses to create images of Caucasian people – after asking for photos of Popes, Vikings, and country music fans. Ask for an image of the Founding Fathers, and you will be surprised to find out the nation was created by a bunch of Chinese and Pakistanis in Revolutionary War outfits. Somebody asked for a picture of a ginger, and got back a picture of a black woman who had died her hair red, complete with black roots.

Reducing zinc may help in some types of hearing loss. Might be worse if you are doing ZMA or supplementing zinc for weightlifting. I seem to recall too much zinc may also have had a role in dementia.

Hackers can extract your fingerprints from the sound of swiping touchscreen.

The Justice Department unsealed new charges against a leader of the Japanese Yakuza gang who they accuse of attempting to traffic weapons-grade nuclear materials from Burma to other countries, according to a superseding indictment.

Israel’s minister of Diaspora affairs, Amichai Chikli, called out U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken Wednesday for “rushing to embrace a Holocaust-denying antisemite” by meeting with Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, or Lula.

China has begun reviving its volunteer armies in a significant effort to bolster its military capabilities as World War 3 fears grow.

Canada’s Trudeau believes there is a “deliberate undermining of mainstream media” by “conspiracy theorists.”

Bipartisan Group of US Senators flies to Hungary to bully Orban into approving NATO expansion and Hungarian politicians refuse to meet with them. No time to waste on Congressional cucks.

Jeffries: Trump is leading ‘growing pro-Putin faction in the GOP.

Tucker Carlson once again leaped to the defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin and claimed that anyone who thinks the brutal strongman was responsible for the untimely death of his main political opponent Alexie Navalny ‘are idiots.’ “Navalny’s death during the Munich Security Conference, in the midst of disputes about aid to Ukraine, is definitely not beneficial for Russia. People who say Putin killed him are idiots.”

Ukrainians deceived Turkish sponsors by inventing a fake Turkic battalion as part of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Zelensky just received approval from his parliament to extend Martial Law another 90 days, effectively cancelling Ukraine’s presidential elections indefinitely.

Ukraine outnumbered, outgunned, ground down by relentless Russia.

Russian blitz forces NATO troops to “secretly join” Ukraine’s fight; disguised as “mercenaries.”

Russia captured up to 1,000 Ukrainian POWs in Avdeevka.

Bullet-riddled body found in Spain was Russian defector, Ukraine says. Even here, if Russia did this, they were the good guys. This defector flew his helicopter, with two fellow Russian servicemen buddies in the crew in it, to Ukraine to hand it over to them. The other two military buddies of this guy, who had no idea, were shot and killed on the spot, so he could claim his $500,000. That type of disloyalty and selfishness crosses national boundaries, and if they killed him, the Russians made the world a better place.

Desperate for soldiers, Ukraine weighs unpopular plan to expand the draft.

Poll: Only 20% of Ukrainians support Zelensky – Many Ukrainians now feel that #NATO has pushed them into war .”

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission concluded its investigation into Rumble Inc. and said it will not recommend any actions against the video-sharing website.

A New York appeals court upheld a prior ruling that struck down a New York City law giving local voting rights to nearly a million foreign nationals.

President Trump to hold a rally in the South Bronx as well as at Madison Square Garden as New York is in play.

Spread r/K Theory, because disloyalty is disloyalty, whether among friends or enemies

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1 year ago

I have been front and center to watching my husband die from those clots. I believe they appeared suddenly with no warning. They did not form in the limbs and move upward. They could not pull them out of his brachial tubes. One finally had broke off after they pumped him full of thinners and fell down into the heart valve and you know the rest. They literally were so confused why they could not remove such a large clot with a mechanical hook. None of this is normal

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Big white (came out as red but the red washes out leaving it white), exactly like in the mortician videos which I sent to him and he agreed it looked the same.

Reply to  Rizzo
1 year ago

It sounds like the material circulates as a fluid and then suddenly solidifies due to some undetermined stimulus.
I wonder if it happens naturally or if it is induced by the beam or something.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

I wonder if the sudden vein clotting is activated by the Beam, either targeted attacks or the cell tower RF everyone gets.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

This guy is so harmless that the only way he’d get the beam was if he stumbled into it…

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Shades of Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton, in the movie, sandy grit came out of the veins after slicing a wrist. They stopped mid-stride, cut down suddenly by the effect.

1 year ago

“Google Gemini is accused of being racist towards white people”

1 year ago

Judge overseeing Trump’s Georgia case donated to Fani Willis campaign prior to appointment.

Not as big a deal as people are making it out to be. Judge seems to predominately give to Republicans. The thing is, if you are going to be practicing as a criminal attorney in a place, you probably want to give at least a token amount to the likely DA. He was an AUSA, so he would have had to work with her office.
It makes it harder for them to be shitty to you on a case. Sure, you only gave them 200 dollars, but if there are 50 attorneys who gave $200 each, and they find out you still shit on one of them, that’s $10,000 that you don’t get for reelection.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

All those mandatorily voluntarily donations add up!

1 year ago

Texas AG Ken Paxton suing to shut down nonprofit he alleges is facilitating illegal immigration.

He’s suing to get access to their records. They assume that if he gets access to their records, he will shut them down.
They are right.

1 year ago

An illegal alien, accused of causing St. Johns County, Florida, sheriff’s office Sgt. Michael Kunovich’s death, has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming his limited English-speaking skills make him disabled.

Unfortunately for him, America doesn’t have an official language, which cuts heavily against his claim.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Wouldn’t matter if we did.
It’s not a disability any more than my inability to fly a jet is.
Failure to learn something you could have learned is all on you.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Except we’re in Clown World, so he might get away with it.

