News Briefs – 12/31/2018

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. You can skim the titles and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest.

I was watching a Detective show last night, and it had an interesting story, told firsthand by an NYPD Detective who caught the case. Three Bloods gang members (ground-level Cabal-muscle/sales-associates) from New Jersey borrowed an SUV from a girlfriend, drove to New York City, killed a guy, and stuck the body in the back of the SUV. They then began driving, at which point one of the gang members, sitting next to his brother in the back seat, broke the news to the other gang member up front that he wanted to get out of the gang. An argument ensued, and he absentmindedly emphasized a point with the gun in his hand a little to emphatically. He squeezed a round off into the floor, the round caught some sort of curved piece of metal, was redirected back up, and hit the back of the leg of his brother in the seat next to him. They drove a little ways, before the brother who wanted out of the gang realized he had hit an artery on the brother he shot. He wasn’t going to make it back to Jersey and needed immediate medical attention. They stopped the SUV and he dragged his brother out into the street behind the car, kissed him on the forehead, and told him he loved him but he had to leave him there. They then resumed driving, but suddenly realized they still had a body in the back of the SUV, so they pulled over a couple of blocks away and dragged the body onto the sidewalk, leaving it face down for somebody else to find.

Detectives found the dead body and linked it to the nearby case of a supposed “random shooting,” of the gang member who was left in the street. They eventually broke the shot gang member in an interview and he told them what had happened. So they went off after the other two guys involved in the shooting, finding one had been picked up with 16 bundles of heroin. Surprisingly he had been released, as his parole officer decided 16 bundles wasn’t enough to violate him and he made bail. The Detective chasing them was baffled, since 16 bundles clearly showed intent to distribute, and he asked, “would 17 bundles have been enough?” After being released the gang member went back to his gang hangout and was hanging around outside on the sidewalk with the other guy in the SUV the night of the shooting. Out of the blue, a random guy came wandering down the street mumbling to himself unintelligibly. Words were exchanged, the mumbler pulled out a hand-cannon and proceeded to waste both gang members on the spot. In the words of the Detective, the mumbler wandered off and was never seen again, and to this day the case is unsolved. I thought it was interesting, because it had street gang members who probably knew something interesting, and came to possibly pose threats to Cabal operations, strange turns of events and odd decisions by government, and the mystery shooter who was “mentally ill,” and yet proficient enough to drop two gang members on the fly and never be seen again. Of course most interesting to me was an NYPD Detective who had probably seen just about everything, and who still had no idea what had just transpired around him, or how close he was to a machine he could not even imagine, even as he visibly was puzzled by the strange things he had just seen which he knew did not fit somehow.

Texas Judge allows Obamacare to remain, as his decision destroying it is appealed.

BlueLivesMatters reviews all the cases where people noted the killer of Police Officer Ronil Singh was an illegal immigrant, and Facebook banned them for noting that simple fact.

Illegal Alien Felon Accused of Aiding Alleged Cop Killer was Deported Twice

African looking for someone to rape chooses a 9 year old girl at random in Sweden.

International security expert says no-go zones in Sweden mean the path is set to civil war. Means there is only one way to get them back.

Sweden is silently preparing for an Ebola outbreak, and building an isolation unit. It is a matter of when, not if.

Police stop a man on his way to a Church with a gun, who said he needed to fulfill a prophecy. I wonder if he heard the voice of God in his head at night telling him what he needed to do.

PJ Media lists the top 50 Conservative Websites of 2018, Weekly Standard makes the list.

Chuck Todd bans Climate Deniers from Climate Change Special.

At thebeginning of this video, the Parkland shooter appears as just a kid in a black hat with a backpack and an AR-15, but at 55 seconds into this video, the Parkland shooter appears in another camera’s video to be wearing a full tactical vest, with filled pockets, with no backpack:

Make of it what you will. Interestingly, that AR does not have the EO Tech Holosight which he was so proud of in his Instagram posts about his AR. Would a teenager remove a Holosight and go back to flip ups if he viewed what was about to happen through a Narcissistic perspective?

Migrants telling jokes in Germany – the joke is an African is trying to say thank you on the street to the Germans for all the freebies he is enjoying, but he keeps running into migrants. Finally he asks where all the Germans are, the migrants say, “Probably working!” And they all break out laughing together:

Navy Times reports on a bunch of sex/prostitution cases originating in Bahrain, which are just allegations, but if true could have been an intelligence operation corrupting sources in the Navy. We just had an Admiral supposedly commit suicide over there, so it is not clear if he was involved and cashed out or if he may have triggered the investigation and was taken out to send a message, or something else. To say it feels like the nation is under a relentless attack in a shadow war is an understatement. Imagine facing this storm with a leftist or spineless cuckservative at the helm.