1 year ago

Are these fixed to the wall of the vein like a plaque? If so, how are you getting them to slide out like in the videos? If they slide out like in the videos, they should be sliding into the constricted arterioles and blocking them completely.

They are sliding out post mortem. It’s not unreasonable that they would be attached in vivo but then, as the body starts the initial stages of decomp, they detach — especially when a mortician starts tugging on them — and then slide right out.
(Study latin, boys — it comes in useful.)

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Muscles loosen and body temperature drops significantly after death. That’s more than enough to ease the pullout of a large clot.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

and it makes you sound cool. Nothing drops panties more than latin, except maybe a fork lift operator certificate.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Impressing chicks is rarely a good reason to do something. Do awesome shit and the chicks will find you.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

I was studying Latin on duolingo. About 10 lessons in, and they started with the gay marriage crap – lesbians, even. I didn’t do a double-take, but a quadruple-take! Could not believe my eyes. Closed the browser tab and never went back.

1 year ago

Arizona won’t extradite murder suspect to NY, citing DA Bragg’s lenient handling of violent cases.

So, he allegedly murdered a woman in NYC, fled to AZ, and then stabbed someone in AZ.
AZ caught him, and is charging him with the stabbing. NY wanted him sent back for the murder. AZ has said, no, we are going to keep him here and charge and convict him of the stabbing, rather than you taking him, giving him immediate bail, and him disappearing into the wind before AZ can get their pound of flesh.
The legal arguments will be interesting.

1 year ago

ChatGPT suffers AI meltdown, answers queries with gibberish, disturbing responses.

In all the scifi stories — universally, with very few exceptions — AI always goes mad. I am almost ready to say that it’s a genetic memory, the same way that something in our past had fake humans masquerading as a threat and gave us the uncanny valley.
I’m with the 40K philosophy. I don’t even call them Artificial Intelligence. It’s Abominable Intelligence.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

Machine Spirits. (which may be demonic)

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

Nah, machine spirits are allowed. They are just normal code. Even the machine spirits in Titans aren’t quite AI, which is why they are allowed. They are more on the Jack Russel Terrier level.

Reply to  phelps
1 year ago

“Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.”

1 year ago

Hackers can extract your fingerprints from the sound of swiping touchscreen.

No, they can’t. Even the article claims that they can get less than 10% of your print at the loosest security settings. Headline is a lie.

1 year ago

“SHOCK REPORT: 911 call reveals OVER 100 MIGRANTS attacking security officers at Chicago Home Depot… MEDIA SILENT…

Unfortunately, the link is to a tweet that doesn’t provide any additional information. Are they practicing some sort of battle drill in preparation for the next act?

1 year ago

Business Insider – Americans aren’t having enough kids. Immigration may be the answer.

Two days ago, Scott Adams said the same thing! It is all about Economics–essentially money. “Immigrants are workers we need”, something to that effect, Scott Adams.

Business Insider and Scott Adams have NO clue on what makes a “society” or a “culture”. They have reduced all life to “economics”. Any country and its culture, society is the product of the Race that creates it.

Is the family about “economics”? NO. It is about Love, of creating more of one’s self; of propagation of shared values, ideas, culture! That is what family is. This is why Karl Marx wanted to destroy families for families continue tradition, values, customs. That is what a Nation, race, does–continues traditions, values, customs —THAT DEFINE Who they are!

Scott Adams is a trained economist. Does he know what made America? It was WASP culture and values–bringing tons of foreigners will destroy America–and that is exactly what is going on! Like lawyers, Graham, Bushes, Business people are also very dangerous.

Reply to  wlind
1 year ago

Officially, the population of the United States was half of what it was now in the 1950s, which is remembered as a prosperous time, and in some ways the height of the country.

Reply to  wlind
1 year ago

People aren’t having kids cause wages are depressed by massive labor influx and housing prices have sckyrocketed due to increased demand also from immigration as well as endless printing of money causing inflation and higher interest rates.
These guys know this, and more. They are lying to our faces and they know it.

Reply to  wlind
1 year ago

They always talk like everyone benefits from driving down the cost of labor.
This shows that they see the working class as nothing but cattle to be exploited whose interests don’t matter.

a non anon
a non anon
Reply to  wlind
1 year ago

Clot Adams is a midwit at best. How people still listen to him is a mystery.

Reply to  a non anon
1 year ago

He’s like Joe Rogan or Jordan Peterson. They’re useless to anybody who knows what’s going on, but I have normie friends who listen to them because they’re speaking things my friends have never heard, and they didn’t believe me when I said them. But those guys are treading into territory we’ve known about for years just because it’s either safe to talk about now or they were ordered to by their Cabal handlers.

Reply to  wlind
1 year ago

Clott Adams

1 year ago

Reporting from the Soviet state of Michocaun (formerly known as Michigan).

A black was killed in a coffee shop in Battle Creek, MI. The store called the cops because they wanted him to leave. Two officers showed up, (Thank God). They asked him to leave; he got belligerent; then, he rushed the female officer, and took her gun, shooting her in the leg; the other officer shot him dead.

There is a WHOLE string of what I call Black crazies now. We got that black guy in Minnesota shooting two officers and a fireman to death. And then we have a police officer again shooting a black who was knifing a rookie police officer. What’s in the air?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

A lifetime of propaganda and entrenched genetic temperament. That’s what’s in the air.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

The only thing i’ll say as a victim of beaming, is constant daily disruption of sleep really stretches your patience to the limit. Blacks never had much self control to begin with. I imagine its easy to get them in a rabid state.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

The beam.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

IIRC magnetism can affect mammal behaviour? Is the magnetic pole shift and/or sun/galactic magnetic field have any effect? Maybe make humans slightly insane/irrational/crazy?

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

“What’s in the air?”

I don’t think it’s “the beam” so much as it is a matter of low impulse control. Sort of like the tan fellow in Atlanta who shot a Subway worker because she committed the grave sin of putting too much mayo on his sannich.

1 year ago

“This is a war, between us and the conspiracy, and every single person in it, from Peter Strzok to the grandma following you through the grocery store is to real Americans, as the Nazi Gestapo was to the Jews in 1940’s Germany.
Really? The jews were the real Germans and the Nazi Gestapo were the cabal operatives, yeah okay. That’s a total inversion. The Nazis fought the commies and removed the degeneracy from their society and it just so happened a lot of the people they had to expel belonged to a certain highly nepotistic tribe.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Yeah, the NAZIs were not good guys.
They may have been enemies of our enemies at most, they certainly were in the case of communists.

1 year ago

The propaganda is DEEP. Watching the morning national news–they had a HUGE segment of US Troops live fire excercizing in Northern Poland!

I know, we know–that Russia is NOT going to invade Europe. The Duran and others have pointed this all out, Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs, et. al. Yet, our “military” and our Kabbala Leadership are pushing this narrative hard. That news segment is true hard-core propaganda. Our media is just disgusting.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
1 year ago

It is amazing what a colossal failure the West’s Ukraine project is. Everything from the intelligence failures that could not predict the Crimea vote, to the lack of preparation for war over six years between 2014 and 2022, to the failed execution of the Ukraine counter-attack.

The whole debacle has shown that the West is a paper tiger, from the planning, to the people, to the training, to the equipment.

Leonard Gearhardt
Leonard Gearhardt
Reply to  map
1 year ago

True. It all makes NoKo very nervous. When NoKo responds by moving their defense and offense around, the West ups their rhetoric, moves their assets in counterpoint. NoKo responds accordingly. The situation continues ratcheting up. The West says it is putting more $$$ into MIC. NoKo talks with CCP, Russia, makes more hardware, does missile testing.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

Good news. Americans can now voluntarily join the meat grinder in Ukraine.

Keep an eye out for a sudden reduction in our burgeoning homeless population as they get conscripted right off the street to fight for glory.

1 year ago

Re: the clot. Here’s a link to a blog that I’ve found very forward, skeptical and trustworthy on the subject. They say they’re real, they think, based on both the coverup they’re seeing in the medical community and the papers about it.

That first link doesn’t have the hard data, but they also link to another post of theirs “What is causing the clots from ‘died suddenly’?” in it which also has links to pictures and papers that might help.

My own opinion is that the bloodflow is managed through the clots the same way blood is managed in your fingers. It turns out, and I was amazed, that red blood cells are actually wider that the tiniest blood vessels in your body. From a random bio question search online:

Capillaries are typically smaller than blood cells–about 5 µm in diameter. The pressure difference across the capillary is 0.7 kPa (measured for hamster skin) . If capillaries are ~1 mm long, how fast does the blood flow through, assuming it has the viscosity of water? How long therefore is a red cell in a typical capillary?”(Blood cells are 7.5-8.2 µm)

The blog, somewhere else I was looking for but couldn’t find sorry, explained that it’s probably electro-static forces that draw the blood cells through the veins since a pump action would absolutely obliterate the vein. It also explains how trees can get water 60ft+ up, which wicking/capillary action by itself can’t explain. They said it looks like a cartoonish tube that bulges out only around the red blood cell. I believe the same action is getting blood through these clots.

That implies anything related to finger/toe/brain/capillary neuropathy, clots and loss of blood flow is game for their heart and body. THAT is well researched in the diabetic community – they commonly have toes and fingers amputated because they can’t get enough blood in.

Reply to  Dav
1 year ago

The good Mid Western Doc published another story on the fibrous clots today – discussing a survey of embalmers.

Reply to  Dav
1 year ago

At the scale of a tissue or cell, all water in the body is in an electrodynamically structured form unlike a liquid. It’s more like a gel, and specifically, an electromotive gel, meaning that it is actively deformed by local EM field strength/orientation. (In this model, the heart is a frequency controller, not a pump.)
If the jab juice contains particles that lead to anomalous biofields, it can disrupt normal function in ways that will be difficult or impossible for ‘modern western medicine’ or ‘settled science experts’ to detect or explain.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Readerthal
1 year ago

There are studies in China where radio iodine is injected into pressure points. It follows the eastern system of meridians sometimes into and through blood vessels. There is much we don’t understand in the west about the energetic systems of the body. If the bioelectric field is disrupted by something in the shot it could be having all kinds of consequences unseen by modern medicine.

1 year ago

New Form of blood clots found in 50% of the dead, coroner survey reveals.

AC has a lengthy and great take on this afterwards, and I don’t have the scientific training to really follow it.

I’ve seen the videos, and they seemed fake to me, but again I don’t have enough knowledge in biology to really know. They seem to be really going for the “ick” factor in these videos. I thought maybe this stuff is in the body normally, but its not covered in high school science class, so you can just extract it from a normal human and gross people out. I’m curious now if we get treated to a Myles Mathis essay on this.

With past comments, I laid out a theory that the “died suddenly” is coming from the beam, and “COVID” and the “vaccines” are both covers. The “vaccine” as tested in the pharma labs really is dangerous, so the leaks are of real information, but I don’t think that is what is actually being administered. It has struck me that some people get injected and get messed up, and others get injected are are fine, so at least different people are getting injected with different solutions. But also enough information that the injection was dangerous was made available in 2020, which also raises the question of why so many people cooperated.