Facebook apologizes over banning Rev Franklin Graham. Their behavior lately carries a real feel of desperation, as if something is coming.

Russia detains alleged US Spy.

Roger Stone turns on Corsi – Says he worked with Mueller to sandbag Stone.

USA Today headline:

From Q’s board:

Trump’s Executive Order effective January 1, 2019.

DEATH Penalty sections:

(c) A sentence of death may be adjudged by a court-martial for an offense under this section (article) only if the members unanimously find, beyond a reasonable doubt, one or more of the following aggravating factors:

(1) The accused has been convicted of an- other offense involving espionage or treason for which either a sentence of death or imprisonment for life was authorized by statute.
(2) In the commission of the offense, the accused knowingly created a grave risk of substantial damage to the national security.
(3) In the commission of the offense, the accused knowingly created a grave risk of death to another person.
(4) Any other factor that may be prescribed IV-44 ¶30.c.(6)(c) Article 106a by the President by regulations under section 836 of this title (Article 36).
b. Elements.

(1) Espionage.
(a) That the accused communicated, delivered, or transmitted any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, note, instrument, appliance, or information relating to the national defense;
( b ) That this matter was communicated , delivered, or transmitted to any foreign government, or to any faction or party or military or naval force within a foreign country, whether recognized or unrecognized by the United States, or to any representative, officer, agent, employee, subject or citizen thereof, either directly or indirectly; and
( c ) That the accused did so with intent or reason to believe that such matter would be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation.
(2) Attempted espionage.
(a) That the accused did a certain overt act;
(b) That the act was done with the intent to commit the offense of espionage;
(c) That the act amounted to more than mere preparation; and
( d ) That the act apparently tended to bring about the offense of espionage.
(3) Espionage as a capital offense.
(a) That the accused committed espionage or attempted espionage; and
(b) That the offense directly concerned
(1) nuclear weaponry, military spacecraft or satellites, early warning systems, or other means of defense or retaliation against large scale attack,
(2) war plans,
(3) communications intelligence or cryptographic in- formation, or
(4) any other major weapons system or major element of defense strategy.

Folks Trump’s deep state payback is just getting started.

I’ve been saying they penetrated everywhere, and the entire system is compromised. This is why they never feared prosecution.

Is it possible Trump/Q arranged trolling her on her vacation?

Bible says during the End Times we will see strange sights in the skies, and Indonesian Sky just caught on fire. Probably a strange sunset effect, but still wild-looking.

Kim sends communications to Trump and Moon looking to now move peace talks forward. Apparently they have been on hold up until now, but not any more.

Candace Owens announces first Blexit Rally.

Sign up for the Illuminati Ball, and they will take you cell phone from you for security purposes. And they promise not to install anything on it I am sure.

Chinese Market performance was the worst in a decade. Trump is putting the pressure on, and will get a great deal for it.

Left triggers an investigation into illegals who work at Trump’s golf course, now any hiding there will be purged.

Origins of virus that hobbled Newspapers still unclear.

John Kelly blames Jeff Sessions for harsh border policies that led to family separation. Implying John Kelly and Jeff Sessions do not get along. Of course there is a theory that both left their positions to join the force that will wage the Storm against the Cabal, so this may all be misdirection.

Kevin Spacey, tracked down by Paparazzi buys them a Dominoes Pizza. He was driving an Audi Q7, and wearing a hat which said “Retired since 2017.” And it is tough to tell, but it looks kind of like he may be wearing a sweatshirt with a SEAL Team Insignia on it and the words US Navy SEALs in some of the lower shots. Looks like he might be sending a different message now.

Syria authorizes Iraqi Forces to strike Islamic State in Syria.

Avengers Infinity War Villain wants to depopulate half the universe, but fans complain when he is characterized as a sociopath because they feel that is not such a bad thing. Literally our enemies are so evil that when a comic book badguy written to be as evil as possible is maligned, they feel personally slighted because they feel they and he are practically the same person. Really amazing.

US and Chinese negotiators may be near reaching an agreement that will avert the Trade War.

Lindsey Graham says there will never be any deal without wall funding. And Democrats say there will never be any wall funding. It is looking more and more like the shutdown is a ploy to shut off something, for some reason, in preparation for something.

Kelly Anne Conway mocks Nancy Pelosi over her expensive Hawaiian vacation while the government is shut down.

Representative Mo Brooks asks how much blood Pelosi and Schumer need on their hands before they will take Border Security seriously.

Latino support for Trump holds steady. American Latinos who support Trump are real Americans, and are not Mexicans.

Best photoshop I have seen in a while:

Tell others about r/K Theory, because tomorrow Trump’s EO takes effect, and the death penalty is no joke

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6 years ago

Turn in your cell phones for the Illuminati Ball, we will plug them into these charging stations that won’t place encrypted communications software on them as we were ordered not to–promise.