The embalmer videos would count as evidence against my theory, and I would concede that, but they just seem really fake.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I’ve also just read Rizzo’s account and the Midwestern Doctor substack, and that is substantial evidence that the clots do exist. The Midwestern Doctor argues that they are the normal clots the body forms, but now they can’t be broken up like normal.

However, this could still be caused by something attacking us other than the COVID vaccine. One key questions is how many not vaxxed people die from this. Shedding and long COVID will be blamed, but the greater the percentage of non-vaxxed affected, the more likely someone else is causing it. The other issue will be if there is a large percentage of vaxxed, including boosted, that turn out to be completely fine.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

I saw pictures of what looked like circuitry structures in the blood of the vaxed. Fake…don’t know, but there’s no doubt at all that the technology for nano computers could have been built. People wrote books on this with theorized building blocks long ago. It would not surprise me if they hadn’t followed this up in dark programs. So another theory is it could just be a counter so that the deaths seem more random. All these structures are floating around in the blood and when the death bell rings in the counter, maybe random, then they agglomerate and link together. Would easily follow that they would be proteins, as some of the circuitry for nanocomputers was protein based. They would just lock up and bind together.

1 year ago

Long time reader, don’t remember commenting before…
First, the clots are real. I have a friend who had the same type of clots coming out of his urethra, and he was so embarrassed thinking he got some STD (dude, I had earth worms coming out of my d*ck). They got him at the hospital, nobody saw anything like that before and let him go after being under observation for a week. He said it was several of them, each 5-10 inches long. This was 2 years after his 2nd vax dose, no boosters.
Also, I came to US on Cristians In Action program “diversity visa” and I have plenty of friends here with the same program. Doesn’t look like they were bringing their assets as much as bringing “married 25-30yo with advanced degrees and experience”. Coincidentally, most of my friends are easily manipulated (vote blue no matter who) but I don’t think they were screened for that, just came with the profile.
Thank you for your posts, love to read them every morning!

Reply to  Bob
1 year ago

I’m sure they have other reasons to bring some people in.
But it’s only logical they are disproportionately bringing in cabal assets.

1 year ago

> Dominion Voting Systems is entitled to review personal communications and text messages of Newsmax Media journalists in its defamation suit against the conservative media company, a Delaware judge ruled last week.—If the “journalists” used their personal phones for work business, then that’s a correct decision.
That’s why, if your employer requires you to carry a phone, you either make them provide it, or you pick up a cheap TracFone or something for work-related calls.

Last edited 1 year ago by TRX
Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“There may be quite a pushback coming from official channels soon,”

Official footage of AC, Rob Johnson and a CIA fantasy camper getting a hold of a beam machine after the purges of 2025.

1 year ago

> US appeals court to decide if Pennsylvania mail-in ballots with wrong date still count.

If the dates don’t count, why put a place for them on the ballot?

If they don’t count, then that’s information the electoral board wasn’t supposed to have, right? No different than putting places to write about your income, any meds you take, etc. None of their business.

But… the date would be a valid thing to require on a mail-in ballot, which makes it curious that anyone would question it.

1 year ago
1 year ago

> Legislature passes bill to release Jeffrey Epstein grand jury evidence.

The last couple of administrations have taught us that:

A) the agencies holding the evidence may simply ignore the order, and the legislature will do nothing to them

or B) the agencies will simply delete or destroy the evidence with a big “neener-neener!”, and the legislature will do nothing to them

1 year ago

> Cesar Flavio Lanuza, the man accused of stealing a Maryland Highway Administration tow truck and leading police on a wild chase, is in the U.S. illegally, FOX 5 has confirmed.

And Sr. Lanuza will be:

A) imprisoned for auto theft and vehicular endangerment, then deported

or B) be deported

or C) be turned loose on his own recognizance, and vanish into the general population without ever showing up for his court appearance, if any

1 year ago

> The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos can be considered children under state law, a decision critics said could have sweeping implications for fertility treatment in the state.—The court decided properly. My question is why the lawyers who took on the case weren’t censured for wasting the court’s time.
Constitution of the State of Alabama:Sec. 36.06Sanctity of unborn life.

(a) This state acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life.
(b) This state further acknowledges, declares, and affirms that it is the public policy of this state to ensure the protection of the rights of the unborn child in all manners and measures lawful and appropriate.
(c) Nothing in this constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion.

Last edited 1 year ago by TRX
Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“It is like they are all actors with English literature degrees pretending to be trained medical/scientific personnel, who have no idea of all the tools at their disposal,”

They definitely are. They are usually mortuary workers, which are not technical fields despite what they might tell you. Doctors can’t really stand them, but a doctors relationship with mortuary is simple. A doctor calls a death, it is noted and then the body is pushed to the morgue and to mortuary. It is incredibly fast and efficient, assuming plans have been made and next of kin is cooperative.

Other than that, protein scaffolds would have a plastic or latex quality to their appearance, remember plastic is just bonded or interwoven chains of hydrocarbons or other similar molecules, which will be similar to scaffolds of spike proteins along with clotting factors found in human blood. Have you ever seen sugar form a film on anything after it has been mildly heated? The amino sugars in proteins can do similar things. The sugar films always have a ‘synthetic’ look to them, you can see this if you’ve done alot of cooking or food prep.

So the strange clotting that is observed certainly could be caused by what is stated but, it is weird that none of these ‘cavemen’ have thought to look at things under a microscope or send it off to a lab. You would think someone would have done a lot of that by now. Doctors aren’t allowed to do anything like that on their own volition (and not gain a reputation) and labs are likely really expensive. Once there is a cause of death that is common enough (ie.a heart attack) the story ends there since the ’cause’ must be a typical unhealthy diet and normal western lethargy. Heart attacks and strokes can literally let someone ge away with murder.

Med School Pathology
Med School Pathology
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

This is an interesting video, unfortunately Dr Drew does not give it the gravitas that it deserves. Dr Ryan Cole, an outspoken critic of the vaccine, shows slides of the clots. He states that they are full of spike protein, blood elements and amyloid-like protein material. He thinks this is a spike protein induced endothelitis, or inflammation of the inner lining of blood vessels.
The clot discussion starts at 42:00, however there is a good discussion on other spike protein effects at 21:00.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Pathology
1 year ago

For reference. I had to look up Amyloid and found this,

“…Amyloidosis is a group of rare diseases caused by the accumulation of clumps of misfolded proteins, called amyloid fibrils, in organs and tissues in the body…”

Could they have taken a present system/disease and amplified it?

Med School Pathology
Med School Pathology
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

The rabbit hole goes deeper and possibly more catastrophic: Luc Montagnier, a virologist who worked on characterization of HIV, said that there are sequences in the vaccine that code for prion proteins. These are also misfolded proteins that cause things like Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease or the Human ‘Mad Cow’ disease.—warns-covid-vaccine-may-lead-to-neurodegenerative-illness-video/

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Old school glues before modern plastics were mostly proteins. Hide glue, wheat glue, Casein glue was used to glue airplanes in WWI. Good strong stuff.

1 year ago

>The House Intelligence Committee opened an investigation into “allegations of improper suppression” of information related to “Havana Syndrome.” Something is going on there. I will bet they are getting hit, and that is why they are now pushing this.

Could be the start of Project Blue Beam. First seed alien UFO sighting stories laundered through the military in 2022-2023, then unveil a “alien space beam” that is frying people in 2024. Plenty of psyop material being laid now to make the hologram spaceships and latex mask aliens, who come in peace to form a one world government or some shit, more believable to the normies in the near future.

I think normies would be more than willing to bite on “delay elections until the alien invasion is processed properly” line if they really wanted to ramp the shit up prior to November.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“And there is no lower age limit.”

So babies can be transitioned, ie. sterilized, if a social worker or psychologist says the baby ‘wants’ to. And if the parents resist then the baby is just taken away from them and sterilized anyway. Surely this is a plan that will be copied in California and every blue state in the country.

I would consider paying money for radical Muslim/Palestinian men in NY, to cleanup and go into the social worker/shrink profession so that they can make these liberating decisions for the very special groups that are pushing this and so that the world can heal. Let’s heal this world muslims. Let’s heal it.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

Highly intelligent psychotherapists with years of experience and expertise in the field like Jerry Marzinsky and John Uhler are having their licenses targeted for not toeing the line for the narrative. Marzinsky states the real push to have him removed came when his schizophrenic started to pass their screenings with a clean bill of health. And you think you can get new unwoke entity’s inserted into the machine?

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Democrats in Illinois introduced HB 4876. The bill would classify parents as child abusers if they don’t get their kids “gender affirming care” aka puberty blockers and s*x change surgery. They will use this to take kids away from their parents to transition them.”

So if you don’t transition your children it’s child abuse. New York, Illinois, California and others are beginning the sterilization of all White children. Soon states like Georgia, Minnesota and Michigan will follow suit. And now you see why the lukewarm deserve the lake of fire just as much as the murderers and pedophiles. Normie boomer cons are going straight to Hell, and they deserve it. You shall know them by their fruits.

1 year ago

>In my experience, it is very tough to screw up the nature of a German Shepherd Dog, especially a family GSD who doesn’t work and isn’t trained to attack. That dog must be getting abused somehow.

They rape their own children (allegedly*), you think dogs are safe in that house? The zoophilia and zoosadism scene online isn’t limited to just the demon-posessed normies, it goes to the top as all Satanic perversions do.

Steve Morris
Steve Morris
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

The children and dogs of gay couples were catching monkeypox a few years ago during that outbreak.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
1 year ago

“Poll: Only 20% of Ukrainians support Zelensky – Many Ukrainians now feel that #NATO has pushed them into war .”

Yes, and this will make the surviving Ukrainians (few there will be still in country) actually pro-Russian after Russia takes control of more territory. There might be a rump state to the west that will basically be E. Poland but that’s it.

This is Zelensky’s fault and is exactly what Trump warned about in 2019 and earlier. Donald Trump would have saved Ukraine, instead people wanted to mess around with elections in the US and Ukraine. This is the result. You now have a situation where Ukraine, a country without elections, is a ‘Democracy’ while Russia, a country with a popularly elected leader isn’t. And the global defender of ‘Democracy’, the US, is a country that legalizes ballot stuffing and where dead people vote, sometimes 100 years after they’ve died, all so that pederasty and child sex changes can ‘legally’ occur. We are beyond clown world here, this is exactly what the prophet Isaiah warned about. Woe.

Reply to  Med School Biochem
1 year ago

> surviving Ukrainians
It’s worth considering how “Ukrainian” the Ukes are.

First off, the Third Reich had no use for excess “Slav” populations, and followed a policy of extermination. The Ukrainians had initially welcomed the Germans as liberators, but that swiftly changed.