Now, if you start hearing that a lot of them ‘forgot’ them… then you know who really wanted to inspect them.

6 years ago

Forgot about the Avengers thing…

It’s how r’s think, if we are running out of room and resources the problem is solved by just killing the excess, right?

It never occurs to them that by killing half at random means the elimination of the productive at a higher proportion–the productive produce in a greater proportion to the unproductive according to Price’s Law where the square root of workers do half the work. By killing half at random you wind up with less being produced needed to support a larger proportion of the less productive people… good plan! And take note that as population goes up the problem only gets worse. That is why this plan always leads to *everyone* dying.

But, let’s look at the grim reality of what they do historically: kill off ~90% of the productive when they get power and are confused by why their plan didn’t work….

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
6 years ago

The Nicholas Cruz with the backpack has a tight, tapered haircut that follows the nape of his neck. Tac vest Cruz has a straight, block cut.

Wish I had more than one fuzzy photo to go by and confirm

6 years ago

Happy new year AC

Amy Armadillo
Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

“Democrats say there will never be any wall funding.”

And there we have it! At last, a hard-drawn line in the sand™. Whomever blinks first forfeits our possible national destiny for generations.

My crystal ball says the conclusion to this impasse will be some mealy-mouthed funding sop to “national security” which Trump will sign, and sell to the deplorables as a reasonable substitute for his actual promise of a wall. Four more border agents and 1,500 blacks s-l-o-w-l-y processing immigration requests.

It’s over. Neither Q nor Jesus are coming to save us.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Amy Armadillo
6 years ago

“…My crystal ball says the conclusion to this impasse will be some mealy-mouthed funding sop to “national security” which Trump will sign, and sell to the deplorables as a reasonable substitute for his actual promise of a wall…”

He better not back down. If he does they will run all over him from now on out. His best response would be to take the troops removed from Syria and Afghanistan, make sure and remind everyone where they came from, announce a military construction exercise and start building the wall. He may not have the votes for a proper wall but they don’t have the votes to stop him either.

6 years ago

The sjws don’t like the idea of evil people being called sociopaths because they are making them into a protected, mentally-ill class. I’ve seen posts about it on Tumblr. I get the merit behind blaming people for their decisions, rather than their natures, yet it could be said that Cluster B personality types are prone to making certain bad decisions.

Saw a possible irl example of cabal picking winners and losers. Watched a restaurant called ‘Bub’s BBQ’ try to open in a vacant community center here in town. The founder of the restaurant did all the work remodeling the building and jumping through the hoops the township made him to get the place up to code for an eating establishment. He almost gave up at one point. When the restaurant finally opened, the main investor managed to steal the whole thing from under him, -Renaming it ‘The Old Watering Hole’- even though he did all the work. The way he explained it to my parents, it’s something that happens in the restaurant industry all the time.

Merry belated Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

6 years ago
6 years ago

>Mumbling hitman
Yep, I have seen those around. Trying to get into your convos you’re having with other people, and if they can’t, they’ll just start talking alone, saying things you said yourself in the “privacy” of your home.

That I am still here means that the people I have dirt on are not important enough or too important for now for them to throw them under the bus and just do me (which makes it a go for the dead man switch).

I don’t give a shit, I think its pretty funny that they are pissed enough with me to try to intimidate me so obviously, and yet, they can’t just kill me (at least for now, that can always change).

And in honor of all the pieces of shit that are fucking up our World and Western society at the moment, some redpills they certainly hate me for:

Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about Israel being anti-Christ. Enjoy: – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 1” – “How Evangelicals have been duped by Satan into supporting the earthly Israel, which rejects the Spiritual and Eternal Israel, Part 2”

The True Eternal Israel exists in the hearts of those who have faith in Jesus Christ, not in the earthly country we call Israel today.


Zionists are always traitors. Verify:

Have a great new year everyone, and if you hear the mumbling man, get ready to roll 😀

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
6 years ago

Well, perhaps people who shouldn’t be allowed to run things ended up occupying key places in the Country and the rest is history.
Read this mate:

Symbolism will be their downfall.

And make sure you read these ones too:

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Sam J.
Sam J.
6 years ago

“…that AR does not have the EO Tech Holosight…”

I do see what I believe to be a holosight at 00:57

I don’t know about the haircut. It looks straight across at 00:37 but look at the difference in the backpack from that picture and 00:56???

I guess it could be the same if the backpack is some sort of tactical gear where you can rearrange the packed parts to different areas on the webbing??? Otherwise it’s not the same. I use Media Player Classic HC and you can save frames and then compare with a normal picture viewer.

I could not say that it’s not the same guy.

Michael in the 517
Michael in the 517
6 years ago

Looks like Louis CK has run terminally afoul of the Thought Police….