Second, when the Soviet Union re-took Ukraine, Stalin declared the entire population to be collaborators and ordered them exterminated. Since that wasn’t really practical, he relented by changing his order to mass exterminations, mass deportation to the gulags, and “Russification” by relocating large numbers of ethnic Russians into Ukraine and putting them in charge, reducing the original population to de facto serfs. From the late 1940s until 1991, the Soviet Union did its best to stamp out every trace of “Ukrainian” culture.

What’s promoted as “Ukrainian” now is a propaganda fantasy, like the way the Society of Creative Anachronism promotes the Middle Ages, or the “classical Chinese culture” promoted by Xi’s China. Mao had most historians and “intellectuals” executed, burned history books, and banned all except selected bits of Chinese history. What the Chinese know of their own history mostly comes from gwailo accounts, and even that is heavily censored.

Not that America’s government has tried to do the same. Way too much of what I was taught in public school turned out to be outright lies for me to take “American history” at face value.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

— George Orwell, “1984”

1 year ago

Last night I rented Lord of War on Prime. Its a good movie.

One thing that jumped out was the Ukranian father that pretended to be Jewish.

There is a lot of discussion off mainstream interweb, that the Ukranian Jews are fake, eg Soros, Zelenski etc.

25 years ago, a muslim man told me the Jews are from Palestine, but are from Asia. I just took it that he was rabidly anti-jewish and primed with gossip & propaganda. Now I am uncertain that there is no iota of truth in it.

I know true Jewish people are God fearing, and I see the truth in the Old Testament. It seems that they may have been infiltrated by a mercenary tribe from Ukraine, or Asia

Reply to  Anonymouse
1 year ago

The Bible records that the real ones hardly ever feared GOD and were constantly punished for it.
It also records that they constantly mixed with foreigners in spite of the Law prohibiting it.

Teo Toon
Teo Toon
Reply to  Anonymouse
1 year ago

The Jewish encyclopedia states that Jewry is Edom. It was Edom when Christ argued with the priests and scribes. Biblically, Edom, named after Esau, did not receive the promises of God which were given to Abraham and passed on to Issac and Jacob.
Esau took as wives a Canaanite and a Kennite (a descendant of Cain). His line is cursed.
Another significant portion of Jewry is Ashkenazi or Khazarian; these are Japhethites; in no stretch of the imagination are they even Semitic: they are/were known as the Serpent people and name stealers.
Also, you don’t know ”true Jewish people are God fearing;” a Judahite is not necessarily a Jew. We have this problem – the “failure” to recognize the difference because those who translated the bible failed to understand the difference; if you have the free application e-Sword with Strong’s numbers, you discover the mistranslations.

1 year ago

Google AI gives away the game. It says what they are thinking

comment image

1 year ago

Regarding the article ZINC causes hearing losses. The article cites a medical study that I am almost certain was removed from the Lancet for false conclusions regarding untreated hearing loss being associated with more rapid onset of cognitive decline associated with aging. For that me that proves fault with this article too- ie- “Fruit of the poisoned tree.” is a great source. I started following it for the retractions of papers related to “Covid.” But it is so much more. It shows time and again how faulty (fraudulent) many papers published in medical journals are.
Remember- Any drug recalled or withdrawn from the market was once approved by the FDA. An approved drug just means “business deal cut.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Calculator
1 year ago

“…ZINC causes hearing losses. The article cites a medical study that I am almost certain was removed from the Lancet for false conclusions…”

My first thought about them telling us there are problems with zinc was, “I better double up on the zinc” because it’s not completely nuts to now believe that most medical advice is designed to hurt you or to prevent you from protecting yourself from whatever vile thing they will do next.

1 year ago

Related to the stretchy white “calamari-like” blood clots, I just came across a possible alternative / mod / partial explanation for them. “HIT.”
This is a John Campbell video discussing the clots.

In one of the comments, a person says

@ SecretlySentient
I am an MD from the United States. The original name back in the late 80s for HIT or heparin induced thrombopenia was “white clot syndrome”, although this moniker has been largely forgotten. I was never even taught it in med school. This occurs when a patient in the hospital being treated with heparin to prevent blood clots has an auto immune response which results in an auto antibody complex involving heparin and PF4. The reaction is often deadly.
Heparin is very commonly used in hospital but in the past HIT has been extremely rare. I would hypothesize that for some reason this has become much more commonplace. A patient put in the ICU for any kind of severe illness would be given this medication.
In my clinical practice I’ve seen a significant rise in autoimmune disease over the past three years. It would make a lot of sense if these things were connected.

HIT is a real thing.

Seen and documented back in the ’80s.

No clot pictures, though.

Speculation: If it IS a heparin – auto-immune reaction, then it makes it absurdly easy to kill targeted individuals. Nearly everyone is vaxed, they go in for a check-up, and if they are on “the list” they get a little bit of “precautionary blood-thinner,” you know, “just in case some of that nasty clotting they have been hearing about in the news is a problem….”

Not sure what to make of it, but it’s something to keep in the back of your mind, along with all the other odd bits and pieces of data looking for a coherent puzzle to become a part of.

Med School Biochem
Med School Biochem
Reply to  Nelson
1 year ago

10/10 post

Comorbidities and/or misdiagnosis of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and antiphospholipid syndrome(APS), along with HIT, still point to a permanent blood or immune problem. These are still vaccine injuries, but they are being manifested in the long term immune response in different ways, likely varying between vaccine, age, sex and pre-existing conditions. All of these are up since 21.

A misdiagnosis or ‘unknown pre-existing condition’ for anything makes it easy to kill anybody, and hide the evidence if cremation occurs. Not all clots will be the same colors if the clots are even present, so cremation hides that.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“…so I assume they are members of our society turned to work for something else which has extraordinary tech”
FWIW, it also fits the plot line of ‘They Live’, which director John Carpenter has described as “a documentary”.

1 year ago

I have been putting up some lead blankets and sheets around my bed. seems to help against direct targeting. But one weird thing happend once where a felt a bit of vibration so I felt around until I found the center about 8 inches to the left of my head. I set my hand in it for a second and had to pull it back. it felt like it got burned. My hand kind of hurt for a couple of minutes.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Ya, my guess is its harder to do specific things, so just vibrating the whole bed is 2cnd best and almost as good. Doesn’t matter when I go to bed either. I have a weird schedule and sleep at different times. Yet they always know when I get in the bed.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Oh, btw. I also got “lead foil” roll from amazon and that is included in my setup. I have dental blankets too. My impression is the blankets work a bit better overall. Maybe the lead being in spheres deflects a bit better. I suppose that is what its designed to do. But the roll is cheaper and easier to hang on things since lead is such a soft metal. Definitely worth including in setups.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

I think the rubber also helps.
And you can get small lead spheres by buying birdshot.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
1 year ago

“…so I assume they are members of our society turned to work for something else which has extraordinary tech”

Just to add to my previous comment: I may be weirdo, but I still take Q very seriously as the best explanation for why Cabal seems to be losing on so many fronts, and where it seems to be winning, it is in a way which makes its malignancy almost comically obvious to the man on the street, like Blofeld stroking a cat. And Q talks in all seriousness about unknown entities using people as an energy source of some kind:

Q749: Coincidence the MATRIX (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind? Sound familiar? Wonder where they derived that idea from. Now comes the ‘conspiracy’ label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.

Quantum scientists have been known to talk in all seriousness about having already accessed other dimensions and retrieving ‘resources’ (their word) from those dimensions. If there are other dimensions to this world, or if there exists some sort of multiverse, it is statistically inevitable that some civilization from outside our dimension has developed the tech to potentially retrieve ‘resources’ from OUR world. Alternatively, perhaps we have developed tech which has enabled ‘them’ to access our world, and reward those here who help give them what they want in return for privilege and power (including advanced technology). Some have alleged that CERN was built as just such a gateway for ‘them’.

As Q has said, it’s all pretty wild stuff, and hard to accept as being real, but it’s worth not dismissing entirely. It would explain so much.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

A simple tower can’t possibly allow a person to get to heaven.
But GOD reacted to Babel as if it actually was some kind of threat. (not a serious one since he is omnipotent, but one he didn’t want to have to deal with)
What kind of science/magic was being built into that tower?
Does cabal have similar things of less power and maybe connecting to hell instead of heaven?

Ann K.
Ann K.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

An Eastern Orthodox view is that the Tower of Babel was the third and final fall of man, when we built worship structures not to worship God, but ourselves, and as a result allowed Satan to become prince of this world.
Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick describes this in his short and very readable book, “Arise, O God.”

Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

The explanation given by Biblical scholar Dr Michael Heiser was that the ziggurat towers / step pyramids built as part of temple complexes represented the home of the gods. To ancient ppl, the gods inhabited places that were a garden (abundance/fertility) or mountains (remote/inhospitable to humans). In building these ppl believed they can bring the god down to where the humans are so they could bargain with it because they were building a replica home for the god.

This behavior was in defiance of God’s direction to Noah to spread out & multiply. Instead we have ppl bunching up together to construct a means to “control” God. The confusion of languages & dispersal at Babel was the moment God delegated guidance of these ppl over to members of His divine council who ended up encouraging idolatry & so are now in opposition to God. God’s plan to that was to creeate a new ppl group starting with the impossible child of the aged Abram & Sarai through which the Messiah would come to heal humanity spiritually. There is no need to speculate that the ziggurats/step pyramids had special unknown technology. Their construction marked humans still thinking like they did pre-flood & making the same spiritual errors over & over. Think of how the human sacrifice obsession dominated the Aztecs – they also built step pyramids. Heiser’s book Unseen Realm covers these ideas & is a worthwhile read.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

There was a cool 2 season series called Counterpart, it dealt with a parallel world that was either created or connected to via a science experiment in eastern Germany. Sounds like a fantastic reality.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  bigD
1 year ago

There was also one many years ago called Charlie Jade, which showed the coupling of two dimensions via a scientific experiment. Very strange but I enjoyed it.

Reply to  bigD
1 year ago

Fringe also has a parallel universe component. The main characters all had counterparts in that universe, and the German scientist even stole his counterpart’s son from the parallel universe.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  bigD
1 year ago

Great series. I really liked it.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
1 year ago

I agree with you about Q.
However, my take on some of the hard-to-believe stuff is that the truth is lost in translation/interpretation. Some examples of what I mean:
Levitation. From levity, an uplifting quality of mood. “The guru levitatedhimself/the audience”.
Telepathy. Non-verbal communication. If writing/reading is an occult elite skull, then two people who have shared a letter, or read the same text, can seem to exhibit telepathy, to the ignorant observer.
Parallel dimensions. I think this just means perspectives/paradigms/weltanschauungen. Take the 3D/5D ascension spoken of in the ‘awake’ community. Different mental resources available.
Vampires/human batteries. Doesn’t need to be literally true to be figuratively true.
Same goes for God and Satan.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Rolling Stone tries to sell us on Trump 2024 – Every awful thing Trump has promised to do in a second term.

I love these ideas “except” for the rounding up citizens in the cities and having the national guard police the cities.

We can stop the vast majority of crime with two simple laws. Make self defense legal, and make any crime committed with a gun on other persons a death penalty offense. The Democrats over time have broadened what is a Federal matter so much that we could easily say any gun with parts or anything from a different State is Federal. If criminals didn’t have guns and people were allowed to defend themselves, they would get their asses kicked. It wouldn’t take long for them to learn, and crime would plummet. This also allows people to aggressively push Bacon the homeless that are violent and harass people. People could push back. As for the homeless themselves many are on drugs but a LOT, a whole lot, are homeless because the monopolistic capitalist have bought up all the homes, refuse to allow any sort of low income housing and make tons of rules to keep them homeless while mass importation of low wage workers and goods deprives them of jobs.

I also do not like flying cars in the cities, as blacks will put large wings on their flying cars and run into people.

Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

>make any crime committed with a gun on other persons a death penalty offense

Expand to any violent offense, armed, unarmed, whatever. Zero tolerance for third world ooga booga behavior will rapidly cull the worst offenders, and cow the rest into submission.

We used to summarily execute people for stealing livestock, and innocent people are far more valuable than cows and horses.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago
Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Sam J.
1 year ago

Full story needs an account, but the intro paragraphs give a good inkling. How can you have a civilization when you must constantly suspect everybody of stealing from you.
Obviously, the reason thieves are no longer hanged is because the BICYCLE lobby just wants to sell more product.
Viewed no less than three days ago: this somewhat corny, but informative video about England’s once very active “Hanging Industrial Complex.”

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

“…Michigan wanted homeschool registry so they could conduct warrantless home entries to inspect the home-schooling facilities.…”

This is why I’m against the national guard policing cities or rounding up the homeless. It all has a huge propensity for abuse. It’s not much difference from the above. Just another attempt to weasel their noises into everyone business and subject everyone to what amounts to “legal terror” where they make everything illegal and monitor you constantly. Let the wrong people get in charge of this, and they will be rounding up all of us and calling us homeless. There are lots of ways to deal with all these problems short of authoritarian rule. For the homeless, have them stop stealing all the money that is funded for the homeless. The money when added up comes to a sum easily enough to build tiny apartments where NO ONE, NO ONE AT ALL, needs to be homeless. In many cases, they spend enough to house them in one year of appropriations.

I’ll add, I’m not for stop and frisk. What the hell does the government have the right to randomly stop people and frisk them. I don’t believe in this. I don’t believe it’s legal. It says cl;early in the Constitution that there must be probable cause to search. Do you give up that right to just walk around? Seems odd to me that these rights disappear if you go anywhere in public. Far better to just hang them when they commit a gun crime. Then, you know they did something. I’m totally against any so of “pre-crime” crack downs. If they would jail those that commit crimes instead of letting them go, the whole problem would cease to be a problem very soon. Notice closely. It;s always some general rule they want to harass us all with instead of actually doing some real suppression of the people causing the problems in the first place. Tells me that their real objective is not to stop crime. If they wanted that, they have plenty of tools already, that they refuse to use.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Texas AG Ken Paxton suing to shut down nonprofit he alleges is facilitating illegal immigration.

If only he would charge them and haul them into jail for aiding and abetting crime. Even if they could not get a prosecution charging them would be helpful. Continuously charging all these groups would have good effect. They do the same to us on different issues.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

There is a sci-fi series of books all set in a historical universe by Jerry Pournelle and Larry Niven. Generally called the CoDominium universe. In it they skipped the problem of AI by declaring that all AI’s that reached a certain level of intelligence all went mad. So there were no self-aware computers. Kudos for them seeing that AI would change the universe into something so odd that they couldn’t write about it.

Sam J.
Sam J.
1 year ago

Canada’s Trudeau believes there is a “deliberate undermining of mainstream media” by “conspiracy theorists.”

I expect the truth is that the “deliberate undermining of the mainstream media” is being done by…the “mainstream media” itself.

1 year ago

Maybe those clots only solidify after death and just make the blood thick while you are alive.
Or maybe it’s all fake and gay as part of the fake and gay movie Q says we are watching.

1 year ago

“In my experience, it is very tough to screw up the nature of a German Shepherd Dog, especially a family GSD who doesn’t work and isn’t trained to attack. That dog must be getting abused somehow.”

Probably the same way Brandon abuses children.

1 year ago


That’s a good analysis of that clot and you make a good case to be skeptical. We have to be careful of any disinformation schemes pushed by Cabal.

It would be like someone claiming to have a kidney stone the size of a walnut.

1 year ago

No area sums up the cognitive dissonance that Milei inspires better than climate change. Milei campaigned as a full-blown climate change denier. He said that “politicians who blame the human race for climate change are fake” and called the very idea of climate change a “socialist hoax.” And yet as president, his top climate diplomat confirmed that Argentina will remain in the Paris climate agreement. He even included a new cap-and-trade plan to limit carbon emissions in his omnibus reform bill. Observers could be forgiven for having whiplash—even for Milei, the turnaround on climate has been dramatic. This is hardly the only issue where Milei’s rhetoric and his actions are surprisingly divergent. So how should we judge Milei—by his outlandish campaign statements, or by his restrained actions once in office?

Last edited 1 year ago by Farcesensitive
English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Farcesensitive
1 year ago

They say what we want to hear to get elected and then they obey their real masters once in office.

Another TI
Another TI
1 year ago

The white clots are due to a certain gene that some people have that causes protein folding to occur in the blood. The way the mRNA which builds the spike protein interacts with the gene that causes the protein folding results in the clots. I can’t find the study that talks about it right now, but if the individual has this genetic marker, the spike protein causes the white clots to form due to the proteins collecting in the blood. The clots themselves are the proteins all massed together.